
Things you want to say but can't



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    To the people at my class tonight ...  no you can't just turn up on the day and run ... yes, it is a bit like a raffle only you can only buy one ticket per year .... yes, I do know it's a long way, I've done one before.

    To my mum .... no, you probably won't see me on the telly but do tell all your friends to watch out for me image

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    Why should I have to work late to cover your work because you have had kids and come back fecking part time?
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    'BRT,Why aren't I getting a chance in the team'?

    Well M,perhaps it's because we are top of the league,unbeaten in 8 games without you,we are playing well,the 3 or 4 lads that can & do play in same position as you claim to be your best suited train both sessions every week,you are @ least 2 stone over weight,ya breath stinks & most importantly you could not trap a bag of sand basically you would not get in my Under 15 team let alone my senior squad.

    Truth is I can't change a winning side mate but keep working & an opportunity ain't that far away image

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    LIVERBIRD wrote (see)
    Alybea wrote (see)
    Do you pirates hunt in packs or something? image

     image  *takes off glasses and puts hands over ears* I can't see or hear you now!

    If either Mr A or my Ultra Running mate can be pursuaded to do one with me then maybe. But I'm not cycling to and from leicester on training rides on my own! image

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    WilkieWilkie ✭✭✭
    Johnny Blaze wrote (see)

    Oh dear, I'll get in trouble for that one...

    ...heres another one - when I get in after 5 years i'm going to run it as opposed to walking it dressed as a camel/dog/lump of cheese/gimp...

    Oh, JB, I think you should do it dressed as a gimp image I'd come up to spectate!
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    Alybea wrote (see)
    LIVERBIRD wrote (see)
    Alybea wrote (see)
    Do you pirates hunt in packs or something? image

     image  *takes off glasses and puts hands over ears* I can't see or hear you now!

    If either Mr A or my Ultra Running mate can be pursuaded to do one with me then maybe. But I'm not cycling to and from leicester on training rides on my own! image

    I sense you are weakening!!!  Trust me, ignoring us doesn't work, I tried.  I even fashioned an anti-brainwashing helmet out of tinfoil, and that didn't work image  Admit defeat now, and get some pirate kit image
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    Wilkie wrote (see)
    Johnny Blaze wrote (see)

    Oh dear, I'll get in trouble for that one...

    ...heres another one - when I get in after 5 years i'm going to run it as opposed to walking it dressed as a camel/dog/lump of cheese/gimp...

    Oh, JB, I think you should do it dressed as a gimp image I'd come up to spectate!
    *charges camera* image
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    BBSloth wrote (see)
    Why should I have to work late to cover your work because you have had kids and come back fecking part time?


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    Dear People who say "I can't wait"

    Well, guess what? You're going to have to wait aren't you?? How the hell else are you going to pass the time between now and whenever the date/time is of whatever you are waiting for???

    Please, if you're going to use idiotic phrases then please use ones that make sense. For fuck's sake - even using that other stupid phrase "going forward" makes more sense than "I can't wait".


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    RatzerRatzer ✭✭✭


    Some things don't give you second chances in life, and being at the first running of something is one of those.

    I wanted to say that, and I can't.  Now I'm not sure whether it feels better...

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    JWrunJWrun ✭✭✭
    I WANT A PINT!!!!!! ( i can't say this cos I want to shout it out loud, don't think it'd go down well in the office - having a pants day and I just want to go for a run in the rain and then chip to the pub!)
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    You are the PA to the CEO, you are not the CEO.

    Now b*gger off and let me do my job.

    And whilst I'm at it, for pity's sake get a better supporting bra, and try leaving the toilets in a state that you'd like to find them in. image
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    Sarah and Caroline, stop being horrible to my daughter. You're really spoiling her big adventure.
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    Dear acquaintance from a long time ago...

    I knew you when we were teens.  You were a friend of a friend.  You were an arrogant cow then, forever going on about the "business" (a small bakery)  you will inherit from your parents bla bla.  The one thing I remember you for is for taking the piss out of my non-branded jeans, when my parents could not afford to buy "Diesel Jeans".  I never thought worse of my folks for it but I certainly thought worse of you.  The last time I saw you was in my twenties when I just finished my degree and visited my parents and local friends.  You made some throwaway remark along the lines of how some socially inferior folk will never measure up no matter what they do...

