
GULP just entered my first half marathon



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    Just back from helping at the school fair all day and feel like I've run a HM!
    Fitted in parkrun this morning- 31.59- muddy cold and windy. Great sprint finish tho when 1 of the Mums from school tried to overtake on the final downhill!
    Great news about the comp Foxy
    Hope HLs are better soon B&T
    Mum and dad coming for lunch tomorrow so will just do a short run in the morning I think
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    Quick post before I tackle the ironingimageimage

    Park run this am did 32:37 very muddy and uneven ground so pleased with my time.Really enjoyed itimage

    SS,well done on your time,thats greatimageI'm quite a fan of parkrun,my local one started up in the summer,its only 6 miles away so try to go as often as I can.Todays time was a pbimage

    FL,well done on the comp imageloved watching the footage,HLs think I should do itimage

    B+T,hope weekend less stressfulimageIts a crazy time of the year,just hope we all stay wellimageHope your son is better

    Toby,maybe i'll meet you at GNR,would love to run it so hoping to get a place.will have to check out charity places too,how much do you have to raise?

    well ironing pile is still looking at meimagehave a good weekend all

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    I went to run parkrun today, bimbled down from the carpark I usually use, to warm up, and my lungs started burning, I do have a cough and think I am fighting HL1's cold so I bimbled back to the car and went home.


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    Hi Susie they wanted £250 minimum with a £40 registration fee but the £40 comes off the £250 to leave a just £210 to raise

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    Hi everyone

    Not had a chance to read your posts yet but will double back. Just thought I'd post a link up from the band I co-manage (Janice Graham Band) that played the festival in France last night, went out on live French TV. So excited. Hope you like image


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    3.75m this morning-easy pace but v slippy underfoot cos of all the rain. Nearly fell twice so think I'll need to stick to the roads til we've had a freeze. Also got soaked in a torrential downpour so glad I decided not to do a longer 1.
    Just had a lovely lunch with mum and dad and could do with a snooze now

    Waves to everyone
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    Morning all

    Well did the Santa’s on the run really enjoyed it so now have a free Santa suit as well as a collection of running vests


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    Asthma flare up, no running image Just as well I got my 1010 before the December Doom hit as usual.

    great pic Toby.

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    Poor Foxy
    Fab photo Toby
    Core class tonight. Going to a Stockport harriers hills session tomorrow whilst the kids run as can't make weds (Mr SS got free ticket to City match!) I'll be the one at the back!
    V cold and wet up here. Makes me want to invest in thermal undies!
    Right off for a bath...
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    Hi all

    Another 4 miles today.Going to try and add up how many miles i've run this yr from garmin data,no where near FLs total but interesting to know imageWil llet u know once totted up

    SS,cold here today too, but not wet yet.Lovely weather for running though

    FL,sorry to hear that,good that you got your fantastic mileage target alreadyimageDo you have to take extra medication?Hope no races affected?

     Toby,great pic and thanks for info,wil have to take a look as that isnt too much to raise but ideally hope to get a place without doing the charity option.image

    Jess,great that your band is doing well.I will check out your linkimage

    Well off to work tonight(11pm to 9am,image)Only work 20hrs a week(2 nights) but would love not to

    take care all

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    Off to the docs this morning to get checked out. For once I would like a Christmas when I am not ill and coughing so hoping to sort this out early.  I did go up the gym this morning, found it exhausting and took it pretty gently but no way could I run, even indoors.

    Susiebe- I've increased my inhalers, what I would like to avoid is ending up on high dose prednisalone which is what they use. PLus antibiotics as well.

    No races planned so just have to get better but I can almost feel my fitness draining away........image

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    Toby - great photo! Did Mrs T run as well (and do you now have matching Santa suits??!!) I was walking through Bath on Saturday, saw a Santa on a building, and suddenly realised I'd forgotten to enter the Dorothy House Santa Dash - and it was the next day image Whoops!

    Foxy - not good about your asthma. Hope the Doctor can suggest something so you're well for Christmas. At least you got your 1,000 miles in beforehand!

    Susie - was great news about your sister. Hopefully she can have a good Christmas and look forward to the new year. Hope your 2 long night shifts go okay - sounds hard work image Oh, my last shoes only lasted 300 miles before my knees started hurting again, so may well have worn those out already!

