
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    We used to have to double to french classes as the classrooms were nowhere near the others. Well we used to walk until we heard some frustrated authority figure bellowing double from a distance.

    I think I irritated my foot slightly doing Wattbike sprints last night. Actually I irritated my wife as well, waking up my youngest doing 130+ rpm. It makes a lot of noise apparently. Upshot was I whacked up the resistance to dampen the noise and I don't think my foot enjoyed it.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Is that why it's called a "what?" bike???

    Hope you haven't set the foot back. How is it today?

    Track tempo at lunchtime. Boy it was cold to start with - first track session I've done with a long sleeve thermal and gloves!

    5000m done, aiming at 6mM pace, which should have felt comfortable. As it was, I think I slipped just over that (18:49 I think) and it felt hard. Wind and patches of ice on the track didn't help, but still think it should have been closer to 18:30

     Warm up and down to make 7.6M total.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Misread that for a second bus, and thought you were saying 6miles at 6min miling should have been comfortable!

    But 5k, a different story. Sounds a tidy workout either way. This level of cold cannot be conducive to monster performances, especially not off the warm up i imagine you did image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Proper warm up these days SG - legs don't work otherwise image Two miles plus strides before the sesh then two miles after for warm down, then stretching - I'm a pro!

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    Nice workout Bus.

    This cold doesn't help at all, it's worse on the bike, it makes everything slower. The air is dense and horrid and you have to wear stupid amounts of clothing. I can't wait for a nice warm day now.

    Foot is ok, it's just gently whispering to me. I am planning a few miles tonight to see how it goes.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I need my full 3miles, then strides (1/2mile) Bus. But find half a mile is plenty after... but each to their own!

    Take it easy Reg. Cycling in this weather must be an even bigger lotto in running into ice patches than running!

    Having said that, 6 & 4 today were perfect roads.

    Team lunch after the 4miler too. Hugest jacket potato i've ever seen. Literally about 4 times bigger than usual outlets. Hours on and i'm still exhausted from smashing through it

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Half would be plenty after for me SG - unfortunately the track stays the same distance from work though image

    Garmin has been kind - 18:48. Sounds a lot better somehow image

    I was out just after 6am to see if last night's damp had turned the roads to ice and make biking too risky, but it wasn't too bad - somehow the roads had dried.

    Cheers Reg - be careful!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I used to do the same in the old days. 2 miles up through the woods to the old track, and then back after.

    In hindsight, ridiculous, too much effort in the warm up, and that trawl home felt like forever too.
    Worst ever was a severe case of the stomach upset. Took the pitch black woods, so I had an easy "release". But dangerous as anything!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    I always run 2 miles to and from the track. It's one of the reasons I rule.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nah, the way to do it is to drive 5miles to one, then enjoy a glorious 40min drive to work after,

    That's how it's done.

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    Got a free entry to the Reading Half marathon (£38 for UKA affiliated runners, WTF!) yesterday via uk.runningheroes.com. 30 places at 18:00 on the dot, I repeatedly pressed refresh and got in, a few seconds later it was sold out. Places for Reading normally sell out very early in the New Year, not surprised there are still places at £42 a pop and they are now giving them away.

    Probably need to sort out some specific training for the next 51 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 16 seconds.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice one Phil. If you're fit and well, you can't knock a freebie at probably the 2nd or 3rd biggest half in the UK!


    Went and did the 12x400 at 3k pace off 60secs today. Still pretty cold, but not quite as cold as the worst days of the last 2 weeks.

    Aimed for 1.15 average, and pretty much averaged there.

    1.13 x1 (too tasty start)
    4 x1.14

    Usual feelings during of, "can i last this session", but then you remember 400s are hangonable, and also that this is just over 5min miling pace, so has every right to feel a breath fest!

    On for a good mileage this week. Presuming 4 at lunch and 13 Sunday, that'd be 66.5,mile week, which is around the peak i used to hit on the bigger weeks, after a lot of "60 ish" weeks.

    That MRI result leaves me with mixed feelings. In some ways, never getting the result means i can continue to do what i do without worries, so it could add more doubt, but if it did come through as a "yeah you're fine we've decided", that would re-asurre

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Another sexy session there SG image

    Nice one on the free place Phil!  That is a pricey HM entry!

    I actually went to the gym yesterday.  First time in about 2 months.  I take my Dad to the gym but he was unwell in the lead up to Xmas and only just been feeling like going back.  It's the only opportunity I get.  I was entertaining ideas of taking it easy on the weights but thought fuck it and just did what I was doing 2 months ago.  My inner thighs are tight today...

