
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Had a read back in case I missed anyone.

    Pete - good on the reps. I've attempted some longer stuff myself but the feeling of going from a feeling of ease up to 45 seconds and tying up with exploded lungs 90 seconds later, gets on my nerves.

    Anyway, good work on the track race Simon. 65 seconds might be my fastest ever 400m. As for a typical Dean track session - I see many pb's for me in that collection. However, I came to terms with my lack of speed about 30 years ago when I eyeballed a 400m and was puzzled to see 80 seconds! must be a mistake. Didn't Coe do 800m in 1:41?
     I then tried a 200m , then 100m. Then realised no matter how short the distance was, I couldn't actually move at my sprint speed as fast as Coe did over 800m/1500m, period. Ouch!

    SG, the mile race first I'd say would be a benefit. Opens the system up.

    Dachs - twinges. Hope it was like the one I had. Just something un-sticking itself.

    Just back from a jog.  Always a bit uncertain how things will turn out, but no side effects. Well, apart from getting rather used to not running at all. 


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    Cheers Dean - that session seems to show that its coming back again, 200's really sharp - I really have to bust a gut to get to 29's. Just trying to keep the form up will be the issue - knowing me that will probably be the best one of the season (hope not). Ric - Yes the WR for 800 is insane. I was far enough back in a BAL 800 when they went through 600 in 80 secs and ended up nowhere near the record. Ridiculous speed.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    simon - biggest issue to getting near the podium is regards championship racing.  Semi finals are a day before the final.  the final might be a slow first 800 & a final 400 in 57secs and to get a 4.08    its the change in paces thats the hard thing.  of course you can negate that by running your own race at your pace but that might mean you taking the race on.

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     Yes - Been thinking about it, I'm better just trying to keep the pace steady, even if it means from the front - I'm not as good as you with the fast/slow/fast/slow stuff - not got the raw pace! I'd be determined to keep the pace up even if it meant taking it on, even in the final (fingers crossed etc etc).

    Perhaps I ought to pay Steph to come out as a pacemaker :D

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Are you both doing the 1500m, is there going to be a thread head to head?

    I went to the track at lunch, blimey it was muggy, not a breath of wind to speak of and I've rarely felt so sluggish. Aim was just to do a bit of tempo so I did 3 x 1 mile with 400m jog recovery. Thought 90 seconds would be fast enough without being too risky injury wise. To be honest I felt that was a bit too much like hard work. They came out around 6:05-6:13 not hard effort but not fun either.

    Still that's my first bit of track work of the year so I was probably sensible to keep it low volume and nothing too fast.

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    At the 10,000 PBs night, Seb Coe listed his hardest session. Apparently, he had 800m marks on a road and did 6 of them back to back in 1:52 off 90 seconds rest. 

    It only takes him 18:42 for the 6 efforts and 5 rests and he has done 4,800m. 
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    reg - nice track tempo and no thread championship head to head as Simon is a year older than me so is a spring chicken in the v45s whereas im a ragged piece of mutton in the v40s for my final year.   ;)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Trying to compute that session versus a normal runner's times (ie me!)

    If we presume that session was done near the peak of his powers, and round up his best 800 to 1.42, it's 10secs slower per rep.

    I've no idea what i'd put in, but can do some 1.10 400 reps when needed, so perhaps 2.20 at best?

    So 6x2.30?

    Would probably need a 3min recovery for that!

    Down slightly from Coe, to Dean-mon, typical pair of good turnout's there too from the tasty boys. Simon, you must come close to racking up almost Phil circa 3-4 years ago race totals!
    I'm surprised I've found a few races you haven't been at recently!

    Prelim results out for Tuesday's 5k. Looks like my perception of being "close" to the guy in 2nd, but 4th being a fair distance behind was a little off.

    10seconds off 2nd, 15seconds ahead of 4th!

    Though I suppose those are a fair metre difference.

