
Edinburgh Marathon



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    Caz...what is going on?????

    Why are you running beavis a bath and pouring him a pint......................thats favouritism image
    Well done with your run any way, keep up the good work.

    I managed to get out and do 17.04m in 2.51, really hard work but glad its over......avnt a clue as to where the other 9 miles are gonna come from.
     On a positive note. managed 2 pbs today after doing 42m for the week and 134m for the month. Guinness in the fridge chilling. image 

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    Good work guys!

    My plan was to do 14 miles but i took a wrong turn and it ended up being abou 16 i reckon! Bonus extra miles in the bank and i was feeling pretty strong!

    Plus at the park run on Saturday i managed to trouser a good few pockets full of lucozade products from the helpful people of lucozade! So all in all a great weekend for running!

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    Evening all (it is here) Sorry not been on for a while but been sort of busy and running not going too well. Have eaten too much, drank too much, stayed out in the sun too much and slept in too much - God I love to gloat!

    Seriously, having a whale of a time in NZ but had an awful run last week in Queenstown that has been consigned to history. Ran much better last night doing 33k in 2.23 - Not sure that 33k is a good idea 5 days before the marathon next Saturday but just felt like I had to do a long run.

    Just caught up on all the posts and looks like there is some good running going on. Really pleased for you BBP hope it continues to go well. Good stuff from you as well Cazsoul but had to laugh at Goldpig and the gag about girls n maps. Just sorry he beat me to it!

    Right - just off for a hot tub session on the decking that overlooks the beach with a glass of wine. Ooops, there I go again. Sorry!

    Will let you know how I go next Saturday

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    You be pleased to know I followed all the advice.........LSR was 10miles image.

    It was a beautiful day, and it felt great. Made me remember why I love running,

    I was fueled up on a pre-run bacon & egg buttie, plodding along, singing to my Ipod - the benefit of country lanes, there's only the sheep to hear me sing Thank God!! Nice and slow. Fantastic!

    Well done everyone else, we've still got ages to go, and people are clocking up 15 -16 mile runs. Good going!

    R Dave - good luck for Saturday. I bet it would be bloody typical that will all that eating, drinking & sleeping, you'll get a pb !!!!! I'm just jealous really image

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    Gold Pig wrote (see)

    Caz...what is going on?????

    Why are you running beavis a bath and pouring him a pint......................thats favouritism image

    Now, now GP... It wasn't that long ago I was walking up & down your back to get all the kinks out... remember... imageimage

    How do you put a member on Ignore again???  Bloody Dave & his sunshine & sleeping ins & food & drink... image  Only kidding sweetie, glad you're having what sounds like a fab time.  Good luck this weekend. image

    Well done BBP, 10miles in the bank and no niggles or twinges... FANTASTIC!!!

    I have a big light brown bruise just below the calf muscle on my left leg... I cant work out if this is something new that maybe I should keep an eye on or if I was just a bit rough with myself when trying to self massage the knot out on that calf....  image

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    GoldeagleGoldeagle ✭✭✭
    Well done, everyone. Lots more miles covered and especially well done BBP on your restraint.

    Good luck R Dave.

    Caz, did that sunshine arrive?

    Running with club tonight. Hopefully a bit easier than last week.
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    Yes it did, thank you very much... I meant to tell you but was so excited about managing the distance that it clean when out of my head...  Blooming postman must've really shooken up the package cos it was seriously broken when it got here, but it was here anyhoo which is all that matters. image

    Make sure you tag onto the right group this time eh?  The plan says 5miles hills but I dont think my legs have got that in them, so might delay that until Wednesday and do a 4mile easy instead.

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    GoldeagleGoldeagle ✭✭✭
    Glad to hear it , Caz. Hopefully there'll be plenty more on the way.

    Had to miss run tonight. My son hurt his shoulder playing football last week and it's been giving him a lot of pain. Playing again with it on Saturday probably didn't help. So we've spent a couple of hours at our local A&E. Thought I'd better go along in case he couldn't drive back.
    Fortunately it appears he's just pulled some muscles. He's got a sling to use which might buy him a bit of sympathy for a few days.

    Looks like I'll have to do the run tomorrow. Hope your run went to plan.

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    Neil MacNeil Mac ✭✭✭

    R Dave, you were on the thread about dodgy achilles a coupla months back, you prob wont remember but I spoke to you, at the time I was knackered (or my left achilles was) and out the game running wise. I've made a decent recovery and doing Edinburgh, no danger of beating my 3.06pb, but just want to do it anyway. Life sounds good for you man, enjoy it. Keep on running!

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    Hope your son's shoulder is feeling better soon GoldEagle.

