
Losing it with Nam and Bear



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    (Soup + ideas)*my world = Covent Garden stuff from Tesco rather than Heinz.
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    bought a fresh vege and lentil soup from asda so will see wot thats about.  will try a convent garden one if theyre good, cheers image
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    Well done to everyone for their efforts today and hi to those I've not met before.

    On the subject of soups because it is that kind of weather, I like Waitrose's Minestrone. Mental note to self to try Covent Garden from Tesco Metro.

    Bear - know how it feels to trying to organise proper meals while doing courses etc. I try to make small portions of stuff and freeze them so I have 'instant' available that is healthy.

     I worked from home today  so I had my main meal at lunch time. Works so much better for me.  My food was good, but couldn't do much exercise because of my stupid hand. I fractured it just before Christmas and even now it starts pounding as soon as I either do something like a squat or try and run. It's frustrating but tomorrow, I'm just going to try and suck it up. Will see.


    Breakfast: Oatmeal with wheatgerm, 1 apple

    Lunch: Fish and vegetables, 1 pear

    Dinner: 2 small pita breads with cheese, 2 small mandarins

    In hindsight I probably could have had just one pita bread as I don't normally eat carbs at night. Oh well - it's gone now.

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    Just make the soup yourself..  it is soooooooooooooooooooo easy..   there is no need to buy it.....

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    Dark - have you got any good recipes to share? I find getting a few small containers just easier because I'm a lazy arse and I like variety. Plus I'm only cooking for me...
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    Hi all, i've tried to keep up this thread but it moves on quickly, well done everyone so far.

    I have a little bit to lose but just want to focus on being healthy and fuelling myself properly. I did a lunchtime run today and as a consequence had lunch later than normal and didn't even think about chocolate and biscuits this afternoon so have started off ok.

    On the soup front the best i've ever meade is a roasted veg:

    Sweet potato, carrots, leeks, red pepper, red onion, parsnips - dribble olive oil over and some rosemary, roast for about 50 minutes then put in stick and liquidize, yum yum  yum!!

    Leek and potato is always a good one too!

    Good luck all, i'll try and keep up!

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    KK - Bless you. I ate more than enough, really. If I had been exercising, I would have done more but because I'm using so little energy at the mo, it would only be unnecessary food.  image
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    DGW - ooohhh that sounds lovely. I just remembered I bought a dust collecting food processor a few months ago. I really have no excuse and just need to make smaller portions as I don't have much fridge  and freezer space.
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    will look out for soup recipes image
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    Just did a search on Google and on my gosh - now they have drop down boxes so you can search that way. I'm a geek, I know. Anyhow, this thread is really helping to get my butt in gear. This is a great website from when I used to cook - loads of recipes on there!


    Maybe we should have a soup party some time!

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    LE it really is yum, i've got a cheap hand blender thing, they're really useful. I also just buy random winter veg bags from tesco and bil them in stock and they're usually quite nice too!
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    KK - I'm good really. I've spent my share of time investigating what food does and doesn't work for me. Just dumb I didn't stick to what I know.

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    DGW - can you give me some idea on the quantities you buy and how many servings you make?

    You've got me all excited about cooking again. I know fail to plan = plan to fail. As soon as my hand gets better, I'll be back in my kitchen.

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    home made soup is great and so easy - just boil up whatever you want in the soup, then blitz it!

    e.g. potatoes - boil for 20 mins in some stock (I use a cube), then blitz it.  I then add some onions fried in olive oil to give a bit of texture after blitzing.

    butter nut squash is also good, especially if you add a bit of tabasco to give it a kick.

    Some soup will be thinner as they don't have whatever it is that makes the soup sticky with spuds and stuff, but you can always add some cornflour to thicken it image

    brocolli and cheese was also dead nice, although I suspect not as low calorie!

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    Well...there's no after dinner mints left now image
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    well its just me i cook for so not really sure...i usually just do 1 red pepper, 1 red onion, couple of carrots, couple of leeks, 1 parsnip and maybe 1 or 2 sweet potatoes.....i think that makes about 3 portions but not exactly sure, i think they may be big bowls!