    That and a 4 mile recovery run with 5x 1 mins (at sub 10k pace) thrown in yesterday.

    All good.  Weather looks okay out there today - 6 miler + strides planned for lunchtime.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Nicely done Mr Jones!

    Cracking session SG (not sure I'd go so far as to call it sexy image) . If you can do 12 x 400m at 5minute mile pace, in cold weather, then I can't believe there can much wrong with the heart. The medics are always going to leave some room for caution in anything they say to cover themselves.

    6.5M this morning for me. I felt really lethargic, with no energy so fed myself up with a full English in the pub afterwards! Just got to get home tonight, then a day off tomorrow before LSRing in the pouring rain on Sunday....


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    Day off for me today, wet parkrun and then XC at Hillingdon on Sunday. Ric, any chance of you coming along as a guest?

    Sounds to be a fun course:

    The course will be slightly different from last year, it will still be three laps, with the first lap is the longest, the second will go over the old ski slope by a different route and also come through the woods by another path, and the third lap will also be changed. The second and third go through the River Pinn.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    6 miles @ 7:10s at lunchtime - pretty hilly.  Followed by 4x20s strides.  The strides seem to have actually loosened off the stiffness from the weights quite a bit.  First 20 miler of the campaign coming up. image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the offer Phil but no thanks.

    Should mention that 1. I've stopped doing XC.  2. The river Pinn runs right by my house, but by Hillingdon it's a small river and I'm not running through that! 3. In 1978 I ran up that ski slope during a school trip to impress a girl, while wearing the ski boots and carrying the skis. Must have worked image.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Through a river?! Like Tadley but more hardcore?!


    ps just seen this flag warning from RW

    Don't post too much genius from Mon to the end of the week, or it'll be lost...

    let's hope they don't lose the thread entirely!

    Hi all forum users - as we prepare to migrate all users, threads and posts on to the new RW site, the forum will be offline from 01:00am on Monday 30th January 2017 until relaunch later that week.

    Although you may well be able to post, anything posted during that down time will not be migrated to the new platform.   Thanks for your patience during the move.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Interesting run home tonight! Attacked by a dog in a dark, dark wood - left a 9" bleeding scratch down my leg. The owner was a complete arse! When I pointed out what had happened, he was dismissive, arrogant and patronising in equal measure, refusing to apologise. When I pointed out that its an offence for a dog to be out of control in a public place, he said "I know the law". Yes, but don't act on it! After the 3rd time his dog went for me before he managed to put a lead on it, I shouted at him to control the bloody thing - he told me not to be "Mr Angry about it". I relied I had every right to be angry given my Friday night could now consist of waiting in A&E for a tetanus jab. His reply - "you don't need a tetanus, it's anaerobic - I'm a Doctor" (dontcha know!!) Wanker more like! When I asked him "Dr Who" (!) so I could report him to the police, as it was bleeding and constitued actual bodily harm, he refused and walked off saying it was only a scratch blah, blah , blah. I called him Mr - and, unbelievably, he corrected me with "Doctor"!!!!

    I told him I'd report him anyway and quoted a pretty good description of him and his dog to him as he walked away. He said "really? You won't do that" in such a condescending and patronising way, that I have! PC arrives tomorrow for a full statement! 

    OK, the dog may have been startled by my presence in the wood after dark, but I was running up a  hill, and he would have seen my head torch several minutes before. If , at any point, he had said, "sorry, I'll make sure he's on a lead when is see a runner next time" I'd have let it go, but he didn't.....

    Still, it livened up a dull run home and the extra adrenaline helped for the last 3 miles!

    It only occurred to me afterwards that at each end of the wood there are tow signs, one saying "Conservation are - all dogs must be on a lead" and another one actually saying "due to the increasing number of dog attacks, all dogs must be on a lead".....

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    You should've twatted the fucker Phil style and then give the dog a volley.image makes my blood boil does that! I had a run in on the canal the other day too. I'm running towards a woman with three dogs off they're leads. She beckons one over and it stands by her but the other two went for me. I stopped and shouted my usual line of 'keep the fucker under control or ill boot the fucking thing in the canal.'