    Just glad to not have bottled another chance of a late race overtake, as 10secs is definitely too much to make up up a hill :)

    Weasled me up 1second to 17.20 too.

    So Dachs, that's 1 second improvement in 7 years :-)

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Solid 5k SG. You've managed some very good sessions lately SG and I think even though you're targeting some shorter races, if you were to throw in some tempos and hill work you'll be knocking PBS out. 

    SC, nice 1500 after the London 10k. How come you were so far back in the pack at the start? I've been doing some track sessions recently and I think with neglecting it for the best part of 2 years means I can't ever imagine doing a 800/1500. I'd be an embarrassment. Ha

    Good to see you back on track Reg, literally. Well done on the tri.

    a while ago but I missed Dachs highgate 10km. I think the sub 32 is there for the taking. Leeds Abbey Dash again? There'll be plenty of company there for you. I've a 5000 on the track next week and I'm dreading it so I can't Imagine how tough a 10000 is.

    I've managed to put some decent weeks in recently and doing 3 quality sessions a week plus a long run. Usually a hill session on a Tuesday, track on Thursday then a parkrun plus a bit extra at the weekend. Really struggling on the track at the minute where I seem to have zero leg speed. I've pretty much failed to hit any target paces in any sessions that I've been set. A couple of sessions were hard work in the wind and I didn't manage to finish Thursdays session although I was told to do a minimun of 2 sets but try a 3rd.

    The session was 3 X 600(90) 300(60) 1200(2 mins) 300(60) 600 
    Recovery between sets was 3 mins but I bailed on the 3rd 1200. 
    The 600s started around 1.47 and ended up at 1.52
    the 300s were 51/52s and the 1200s were 3.46/3.47 which weren't pretty. 
    Managed another 600 and 300 but the first lap of the 1200 was 77secs and my legs were bouncing all over lane one like bambi and my lungs were in my throat. 

    Also had a fell relay a couple of weeks back which was a pairs relay. Unusually for us we got the baton on leg 2 and was down in 6th place which meant we had some bodies to chase. We probably went off a bit too hard and although we overtook 4 teams to bring us home in 2nd we were only the 3rd fastest pair on our leg even though our time would've been either the fastest or certainly in and amongst the quickest in recent years. 
    I'm racing the northern 5000m next Sat and one of the lads who I was hoping to be in and around took 3 mins out of us at the relay. My main aim is to not get lapped! 
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Not surprised you bailed out on that session when you did Matt! Sounds horrible! Still, looks like you've got a good block of training in.

    Complicated week next week, and want to get a run in on Monday, so did my LSR today. IT was a right drag - too hot, too tired, too slow and my adductor thing was sore the whole way round. Seriously need to go and get it sorted. I was reading some posts on FB by a top fell runner called Ricky Lighfoot. He has just had an op to fix a tear fixed that had previously been diagnosed as Gilmore's groin. How he described it sounded very similar.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Too notch training Dean and Matt; not many, even on here,would attempt such arduous sessions as those so take the credit as due.

    Sounds like those niggles have been troubling you for a while Bus so worth getting checked out at least. 

    parkrun for me today and continued recent marginal improvements with 18'22 at Woking so all of 1 second quicker than Fulham 2 weeks ago. Does make me think Fulham isn't the nirvana of fast times we talk of it on here. Great conditions today and a high quality field so only got 8th and beaten by a guy pushing a kid in a buggy who still did about 18'00!
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Nice parkrunning Pete. There's one or two who push a buggy at my local parkrun but I can't imagine the baby/child enjoys it as half the course is gravel paths with a lumpy stretch on grass too. 

    Bus, I know of one bloke who runs who had gilmores groin and he had an op to sort it. Think he had a long spell on the bench when he had it. 

