
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Inspired by that i did...about 2mins of weights... Then got bored and it hadn't made me into arnie...so i stopped. 
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    parkrun report from today at Bushy park; scene of my teen daughter's attempt to go sub 21 (Cani assisted ;)).

    Was just horrendously busy all round! We got there about 8.40am, but the main car park was already rammed and the overflow one full too; just had to follow others' lead and take the only unofficial space left at the edge of the carpark and rush to the start line whilst rapidly getting the mutt ready and daughter's harness on. Got to the start dead on 9am, but instead of the usual pre-amble starting then the actual run did and we were a fair way off the start line. 

    First k a bit of a nightmare with such a massive field (there were 1815 runners :o) and could never really get going so was a 4'23. Sped up a lot for k's 2 and 3 and we covered those in under 8 mins but the dog visibly tiring by now. He just seemed to be slowing rapidly after that, so just after the 4k marker we made the decision to untie him from the Cani harness, leave me to take him on the lead and let my daughter run on alone. Felt a bit sorry for all concerned at this point, especially the runners around us as we sorted the situation out. Amazingly my daughter didn't lose much pace with all that and running the last 800m alone, still finished just outside her target in 21'02 (still a pb, albeit (mostly) Cani assisted again!). The GSD found a bit of enthusiasm again after too and he and I  were only just over 10 seconds behind at the line. Daughter was really pleased in the end to be 5th female out of over 700 and top of her age cat :)

    My older daughter, whose GSD the younger one was running with, had the right idea just jogging round in about 30 mins, but then had to wait almost the same length of time to scan her barcode!

    Very eventful and stressy morning out all in and don't think we'll be going back to Bushy anytime soon unless the numbers drop significantly!
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    TR, Muddy - I don't think enough runners give rest and recovery as much merit as it deserves. Instead they try to go for quick results, with too many tough sessions and 'recovery' runs that are too fast, see short-term improvement but then burn out and get injured. I've definitely been in that camp several times! It's a solid approach to do just enough each week to keep moving forward.

    Pete, great parkrunning there for both you and your daughters. 1800 runners?! That's insane, but I suppose it's to be expected so close to the new year?

    Another session for me today - supposed to be a progressive parkrun, but I'm a lazy sod and the nearest parkrun still isn't that close. So I did it solo this afternoon - first mile in ~6:40, second in ~6:20 and the last 1.1 in 6:20, so ~5.45/mi pace, for 19:21 total. The first two miles felt okay, but could definitely feel Thursday's session in the legs on the final pickup. Pretty happy with that given the fatigue in the legs!
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Strong solo session Matt.

    Well done PeteM junior :smile: Bushy seems to be becoming a  victim of its own success, and I can't imagine its even that quick during the winter?

    Toyed with the idea of a parkrun today, given how rested the legs are but in the end sleep won the battle! Just as well, as this lergy hasn't totally gone yet and my lunchtime run has left me far more tired than it should.  Still, it was a nice run and good to run off-road somewhere different than out the back of my house and it was a lot less muddy! Followed much of the Shardeloes 10k race route.

    A nerdy question - does anyone know what the "c" means on Po10 next to some race times?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    The only people I can see with a little "c" are the likes of Phil Wicks and Sam Amend, so I suspect it might stand for championship, which is why they only have a gun time given, and not chip
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Could be. I've got it against the GSR in 2012 (but you haven't??!)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Hmm, that's odd. Not so clear then.

    I only have the one time for that day too, so not like it simply means "chip".

    That was a 1quality time from you there, 58.44!

    I'm not been within around 45secs of that since that day! I "should" still have a sub 59 in me sometime though, if I keep doing some 10milers I hope :)

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    You were well over a minute faster than that!

    That GSR was probably my best race - it's also my 10k PB (36:03) which I count as "official" as they had proper timing mats at 5k,10k and 15k.  Makes me a little frustrated that I never managed to dip under 36 in an actual 10k!  The 10M total would've been a fair few seconds quicker too if it hadn't been for the gale in the last mile or so!!!    I can do that pace for nearly a whole mile now :D

    Plenty of time fo you to go well under 59 again - if I can do it at 45 you have years left :smile:
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    The last two miles was definitely a right old gale, probably very strong in one.

