
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Bus; sounds like hell for you even without the running issues. Just try and get through this period anyway you can and good times will return.

    SC: Crazily fast time for any athlete let alone one not far off v50 status. Impressed; easily within the qualifying standard for the race then.

    Nice racing at the tri Reg and good to see your comeback going well SG.

    Bog standard fare for me; parkrun each weekend and times just varying with the nature of the courses so around 19 on the quickest to over 20 on slow hilly ones. Club 10k TT today which was 39'26; nothing special but had a hard parkrun yesterday and not used to races Sat and Sun now.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Those back to back race type efforts are hard enough at the best of times Pete, let alone when out of practice, so a decent weekend's work for you.

    I fancied doing my Beaconsfield-Penn-Hazlemere-home loop. It has few places you can come down a hill and reduce the miles if needs be, but I envisaged doing the main route, to get a 14miler out of it. Sometimes I'd go and milk it up to a 15.

    So 14, at 7.24 average. Tidy enough to be honest. The route has a climb up to Beaconsfield, a couple more climbs into Penn and a bit of an up to Hazlemere, before a massive 2mile down back into Wycombe.

    Checked back over the year, and that 15mile day at Endure, with 3x5mile legs aside, I haven't done as far as 14 in a single for 29 weeks now!
    Certainly can feel it now, albeit feeling comfortable enough when running it.

    61.5mile week, back to "normal" as such now.
    A couple of weeks with long trips to midweek footy games coming, so will have to look at the best way to fit the runs in alongside them.
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    Cheers Chaps.  Good to see something like normality back on here to with a double race weekend Pete and a 60+ mile week SG :smile:

    Slight progress for me tonight, with 6M managed. Hamstring a bit "meh" but at least that weird trapped nerve thing that stopped my leg working, or whatever it was has subsided. 24.5M on the bike this morning - which was a bit damp! So, a decent amount of exercise for today anyway and I've managed to pack almost all my stuff, without major war breaking out in the house! Just need a completion date now....
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    Sorry to here about your strife Bus however there's still plenty of humour in that post to indicate you'll find your way out of the hard times. You always have the bike to keep you out of trouble. I have had recurrent hamstring issues for years but the last few weeks is the first time I have actually addressed it and started to do some strengthening exercises, at the behest of my physio of course. I am hoping it will pay dividends but I have had a sore calf instead so I will probably have to start working on those too.

    Good to see you back into full swing SG and a classic Pete double weekend offers as much comfort.

    Joe was in my dream last night, I think it's because I haven't noticed much of him lately and a quick look on Strava indicates he's having his own struggles at the moment, anyway he came on for England at Wembley and scored a header   :D In the action replay, he was running through on goal and then ended up crawling on his hands and knees like a dog sniffing the defender in front's behind, who was also crawling, he then kind of vomited some saliva before clambering to his feet to meet the ball in the air. Sort that out Freud.

    In my role as Mum, Dad and carer at the moment, I haven't had much time to train but I have made sure I do something everyday for my own sanity, it helps massively. It seems we're all self-medicating our way through life with this running and cycling lark!

    The slightly autumnal feel to these sunny mornings has started to tickle my running fancy so I am looking forward to building up the base a little. I was tempted by Reading half but I have decided I need to do this slowly whilst working on the hamstrings and calves, so Wokingham it is and I am determined to finally sort that PB out and avoid the mistakes I've made in the past. This started yesterday as I avoided the temptation to turn up for the club 5/10k champs, winning it would have been straightforward but keeping an eye on the goal is the key I think not tin pot trophies. 

    TVXC is going ahead though so that's good news.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2021
    I knew you had a bit of a man crush on Joe, but dreaming of him hitting epic highs is quite something :D 
    You're spot on with the running thoughts though, when it's going well, it certainly makes other things feel more positive.

    Have my eyes on a couple of turn outs soon. No pressure, just looseners at distances I haven't raced in years, to see where I'm at, and then after that try and improve! That's all you can ever do really.
    One of the events is at Silverstone in a few weeks, which would be a nice one for old time sake.

    Have always wanted to get back there, after 3 or 4 half marathons in the early to mid 2000s before I discovered Wokingham. The "proper" HM there was replaced with the "Big" half in London, but it's been revitalised with 5k and 10k options by some little profiteering company.
    I think the half would be hard work and a bad comparison with the past, when you'd get 6-8,000 there. But the shorter distances could work.