    I did today's session at the parkrun which I find makes it so much easier. 1 mile at 5.15 then a mile float. 2 mile at 5.30s then another mile float with a mile hard to finish. The hard mile came out at 5.18 which I'm putting down to running on a tree lined stretch that always throws my GPS out. 
    The lad in second was about 30 seconds back but had a Blackburn shirt so I nearly stopped during the 2 mile effort to take the win but let him have it. :-) 
    He's had it hard enough this year. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, you've been nagged down by that area for years now, definitely time to 100% get it sorted, even if it needed some sort of minor op/few weeks off.

    Pete, not sure who the Fulham hype first came from in fairness, was it not you? ;) You're going well either way.

    What sort of nutjob pushes a buggy at that pace? I can imagine your trundler turning out in 30mins or so with buggy, but to be vaguely competitive with kid is a little weird.

    Plenty of fast stuff there Matt. I can't imagine you embarrassing yourself at any distance! But maybe would need some Dean-esque style top up sessions to get yourself doing what you can do for the very short stuff.

    Classic summer lazy Saturday for me. Up late, 7min miled a 6miler out, and more lounging.

    While I've clearly had a full recovery all in, getting back to racing locally etc, I can't 100% say the breathing has ever felt "Like it did". After a day off it always feels a little more sluggish too.

    However, hard to remember exactly how things ever felt really isn't it? Nostalgia likes to tell us everything was easier In the past!

    I was a  bit shocked on my fb to see that an ex club mate, who had some major heart op about 2-3months ago, collapsed racing the Bupa 10k on Monday.

    Firstly, that he was racing so soon after, but also that he had a "proper" collapse (mid race wiped out versus my go slow dribble to the finish line job), and was exceptionally lucky he'd wiped out in a massive race, where 2 off duty heart docs were just behind him! Not one to think about if he'd had a similar collapse at some Cock n Biscuits 10k somewhere with a tiny field and poor medical cover.

    Hope he's ok for the foresseable.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    You're right SG; Fulham has had more hype from me than any but I'm not sure about it now as it has grown to be congested and seems to attract the wind like Dorney does. 

    Scary stuff about your old clubmate; have to try and put that to the back of the mind but wonder if he had been told racing was ok yet. Lucky inany respects as you say and hope he recovers well and takes it easy for a while. 

    The buggy guy was very determined SG. Neck and neck with me for 2 miles and each corner I gained a bit only for him to storm by with a determined look on the straights. Wonder what his toddler made of it all!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Don't know too many details, and there's a lot of ways of looking at it, but he's  perhaps only mid 40s, with kids, so will definitely have to think things over very carefully.

    I can picture the absolute nutter now :)

    There used to be a well known double act, Mick n Phil. Mick would buggy Phil at an event every week, always half marathon distance at least.

    But he was doing say 1.45-2hours, so a lot more reasonable. Hope he's still well actually. Don't see much word on him these days

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭
    I saw Mick and Phil at London this year SG. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Running it? For years they fought against London as they weren't allowed in!

    Couldn't find any sign of Mick (Currie) on PO10, and their website doesn't seem to have been updated for ages, but it's good he's still turning out then!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    dropped him a note through his account on here, not sure if he'd get it, as not posted for over a year or so.

    But pleased to hear straight back, still turning out, but a bit less. over 400 half marathons now, plus loads of fulls!

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    Certainly looks like the top end speed has come back quickly Dean

    Not the time you wanted on Monday Simon but still a strong run and the 1st km must have been frustrating, certainly put that behind you with the 1500m

    Love the report SG! Strange how over 3 non consecutive runs at Burnham you've been around the same time each year

    Top 1500m Simon and flying over those sessions Matt

    Not sure if you've seen it yet but replied to your question about Gosport on Scott E's thread SG!

    Not much here since last posted, after the cramp last weekend it seems to have cleared and loosened up. Was meant to run yesterday but after a wedding Friday and being on my feet all evening it felt a little dodgy again so delayed till this morning. Felt good though  :)

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Nice one Scott, on the comeback run and the double header advice - definitely one to weigh up.

    13 today, sub 7 comfortably enough.

     After 4 races in a month, the usual schedule has of course been a little disrupted, so I can't pretend motivation was sky high. Was one of those "i'll go out for at least 10miles" jobs that I knew would be 13 really.