    I remember with two miles to go being on to beat my pb from the week before at CP but ended up 18seconds behind. That's quite a swing!

    Can't beat a nice flat road race when in good form!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Goid going Matt

    Nice to share it with yr daughters

    Stevie - only 18 sec lost, must have been light winds. Can be nearer 60sec/mile on a bad day.

    I did the P and D 17m inc 10 ~mp today, came in av 6.28 for the 10 which was pleasing on a windy day.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020

    At jog pace maybe, but we were at lifetime best pb form ferocity, so 18seconds was huge.  :D

    Probably mostly over one mile in fairness, but you turned a bend, and it was like wehhooooooooooooooooop.

    Sounds a tidy run.

    I'm sacking off the dead rubber xc tomorrow, to do my 2nd 15 of this spell.

    Just watched United draw with Wolves on tv, meaning another home United game this month...

    That makes 3 games I have to deal with my tickets for, and with 2 long work related trips up the country on top, I'm a leeetle nervous about how it'll all pan out.

    I'm sure anyone who has read the thread, or knows me, can imagine the absolute barnstorming operation I'm putting in behind the scenes of hassling all sorts of people / working out logistics :D

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I didnt even think it was too bad today but nearly lost my cap when i rounded that last corner on to the seafront at around the 8.5m point of GSR. Sometimes its hard to make fwd progress on there. Shame they dont run the Lordshill 10 anymore, its a quick rsce and much more sheltered.
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    TR, do you know why they don't run the Lordshill 10 anymore? I did it in 2015, and it was a tidy run! 
    Good work on the 10 at MP! Have you got your eye on any build up races?

    Good to see you getting back out there Bus, I hope the virus is behind you now!

    SG, I hope you're also seeing what races you can cram in too :D
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Matt - no, they still do their summer 10k. It was a good 10m, easy to get to, parking etc im entered into stubbington 10k, chichester 10k, worthing 1/2, fleet 1/2  and Salisbury 10m. Sounds a lot on paper, but wont taper much (if at all) for most of them, so the 10ks just become the weekly session. Id like to try for 80min at fleet though.
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    Solid effort TR.
    That’s a fierce 10M time Bus.
    Decent solo 5K MH. Quicker than I’m racing atm ;)
    Back at Barnstaple PR yesterday for the 3rd time. Wasn’t sure how the legs would behave as I’d had 2 days off since NYD double but also spent over 5 hrs in the car on one of those. Pleased to say the rest seemed to have won out over stiffness & I ran my fastest Parkrun since last February: 19:37 😀
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Good work Jools. Always tricky to know whether a couple of days rest make will make you more or less sluggish! I'm guessing that is not a flat course either?

    Part of my "new year's resolution" (though I hate the things!) is to try and run a few new routes, hence yesterday. So today, to make it easier I downloaded a navigation app to my watch that gives a breadcrumb trail of a route. It actually worked pretty well, and much quicker than using a map, though I did have to still consult the OS map on my phone a couple of times. Some very nice running around Coombe Hill, back of Chequers and Whiteleaf (if you like steep hills!), though the last few miles, although flat, were incredibly muddy and strength sapping!  14.4M done to partly retrieve a somewhat dismal week to 36 in total.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Good work gents.
    Bus that's a particularly mad long run to week mileage ratio...key one to fit in though.

    15 for me today.  At a sprightly 6.59 average, getting back to early 2018 output.

    Felt bouncy from the off and after a couple of miles was into the 7.0x terrain and last 6 or 7 sub 7.

    Midway pit stop didn't affect it either for a less than new route out to marlow and exact route back, a fairly flat one.

    Definitely getting there...
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Impressive training run distances Bus, TR and SG; some very good paces amongst them too.

    Good to see your parkrun time coming back down Jools; next target back into 18'xx territory?