    Great South Run is probably a bit too soon this year, would be optimistic to think I can get down there and do proper justice (ie sub 60), and having to avoid the place knocking about on my club's fb page! And it's a long drive just to go and tempo it etc. Expensive to stay over, this late on too.
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    Sounds like a tough way to achieve the target Simon but a decent time nonetheless.
    Sorry to hear of your woes Bus. I hadn't realised you were in the throes of a divorce, though I did wonder when you mentioned a flat next to Wendover. Hope things move forward in a positive way on both domestic & athletic fronts.
    Glad to hear normality is resuming for you SG.
    Decent daily bout of sanity saving exercise Reg. Hope you can build strength throughout the chain & finally survive a bout of training uninjured.
    Tidy parkrun/10K combos as usual Pete. I seem to have gone backwards since starting with a 19:29 on the first one back. Only managed 2 others sub 20 vs 5 over. This Saturday was 20:22 for 2nd place (& highest Age Grading) though really should've been sub 20 for the win as the course was only very mildly undulating single lap trail vs 22:34 last week on a 3 lapper with 130' of climb each time. Tacked a 2nd lap on as a warm down which gave me 8.7 for the day. 
    Annoyingly I seem to have picked up a groin strain on yesterday's 8.5M gentle trot. I've been taking things easier too with just 58M last week & 50 the week before
    Managed 4M OK today but I can definitely feel it which is bloody annoying as I have a 10K next Sunday - the many times postponed Wrexham HM substitute race which was initially canned due to flooding by Storm Dennis 19 months ago!
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    Cheers chaps. Sorry to wallow too - everyone has their cross to bear, and Reg, you're under even more stress than me by the sound of it and certainly having to juggle a lot of balls!

    Jools - yeah, not sure I mentioned the big D before! All kinda messy with the big C in the mix as well!!! Who do you think gets most sympathy from the court?!  Hope that groin is back in action for the weekend :wink:

    Anyhoo - all be sorted soon, with a dose of luck and a tail wind!

     5M tonight for a rare Monday run. Beautiful evening and OKish, with just a wee bit of pain in the last half mile.

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    This sounds a very tough time for you, Bus, my thoughts are with you. I hope you can feed off a lovely Lakes holiday for a while and that your get the new residence near the woods. 

    Sounds a tough time for you as well, Reg. Sounds like you have been a strong support whilst still getting out each day. Absolutely loved the dream description - sounds like a post raclette crazy dream to me. Joe tends to overtake me at some point mid-London marathon. Hope to have a catch up with him then. 

    Good to racing on the agenda for Pete and SC. And that SG is now considering pinning a number back on (wonkily, of course). Hope the niggle clears up, Jools. 

    Continuing with the theme of one mega session a week, supplementing with plenty of jogging, buggy running and occasional strides. 

    Last week was a biggie indeed: 4M warm up, 4M MP (6:50), 4 x 1200 (6:15 - 20), 4M MP (6:45), 4M warm down. 20M total at about 7:12 average including many laps of the racecourse! Padded this out to a 72M week.

    Two week taper, with the final session tomorrow - a far lighter open-topped sandwich of 10 mins MP, 8 x 2 mins hard. Will drop mileage considerably, and hope that niggles ease up. Just need to focus on some healthy and moderated eating. 

    Less that two weeks until London now. Eagerly awaiting the final email with start time, wave, zone etc. Logistics are still going to be astonishing, but think I have a plan. Getting quite excited! 


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    That's more like it, bit of turnover of posts :)

    SQ, that takes some motivation for sure! A nice MP bookend. And a big week indeed. You'd be doing well to be putting in that level of training and not feel something, but the end is in sight!

    Sounds like a continual roller coaster there Bus. Shame it doesn't follow the usual, niggle, fix, disappears for a long time/ever cycle!

    Jools, clearly your bod doesn't like the "low" mileages in the 50s :)
    Hope things ease off and we hear some epic stuff soon.

    Back into the sessions for me then. And I think I'd forgotten how step ups in pace are an ugly surprise at times :)

    Off to Manchester for the big City v Wycombe clash ;) later, so just one run today, and thought i'd continue the recent trend of doing the sessions on the big park next to me. Something I've surprisingly done very little over the decade of this thread.