    Last mile felt a little tight on both Achilles. Unusual for me.

    Hopefully little more than 4 races in a month, and overseeing a move from 2 pairs of Wave Riders with 770ish miles on them to brand new pairs.

    I've got a whole stack of potential races mapped out for the next couple of months. All the Battersea Park stuff, all the summer series 5ks, a few relays and a couple of miles.
    I won't do even half the amount, in fact i'm 100% committed to just ONE event, but it's good to have options - the beauty of flexibility these days.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    good parkrunning Pete and Matt and looks like i missed SG race the other week so congrats.

    last tuesdays session was a crash.  4*800m off 400 jog rec.  Target was 2.15s and i hit 2.23, 2.24, 2.26,2.21.   miles off and a confidence crasher.  back to drawing board.  thursdays session was good as i posted somewehere above ...so i decided to re-do tuesdays session on saturday.  running solo i hit the 4*800 in 2.15,2.16,2.16,2.15.   significantly better.  hopefully can put tuesday behind me and get a few good weeks in now.   

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Dean, sounds like something must have been lurking in your system, and has now cleared out.  An average of 2:24 for 800 reps is truly a disgrace, you might as well have been walking them.  2:15s is a little bit better.
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    Had a quick read back, Good PR Pete - solid training ML84, funny report as ever! SP, good to hear feeling OK.

    Dean - Glad the confidence is back, great starting point..

    So interesting day on Saturday. As all the trains were booked up with fans going to the CL final I had to get down to Tooting Bec for 8am to get the team bus to Yate for the BAL. Bus driver had already kicked off about the pole vault poles, so alarm bells were ringing! Anyway, services on the M4 were a laugh - Reading West had turned into Little Italy, the amount of people smoking was the most apparent thing.

    Race was 4.40, annoyingly late. Anyway, thought I'd just start on 75/76's and see what happens- either go well and hit the 15.40's or go the other way. Felt 'OK' and didn't really change my position much during the race - not much to tell really. Was trying to get the lad I know from Bmth AC but just faded a bit. It was quite windy so that didn't help and came in with 15.55 - I'd give it 7.5/10 after the 4/10 in London and 9/10 in Watford. Not too bad, definitely need some more mileage in my legs.

    The nutter coach driver nearly left half of the team in services on the way home too. Idiot. So tonight I'm in Hillingdon for the Southern Vets (800 & 3000) then Cambridge for Eastern Vets on Weds (1500 & relay). Weather looks shocking so will definitely just be for points.

    Just to put my time into more perspective, Chris Greenwood is only 3 months younger than me and did 15.02 in my race! Was congratulating him on twitter and he tells me Howard Bristow ran 14.37 this weekend. Might as well give up :o

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Never mind Simon, at least these people are miles away. This morning I discovered I've gone from being the only runner in my cul-de-sac, to the slowest runner in my cul-de-sac.
    Seems a former sub 16 minute 5000m runner has just moved in.

    At certain points in time I think I might just have had the edge on him in races. However, I specialise in road races, whereas he; as a traditional Harrier mainly does XC in winter and track in summer. This means we rarely meet except in the road relays. And now that Harrow AC has been ditched, those events neither.

    Anyway, it's not as if I could consider him a rival. To paraphrase Phil M. Jones, we are not rivals, I've never beaten him, he canes my arse.


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    Fair description there Ric. I just wish I was a bit closer to them!

    So to Hillingdon for the Southern Vets. Weather was awful, got there and had about 30 mins to get ready or the 800, not prepared well enough really. Went for a 10/11 miler on Sunday so the legs were a bit rusty, managed to get 3rd in 2.12. Wanted to stop after a lap tbh. Few laps around the local park and then the 3000m. As for many of the vets 3k's unless i'm going for near 9 mins I try to keep to 75's and end up with 9.20 ish. That way you can either win or stay in touch with any faster runners.