    Mel - hope you're still working efficiently and not spending any time on here during the day  image

    AH - that was kind of you togive your garmin away. Compulsory nakkid running for then!

    Sal - good luck in the hills session! Hope its not too cold - brrr!

    Jess - can't watch the link I'm afraid - my broadband is toooo slooooooowwwwwwwww Sounds like a great opportunity for the band though image Do you speak much French??!!

    Finally got everyone back to school, so managed a quick 3 miles yesterday, and a slow-but-getting-quicker 4M today. Its a bit parky out there first thing, but very pretty with the frost. My fluro jacket has been dazzling drivers - so much for sneaking out runing and hoping no-one sees me!

     Will add up my mileage for the year in a mo - reckon I've done about half Foxy's total!

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    Morning all

    Well just can’t wait till next week now when the training plan starts resting up has never been my strong point and i am getting twitchy

    Foxy Lady i hope the doc gets you sorted i to have spent many a Christmas coughing and splattering

    Susie good luck with the ballot i haven’t had much luck with those this year so didn’t want to take the chance fortunately the O/H uncle lives in Newcastle so i am kind of hoping there let us stay with them to keep accommodation cost down

    Slowsal how did the Stockport harriers’ hills session go the O/H said she needs to do some more hill work after Boscombe

    Jess that’s great news about the band

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    B& T must have cross posted with you yes we now have matching Santa suits and the daughter also has one as well but the son refused to do it so we made him camera man so he could record the event
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    Toby - ha! At least your son made himself useful image

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    How are you Foxy?
    Hope work was ok Susie
    Harriers was interesting!! Couldn't keep up for the warm up and then we ran up and down a horrible hill for 30 mins! Sure it's done me some good tho as I'm rubbish at hills! My pace was slow but didn't feel that I would have been better walking which is often the way.
    Rest day tomorrow then easy run Thurs
    Life gets v hectic from next week so will just fit in whatever I can
    Did anyone see come dine with me tonight? The mad woman lives in my village! I don't know her tho

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    Hi all

    i'm still awakeimage

    SS,thanks work was ok,its just the shattered feeling I get the next day which i dislike.Went to bed this am but hopeless at sleeping during the day.Off to bed in a minute or two.Yes very busy time of year,well done on your hill trainingimage

    FL,hope you can stay off the steroids/antibiotics.This time of year so many people crammed into warm shops etc then its cold outside,must play havoc with asthma.Sure you wont loose much fitness as you're so fit to start withimage

    Iggmez sanchez(great name) welcome lts of chat(sometimes about runningimage),suppoprt and advice here

    B+T,my sister said last weekend was her best weekend for years.She hadnt been truly happy for about 10 years so such a relief,her children understand and are doing fine. We are all getting together to celebrate our parents 50th wedding anniversary on Dec 16thimage

    Toby,i kind of look forward to building up the miles in the new year.I like something to aim forimage

    Looking to do the White Horse HM on April 1st.Only 500 runners and cut off time of 2hrs 30mins but looking at the results they still let the slower runners finish and record a time though hopefully I can speed up a bit more not to have to worry.Thats about 4 weeks before Manchester so ideal really.£12 for a HM is great tooimage

    snooze timeimage

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    I couldn't go for me run today because our water is off so I wouldn't be able to shower afterwards.

    Flimsiest excuse ever image but true!

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    Love the excuse B&T!! Fab.  Plenty of rain here for a shower.

    Ok, on antibiotics for chest infection but by being sensible and getting in quick and NOT running in the cold, I appear to have dodged the steroids and after 4 days am much improved.image I managed a session in the gym yesterday afternoon including a shocking 15minutes on the dreadmillimage and was all set to run this morning but switched my alarm off during the night and missed my running partnerimage- for the second time ever.image

    Full of good intentions to plod this afternoon instead, but took one look at the weather and wimped and got all domestic instead so shiny fridges and ovens for Xmas.  Tomorrow the forecast looks brighter so will go out once Mr FL gets in from his.  I have tried my new freebie trainers in the gym- length is fine but quite "supportive" (ie tight) across the midfoot as has a sort of elasticated band as well as laces so not sure yet....£90 worth! Will try them again on the tready before risking outside as plan B is ebay so need to keep them clean!!

