
Edinburgh marathoners past and present



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    WAsn't the Cliff thing hilarious! Pretty dire game tho....
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    Nearly as good as englands 3rd sub last week when wright-phillips came on and the camera went to some random england fan who just went "why?" Lol
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    Oh surprise, rafa won image
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    He was never going to lose!!
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    Are you talking about Nadal or yourself in a bizarre gramatical 3rd person type way Kiwi????

    Had a much nicer sunday morning than last week thanks to the absence of a half marathon and my lack of temptation to go to stonehaven today.  If you are running bad that is one race you dont want to be running.  Even when I was running really well 2 years ago I made a right dogs dick of that one.image

    Cant say the sport on the tele was as good as last week.  Didn't have the chance to watch the Germans rump England again.  If Carlburg did sunday afternoon footie..........image

    Haven't done much to be honest.  Had a wee session in the gym yesterday but only ran 10k and lifted some weights.  I currently feel the need to go to the gym at least once a month to justify my membership as I never leave work early enough to get there in the evenings at the moment.  I then butchered a couple of plants in the garden (stone chips and gnomes are coming soon ha ha ha) and trimmed my dandilions and clover which used to be called "grass" in a past life.  Other than that done not much at all.  Haven't ventured outside other than to get in the car today.  Its like winter up here today.  40mph winds and driving rain.  Where was that last loverley cold weather last sunday morning when me and bedshaped needed it????? image image

    Back to work tomorrow.  Still 4 long weeks to go image

    Nitey nite image

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    Morning all, horrendous 1/2 marathon yesterday - managed 2.13 which is 15 mins better than last year so a result but have managed to b*****r up right knee, very painful from mile 8 onwards. 
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    Ice that knee SCharm........  Hope it gets better soon.
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    SCharm you'll have to be careful with that knee. The last thing you want is to be out for a long time with an injury.

    I had a decent training week last week with just under 30 miles done and another 30 on the bike which is the most consistent week I've had in ages and has really got me in the loch ness marathon training mindset. I did a 13 miler yesterday and could have just kept running so that's a good sign. This week is an easy week so I should really start to see the benefits the following week when the miles start ramping up. 

    I'm also off to T in the Park at the weekend so there may be a few uncomfortable runs at the start of next week as I sweat out all the excess alcohol!

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    Greg, well done with your running.  I am on a recovery week this week as well so if I have to rest up it wont do too much damage to my training.  Off to the gym tonight for upper body work and a sauna.

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    take care of that knee SCharm!!
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    I quite fancy a sauna tonight. I haven't been for ages so that could be a plan. I need to make sure I don't get too over enthusiastic and injure myself with too much training so an easy night is a good idea.
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    Crikey Greg I reread your post, thought you'd run 30, then cycled 30 in one go.  About to assign you to same 'loony' cell as Bedshaped image

    My running continues to be dire.......... so fecking tired all the time image cycled 10 miles on Saturday, 10 miles on Sunday and ran 5 on Sunday also.  So so so tired when running though, walked up one hill image  So my total running for week is 11 miles.........  Cycled 6 miles to get car this morning.  Maybe I can cycle marathon??

    "My names Sam and I used to run marathons"

    Look after that knee SCharm or twill be an expensive PB............  One of the reasons my running is so pants at moment is back hurting so motivation very very low.........

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    Smifffie I have been toying with the whole ultra running idea but there are occasions where reality kicks in. Usually this is the latter stages of a marathon when I think I'm going to die. I also sometimes pretend that I could do an Ironman but last week was the reality check. I cycled to work and back on Thursday (5 miles each way) then went out for a run of 4 and a half miles. I couldn't believe how tired I felt and I realised that doing an Ironman - or even a normal triathlon would require a bit more training that I thought! So for the moment I'm still in the 'normal' running category.
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    image I'm normal in my own unique way image
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    Hiya everybody (and especially smiffie missed ya image )

    Smiffie you aren't going to get any sympathy here if you left your car at the pub and needed to retrieve it by bike the next day!!!!!! Are you doing the same things to tire you out as I am image  No pace, no stamina, no fun.  Does that just about sum your running too at the mo?????