    So started off, a few faster guys head off but by lap 3 I'm in the lead with an African guy behind me, with instructions being shouted to him by his coach. I try to keep the pace up, but he storms past with 600 to go. So oh well...then approaching the bell he goes into lane 4 and stops! So I storm past and end up with 9.25 for the win. Bizarre. The African guy ends up 3rd after getting going again.

    Another interesting journey home. Met line was closed for a bit so had to get to Harrow on the hill and do an 8 min mile to get the train at Harrow and Wealdstone. The run home the other end. V tired.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Eventful evening Simon and another win and impressive time banked, especially in the conditions.

    Back to your usual standards then Dean after that "crash" session of "only" about 4'50 mile pace! 

    Was deliberating all day yesterday about whether to do the first of the Battersea 5k's and, as the rain hadn't arrived by about 5pm, felt I should though deciding to drive to make it easy to change my mind if conditions worsened. Wrong decision. 

    Got there ok and still no rain but it started in earnest as we got going. Usual looking field with mostly young guys from Serps, Clapham Chasers etc. Not quite as many there as usual and seemed light on older guys (most have more sense than me!).  Anyway off we go bang on 7 pm and its quickly apparent the standard is hot and it feels like I'm about half way down the field. Get through the first k ok in under 3'30 but then some git barges me overtaking on a bend and I stumble, nearly fall and in the melee manage to inadvertently pause my Garmin, which meant I didn't know times for the rest of the race. In addition started feeling my lower hamstring and that got progressively worse. Ended up with 18'26 which was pretty disappointing and slower than a couple of recent parkruns. Good enough for 1st v50 and won the princely prizes of a satsuma, a gel and a cereal bar :)

    Race was won in a few seconds over 15 with another guy only a couple of seconds back and another 5 all under 16'30. Bit of a difference from parkun standards! 

    Hamstring worse afterwards, even at warm-down pace, so binned that and not good this morning. Physio booked now, but hope its nothing serious. 

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Vets League for me at Bracknell last night.  Events up were the 5000 and the thrilling Medley Relay.

    Did quite fancy having a stab at a time in the 5000, but a fairly mediocre parkrun on Saturday (a bog-standard 16:20) indicated that maybe I wasn’t quite in the shape I wanted to be in.

    As soon as I turned up, it became clear that the 5000 was ridiculously stacked.  Bearing in mind this is just a low-key over 35s meeting, the race contained: James Bolton (sub 70 HM ahead of me at Wokingham this year), Paul Fernandez (2:30 at VLM this year), Julian Richardson (recent sub 16s to his name), Aaron Burgess (71 HM and 32:xx 10K), Tegid Jones (best road time a 74 HM, but a beast on XC), my clubmates Lance (33:xx 10K and trying to get under 16 tonight) and second claimer from Simon’s club Ben (excellent times in the past, and now back in 16-ish shape), and last, but very definitely not least, Steven Naylor (top 10 finishes at the Inter Counties and Southern XCs in 2016 and with a senior England vest to his name).  Naylor is a non-scorer tonight though, so I don’t need to worry about him as far as points are concerned.

    As we line up, the rain and wind seem to peak, which is all very welcome as I’m sure you can imagine.  From the gun I go out hard for the first 100m just to ensure I don’t get swamped in the pack, and then try to settle.  Hold the lead for the first lap (75), then try to let Naylor take the lead for the second lap, but he seems reluctant and it’s a 76.  With my lack of closing speed, I can’t risk it being a slow race with a sprint for the line, so I take it on again.  Keep hitting consistent 75s, and gradually the number of footsteps behind me reduce until I’m pretty sure there’s only two or three of us still there.  I know the main man is still there, and he doesn’t seem to be breathing hard at all, so pretty sure he’s cruising, but that’s not a worry, I just have to lose the rest of them.  It’s all 75s and 76s now, and it feels tough into the wind on the home straight each time, but there’s only two of us now and the gap seems like it’s growing.  A really fast time is now off the cards, but looks like it’ll be comfortably sub 16, which will do for now.  As I take the bell, Naylor makes his move and cruises past.  Resolve to hang onto him, as he hasn’t moved decisively away, and stick just behind him as the pace increases for the last lap.  I’m still there in the home straight, and am just about able to pull onto his shoulder, but I can tell he’s doing the minimum possible to win it and that he’s got another gear, so can’t overhaul him.  Finish in around 15:43 (no official time yet) for second, but still score maximum points, so a decent bit of work.