    Quick report on Bracknell TVXC today. Strangely the last of this season's despite it being only 5 days into the New Year! Event is only 2.5 miles from my home so felt pretty obliged to run that as a w/u, though being nearly all uphill was prob a bit too long. Massive field again (theme of my weekend) and off on time. Big congestion straight away though as somehow the leaders took a wrong turn after only about 200 metres (no idea how but marshals maybe a bit asleep still ;)). Anyway they were shouted back only to turn into the face of a herd of runners behind. A couple of fallers ensued but soon on our way for this course's typical xc mixture of mud and steep hills. Its a 2 lapper and I had a decent 1st lap, but by about 5k in I was pretty cooked; the big hill at the start of the 2nd lap almost had me to a walk and spent the last few k trying to hang on as much as possible. Probably went from about 40th to 55th over the course of the 2nd lap and then lost 2 more places by trying to start out on a 3rd lap before being called back to go the right way to the finish! 2nd time I've done that this XC season and must look so knackered the marshals just think I'm a plodder back marker so are slow to call me back:). Ended up 57th and just over 42 mins for an (almost) 6 mile course so not too bad. Glad to have racing over for a few weeks now; need a rest! w/d to get home was very hard work and 8 min mile pace.

    Was good to see Reg at the start and judging from the pics it seems he went well, but no doubt we'll hear from him soon :) .  
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Sounds slightly chaotic Pete!  Solid turnout though and I can feel that w/d - that had to hurt!
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    Nice long runs SG/Bus. Jools good to see a swift PR there too and doing it the hardway MH with a solo time trial.

    As per Pete's report, TVXC for me today. I hadn't run since NYD Parkrun as my calf was a little tight after that but it felt ok this morning so thought I'd give it a shot. Got out the car at the race venue and it felt a bit tight again but did a few strides before the start and it seemed ok.

    Start was slightly downhill which suits me and I got off to a good start and found myself alongside HA77 near the front. Came to the first turning though and there was no marshall at all and no signage either, after a bit of dilly dallying I gambled on the wrong direction and was suddenly about 20 places back.

    Slowly made my way through the field before settling in 10th and that's pretty much how it stayed apart from losing a place in the last few hundred metres. My legs were pretty heavy by this point with the downhills seemingly taking their toll. Finished 11th compared to 24th a couple of weeks back. Pretty happy with that progress as It's not like I've done much running in the interim.

    Shame that's the end of it really but now a chance to build some mileage and try to get to a point where I can put a respectable time in at Wokingham.
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    Bodes very well Reg, shows there must be some good strength there. PeteM, decent race there, but these new year xc races can easily catch you out, very much a shock to the system. Good PR also Jools. Kind word TR - I just stay grounded by training with and racing really fast runners :) makes you realise we're really all small fish in a big pond.

    Beds/Bucks champs on Saturday at Shuttleworth nr Biggleswade. Its a four lapper, total 11k so a bit of a slog but the conditions underfoot were ok. Simple enough course. round a grassy field to start, up the left hand side which is half flat then goes gradually uphill to the woods, you continue to rise slightly uphill as you go around the front of the woods, then it's a couple of downhill and flat bits by a reservoir and back along to the start.

    Started off quite sensibly - with my mate from LBAC, Rob, who beat me at the Eastern masters. Felt OK at the end of lap 1 and started to pull away from him. First lap was dead on 10.00, then started to move through the field. Felt good and in control, 2nd lap in 19.00 something. The 3rd lap of a 4 lapper is the one to consolidate and finished that in 28.xx. Was now running with one of the lads from the MK Distance project who I was trying to get ahead of, but the pulled clear in the last 800m. Still happy coming to the finish in 38.58. Managed 3rd Beds overall and first V45 – Darren Deed from Bedford won the whole thing 36.03! and he’s a V40 now. Bucks were stronger so I was 11th overall in the mob match. LBAC missed out on the team prize to Bedford by one point but we won the Vets.

    Bit of a family affair as my kid Ollie did the U11’S (only 1500m though, too short for him really) and the missus ran the senior womens. Bit of  first for us.

