
Edinburgh Marathon 2011



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    cold beers mmmmmmmmmmmimage

    was knackered after getting dragged around Gullivers world all day by the kids and really didnt wanna go out running tonight but managed to drag myself out and felt ok, did 10.5 miles in 71:44.image

    dreading tomorrow, got a 2 mile time trial at the club, my legs feel too heavy for that quick stuffimage

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    Hi there,

    Im hoping to try to break 3hrs at the Edinburgh Marathon. Are there any pacers ? or is there any one looking to buddy up to try and do it as well?? 

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    Hi ACCIESBOY, i`ll be running 6:30 pace, hoping to break or get near to 2:50.Is this your first attempt at sub 3? whats your half marathon time?

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    Ooh that maybe a wee bit too fast for me. Im hoping to sneak under by secs to spare. PB on half is 1:26:27.

    Had an attempt at sub 3 in New York in Nov with a bad cold and cough. Succumbed to it and came in at 3:13. Hoping the illness and the tough course there were the reason for the failure.

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    ACCIESBOY your half marathon time points towards 3:10- 3:15, i`m assuming the half was a while ago and you`re a bit quicker now,i did my first sub 3  of 2:58:36 off the back of a 1:23 half mara.The sub 3 is definitely a hard one to crack and you need to have a few minutes in hand when you get to the 20 mile point.Good Luck with the attempt and hopefully we`ll both be smiling at the finish line.
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    WexterWexter ✭✭✭
    Have a good weekend training all, going to run 8 miles back from work tonight, then do a 2 and 1/2 hour run tomorrow. Will set off early as London is warm today.
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    I'm in mid Wales for the weekend,just ran an 11 mile mountain bike trail, legs felt like lead, and there were some serious climbs with spectacular views over the rhinogs. Off to Barmouth beach with the kids,can't wait for more trails tomorrow
    Happy training everyone image
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    One20FourOne20Four ✭✭✭

    Kicked It, so sorry to hear your news but you are probably very wise......there WILL be other races.image

     Great reading about all the fast lads looking for sub 3's. I'm looking for sub 4 but it's my first one and am 50 the week before the race. Half pb is 01:24:00 but I was 23 and fit as a butchers dog !!image

    Doing 20.75 tomorrow (on my own!!) then off to Alton Towers for two days on Monday morning !image

    Hope everyones runs go well this weekend in the heat. Good preparation for a sunny Scotland in Mayimage

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    Just returned from a very warm 20 mile run. Just gonna relax & hydrate for the rest of the day now.

    I'm not planning on running Edinburgh as fast as a lot of you are but after today I think 4:30 is within reach or even 4:20 if it's not too hot.  I did a half a few weeks ago in 1:58 (my PB) so I'm hoping to beat last year's London marathon time of 4:44.

    Keep up the good work everyoneimage

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    Did my longest L.S.R. on a very hilly route today,was quite warm so that should help the training if its warm on the day.Hopefully we will have nice weather on all the upcoming long w-ends and it will be cooler on the 22nd of May.I am happy with my time today of 3:44:56 and my legs are ok,glad to get that one done and dusted.
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    Its been a great few days in the sun, hope it lasts a bit longer. Everyone on here seems to be going well with their training.

    Gutted for you Kicked-it, its always a hard to call time on a race. Im kind of in the same boat, I have pretty much no chance of running Edinburgh properly now. No running now for 3 weeks, and no real improvements with my knee. Have an appointment to see an Orthopaedics doc in a couple of weeks, but it will all be too late.

    Will run the race anyway, physio thinks it wont do any more damage. Will see what the doc says before making a final decision, but will really only be running for fun rather than racing.

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    WexterWexter ✭✭✭
    The sun has been good though hard training. Struggled with my run back from work in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Think it is about 8 miles though my legs felt tired on Friday. Did a 2 and 1/2 hour run round London yesterday. Loads of people seemed to be out doing their final training for the London Marathon, ran though Hyde Park, Green Park, The Mall, Kensington Gardens, Regents Park. Is funny as a Londoner and at 41 years old I did not realise how much of London you could see by running round it.
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    Hi all, been lurking for ages but haven't jumped in for quite a while. Training surprisingly going well. Seem to be able to cope better with the long steady miles than the speedwork that comes with 5ks and 10ks. Starting to build the mileage up in last phase and so 14 miles on Sunday, 16 planned for next week and then 18, 20, 20 before tapering. EM is now in our sights.!!!
    Good luck for the last few weeks - and stay INJURY FREE!
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    BeddersBedders ✭✭✭
    According to the EMF e-newletter thingy, Race Packs will be going out tomorrow. So would have thought we'll be getting them beginning of next week...?
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    don't want to give anyone negative vibes about this event BUT TAKE ENOUGH WATER WITH YOU! - the Edinburgh marathon ran out of water in 2009 (don't know about 2010) so wear a running belt with enough water for yourself, don't rely on the organisers.
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    Andy a load of the water was stolen in 2009, there was plenty last year... I was at the back and there were still plenty of bottles left at the stations as I went past and that was with it being scorching hot so I imagine people were grabbing a bottle to drink and a bottle to pour over their heads...   I did actually have drinks with me, purely because I'm terrible at drinking enough on the go so wanted to make sure I was never without a drink whenever I needed it.

    Are you sure you've read that right Bedders???  I didn't get mine until I think just over a week before last year and for the relay in 2009 we didn't get the race pack until a couple of days before...

