
Rotary Shakespeare Marathon 2010



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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    GraemeK wrote (see)
    Colin, Up and Running are expensive in my opinion, use them to get shoes fitted and buy them somewhere else.

    A little bit naughty that in my view. I fully understand what you're saying, but if everyone did that then the High Street shops would go out of business. You'd only be left with internet shops, so no gait analysis or shoe-fitting service available.

    If you've had your gait done previously and know what type of shoes you need then yes no problem, buy them at the cheapest place. But if you go to Up and Running, someone spends half an hour with you advising what's best, you then write the name of the shoe down and go off to order on the net then I think that's a bit out of order personally.

    Just my view though. Anyway, back on topic. Just finished brekkie and off for a 21 miler.

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    Completed Ryde 10 in about 1:43.  That's about the same as last years race, but I was fitter then, so I'm OK with that.
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    LS21 - I took Graeme's advice as a heads up, especially as they only put their internet prices on their website. I fully expect to pay more by going into the shop. As it was the wife and kids ate up all the allotted shopping time anyway and I didn't get in to sort myself out. I think most retailers cover themselves anyway that if you don't buy then they charge for the analysis.

    So instead it's Sweatshop Dudley next Saturday instead. I've been there before and it was a good experience. I'm not prepared to go back into Brum with the kids and Sweatshop's a bit closer too. I just hope the little rascals behave long enough for me to get myself sorted out.

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    Oh, and 12 miles this morning, felt very comfortable throughout. Didn't enjoy the shopping though

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    Oh Colin I hear you on the kids threshold! I use Dudley/ Brierley hill Sweatshop  A LOT! And always find them good to deal with. (Discount does occasionally happen if you ask nicely!)

    Myself, I'm nursing a bit of an ice induced sprain (as in,  I slipped on ) so i did  a 9 mile trail today in Sutton park, Brum - at a lick! The road milage has dropped a bit trying to molly coddle the sprain along.

    Have entered the Run Round Wyre Forest 8.5 in a couple of weeks - my first trail Race.

    Anyone else doing this?!

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Colin Gallop wrote (see)

    LS21 - I took Graeme's advice as a heads up, especially as they only put their internet prices on their website. I fully expect to pay more by going into the shop. As it was the wife and kids ate up all the allotted shopping time anyway and I didn't get in to sort myself out. I think most retailers cover themselves anyway that if you don't buy then they charge for the analysis.

    Yeah fair enough and you're right - I think most charge a tenner for Gait Analysis if you don't buy shoes. And Graeme - I wasn't having a pop, so please don't read it that way image

    Some decent training runs/races today. As stated, I bagged another 21 miler this morn in very pleasant company. Felt pretty strong at the end too, so all going well thus far.

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    Jules - Just been looking at it and I'm tempted. Have to convince the wife it'll be a fun day out image
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    Hi All

    yes Jules I'm in no. 127 First off roader as wellimage.  

    Training going well - One 20 miler done last weekend  and one on Saturday.

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    LS21, no bother. Personally I wouldn't do it in my local shops, Sutton or Coventry Runner where I would nip in for a chat, but I've no problems with getting advice in a national chain and buying elsewhere. I would pay a fiver extra there, keeps them going like you say, but not 15 quid more in a national.On the other hand I bought a Gore Windstopper jacket for 50 quid on line, double that locally. It's a common theme and I'm not sure there is a right or wrong answer.
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    Sweatshop in Cambridge have always been good to me, and gait analysis is free.

    Took out the new garmin for its maiden run on Sat (17.5 m) - Very impressed whith it! Ok, it's not the lastest and greatest (402 version) but definitely worth the £84 I paid for it. Kept me to a good pace. Looking forward to seeing how it copes with interval training this week.


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    Dave - I had a 'special' birthday last year and had the Garmin 405 - what a transformation it made to the running! no more running logs, Very cruel honesty in the milage that you ACTUALLy do! (This could be a bad side of it...!) So enjoy yours my friend, whichever it is!

    'Another hill' glad to see I'll have some company?! Mind you, they reckon the race is aproaching capacity, if not already there! And since that's about 350 on Forest trails..could be a squeeze, but good fun I hope. I've been wearing the RocLites in. How about you? Got your trail shoes sorted or are you running it in road shoes?

    Colin - reckon you'll have to convince the missus smartish! But its a lovely place to go and the visitor centre has a nice little cafe and play area for the kids. my two like it, its just the thought of the exercise involved in the walking that usually does their head in!!

     Oh and GraemeK  is the Gore stuff all its cracked up to be? I keep looking at it, thinking it seems lovely then spotting the price tag. And you know, that lottery win is slow coming!

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    Yeah the Nike Gore Windstopper jacket I've got is great, windproof obviously but big pockets with smaller pockets inside for cash or keys are handy. It's light and doesn't rustle either. I'd recommend it anyday, far better than my JJB jacket in winter, gets me out on days when otherwise I'd use the wind or rain as an excuse.

