
Rotary Shakespeare Marathon 2010



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     It is up to you. Offer it to the person who asked first, or put it up for auction?

     I any case I think I will start another thread specifically for people wishing to exchange marathon places.

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    I think it's all down to the part of the training we are at KAKS.The novelty of it has wore off and it's still a long way to go.We just need to keep our heads down and battle through the next couple of weeks.After that the race and taper appear on the horizon and we end up wondering if there's enough time left to get the runs in.

    Tonights run was a lot better.I changed the route to a slightly hillier route and it was better to have something differant to look at.Yesterday i passed a bloke out with his dog that had seen me a few miles back and commented on how quick i'd got to where he spoke to me,although it wasn't that quick it was still good for the ego.

    47 miles in the last 6 days and i'm looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

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    Good shout that Howey. I was thinking myself that, motivation wise, it all seems a struggle at the moment. I had a good run today although the legs felt tired. Either a rest day tomorrow or a short slow recovery run. Gotta keep building up them miles
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    My hunger for food has gone through the roof.If it's not nailed down i'll eat it.If it's nailed down i'll chew the nail till ican eat it.Basically i'm hungry all the time.
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    Hey Watson, I'd be willing to compete in a little friendly auction for your place image

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    I'm with you there. Since entering a couple of weeks ago I've done 2 35mile weeks, which is a lot for me. I've noticed that I'm eating more then normal and it's a struggle not to go through a whole box of jaffa cakes after I open them...
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    Jaffa cakes are one of your 5 a day Tom so it's ok to eat all the box.

    I've had a great game of golf this afternoon.Didn't lose a ball and apart from one shower it was lovely.

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    I'm a gullable soul, so I have to ask if that's true!  Good stuff Howey. 

     I've got a night off tonight in readiness for an 18miler, probably tomorrow morning. 


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    I'm having a few beers tonight and a 5 mile easy run tomorrow with 18 planned for Sunday which sadly i'm looking forward to.Obviously if it's raining and windy on Sunday the enthusiasm will wain pretty sharpish.
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    How come every time i post something about a long run i get a pop up for life insurance.Is there something i should know?
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    I might need that life insurance on Sunday.  I'm running Bramley 20 as a training run.  I did it last year, but I think I was fitter back then.  My mileage this year is still not up to scratch.
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    Hi All

    Just booked onto the half - started running about 4 months ago and this will be my first race. Very excited! image

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    Well done Trish.I'm sure you'll love it.How's the training going?
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    Supercaz - Do you have a plan on how you're going to run you race? Any of it at race pace and if so how much?

    I'm using Ashby 20 as my race prep with a plan to start off easy and gradually build up to race pace at the 5 mile point and run at that pace for the next 10 miles and then wind it down for the final 5.

    I'd be interested to know how others are approaching similar events

    Hoping to drag myself out of bed for a 6 mile tempo which includes a 1 mile warmup and warm down and a 14 miler on Sunday

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    Thanks Howey image I'm up to 10 miles on my LSR and am madly trying to get the hang of tempo running to get my speed up a little - would absolutely love to come in under 2 hours, although that might be a little ambitious...!

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    I am a very consistent runner.  Last year I ran the whole distance at 11 to 11:30 pace with the second 10 miles being almost exactly the same time as the first 10.

    My race plan is to use the Garmin to keep me slow at the start, because naturally I would tend to go off at about 9:30 to 10 min/miles and I know I can't sustain that.

    Then to just keep plodding and if I have any energy left then I will try and speed up for the last mile with a sprint (using the word loosly) finish.

    So I guess that the whole distance was about race pace as I ran last years marathon at the same speed.

    Not sure whether this is a recommended way of running, but it works for me.  Maybe if I was more concerned about times, instead of just finishing and having a good time, then I might approach it differently.

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    I ike consistency, regardless of what time you finish. Do you run any speed sessions super c?

    Welcome Trish, I hope you are enjoying the training and you get the racing bug!

    I'm back from an 18miler this morning..  those last 2 miles were tough - especially up and down the bridges (I run along the canal!)  Feel good now though, the furthest I've run in almost 3years.

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    well done Tom! it's really tough once you get past about 15 miles isn't it

    hi SuperCaz - really impressed that you manage to keep the pace over the whole race - Stratford was my 1st marathon last year, and after 18 miles I started to struggle, the last few miles were very slow. Do you do a lot of very long runs in training? I'm hoping that my stamina will be a bit better this time

    Trish - if you're up to 10 miles already, you'll be fine for the distance, doing some shorter runs at a faster pace will work wonders!

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    I have two rules to my training: 1) Don't take it too seriously and enjoy it 2) as much variety as possible.