    Can't be fairer than that. I think there's about 6 dogs on their last warning on my route image also means I don't have to nod or say hi to any of the owners as they're now my enemies.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Get that twat and his rabid mutt reported Bus. The owner and many might get all blasé about some stocky geezer getting "scratched" but what if It was a kid? Gets less casual then doesn't it.

    Get the fear of that mutt being obliterated into that idiot's head, and that might be enough to get him playing nicely.

    I tend to get very defensive around dogs, ease the pace down significantly, even to a walk, as I fear either treading on them by accident, or them biting/tripping me.

    Those owners who apologise, fair play, those ones who don't even acknowledge you are a nuisance.
    Their punishment should be one of us, zooming past them at millimetres margin, and just jumping across their path and threatening to pin them to stuff.

    THEN, they might get a little idea what it's like

    "Oh i'm just playing"

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    Dogs, don't get me started! Luckily I don't wear the same bacon scent that Bus does so bites are rare but regularly get bounced by dogs. Had one on Thursday: narrow path and a couple walk towards me side by side and eventually make space for me to pass by and as they make space, so their dog posp out and runs at me. I have to jump over it and shout "Stupid dog". "What did you say?" was the indignant reply from her, "Stupid dog" I said and she then started mouthing off so got the full bitch back.

    As Bus says, an apology settles most things quickly. The worst are those who apologize and then do nothing. I often do an out and back ...

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    Jesus, not again!

    There must be something about you Bus.

    I find I can't be bothered to argue/reason too much and move fairly quickly to four letter words and threats of violence.

    I am fairly confident that guy would have got pushed over at the very least so kudos to you for showing more restraint.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Reg, I'm the same, once the mist has come down then there's no going back. image

    They must know that their dogs don't like people running past so I always give them plenty of notice by shouting 'excuse me' well in advance if passing them from behind. It pisses me off when they act all surprised.

    Some very good running been going on by the way! Haha
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Cheers Chaps. Must admit, to my shame, my usual response is to scream and shout at them, and the red mist often takes over so tonight's calmness was a relatively new experience. I think I've softened of late - mainly 'cos I know I'll bump into them again probably! Also, bear in mind this was in the middle of a wood in the dark, and I had no idea how big the bloke was at first!

    I think the fairly regular interaction with the canine crew is partly my sausage flavoured after-shave and ham shaped thighs, but also down to the fact that nearly all my runs take place in fields or woods adjacent to housing estates, which are the natural hunting ground of dog walkers!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Sounds scary Bus and you did bloody well to keep your cool as much as you did. Hope it all turns out ok. Dog owners are a mare in public places.

    Got knocked flying off my road bike by a loose dog in Windsor Great Park last year. Proper tarmac road regularly used by cyclists and estate traffic yet the owner reckoned I had no right to cycle there and was going at excessive speed (yeah about 16 mph!). No interest in how I was lying flat on my back with all cuts and bruises and a ruined cycling jacket and knackered bike. Little interest even in her pooch after it went under my bike; only wanted to rant.

    Though most dog owners are friendly and considerate a minority are absolute pricks.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I'm lucky generally with dogs. They give off certain signs and so do I. If everyone's behaving themselves then no problems.

    Generally, if a dog decides I'm a target, I'm going straight at it. That mutt will know it's place.

    As for owners. Their attitude is as much about the embarrassment of having an animal which is beyond their control. 





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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    So I wasn't "behaving myself" then Ric

    Or perhaps I need faster reactions (like yours must be) to be able to make a split second decision as to the intentions of a dog running at me in total darkness and get in with the killer blow!
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus.  I said everyone.

    In this case the dog wasn't behaving itself or it's owner, so everyone doesn't necessarily include yourself.

     Anyway, I apologise for not sympathising with you first before the other post. 

    However, In between wondering how I could possibly get away with; in similar circumstances, of how to dispatch the good doctor. The thought was, doesn't everyone carry smart phones with cameras? handy for evidence of identity.

    Not always to hand I guess.

    Us runners aren't the only ones who have problems with dogs. There's a guy called Johnathan Lethbridge who writes a blog called Wanstead Birder - brilliant stuff.

    This gem of a picture came from a post called More About Dogs.

    I understand the lady owner of the errant hounds objected to being photoed - while giving Jono a facefull of abuse.


     What a beauty!






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    XC today was a DNF. Good start, best of the season so far, and I was up in the last few races and running comfortably but suddenly I had a sharp pain in the right groin which didn't seem to want to go so I decided not to risk it further and walked back. The pain is still there so it was the right decision, will have to see how the week pans out.

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