    Half mile reps then, the Bus classic!

    Grass (wet in places!) on the odd number reps, smooth path for about 75% on the even number reps, then grass. 90sec recoveries.
    Aiming for sub 6 and see what happens.

    2.57, 2.52, 2.59. 2.57,2.59.77(!), 2.56, so averaging about 2.57 there really. And thus 5.54

    That'll do for a first sub 6 session in however long, with the grass and stuff.

    Then put in 6x1min "hard" after, off 60secs, 
    Usual deal with the short reps off the track, in that it's 0.17m / 0.18m variance, so 5.37 or 5.52 with no grey area middle ground according to those splits :D 
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    Good session SG - Been to the Etihad before? Hope you get a better result than the 5-1,4-0,4-0 run I had up there watching Bmth.

    SQ - Good binge session. Probably quite a good way too do it tbh. I'll be watching Sunday week so need to know what vests i'm looking for etc. I'm by the Farriers arms, Lower rd, near Canada water and Surrey quays.

    Jools = Hope the tweak clears up soon, good parkrunning, likewise PeteM. - The lower level for the 5k wasn't too bad in the end. Not sure how it works tbh.

    Reggie - Interesting dream. I love the way they're never quite right. 

    So first Luton Tuesday for a while, around the paths at the Golf course. Need to taper a little for the upcoming MK double header.....Eastern masters triple header Saturday and road relays Sunday.
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    Good luck with the masters and road relays, SC. At London I will be in my club's purple monstrosity of a vest https://almostathletes.co.uk/merchandise.html with a big JOSH on the front. My dad was clearly having a laugh as these are my initials and indeed first name. Give me a shout and let me know who it is shouting!

    Good to see a return to a proper session from you, SG. And good to know my peaking = your gentle return  :D

    Final session on the BAC list today (full list https://www.bournemouthac.co.uk/training/BAC_Marathon_Sessions_2016.pdf if anyone interested). Adapted for the convenient markers around the racecourse: 4M WU, 2M MP (6:40s so a bit sharp), 4 x 800 (2:58 average), 2 x 400 (1:26s), 6M extended cool down to give just over 15M. So this will probably me a final MLR from me as well, with perhaps 10 at the weekend if I can squeeze it in.

    A surprisingly tough session, and I probably didn't give it the respect it deserved. That said, very pleasing to (finally) see some sub 6 pace in there.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited September 2021
    I suspect you're under more stress than me Bus, my life, whilst currently stressful and busy, also offers some satisfaction, even if it's something simple like proving to my wife how easy doing the washing is, honestly, she used to go on like she went down to the river everyday to scrub it all  :D 

    Nice training SQ, seems like you're well back into the groove now, 70+ miles just makes me wince at the thought of injury. Having said that, I had physio yesterday and she sees no pathological issues, just some weakness to key muscles. The hamstrings are coming along and now it's the left side glute that we go to work on. Although she said I didn't need to go back, I booked in for six weeks to give me a goal to work on the issues. Plus I want to rinse the insurance company for a bit after I paid the first couple myself.

    I have 11 weeks until I start a 12 week HM plan so plenty of time to build a base and hopefully some injury resistance.

    SG - Last time I checked Wycombe were winning 0-1 but a quick look now reveals the expected outcome! Probably like a home game for Wycombe though, with City's support  :)

    Jools - hope the niggle clears up quickly, I am sure a couple of 100+ mile weeks will sort it out!

    SC - Best of luck with the double-header

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    Cheers Both. Even missing the LBAC Dinner awards thing Friday night because of the races. My mates who run for MK have got one race each, but muggins here has to run all 3.

    SQ - LBAC have purple and yellow, the only other club I have seen with it is St Austell AC. I think we ought to have a twinning trip there and another brewery tour! Your vest seems more blue? Good training though - good sharp stuff, just don't do too much though!

    Reg- City do have a issue now and again at home. They seem top have only added 10k on top of their old hardcore, which was very good tbf.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    SC, we managed to erm "better" (worsen?) your biggest humping there by 1 goal!
    6-1 is a smash fest, but because we scored first it sort of makes it alright oddly.