    Bedshaped I dont even pretend to be normal anymore.  I've taken the hint  from most folk that I'm odd even without running ultras image

    I've got a dilemma for Wed night.  I do like the Brig Bash but my German team is playing Spain in the world cup semi at the same time.  I really want to see that game but the cakes are awfy braw at the brig bash.  Should I e-mail Sepp Blatter and ask him to move the games about so the Germans play tomorrow and the Dutch game I dont really care about will go ahead on Wednesday.  Surely Sepp will understand although I think I would have had more of a chance with lennart Johanssen he looked like a man who liked cakes!!!!!!! image

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    Can - no competition cake always wins out!!!
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    Tough one Caniggia. Perhaps knowing I won't be there may make your decision for you?? image  But yeah, absolutely belting cakes there eh?? Gutted I canny make it image
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    "My name's Nick & I used to run marathons" but now my kneee gives out sufficiently I DNF'ed a 10k a few weeks ago - so let that be a lesson to you SCharm.

    Hope you don't mind me wandering in but I'm looking for an Edinburgh based person who's interested in running so I figured this was a good place to start.

    I work with a charity called Hope for Children - we were the official charity of the Edinburgh Mara for a few years. As a key feature of the charity is that we use the money raised to support the projects rather than on admin there are only 6 staff (5 PT) with the rest (inc me) volunteers. http://www.hope-for-children.org/ if you're interested.

    Do you know anyone who would be interested in helping HOPE as a local coordinator for runners in  Kilomathon Scotland in Edinburgh in October & (if they like it) next years marathon. It's not expected to be onerous - more about identifying opportunities to promote the charity places (there are a couple of enthusiastic people in the office who will help with remote support, materials etc), getting flyers displayed etc.

    Happy to answer any questions

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    Ola all! Did you miss me?
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    Thought so Can image

    Oh pants - Clyde Ultra is two weeks off and I've done sod all this last week bar sun myself and spend money I dont have bosting the Spanish economy. Mind you it was great to watch the locals react to the last game.

    Oh and deep joy that the CORRECT results have now been posted for the Edinburgh 7 Hills. Now I can show my face in public again image

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    Nadal ,- CANIGGIA!!!
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    Right, that's enough happiness. Back from hols last night, back on the fecking plane to London-stan tonight image Oh and the advance registration for Edinburgh 2011 wil shortly open. Oh look there's some broken glass. Best go roll in it.... Blackpool 2011 for me I think image At least I can have a donkey ride if it all get's too much ..... steady Can. Down DCB!
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    Arsch und Titten  Scheiß Schweine Fick Hurensohn image
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    What ya talkin' about Willis?

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    What the feck?! ducks out again........
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    Ladies, can you all please come back in? It's not the same without you. Besides, we need some to bring the beer when the final is on this Sunday image

    Blast on the dreadmill tonight in the hotest gym in the world. I swear there were puddles of sweat on the floor when I was finished image

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    Caniggia33 wrote (see)
    Arsch und Titten  image
    @rse & Tit in German??
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    Smiffie I was taking defeat quite badly and going through a variety of naughty words as my newly bought citizenship in Deutschland still failed to bring me any world cup joy.  At the end of the day the sausage munchers let me down just as badly as Scotland.  The flats back on the market image

    Had a wee run tonight,  Just as well it was wee I was blowing out my backside after not very far into the wind on the way home. image

    23 more days until I leave work.  This is going to be a long couple of days coming up.  The few folk worth talking to are all off to T in the park. image

    Is now a bad time to mention that I actually know Raoul Moat Britain's most wanted.  I thought he was quite a canny bloke to be honest any time I met him.  He was as hard as tarzan's feet and you wouldn't mess with a bloke with muscles that size but I wouldn't have ever put him in my top 10 if I had to compile a list of psycho killers from people I know.  Apparently the reward is £10k if he is caught before saturday night.  Next week the reward goes up to £20k as the jackpot will be a Raoulover image 

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