
2010 - 1000 miles



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    9.42 miles this morning on country roads, bit  frosty and slippy in places. Up to 208.21 for the year.
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    Thanks for the info WR and Camelbak it is then. Hopefully they will improve the organisation a bit this year as it does say on their site that there will be pacer for the first time which is a step in the right direction.

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    Lets hope so, see you at the start line!!
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    4 miles last night. Had a really good run. It was one of those runs where everything felt right! image

    Week - 4

    Month - 60.21

    Year - 164.85

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    Small - I wish I could have one of those in 2010. Its just not happening for me at the moment image

    Got a dodgy hamstring at the minute, so resting up for a week and ignoring my marathon schedule. Lets hope that solves the issue!

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    image Sorry to hear that MA but you are doing the right thing by resting it now.

    Good luck for a speedy recovery. image

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    Did the Blackburn Winter Warmer 10k last Sunday,There is one long hill from about half mile in,it felt like it was never going to end.Not a PB 10K that's for sure..

    Ran to work and back on Tuesday 7.9 mile each way.Had second thoughts about the run home after my 12 hour shift,but pleased I had done it when home and in the shower !!!

    Did a quick 4.3 mile after work last night. Hopeing to do a LSR on Sunday ,16 mile hopefully

    Week     26.3

    Month    54.46

    Year       167.13

    Hope everybody is on target ....

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    Hi all, new to this site and loving the info available. I think that I have created my profile correctly but struggling to upload pictures.

    Training for London at the moment and got a 16 mile run done this morning averaging 6.46 minute miles.

     If anyone has any tips or advice for me then it would be much appreciated as I train the on my own as a solo runner.

    Hope everyone is ok and cracking on and getting some good training done.

    Love to you all

    Stay Safe


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    image - i've just read that somewhere post somewhere else.

    Anyway, i'm now at 50m for the year (17 Jan and 33 so far for Feb), but I have had a hernia repair in January and dodgy hip (related to the hernia), so am hoping to crank up the miles now I seem to be over both.

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    Tuesday 16th February - 3 miles

    Nice easy 3 miles, uphill for about a mile, felt really good.

    Week - 3

    Month - 24.33

    2010 - 63.71

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    Sunday 21st February - 6 miles

    Very hilly, very muddy, very enjoyable run....even with the remains of a headcold which made me miss Thursdays run and football yesterday.

    Week - 9

    Month - 30.33

    2010 - 69.71

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    There’s about 3” of snow where I live today so I’m glad I did my 20 miler yesterday. I'm also glad I bought a treadmill in November with the winter we've had this year! 5 miles on the threadmill today.

    Week – 47.99

    Month – 146.73

    2010 -  265.49

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    Yep badbark about the same in whitehead this morning, up at 7 to go out and had to give it a miss, stuck in work now and hoping to get out this evening, should be home from work about half 8. Got 12 miles in yesterday felt like doing more but needed more fluids with me, camelbak will be back out next week.

    Up to 231.39 for the year about 50 miles behind schedule!!

    Good luck getting back into the running PJAZ.

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    Only a light covering of snow around here thankfully,

    Ran 15.4 miles today partly on the roads and partly down the canal,

    Had to run past some football supporters on the way to the match some gave me so much stick, most of it quite funny,,but calling me a nutter for being out running in this weather bit rich when he was going to sit down outside in this weather for 90 mins plus...image

    Next run Tuesday with the running club 10 mile hills this week,     such joyimage

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    Hey guys I'm obviously a late joiner to this forum but think it's a great idea =)

    Have been out of running for a bit due to injury but starting again tomorrow and I'll try and catch up what I've lost,  so far in 2010 I've run 86.75 so a bif deficit :/

    Good luck everyone!

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    Welcome to all you new 1000 milers! Good luck with your goals. image

    Last week was a bit rubbish for me. I came down with a cold on Wednesday and missed a few days running. Felt better on Saturday but wanted to be as fit as possible for yesterday's lsr. I had hoped to do 18 miles but in my weakened state only managed 15.7, which is better than nothing! image

    It very nearly didn't happen at all. It was quite icy on the paths as we set off, so I tried to run on the grass verge. About 400m from home I suddenly found myself on the ground. I had got one of those metal hoops from a wheel trim around both ankles and down I went. Luckily I had a soft landing. image I looked like one of those hoopla games from the fair! image

    Week - 19.70

    Month - 75.91

    Year - 180.55

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    At least you kept going small, got home at 8.30 last night after work and there was no chance of getting out, the snow and slush having turned to ice.