    They had their top boys out midfield and up front, whereas we rested our front 5 which felt a bit odd!!
    Had thread legend Phil with me for half a game.

    Having done United games many a time, the City experience was very different.  The tram system is basically like a normal train line really, from Altrincham to Old Trafford. But when it gets to Manc Picaddily it becomes this mad rampage through the actual town "proper" tram type set up.

    City have a great set up, proper "community" stuff. You can see how clever they've been on that, as it keeps them off the radar of journalists who instead should be asking where this money comes from, and whether it's right to have a state funded club etc.

    Anyway, there were diversions to the M6, which took agesss, so it was getting knackering, having got up at 6am and done a sesh that morning. But the sting in the tail was to come.

    Hotels right on motorway junctions can be genius....except when they close the junction they are on :disappointed:
    Couldn't make it up! Junction 16 closed southbound! So had to go another 10miles down to 15, round a roundabout, and 10miles back up, begging for that not to be shut too... it wasn't, but another 25mins added to an already late day, and into the hotel for about 1am!!

    150miles back today, and oddly the 6.5miler came out low 7s, which runs haven't for a while.
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    Excellent sessions SQ. You’ve judged your peak well I reckon. Enjoy the taper now & smash that marathon.
    Lot of faff for football SG & you didn’t even get to run somewhere new!
    Good luck with the triple race night SC2.
    In a bid to kill or cure the niggle I did a track session yesterday lunchtime: 1M wu on grass then 12x200m off 100m walk/jog. Paces were the best they’ve been since the end of the school year even though I could feel the groin the whole time. Only 3.5M all in so went up the club in the evening with a view to doing some more but had to bail after the warm-up.
    On the plus side I was able to bike commute OK & even managed a flat 4M jog at lunch though that was a case of managing the pain rather than enjoying it.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    This was one of these thankless, but must do games Jools.
    More excited for the Shrewsbury/Man Utd double up next week.

    Hotel looks to have a massive park next door for the Shrewsbury (Telford) leg too, to at least get something in.

    200m reps, and then a club session is an interesting way to try and heal a groin strain  :#
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    Agreed SG but I’ve never had one before & the track seemed to sort my hammy out a couple of times last year.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I've only had a niggle in that region once. Probably in the days I was a 20-25miles a week merchant. Probably caused by some of the madcap Marlow sessions where we'd be hanging about in the freezing cold for the miscellaneous distance reps, and "wait until the slowest person has finished" recoveries :D 

    I'll always remember it, as it was my first physio for anything, and she said keep it moving with some runs, as just rest will never fix it.

    You'll soon know if something is too much to say the least, so gentle trial and improvement job. 
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    Cheers for the input SG. I figured I’d do the easy grass mile wu tomorrow to see how it’s faring anyway but nice to know your physio advised as much.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I think I'd tried the just rest approach for a week or 2 and it was no change.
    Learnt plenty from that one.

    Can't remember much about stretching, apart from the classic sit on your ass, and knees facing out one, holding your feet. That one.

    I expect if you'd properly "done"it, you'd be walking with pain. So it's probably similar to my one the other week and the vast majority of runner things, identify the stretches/strengthening, ease in with easy, up the length/mileage, then add faster stuff in as feels right.
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    Driving dramas on a non-running post 😆. Photos did look pretty epic though, SG. Hope you enjoyed the occasion. 

    Certainly get your money’s worth with the physio, Reg. 

    Good to finally get a start time and zone for VLM. Green at 0933 - 0936 for me. Green start will be a first for me. Assumed it was because of my celebratory status  :D, but thinking it might be as I have managed to arrange an official to take my medical supplies form the start to finish so perhaps that is where anyone in a similar boat is starting.

    5M recovery yesterday. Hoping for 10 this afternoon, which will be a final double digit as busy at the weekend. 
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    Yes getting closer now SQ - I'm waiting to see if there is a training group trip to watch, as there are 5 from the group running it. So i'll be nearer halfway if that is the case

    SG- Quite enjoyed the tram a couple of weeks ago when I was there for New Order. Good tram up to Heaton Pk and the tram stopped in Salford Quays right by our Ibis hotel and the pub..The Matchstick Man (presume you know it). Good pubs in the Northern quarter too.

