
Chester Marathon 2010



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    No you dont say Snowdon is hilly, really ?

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    do we do that little loop at the start and just before we finish?
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    I don't want to hear about hills - nooooooo - hills bad!!!! My ignorance was bliss and now it's been shattered. Tell me you were just joking - please!
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    Mr PuffyMr Puffy ✭✭✭

    Alright, relatively hilly.  In relation to the spirit-level flatness of the rest of the course, the finish is, dare I say, on a slight uphill gradient. Not an incline though.

    Mick, certainly nothing like Macc or even Four Villages.  Mrs Puffy is looking forward to meeting you and Phil by the way.

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    Apart from the city centre being on a hill, but we go around the hill, not up the hil and not down the hill!  There may be some inclines at the start, but I have run the rest of the course hundreds of times.

    We will be PB-ing, so bring it on!

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    Alright, relatively hilly. 

    well, i'll be looking most forward to meeting Mrs Puffy as well

    all i can say is i hope she isn't a winder that her hubby is image

    you'll have lurkers worried now about these hills, i doubt Biastai has put their minds at rest

    were or i'm not bothered in the slightest, as we've run Ashbourne HM 4 times , which the first 7 miles is hills and hills, but Ashbourne is a mere baby in significance to  Great Langdale HM

    hope ure all ok  

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    Not sure about this talk of hills. That is certainly not what I ordered. 9 miler for me tonight with middle 3 at marathon pace, felt really good so fingers crossed I am ready for monday.
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    glad your ready, wish i was image

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    Phew!  Thanks Mick.  I thought my typing was invisible image

    There is a nice bridge over the expressway for you and young P to get up twice.

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    I did 4 with a mara paced 3 and my HR was way low, so well impressed.

    Problem is I get excited at the start of a race and end up doing 90 BPM standing around. 

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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    any little hills great for me
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    well they would be for u ahh

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    Biastai I am the same and get really nervous at the start but am determined not to go out too fast for this one after recently blowing up badly at a third marathon, after rather stupidly running a 5 min first mile.
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    as for the actual race itself

    put it this way folkes

    i ain't coming to look at it !! image

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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    I might have a look at it I will be picking number up the night before
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    My PANIC about hills has been quashed somewhat by Biastai - thank you!!!

    It has been busy on the forum tonight - have checked in a few times over the past hour or so (good excuse not to get all my marking done - woes of being a teacher!)

    Well up in morning to do a small run out, hope it's not raining (couple of days ago we were worrying about the heat).

    Our training is done, our tapers are sorted so all we can do is rest, wonder & hope & eat carbs,carbs, carbs! Enjoy as Monday will be here soon enough !

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    John BachJohn Bach ✭✭✭
    Can't pick up my number on Sunday. I'm slightly concerned about a slight scrum at the rugby club picking up the pack on Monday  morning. I don't do many races, but why the issue re registration - you pay enough, why can't they be sent out?
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    Wow, it has got busy on here!!

    Don't like all the talk of hills but sounds like it's nothing to panic too much about...

    Glad to hear I won't be the only one alone!

    And sounds like there could be a few tears for various reasons... running a marathon is emotional at the best of times... I am quite often in tears at the finish line.. 

    John - not sure re: pick up but I *think* it might be because then the organisers will have a better idea of how many starters there are as opposed to just how many numbers they posted out.. but then again, it's chip timed so you'd think they would know from that.. but maybe not. That's my guess though. Plus saving a little on postage!? Less chance of people mis-placing their number or forgetting it??

    I will be picking my number up on Mon morning too, planning to get there for 8am, and hoping that will be enough time.. surely they will have several people giving the numbers out, I wouldn't worry too much.

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    James , It has taken me 5 years of running to slow down at the begining!

    If you guage this one right it is a quick course.  Most of it is straight, so pacing may be easier.  Keep control image

    As for OLD Mick calling me OLD, WELL!!!! image

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    Just seen the email from the organisers saying registration now opening at 7am instead of 7.30 on Monday... might aim to get there a bit earlier... need to allow plenty of "getting lost" time for myself too, even though it looks reasonably easy to find.

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    Mr PuffyMr Puffy ✭✭✭
    If you're coming from Yorks it is M62 M6 M56 M53, exit onto A51 left after 50 yards it's on the left.  Don't follow A56 into Chester, the Rugby club is bang on the bypass.
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    Having trouble posting I think so forgive me if this is a duplicate.............

    I'm gonna be thumbing a lift on the morning of the lift probably.  Failing that walking from the station to the rugby club.  My train gets in at 0750 so keep your eye out for a tracksuit cladded man walking in that direction.  I'll possibly be holding a sign saying "Chester Rugby Club".  Last time I hitched was in yellowstone park, 1995 and that was a success!

    See  you all on Monday,  I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

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    andyc209andyc209 ✭✭✭

    Reading all these mails about tapering etc makes me realise that for one marathon i should do a proper training routine - i just run when i can - did VML this year in 3h:37m so hopefully I might break 3:30 at Chester image.

    Used to live on the WIrral and I can say btw that there are NO hills in Chester - its flatter than a fajita bread / pancake sandwich!!

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    4 days to go!! imageimageimageimage

    Tutu ... Leeds is hilly ...Chester is flat. A "hill" in Chester would not even be noticed in Leeds. Will look out for the Kirkstall vest and say hello!

    Mr. Puffy wrote (see)
    If you're coming from Yorks it is M62 M6 M56 M53, exit onto A51 left after 50 yards it's on the left.  Don't follow A56 into Chester, the Rugby club is bang on the bypass.

    Good advice  ... you definirely don't want to follow the Chester signs and leave the M53 at jnc 12! Note that, at junction 12, the M53 becomes the A55 ... stay on it ... the next roundabout is the one you want to exit. Turn left onto the A51 and then left again on Hare Lane.

    My feet have been hurting since Sunday's 11 miler (tightness in the instep). I did 2.4 miles on Tuesday and planned one or two more short runs this week. But my feet still hurt after the 2.4 miles and so I may now call it a day and rest until Monday.

    I'm coming from Leeds but  I'll be staying in Liverpool this weekend. I may be able to collect my number on Sunday - depends on what we do that day. The plan on Monday is to drop the family off in Newton in the morning and then head to the rugby club. I'll be in a black and pink Diabetes UK vest and wearing VFFs (monkey feet).

    Not sure of the timing but I'll go via Tarvin Road and look out for a hitchhiker in a tracksuit image (if I was walking I'd take the canal towpath from City Rd and rejoin Tarvin Rd/Vicars' Cross Rd at the big DIY store / Bridge Inn ... but no use if you're hitching unless you want to catch a barge! image). 

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    Thanks Dr. Dan, look out for me.image
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    My sole purpose for running this is to get a good for age 3.15, so what should my stratagy be,

    7,01 mins= 3.04hrs   7.08 mins=3.08hrs     7.15mins=3.10    7.22mins=3.13hrs,

    which one should I choose for my best option, any advice people would be great.


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    is this a joke ?

    your sole purpose image

    start with slowest and build on it i say

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    Terry it depends on your own physiology.  I train at with fast LSRs, but am also after a sub 3:15.  This time I did all m y LSRs at mara pace.  For some reason it is better for me.

    I guess best thing is to go off your training and see how you feel on the day.  Must say though, my PB was when I went faster at start, i.e. 7:03 for 18 miles.  Suck it an see. image

    YTou may surprise yourself!

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     i certainly wont suprise myself
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