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IMUK 2011



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    31 miles done on the bike today felt ok image

    How did you get on woody ? 

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    Sorry guys I'm going to be really lazy and copy and paste my FB Status cos it well late.

    I'm in pain. Catapulted off a cargo net head first with a seven foot drop on to planks in water about 2 foot apart. Luckily (or not who knows) I managed to grab a scaffold pole, as result I somersaulted and pivoted like pendulum with holding onto the pole on to my ribs on another scaffold transom owwuch. Made it to the end in about 2 hrs. I've never been as cold in my life. Question is pub or bath?

    PS sorry about the minuscule font size image

    PPS you may have guessed with the time of this post, the Pub got the vote and pleased to say had the desired pain killing effect image just hope things are fine when it wears off.

    Edit hmm didn't end up miniscule? image

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    Well done woody! The big question is would you do it again?
    I see everyone is getting stuck into the training, remember to take it easy with distances and speed at the moment, there is plenty of time left for that!
    After taking some time off from training (about the last 5 months!) I have set myself a goal for this year and entered the Liverpool marathon in October. Is anyone else gonna do this? I know how important it is to have a focus after ironman, I didn't have one last year and did absolutely nothing! Don't let all your training go to waste so get something planned in now!
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    " I'm starting to stress over the swim again, as mentioned I can do the distance with a pull buoy but without it I've no chance."

    Couple of quick pointers for this guys. its all very well for someone like me to say HTFU but this kind of fear is not uncommon during training and for some swimmers that come into the sport late will find swimming the hardest part to be 1. motivated to train for and 2. the most fearful come race day.

    OK, lets do the one that will hurt the most, if you keep saying it, it will probably be true, you will 'talk' yourself into a bad swim, pack it in image

    Now to the solutions. To be able to get to do the swim WITH a pull buoy and do the distance you must at some point NOT have been able to do the distance with a pull buoy.

    Which means by training your body to swim with one you overcame the first hurdle, now its time to work on the next stage, 1/2 and 1/2.
    If you are doing a set of 10 x 100, do the first 5 without and the last 5 with, doing the first 5 without means you can try to maintain some sort of form before you tire, then the last 5 with means you can maintain that form while isolating the arms again.

    As for getting to the distance, each fortnight put in an endurance swim, this should start at say 4 x 400m which must be done without the bouy. (this is the main set in amongst a warm up and down)

    As the weeks progress you increase the distance so you are going up by 50m per rep per fortnight. That means in 24 weeks you will be at 4 x 1000m without the buoy. (the distance you need image)
    So Wk1 4x400 wk2 4 x 450 wk3 4 x 500 etc etc. If you do this weekly you will get there in half the time.

    It is unlikely that Bolton will be without wetsuits but by doing this you will not only increase your confidence but your endurance and it will give you a target each fortnight which as you all know is a good mental game to play.

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    Good going Woody, its a tough race, not named that for nothing.
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    "Does anyone know where I can practice open water swimming ? "

    There have been a few suggestions already and being in Liverpool I am sure there a few I don't know of over there but from around April there is the boundary breeze lake in Holme Chapel, they do a weekly swim in Salford Quays and Chester Tri do a group river swim on a Sunday evening which is either 1 or 2 km and occasionally throw in a 4km organised swim.
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    I will pop in here occasionally to say hi but am happy to come over for any rides organised, the loop is a 20 miler from mine and then one loop of 37 puts a good 80 together, I am sure people may want to up to 2 loops from May onwards but March sounds good for a early social ride.
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    Blimey woody that sounds painful..i wouldnt want to do that race..its madness.
    Hi rich, nice to hear from you...last year i had Berlin marathon to concentrate on but i pretty much just blagged it....i'm doing that again this year so not going to do Liverpool but i think i will do the half in march!!

    Great advice as ever from Rosie, helped me out a lot last year (even though i never got to the end)and always worth listening to....always appreciated mate.
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    Salford Quays was twice a week last year, and Manley Mere just outside Chester did one as well
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    My god Woody that sounds very painful. Good on you for finishing image
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    Thanks guysimage not sure if I've broken anything but very restricted movements today.