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    Pete - sounds like carnage at Bushy, probably replicated across the country as I saw lots of attendance records were broken. The New Years resolutions won't last too long, and then it'll be business as usual! Sounds like a good hit out at Bracknell. 

    SG - spotted that 15 on strava, made me think you're proper back into it now.

    Sounds like a decent adventure Bus - if I want to run a random route I try and just stick it onto my garmin, but it never shows you a proper map.

    Reg - solid improvement there, despite the budget marshalling. Never good news when you find yourself side by side with HA - I found that out during London a couple of years ago.

    Simon - cracking result, very impressive, and nice to see it was a full family affair. Good to see.

    Not too much excitement this weekend. Victoria Dock parkrun, after a 15 mile warm up to the start line, so it was never going to be a fast one. Went out at a comfortable pace, but on an early out and back, spotted this tiny little girl absolutely flying. 'Gone out too fast' I thought.

    Didn't catch her until about 3km, as she was steadily making her way past runner after runner. I probably took too much enjoyment out of saying to all the other blokes 'come on guys, you can't get beaten by a girl who's still in primary school' as they were blowing out of their a*ses (it's funny until it's happening to you...)

    Eventually caught her and tried, in the least creepy way possible, to ask how old she was and what her PB was. Turns out she was 11 (!), and I said I'd help pace her along to see if we could get her PB. Unlike other kids I'd seen do parkrun, she wasn't fading in the slightest and sped up near the end if anything.

    Ended up running 20:13! Christ. Met her Dad at the end, who was very grateful, mainly because he admitted the days had long past since he could keep up with her!

    Had a nice 2km recovery swim on Sat PM and a 2hr 30 bike session on Sunday before a brisk 30 minute run off the bike. Starting to string some training together. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Joe yep that felt a serious one! Followed it with an8 today with a hill and an off-road down and still 7.06, so something has definitely gone up a gear recently.
    Mixture of time passing and those hard 200 n 300 sessions.

    Nice battling with 11 year olds 😂😂
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    Cheers Joe - see you on Saturday then I hear? (is that right?). Aged, some of these kids are ridiculous. There's a kid that Ollie trains with at Bedford who did 19.48 at Gt Denham parkrun, who is 9 or 10 - same school year as Ollie.

    Brat ;)

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    15M 'warm up' Joe:smiley:

    Nice XC ing guys. Reg - bodes very well for Wokingham I'd say "if you can get a decent block of training" but I'm not convinced to actually need to train :wink:  Simon - a shade under 39 mins for 11k xc sounds astonishing to me!
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    Not too much excitement this weekend. Victoria Dock parkrun, after a 15 mile warm up to the start line, so it was never going to be a fast one. 
    I had to reread this bit. Nice Paedo Parkrun though Joe. The pest the kids can't outrun!

    Quality run SC and your standard V45 prize.

    My legs are in ruins today after XC, I think it was the downhills and it's mainly quads hurting. This is the problem when your aerobic fitness is ahead of your running muscles. 
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    If it's any consolation Reg mine are exactly the same! Think that one had a lot more ups and downs than most people realise and some pretty steep ones too. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's certainly a challenging course, from the big hill about 5mins into a lap to the short steep one about 3/4 of the way in.

    But the bit that always got me was the long trudge to and round the little river and return to the second lap / finish. Quite a bit of fast running compared to a handy cross or reading but quite hard to get yourself willing to up the pace and effort again!
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    Glad it's not just me then. I've run Handy Cross at a quicker average pace than I did yesterday so it must be deceptively difficult and I did see a couple of people on their hands and knees coming through the finish who were in the top 100.

    I only ran it yesterday and I already have a more vague recollection of the course than SG!
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    I'm even worse on that one too Reg :) I live right near there and run around there reasonably often and still can't remember the course from yesterday properly. Even had a quick peek at yours and a couple of others' Strava to try and work it out but still not sure. Def took a few minor paths as that's where all my cuts from the gorse bushes came and the two laps weren't quite the same at the start of them! My av pace was about 4'27 per k so about 7'10 mm yesterday and again pretty sure HC not much diff than that. 
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