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    WexterWexter ✭✭✭
    I tend not to like carrying water so hope there is enough. Hope training is going well. Did a 9 miler today and finding it tough going now. Got 2 more  very long runs planned before tapering , as have been trying to use the beginners schedule.
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    anyone know how many toilets or bushes! there are on route, I got an upset stomach during my last marathon and am now paranoid about having to do a 'Paula' in public!  Its the only thing I worry about.
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    There's quite  a few toilets dotted around the course LM, although there were queues at them all last year... I only know this as I was bursting for a pee but didn't want to make my time even worse by having to queue so carried on running... I was eyeing up the bushes on the seafront though as they looked quite inviting. image
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    Thanks Cazsoul, yes you dont want to add minutes onto your time in a queue,I had to use the loos at Nottingham marathon last year at mile 15 but there was no queue.  Nice to know there are bushes by the seafront if not I had images of me possibly squatting down in front of hundreds of people oh how shameful would that be! Especially if it was a number 2!!!
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    BeddersBedders ✭✭✭

    Hi Caz, yeah the E-Newsletter was saying it's the last chance to update your predicted finishing time and contact details, it read;

    "While you are logged into your account you can also update your contact details and address. Your race pack will be posted to the address we have on our system on 14th April 2011 so if you have moved property, or are going to move property before the EMF, please ensure we have the correct address on our system before that date. To update your address log into your [i]My Details[/i] account and press the 'Contact Info' button at the top of the page. While there you can also update your t-shirt size, running club and emergency contact details. Please update your details before the 14th April 2011."

    Ooh I love getting my pack for any race, I'm a saddo like that, excitement! image

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    Hi Everyone,

    Good to read about everyone's efforts. Yes, it's been warm eh? Even better prep for Edinburgh.

    Did a solid 20 miles on Monday and just come in from a 6 miles tempo. Feeling pretty good about it all so fingers crossed.

    Looking forward to getting the race packs! Not long now...
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    evening all

    Shutterbug, i hope the knee heals soon for you

    i never carry water with me, not even on 20 mile training runs,carrying a bottle just does my head in.

    DesRes, you seem to getting in really good shape lately, well done on the 20 miler

    had a tough session last night,did 3 miles @7:02 pace followed by 7.4 miles hill session with the running club. Tonight i did 12 miles in 1:20 average pace was 6:40 min miling,had sore feet and felt really tired after but happy with that run especially after the hills the previous night.

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    Hello to everyone on the Edinburgh Marathon 2011 forum page!

    I know I should probably go back and read the 650+ messages first, but just wanted to say HEY to one & all, and that I'm really looking forward to running in Edinburgh in just over 5 weeks time image

    My friend Jamie ran in the heatwave that was EM'10 (a photo of him being helped over the line by a fellow runner was on the front page of the Scottish Mail) and it sounded so much fun, I thought I'd enter for this year image

    I survived a bit of a scorcher in Brighton last Sunday and managed to post a pleasing 3:32:49. I'm now of course really keen to get sub-3:30 in Edinburgh.

    Still working out all the details of my recovery/train/taper routine over the next 5-1/2 weeks, but am open to suggestions from anyone here? (particularly how I can get my legs to keep working in the last 4 miles of the marathon image )

    And if there is anyone in the Clapham/London area that fancies sharing ideas/training, then do give me a shout!

    Cheers, Dez :>

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    WexterWexter ✭✭✭
    Hi, In West London , tend to train around Hyde Park, I am using the training schedule on the marathon website, planning two more long runs and will try and do some shorter runs around Hyde Park to keep moving. I work shifts though with lighter evenings I do not mind running after work. You are probably a lot faster then me as looking for a 4 hrs 15 time in the marathon as this will be my first one. Ran 20 miles in 2hours 51 minutes.
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    Dez, I know the bloke that helped Jamie across the finish line... Sound geezer, we were calling him Super Tanner on last years thread for a while afterwards. image

    You peaked too soon on the email Bedders... you have to upate your info by that date... they're not sending the packs out until 2 weeks before the race.  You can relax, you dont need to rush home from work to see if the postman has bought your race pack just yet.

    Jakesy, how do you manage to do a 20mile run without a drink???  I'd be gasping and resembling a floundering fish if I didn't take a drink with me... and there is no way on earth I'd be able to carry on past that pub I go past on my long long runs.

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    Just tried to catch up on this thread a bit, too many posts!!!  so sorry to hear you've had to pull out Kicked-It..........probably the right thing to do though for your future running.

    I haven't run for 11 days now....self imposed ban to try and get right whatever is wrong!  Going to go out either tonight or tomorrow night for a 2 mile tester jog, physio again on Monday so will have a better idea then of what to do about the marathon!

    Good running everyone, can't wait to be back at it!!!

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    Hello image Another new face for the thread here, it's my third marathon - first one in 5hr 02 (poor pacing) and second a comfortable 4:26:02.  So I'm getting there slowly and  thought I'd give 4hrs ago this time, but would be happy if I made 4:15. 

    I'm using the Garmin schedules like the Super Six, so am hoping we get a bit cooler weather in Edinburgh than they had in Paris last weekend, although going on the high temperatures there for the last two years, I'm not holding out too much hope.

    Jakesy, do you buy your drinks en route when you do your long runs?  I couldn't manage without fluids for that far.  In fact I make my longest runs on a figure 8 and drop off a drink on the first time around, so I can pick it up on the start of the second loop.  

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    Hi Alli bongo,no I don't buy drinks on route,as long as it's not too warm I can run 20 miles without water,usually takes me about 2:20 - 2:30 so I'm not out as long as some people.I usuall spend 7 weeks of the summer in Spain and then on a 10 mile run I'll take a euro with me for a bottle of water because of the heat.
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    Ah, then that would explain it.  I'm out there for twice as long as you & it's not often that hot in the Midlands image
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