    I pushed my friend on a 4.5miles sort of hilly route yesterday... It was done slowly, but she managed to keep going for the full distance... Could've been cos I didnt give her any idea of what I had in mind.... tee hee  hee...  Am out for a 5miler with Mr CS tomorrow, not sure what we're doing yet but I'm sure he'll push me out of my comfort zone and then we're having to juggle this weekends run as my niece & brother are coming to visit so we are donning the head torches (OK Mr CS is donning the head torch) and heading off out on Friday night along the towpath for a nice easy 6miler...Mr CS is in taper mode for the Kilomathon.

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    Well I've been out for the best part of 3 months and only began some tenatative 3 and 4 mile runs last month.

    Injury seems to be fadingso I'm taking it cautiously with alternate treadmill and road runs, (tready for speed, road for LSR)

    I'm back up to 8 miles on the road and aiming for a 10 to 12 miler this weekend ... so do I have enough time to get race fit for Edinburgh?

    I was initially aiming fo a sub 4hour, but now I'll be delighted with sub 4.5 hours!

     any advice greatefully received

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    TeuchterTeuchter ✭✭✭

    Haven't much advice to give K-I but welcome back! BTW have you signed up for this year's Warrington Halfer ? 

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    I hant noticed it was open for entries again. thanks for the tip  !

    I'll definitely be entering.

    Got a place in the GNR this year too - first time in the ballot and got in so i'm pretty pleased with that...just got to keep injury free!
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    GoldeagleGoldeagle ✭✭✭
    Hi, Kicked-It,

    This isn't expert advice but my RW sub-4 schedule shows LSR of only 11 miles this weekend so you're not far away. Maybe in view of the missed running you may be struggling to break 4 hours but there are still 11 weeks to go and if all goes to plan I would have thought you should get round in a decent time.

    Have been watching Eddie Izzard's Marathon challenge on BBC3 tonight. Really emotional and inspiring stuff.
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    hello all, thought I would pop in and say hello.

    I have a place in the marathon, it will be my second. We did a LSR of 14 miles last week, there are 5 ladies from Brackla Harriers coming to do this race. All flights and accommodation booked. We cant wait.

    I cant run this week, physios instructions as I have a painful shoulder, but hoping the injection will help.


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    Welcome back Kicked It, glad you're getting over the injury imageimage

    I'm planning 12 mile LSR this weekend, so I'd say you've loads of time. I've had a few weeks set back with injury and am slowly getting the miles back up, but not as long a break as you.

    I've modified my target to sub 4.5, but what the hell, I'm just going to run and see what happens. You are guaranteed a pb on your first mara image

    Hello Sian !!

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    GoldeagleGoldeagle ✭✭✭
    Hi Sian, welcome, hope you get back to fitness asap.

    Bit quiet on here at the moment. Hamstrings have been aching a bit this week so after 15 last weekend cut back to 12 this morning. Just under 10 minute miles so pretty much where I want to be. Legs feel much better now and hopefully I can push on next week.

    Totally devastated by the result at Molineux tonight. Another good performance but lack of a cutting edge is killing us. United must be so pleased with the 3 points when they haven't really played. Oh well, it's only a game!!!

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    Hi all,

    Just done my 16 mile LSR, no big issues except my knees and hips are hurting a bit, had the same last weekend and this was gone by Monday so no need to panic.

    How's everybody got on this weekend??

    Got Stafford half in a fortnight so i'm happy that i'll get round easily enough, don't think i'll push it too much, but everybody says that until that hooter goes off and then it's "game on". 

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    Beautiful day for running here - cool, sunny and no wind. Let's hope the conditions are like this in Edinburgh in May

    Just looked - only 11 weeks to go. Aurghhh!image

    Looking on here seem to be about average in terms of were at with training, which is reassuring - did 13 miles on Thurs. Pace too fast for LSR - don't seem to be the only one with that prob on here. X-country race today.

    Worried that might have too many other races between now and Edinburgh (Dent, Sheffield, Leeds), but again reassured that others, such as JV also got a full programme. Like Beavis will try to not push it too much, just hope don't forget that when the hooter goesimage

    Hope all went well for those with LSRs today.

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    Thnaks guys

    Its reassuring to know I'm not too far off the distances then.

    I managed my 10 miler this morning at about 9:20 per mile - furthest I have run sunce the end of November so I really felt it .. in fact I've just woken up after 3 hours crashed out on the couch!

    I may be way off my previous pace,  (8:30's), and still feeling a hint of pain in the hip injury, and really puffing and panting a bit more than I'm used to... but it felt good to be out there running in such a beautiful morning rather than sat at home moping and missing runnng!

    With 11 weeks to go, my plan is simpy to increase the LSR by 2 miles per week, which should have me at 20 miles in 5 or 6 weeks time! Spedwork is taking a back seat as I cant trust the hip to stand up to that kind of a beating just yet. Faster runs will be restricted to 5 miles on the treadmill at most.

    I'm hoping that should see me through!