    Richard not sure about doing it again it's very expensive.  Mate who I went down with suggested getting a team together for the summer one and making a weekend of it. I'm sure it would be a far more enjoyable experience in summer especially as a group camping on site.

    Rosie I've never followed any swim routine but the simplicity of that  sounds like something even I could manage image

    I've just remembered Spoony with the talk of open water swim venues. I've seen swimmers in Salthouse Dock Liverpool on Sunday mornings, just found their website

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    Thanks Woody,I have just sent them a email enquiring about there Sunday training. I asked if I could take part as I can only do breastroke.image
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    Woo - hoo - dry and sunny here - outside cycling here I come!

    Well done Woody - that'll count for several IM training sessions mate...

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    Thanks for the advice Iron Rose. Gonna go and put it into practice in the pool this morning. 
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    Spoony any news on joining them?

    Thanks Ali

    good luck Firey

    I've not tried yet do anything yet but I could be out of training for awhile image I'm fine and without pain as long as I don't move, laugh, cough or even clear my throat. Having said that I plan on trying something, maybe cycling or swimming of some description, I think running will be out of the question.

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    Hi Woody

    They haven't got back to me yet. I am going to send Merseytri a email I have just been looking at there site. 

    Sounds very painful image  I hope you get better soon.

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    Thanks Woody, sounds like you should go the docs and get yourself checked out mate. Just finished todays training 1240mtr swim 3/4 without pull buoy (thanks Iron Rose) and 30min turbo. Time for lunch and a kip before getting ready for work.
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    I might try and have ago at front crawl again BUT if I am I would like some 121 coaching. Does anyone know of I good swim teacher in Merseyside ?   image
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    Where about in Merseyside ?
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    Hi Dave ,anywhere i am not bothered i am willing to travel. image
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    What about your local Tri club ?

    My local one taught me from unable to do a length in January to The Big Woody in Sept of the same year.

    Same club young Rosey is a member of, Chester

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    give Tri Central a ring and tell them you want to book in for an endless pool session with Chris. He also happens to be one of the coaches at Chester, the endless pool will give you a starting point and a dvd to see how bad you really are and then when you go back next time you can see how much better you are.

    Then start to go to Chester regularly, Sat afternoon is the beginner set.

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    Thanks for the info Iron rose I will look into it A.S.A.Pimage
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    hows training going people???
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    Going well Andy,

     I see you are busy on endomondo. I am slowly incresing my volume on the bike and in the pool. My running is pretty good, so building that up for my marathon.

    I did my first brick session of the year yesterday. I wasn't going to, but I turned back on a ride due to the wind. I had fogotten the feeling of stiffness following the bike session.

     I hope everyone is doing well, training hard and looking forward to it.

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    Slogging through training this week - got lurgy and an ear infection last week and then had the 'two-bob-bits' on sunday.... thats what you get for using a boiling hot 'leisure' pool for your swim training whilst you are working away .

     Despite that, Just about keeping on track this week - 2nd half of base training now on the Fink plan and started some bricks this week.  Swimming is generally going well - I have found that dropping my lead arm on the catch by a few inches has made me much quicker in the water by dropping my shoulders and chest in the water - amazing how a simple minor adjustment can improve things hugely - shows you that the swim is all about technique.

     I am intending to recce the bike course on the weekend of 7/8 May as the week before is the May bank hol and it will be full of caravans cutting cyclists up.

    Be good if any of you can join me for a couple of circuits - I am intending to camp (thats in a tent, just in case you are wondering) whilst up there, and any suggestions for good sites near the route would be welcome. 

    Hope all is well with you all - soon be spring - certainly felt like it here yesterday - ran in shorts and a tee for the first time in months  image

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    Got my hands on some Powerbars to try them out - that Cookies and cream  flavour is revolting - I was gagging on it even when I wasn't 10 hours in to an event - god knows how I would react on the day...

     If they use them again this year, i'll have to resort to alternative nutrition such as road-kill

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