    I made a big lot of leek and potato the other day which was 1 onion, 4 leeks and 2 big potatoes and i think i got 5 portions from that!

    Another thing i find good for keeping in the freezer is a bag of frozen seafood (if you like it). Waitrose do some good ones. I had some tonight, i just put some wholewheat pasta on then fried some garlic, ginger and chilli, threw in some seafood and tomatoes then added a tiny bit of tomato puree and pesto and it was really yum and can't be that unhealthy, especially as i had watercress, spinach and rocket with it!

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    Thanks for the soup info. I do the same with seafood and vegetables. It's amazing how little effort is needed to cook fast healthy food.

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    Kwilter - did your bear (as opposed to Bear) eat them?
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    Yeah i can cook decent meals, my problem is snacking on biscuits and chocolate! I didn't have any today though....
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    Yeah for you. Sugar can make me sick so my problem is savoury stuff.

     I've had to accept there's just some stuff I can't have in the house! I also like Dr Karg's crispbreads which are really filling.

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    Its definitely sweet stuff i have a problem with but i moved desks today and i no longer walk past where my team keep the biscuits so i'm thinking that may help.

    Also, me and my manager have a fruit bowl we share so i've eaten plenty of fruit instead today.

    My new years resolution was to do one positive thing each day that i know will make me feel better about myself so my good eating and my lunchtime run is my thing for today. I might also do my nails tonight just to add to it!

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    KK - image And then it's the crisps that go with it for me.

     DGW - sounds like the fruit and the running makes two. You're in credit for tomorrow!

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    B Oatibix

    L Soup - v nice

    D - Pasta with prawns and salmon

    My approach to trying to lose is to cut out some of my bad habits rather than go to a diet that is alien to me or that I will find unsatisfying. If I did the latter then switched back to my old habits it would seem like a backward step.

    In practise this means less chocolate and butter, on the wagon and soup for lunch with cereal for breakfast. 

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    Ha ha, yes, i might leave my nails for tomorrow just in case i don't do anything else good tomorrow!

    Can people tell me what they think of what i ate today?

    B - 2 clementines 1 apple, wholemeal toast with banana

    L - chicken, cheese, salad wrap

    Snack - 2 clementines  1 apple

    D - wholewheat pasta with seafood and spinach & rocket salad.

    Looking at it, i think the worst thing is the cheese, and maybe its a bit overloaded with wheat but at least no dodgy snacks in there

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    well this thread is doing it's magic on me already. was tempted by twix in cupboard but didn't want to write it down so didn't have it.

    what i have had is:

    Cranberry and pomegranate juice w spirulina powder

    Black tea

    Porridge with soya milk and sports oil

    Black tea


    Black tea


    Jacket potato, small tin tuna in sunflower oil, sunflower spread

    4 rice cakes, hummus

    Black coffee

    Veg juice (carrot, parsnip, celery, apple)

    Chicken casserole (with onion, carrot, courgette, spelt and mixed beans)


    2 pieces green and black choc

     also went for a 6mile tempo run.

    haven't actually had the choc yet, but i'm putting it in there as i think it'll be my little reward for not drinking wine later. and they are very small and thin!

    quinoa is all your fault for talking about it! and it has lots of amino acids image

    is it my imagination or do i eat twice as much as everyone else - could be where i'm going wrong!! 

    and will make some soup tomorrow - brocolli and watercress is good although i seem to remember the recipe involved a lot of butter so i'll see if i can doctor it. 

    funny that water into lager/wine trick, isn't it wlf? 

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    DGW - I think having some calcium is important and it doens't look like you've eaten much of it. Maybe a small tub of low fat yoghurt somewhere?   Do you feel overly full after your meals or ravenous beforehand - or not hungry at all?

    RD - It is magical isn't it? I don't think you ate any more than the rest of usl. You've just added extra spaces and written more about what you drank. Well done for bypassing the chocolate!! image

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