    Oh yeah forgot Tuesday night. Felt more with it doing the 8 x 800 on the paths by the golf course. Think it was a 2.34 for the first one and roughly 2.31's and 2.27 for the last one. Things looking up hopefully.
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    Every one of those 800s is better than my PB :D 
    I was walking with discomfort after leaving the track Tuesday but definite signs of improvement today.
    Did the 1M grass wu with the kids then 5x800m of 200m jog on the track. Kept a lid on the efforts just eased the pace up gradually from 7:30 for the 1st rep down to 6:45 for the last one. Groin was noticeable at times but not as painful as yesterday so hopefully no further damage done & another easy jog tomorrow will help some more.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Simon has quite the offroad capability for reps to say the least.
    And as long as that keeps going the right way, that's good news Jools.

    Continued my post niggle recovery sessions on the next door park, with a 12x0.25m off 60secs, to up the ante with the speed.

    Knew I shouldn't try and compare these to track stuff!

    Out of the 12 reps, most of them were totally on grass, which ranged from nice and smooth to bumpy. A few bits and pieces on paths too.

    Ranged from 1.20 to a couple at 1.25, though a couple were dog impaired. One rep I stormed round a bend to almost take a head on with some mutt sprinting my way :D  
    Spent the recovery glaring at anyone within 200metres wondering whose damn dog this was :)

    Eventually some woman admitted owenship.

    No harm done though. 
    Sesh probably did what it needed to, as in get a bit of faster stuff in, fastest in a couple of months.
    Not easy though, you forget how upsetting returning to harder effort is!
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    Quick passing hi. My knee is still giving me grief, either directly or indirectly as I compensate for it and run oddly and then pull other muscles.

    My Dad (85 years old) has been a Man City fan since they moved to the Ethiad in 2003. He and my Mum moved to Buxton earlier this year so are an hour away from Manchester by train so when I saw that Wycombe had drawn Man City in the league cup it looked like a good chance to get him up to see his team. SG came up trumps with a pair of tickets (thanks mightily!).

    Our transport was a bit easier than SG. I drive up to Buxton very early Tuesday so I had breakfast at M&Ds at about 9am and a quiet day there with them and my kid brother and his two dogs. Just before 5pm we drove the quarter-mile to Buxton train station, parked there for £2 and were in Manchester Picadilly by 6. Jumped onto a very crowded tram and rode a few stops and at the Ethiad by 6:15. Had a snack and a drink and were at our seats well ahead of kick-off. 

    Wycombe scored first directly in front of us and loud cheering followed. Then City scored 3 times in rapid-fire before the end of the first half. It was a standing section and my Dad was tiring so we left at half time, tram appeared in minutes and took us back to the mainline and there was a 9:24 train waiting when we go there so jumped on and back in Buxton by 10:30, tucked up in bed by 11. 

    All in all a good outing. Seeing City put another 3 past us and then fighting crowds with a chance of missing the 10 pm train and having to wait for the 11 pm bus which gets in at 1am didn't appeal.
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    PMJ - Read the last bit and thought the crowd were fighting for a minute ;) Sounded like a good trip.

    Jools/SG - Good reps, injuries sounding positive too.

    So - I have finally moved to the dark side trainer wise. Was looking at what clown shoe to get in the next couple of months, then my mate sent me this link for some fancy Nike ones for £137. So thought I had better get some in quick. Bloody horrible to look at though! They retail for £268, so half price. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Did you forget to add the link SC?

    Or were you just saying a pal HAD sent you a link.  :D
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    This is the link, SG. Do seem very cheap. Not sure whether the different upper adds weight or something. Either way, I would be seriously in the dog house if I bought another pair. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I forget you lot all have dainty sized feet :)

    Luckily, the size 12s are as always well out of stock thank goodness.
    Am still only about 2 runs into my standard Nexts in fairness, and no doubt the 4%s still only with about 100mies on them are fine for a bit too.

    Never truly been convinced for what they do for me in fairness, but they feel nice. So that's nice :)
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    I think they're cheap because they're the ugliest pair of shoes I've ever seen  :D 

    Nice reps SC.

    Ride and run off the bike for me today, out on the TT bike for three laps around the local area with one hard lap, averaged 24 mph for the ride and then a quick change and out for a brisk 19 minute 5km. Quite happy with that for a days work, bit of mojo returning.
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