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    Kicked-it, don't rush into speedwork unless you are confident the hip will take it, its not the end of the world if your race pace is slower than you ideally want, but finishing is the first goal so protect that! Your plan to increase by 2 miles per week is fine, ideally 2 20 milers would be good. I did an 11 mile run today in 94 mts, far too fast I am really not disciplined at the LSR, I think its because in week 11 the Sunday run is a half in 1 hr 50, which will be a test, my pace today was 8.33 m/m, I need to be doing 8.22 m/m to hit 1 hr 50?? Anyway hope you all had a great weekend.

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    I am running in the Edinburgh Marathon again (this will be my second time). I have arthritis in my hips (and other places) and I only have what it seems like one running pace whether I am doing 5K or 26.2 miles.

    I always look at it like this, as long as I finish the course in one piece I am not too concerned at my finishing time. I would rather finish, get my medal (and goodie bag) knowing that I have done the best that I can, than to go 'all out' and either not complete the course or suffer weeks on end without being able to walk. (I do suffer after every race with the severity depending on the distance, but it isn't as bad as if I had pushed myself too hard).

     I can't even think about speedwork. I do an average of 9.5 - 10 minute mile if the weather is warm. But I would be quite happy with a 12 minute mile for the marathon. (may be a little slower as I may be wearing my banana costume too).  I focus more on the distance so am building distance rather than speed.

    Kicked-It, as Philby123 has said, don't rush into speedwork. However, it seems like you are still quicker than me, but you are always welcome to join me around the course if it gets 'too much'.


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    HI Guys,

    I had a good weekend a quickish (for me) 4 miles on Saturday evening, before going out for a well earned curry. 

    Then I managed a 12 miler yesterday. Gorgeous Day. Flipping heck, I was slow. I averaged 11.05 min miles, but as many keep pointing out, it's the distance, not the pace at the moment. I'm just glad to be back running injury free   **frantically touching wood as I write**.

     And the course did include two beasts of hills, One was a 1.5mile steady climb, the other was a very short, but stupidly steep bit at around the 10 mile mark. My hamstrings (and lungs) were screaming, but I guess it's all good training.image

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    Edinburgh will be my first  marathon, I've been building up my milage and finally did the full distance for the first time on Saturday. Wanted the confidence that I could actually run the distance before turning up. Those last couple of miles were a real killer though, I was sucking down gel packs but my body was just exhausted. I hope it gets easier the more times you do it.
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    OMG micromagic, do you mean the FULL 26.2 miles image image

    No wonder you're exhausted.

    And there are still 11 weeks to go, are you planning to do it again or was it a one off ?

    Oh, and how long did it take....?

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    bburn plodder wrote (see)

    OMG micromagic, do you mean the FULL 26.2 miles image image

    No wonder you're exhausted.

    And there are still 11 weeks to go, are you planning to do it again or was it a one off ?

    Oh, and how long did it take....?

    I don't plan on running the full distance again until race day. Previously the most I was running was 20 miles, so pushed myself to run those extra 6 on saturday. It took me 3hours 17mins. Only thing I'm worried about now is how warm it might be in May compared to training in these freezing cold winter months.
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    Blimey Micro, are you mad??? image  Think I'll stick with keeping those last 6miles as a suprise on race day...hee hee...

    Ooooh Fridays run was ermmmm different... We went out for a little 6miler (Mr CS is tapering) on the canal towpath after work and boy did it get dark on there.  Mr CS had his headtorch on, but I didnt have one (we bought one for me yesterday) and it was a really strange feeling not beng 100% certain you weren't going to either fall into the canal or down the embankment on the other side of the path.  Felt like we were going much faster than we actually were too.... Hmmmmmmm...

    Everyone seems to have colds at the moment, Mr CS started with one over the weekend and my monday running buddy rang this morning to say she was full of cold and would I please take it easy on her tonight... So that's snookered my plans to push her to 5miles... Ho hummmm, suppose on the plus side it means my legs will be well rested for this saturdays 18miler.

    Well done on your niggle free 12miler BBP and 11:05 min miles is not slow in my books... image

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    Last year's Edinburgh was hot, hot, hot. Great running temperature for me but not for most image
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    GoldeagleGoldeagle ✭✭✭
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Philby, you should be fine for a 1:50 half.

    Katarina, finishing is good!

    micromagic, like everyone else, stunned by the distance and also the time. Unbelievable. Please don't do that again until 23 May!

    Caz, you're supposed to be in charge of disciplining overtrainers. Can't you issue a detention or lines or something?? Good luck for your 18 on Saturday.

    BBP, all coming together well. Still just under 11 weeks to go.
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    Ooops sorry Goldeagle...

    Er-hum *does stern look & crosses arms* Micro, go sit on the naughty step and write out 100 times I must not do the full marathon distance in training. And don't just copy & paste it young man!!!

    Was that better Goldeagle??? I went out with my friend tonight, she wasnt feeling so good so admitted defeat at 2.65miles... I carried on until 3 and then turned back to walk up home with her.
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