     I've a Craft Gore Windstopper top too with an extra panel on the front, very good in very cold weather or for cycling this time of year. Bit warm when it's above freezing though.

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    Jules -  Got some mizuno ascends trail shoes, unfortunately haven't worn them in much though will try them out again before the race.  Just going to enjoy it and not worry about time.  Thanks for the heads up about the Visitor centre. May take the OH and  kids along.  Talking to someone at the Telford 10K recently told me it was quite a tough course.  Bring it onimage
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    Dreadful run today image.  I just didn't feel right at all, decided to err on the side of caution (ie. wimped out) half-way through. 

    Four miles is better than none, I suppose.

    I probably should have left more recovery time after my long run before attempting a hard interval session.  Some ideas look easier on paper than in reality.  I'm re-evaluating my schedule for next week, so I'll have no excuses.

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    Graham - Absolutely right, four miles is better than none which is exactly what I managed to do today. Not all bad, it was just one of those work days and a trip for the kids to the dentist which put pay to a day run. As for the weather this evening, too cold so will add an extra couple of miles to my runs over the next few days to catch up.
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    Jules - As you say the Garmin's are a very 'honest' piece of kit, so some of those training runs may need  some adjustment to give the right mileage. I loaded up the software on the pc last night and bang in went the last few sessions, you've gotta love it!

    Graham - Four miles is fine after a heavy weekend session, and the odd reduced run will only benefit the legs whilst they are getting used to the high mileage once again . . . that's what I tell myself anyway.

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    Graham - I agree with David, 4 miles is better than none, I always think that the 'feel bad' runs are good for experience, usually there is a reason for it and we can adapt for next time.

     Howey - I know what you mean about upping mileage.  I've done two 15mile long runs on consecutive weekends now and I'm actually looking forward to an 18 this weekend.  I've not done 'marathon training' for 3 years and the challenge of a sub 4 feels great! 

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    Thanks for the encouragement guys.  Sometimes I forget that these runs are a means to an end and not an end in themselves.  Yesterday I ran a longer recovery run than I had originally planned and found that my mile splits had improved, so I must be doing something right after all.

    I'm "looking forward" to an eighteen miler this weekend too.

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    Is the marathon sold out? If so I've cocked up. I saw the limit was 3400 and only about 850 finished the marathon last year. I didn't realise they were including the half marathon.

     If it is full, has anyone an entry they don't want and would transfer to me if I cover the cost? If so, please email me at


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     I've done it again and not got my entry in on time.  The full marathon have no places left but the half does have places left. This leaves me with 2 choices:-

    1) Enter the half and then hope someone who is doing the full wants to swap, the RO will allow this it says so on the website.  Does anyone on here want to swap?

    2) Not enter the half and hope that someone doing the full can't run for whatever reason. In which case I'll buy the place from them and the RO will do the name change.

    Thanks in advance for any help at all.

    Get in the queue Rick mate!

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    Well done on the recovery run Graham, I had one of those "I really can't be bothered" sessions today. A 400m interval session, couldn't squeeze it in work time so had to do it after the kids had gone to bed. But I dragged myself out of the door and did it and it's a few more miles in the bag.

    And funnily enough, I feel a darn sight perkier now too image

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    I got out for a 5miler tonight.  The first mile was tough, couldn't feel my fingers!  I kept going though and pleased I did, after 15 mins the circulation had improved and I was like toast on the inside.  It takes a while to warm up in these conditions doesn't it?

     Intervals tomorrow.  Hope the cold weather moves on for us all soon.

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    10.5 miles for me tonight and a struggle all the way.My trainings going great really but i'm just having one of those why am i doing it weeks.The trouble is my runs are invariably home from work along the same route and get really tedious.I can't vary the route either and don't have the time to get home and then run.

    To make it worse i'll be doing exactly the same tomorrow.

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     Missed registration for the full marathon.  If anyone is unable to do the full marathon please email me if they would like to transfer.  I will pay the cost.  Thanks hmhammell@gmail.com

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     I am also desperate for a place for this and will pay more than cost price lol!! My email is heatherjanemackay@hotmail.com

    Thanks imageimage

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    Howey wrote (see)

    10.5 miles for me tonight and a struggle all the way.My trainings going great really but i'm just having one of those why am i doing it weeks.The trouble is my runs are invariably home from work along the same route and get really tedious.I can't vary the route either and don't have the time to get home and then run.

    To make it worse i'll be doing exactly the same tomorrow.


    I am with you on that one, really struggling to feel good about training at the moment and its feeling more like a major chore that has to be done.  Never experienced this before so is a tad worrying at the moment.

    For me its just finding the time to fit the miles in, so the routes are limited.

    The old weather is not helping either image

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    I have just got a place in vlm from my club so will not be running this race. probably next year, therefore i have a place available. anyone sugest a fair way to decide who gets it?
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    Well I asked first, if you read back through the history on this thread. I asked the day after it became full.  Is this fair? 

    email if you like watsons 24


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    I think you need a race to decide who gets it image
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