    Hopefully get out this evening but i can't see it being very far in the ice. Still stuck on 231.39 for the year.

    Good luck everyone!

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    Wow small that's quite an achievment, not sure how you managed it =)
    Looks like I'm falling further behind now, tried my first run in two weeks and immediately the knee started giving me trouble, will have to run like crazy later in the year =(
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     slowbutsure2 - That's a good run although you need to get out earlier to avoid the chav's! image

    small - Well done for getting so many miles in the bag with you cold. Glad to here you didn't injure yourself with you fall! That could have been nasty.

    WR - I hope you manage to get out and run in Whitehead, the snow has melted away across the lough in Bangor where I live.

    Lloyd Cross - Welcome aboard and I hope your knee problems clear up soon.

    I've just tried my first ever 10 x Yasso 800 run and I'm very pleased with the results. I have a marathon PB of 3:48 but was on for about 3:30 until I hit the wall so I'm aiming for around 3:30 again. My Yasso splits were as follows-

    3:25 uphill
    3:15 up
    3:17 up
    3:00 downhill
    3:10 up
    3:14 up
    3:13 down
    3:09 down
    3:09 up
    2:55 down

    I took it a bit easier on the first one but give it everything on the last so it looks like a sub 3:30 is on the cards if Yasso predications are anything to go by. 

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    Hi Badbark still some snow in Whitehead, drove down to Carrickfergus last night and did some speed work along the front, haven't run along there in a long time and was enjoyable. Lots of runners out and about there unlike Whitehead!

    Good luck with your schedule, i find it hard to follow one with working shifts so follow a couple loosely and decide at the beginning of the week my goals/mileage. The main problem i find is that i hate to take a day off and it looks like we might be in for some more snow

    Good luck WR

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    Lloyd - I hope your knee will be better soon. I know all about bad knees as I had one at the end of last year and was off running for 6 weeks with it. I bruised it badly on another fall, that time there was no soft landing. image

    WR & BB - hope the snow and ice has gone now and you manage to get some good runs in this week.

    SBS2 - Enjoy your hills today image

    We've been lucky here, not had much snow at all but it's been very wet. Just back from a soggy 5 miles. Legs feel really good after Sundays run.

    Happy running all!

    Week - 5

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    Hi Small got out this morning for 12 miles in freezing rain,snow and slush but enjoyed it all the same, usually run on country roads but today had to venture towards civilisation for better surfaces.

    Just booked the Palma marathon for october, told the wife i'm taking her to Palma for a long weekend and arranged childcare.....just need to tell her now there's a marathon on that weekend and i'm doing it!

    Up to 251.46 for the year, hopefully next week will pass 300.

    Good luck with the running everyone WR

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    Good to hear you had a good run WR image

    I'm sure your OH won't mind you doing the marathon will she? I need to find one to do soon. Thinking about the New Forest one....

    I had a storming good run last night. 6 miles at tempo pace. Quite surprised myself!

    Week - 11

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    Well done small there's plenty of marathons to choose from when are you thinking of? Never ran in the New forest though spent many happy summer there at my grandparents.
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    Thanks WR. image I was hoping to do one in the summer or autumn maybe. I used to live in the New Forest which is why I'd like to do it.... that and the free B&B of course! (my parents are still there) image

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    Tuesday 23 February - 3.12 miles

    Nice steady 3 miler, finished with some 50m (approx) strides and felt really good. Starting to feel fit again now. Could really do with updating my profile pic.

    Week - 3.12

    Month - 33.45

    2010 - 72.83

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    Thursday 25 February - 3.52 miles

    Nice easy 3.5 miles. Didn't really get out of 2nd gear, avoided the rain.

    Week - 6.64

    Month - 36.97

    2010 - 76.35

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    I think the new forest would be excellent to run through, is it a road run or trail?

    Out for a run around the country roads this morning 7.78 in 8.48 pace, total for year now at 265.74. Hoping for a 14 miler tomorrow weather dependent, they have forecast more snow here!

    Good luck WR

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    Ps. OH is fine with the palma marathon she thinks she is going to go shopping without me moaning!

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    Well done JR. Looking forward to seeing the new and improved you on your profile pic soon. image

    Good news WR! image

    The NF marathon is road and trail. Just got to talk the OH into it now.

    4 miles at a steady pace just done. It felt quite hard going in the wind though. At least it's dry and sunny. image

    Week - 15

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