    A typical week for me is:

    Mon: Rest day or massage

    Tues: 6 mile run at about 10 min/miles but with stops while we regroup, then a swim

    Wed: Gym then swim

    Thurs: 6 mile run as per Tues, but often involving a hill.  Then either swimming or spinning class

    Fri: Rest

    Sat: Long run, starting at about 10 miles at the beginning of the year and moving up to about 2 x 16 milers and 2 x 20 milers before race day.  These are not just constant runs but have variety in them.  So one week might have hills, another involves running games, such as relays and tag (which is the speed work element, but without the stigma of calling it speed work), some are delibratly through boring areas to build mental strength.

    Sun: Races or swim and spin in the morning, then swim and/or spin in the evening depending on what I did in the morning.

    All of my training is with other people because I need to socialise.  I belong to a running club that does all of my running training, and a gym that has Masters swimming and a tri club for all the rest.  Currently the tri club is using the spin bikes, but when the weather improves we will be going on the roads.  In summer I also do some of the swims in the sea instead of the pool.

    I used to only run and I constantly had injuries and niggles.  Adding more variety to my training stops me from getting bored and appears to prevent me getting injured.  Whether I can keep the current level of training up when I get to the really long runs is another matter.  I suspect that I will have to cut back on some of the crosstraining.

    I put my consistency down to bloody mindedness.  Last year at London I started getting knee pain at mile 8 and was convinced that I would have to pull out at Tower Bridge.   But the pain didn't get any worse and I managed to keep going by pretending that it wasn't there.  By mile 18 it was OK when I ran straight, but if I had to dodge around someone or interupt my stride to jump over a stray water bottle on the road then I was in agony.  But I kept the pace up by chanting various mantras in my head and focusing on how if I slowed down then I would have to put up with the pain for longer.

    I strongly believe that any distance over a half marathon is purely dependent on mental strength rather than physical.

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    your training sounds amazing Caz!

    I think the downfall with mine is that I can get a long run done at the weekend OK, but the rest of my runs are probably too short (never more than 5 miles) - just as much as I can fit in before work. I know the answer is to get up even earlier - but - argh! it's so hard! 

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    My coach says that quality is better than quantity.  Last year my weekday runs were only 4 -5 miles because I was slower then, but I did one of those runs with a group that was slightly too fast for me so that I would push myself a bit harder.
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    I got through my 18 mile run today image,  The good news was that I knocked just over five minutes off my time at 16 miles, compared to last week.  The bad news is that I'm about five minutes behind my time for 18 miles during last years training.  I guess you could say I'm about a week behind with my fitness.  I'm still on course for a sub 4:30, depending on whether we get another blazing hot cloudless race day.

    The run has wiped me out today.  Just wish it was easier to rest afterwards, but I have two toddlers who have other ideas.

    Next week I'm cutting back to one hard midweek session (intervals), having learned from this weeks mistake. The long run will also be reduced to 12 miles.

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    Graham, I always try to stay active after a long run.  Usually I potter around the house, putting washing on etc and take a trip to the supermarket.  I find that I stiffen up less if I can keep moving and that sitting down for the rest of the day is easier at the time, but more detrimental in the long term.

    So looking after the kids might actually be a blessing in disguise

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    Wow, i'm impressed by all you Marathon'ers and your full on training. Maybe next year, eh? image

    Thanks Tom and Jenni - I have been trying some faster stuff and am seeing a difference. Did quite a fast 5 and a bit miles this morning, at about 8:50 a mile. Shame I can't go that fast for 10!

    Happy training all - 10 weeks today!

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    Evening Guys

    A 14 from me today, cut back having done 20's last two weekends, I have found that doing a midweek run of between 10 - 13 miles at Target MP is helping with my LSR. We are all different though.

    Colin - The Ashby I'm 20 also in. This is how I will be targeting it -

    5 miles @ MP + 45 - 60 secs

    5 miles @ MP +30 - 45 secs

    4 Miles @ MP + 15 -30 secs

    4 miles @ MP

    then 2 miles of fun.  I asked on a different thread and was advised this.  Sounds good to me.

    Graham/Tom - Well done on the 18.

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    That's a good pace Trish.  I can only sustain that for about a mile, on a good day.

    That's impresive mileage AH.  There is no way that I could do that each week, but then maybe that is why I am slow.

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    I've been painting doors and hanging them all bloody day and todays easy run isn't happening.18 tomorrow morning though will be done early otherwise i'll get side tracked.Tonight is all about carb loading.The best bit about marathon training.

    50 miles for me next week including 20 on the Sunday before a step back week.10 weeks still to go.

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    10 weeks to go? blimey..  that seems ages away.  hope the run went well today howey
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