    About 20 minutes of wandering around and it’s time for the medley relay.  This bit of bizarreness consists of legs of 200, 200, 400, 800.  I’ve got the honour of the 800 leg, which is half of the race.  We are shit at relays, so hoping I can just cruise an easy 800 way off the pace.

    The second leg runners come in to hand over to the 400 runners and the whole thing descends into farce.  The leader slips and falls on his arse, fortunately within the changeover zone.  There’s a scramble to get the baton.  As that team clear the area, unbelievably, another finishing runner takes a tumble to the floor, completely unrelated to the first incident, and the same thing happens again.  This confusion spreads the field out, and as the 400 runners finish, we are unexpectedly in joint second with Abingdon, well behind Oxford in the lead.  The Abingdon guy shoots off into the distance, and I just grind it out, conscious that the other teams must be hot on my tail.  Into the second lap and I’m hurting, but have to do it for the team.  Manage to keep it together and just about hold it for 3rd over the line, and then turn around to see the next runner finish, and realise that he’s about 150 metres behind me.  I had absolutely no need whatsoever to run that hard.  Feel like a right bell-end.  Team upgraded to second in the end, as both of the fallers were DQ’ed because it was the outgoing runners who picked the baton up off the ground.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dean - wow what a turnaround over 2 goes at that session!
    And Simon, another good turnout and epic journey!You don't half turn out!

    Pete, sounds like it didn't pan out as bad weather wise as I thought. This way wasn't pretty at all. Didn't fancy it in the end. Sorry to hear your race was a little tampered with by some goon, still not too far off recent efforts though, albeit at a race you'd fancy faster. 
    Hopefully the hammy recovers and i'll see you at one of them!

    As for today, cripes! It's added a real cautionary element to any ideas of travelling miles for races!

    I had aimed to do 5x1km with some shorter bits after, but even on the warm up ii thought this is going to be a struggle, having barely been able to move through some particularly windy sections at jog pace!

    Thought, i'll crack on regardless, and if i'm not going to hit as a minimum 3.20 pace for the first km, i'll change distances on reps to spice it up.

    Was off for rep 1, so went for a rare 1200 instead, another 1200, an 800, 2x600, 2x400 and 2x200

    Parts of the track were like trudging through the stickiest treacle ever, probably the worst conditions for a session I can remember. Maybe second only to the time I attempted to do a 6m MP run in even heavier rain, wearing a hoodie (!)


    4.12 (1200)
    4.18 (1200)
    2.46 (800)
    2.02 (600)
    2.02 (600)
    1.18 (400)
    1.16 (400)
    36 (200)
    36 (200)

    So you can see how they were all a chunk down on the usual, but still got a decent 5.6km in.
    Turning up at a race i'd designated as a "fast" one, and seeing conditions like today would be a real blow! But i suppose sucking today up means if that happens i'm prepared!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice double Simon, reminds me of a Ghanaian boy who joined my school when we were about 15 and he could run the 100 in 11.0, we tried to get him to play rugby but you had to put the ball in his hands and then he'd tear about in random directions. So much wasted speed.

    Dach's good result on the 5,000 but I think the relay deserved top billing in the report.

    Be careful with that hammy Pete, you've got a parkrun to do on Saturday.

    I've had a few days off with some weird foot pain, I think I made it worse at junior parkrun, my eldest made her debut, she's 4. It was fun but 208th is a disgrace so the training plan starts here.
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