     Susiebe- suspect Sanchez might be a spammer (haven't tried the link but....! SO glad about your sister- a brand new start and happiness just in time for Xmas and family celebrations.

    Waves to everyone!

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    Wimp B&Timage

    Glad your on the mend Foxy

    Just a quickie whilst HLs swam - 2.4m tempo pace. Blowing a gale here

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    Evening All,

    FL- Nice to see that your health is improving.  Well done on getting some freebies.

    B&T - The most pathetic excuse I've heard since my dog ate my homework.

    Sal - Impressive tempo and hills in the same week

    Susie - Your nights sound tiring.

    Toby - Ace picture of santa.

    Very busy of late with kids and work.  Still running managed about 50 miles last week  & this week will be lowish 40's - considering the time of year pleased with that - still running naked (no watch) and not sure if I will go back to using a gps or HR. 6 miles tempo done tonight not sure of HR and paceimage

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    It was only when I got home I thought I probably should have done easy pace last night as planning to go to parkrun tomorrowimage

    Your mileage is still v impressive AHimage

    Busy weekend up ahead, starting with Mr SSs school fair so better go and pick the kids up....

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    A lovely sunny (but cold) 7  miler this morning delivering local Xmas cards. Discovered I can run nicely with HL2's little back pack (so he's seen the last of that then! Just fits perfectly. Can't carry a lot but still good for occasions such as this.

    More domestics after that and then some creativeness making fondant figures to decorate Xmas cakes. Not my forte but fun.

    50 miles when you are busy AH, the rest of us but dream......

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    Evening All,

    Very old here today FL.

    Up with the lark today - 19ish miler done - will have to see if I can get in a couple more long runs before deciding on Gloucester Marathon.  Carvery at Lunch time and now relaxing with a nice cold bud or two.

    Take are all

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    I think that's my problem- I can't bear to get up early on a Sunday!
    Nice multi tasking Foxy
    Did parkrun yesterday in the cold,mud, ice and rain! 32.22 so ok in those conditions
    Hoped to do a long one today but as we were going to put the tree up just did a 3 miler. I find it hard to fit everything in this time of year. Off to panto this afternoon which should be fun
    Next run then probably Thurs!!
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    Hi SS. I ran to and from parkrun so about 10 miles for me; then a mad dash to Wiltshire for the annual Panto and back here for a local Christmas meal where I consumed way too much mulled mine image. Then up early to run to and from church so about 22 miles in 3 days and back looking possible to total 1102miles in 2011 if health and weather behave!

    Need some targets for 2012: any thoughts? 

    So far I've got: get my 50 parkrun t-shirt (I've done 24), a sub 25 5K and and a sub 50 10K....beyond that I don't know.  I've liked having a mileage target so might have a 1000m aim again...

     Tried my freebie Hellrunner trainers this morning and liked.  Need to try them somewhere longer. Very light.  Only issue was grip not great on slippery tarmac, didn't slip but felt as if I might a couple of times.

     AH- assume you meant cold not oldimage!!!!

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    FL - Meant cold but both is right for meimage.

    Well done on the park runs all.

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    Horrible weather - so well done to everyone running this weekend! You'll all be glad to hear the water came back on after 20 hours, so I managed to get out for a breezy 7 miles on Friday. And have a shower afterwards!

    Continuing my lucky streak I won a pair of Sennheiser earphones and an app which was supposed to automatically turn the iPod volume down when there was an external noise such as a car approaching. Needless to say, the app turned down the volume when the wind blew, but didn't turn it down quickly enough when a land rover was approaching round a blind corner! I've had to write a non-too enthusiastic review for them...
    Last week before schools break up , so better get out a few times before Friday!
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    Morning all

    sorry i haven’t posted for a couple of days now just working silly hours any way one good thing i now only have four days before i am on holiday for two weeks which means i don’t have to be back at work till the 2nd of January

    But better still my training plan for Brighton starts today so i of out weather permitting for a gentle 3 miler if not it’s in the garage on the treadmill

    i see there some good running going on so keep up the good work

    waves like a mad man to everyone

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