    Now tell me one thing...

    Why the FUCK would I ever want to accept your "friend request" you pompous old tart.

    ps: the years have not been kind on you!

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    Collecting donation for 'Jeans for Genes' day I seem to have £58.70. How did that happen if the suggested donation was £2? I saw some of you people slid in just a quid, seriously guys, it's for charity! I know there are more than 29 people in this office in Mufti today.

    Nam - anyone who uses the phrase 'socially inferior' needs to told anyone with any class never mentions social status. She sounds delightful!

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    Nam wrote (see)

    Dear acquaintance from a long time ago...

    I knew you when we were teens.  You were a friend of a friend.  You were an arrogant cow then, forever going on about the "business" (a small bakery)  you will inherit from your parents bla bla.  The one thing I remember you for is for taking the piss out of my non-branded jeans, when my parents could not afford to buy "Diesel Jeans".  I never thought worse of my folks for it but I certainly thought worse of you.  The last time I saw you was in my twenties when I just finished my degree and visited my parents and local friends.  You made some throwaway remark along the lines of how some socially inferior folk will never measure up no matter what they do...

    Now tell me one thing...

    Why the FUCK would I ever want to accept your "friend request" you pompous old tart.

    ps: the years have not been kind on you!

    pps drinkies friday if your in town ??

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    Since I started applying for your glory-hunter, fancy dress, attention-whore, celeb-stuffed sponsored walk "marathon" i have run 11 of the f*ckers and still you've rejected me yet again for the 5th f*cking time.

    I'm sure you think that that is ok and that my place should actually go to any drama llama who wants to be a brave soldier and walk 26 miles dressed in a gimp outfit "for a laugh" and "for the bucket list cos you've got to do a marathon before you die, haven't you?"

    However, today my view is as follows: take your race and shove it up your arse!imageimageimage
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    Nam, it is amazing how asking someone to be a 'friend' on facebook seems to come with the belief that one can forget what they have said in real life; as if the slate is metaphorically wiped clean in one's virtual life!!!  It is a pity that when you click 'ignore' on FB, that you can't select a reason why.  I'd tick "...because you are a TWAT, and I never liked you anyway.  Now jog on, freakshow..."
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    AllNewTB wrote (see)

    Nam - anyone who uses the phrase 'socially inferior' needs to told anyone with any class never mentions social status. She sounds delightful!

    this conversation would have been had in my mothertongue and I remember her using the phrase "asozial" which kind of means chav/white trash... image

    LOL Pea!!!!!!!  Yes there should be a "I didn't like you then and I doubt I'd like you now because people don't change THAT much" - button!! image

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    Nam wrote (see)
    AllNewTB wrote (see)

    Nam - anyone who uses the phrase 'socially inferior' needs to told anyone with any class never mentions social status. She sounds delightful!

    this conversation would have been had in my mothertongue and I remember her using the phrase "asozial" which kind of means chav/white trash... image
    Hmm, sounds more like she is 'asozial', but harbours delusions of grandeur!  Silly bee-atch!
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    JWrunJWrun ✭✭✭

    I had one of those - she didn't exactly bully me at school but I wasn't her favorite person and she managed to make a few choice comments in front of mutual friends on more than one occasion so we all knew, why the chuff would i want you to know any aspect of my life - I don't, now piss off!

    Lol at that pea "...because you are a TWAT, and I never liked you anyway.  Now jog on, freakshow..."image

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    ROFL - that's a brilliant idea LtP image
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    Tired Legs (Mrs Punch) wrote (see)

    I am glad to say after 36 years of working in London, City to be precise I've escaped - now got a local job, and taking into account I don't have to pay National Express a 2nd mortgage I'm no worse off, in fact better off as hardly any traveling, more time for training or housework, yeah training image

    Sorry I know this isn't a rant, but had to put it somewhere its been a long wait for the offer.

    Well this appears to have gone tits up image got phone call today from the agency saying they'd just rec'd an email from my new employers stating that I now can not start on Tuesday but could it be 13 Oct, no explanation as this was done by email to them and they now can't get hold of them.

    Normally this would not be a prob except this has been going on since 23 Aug, I'm now unemployed as left job today (they are aware of this situation and said I can go back, thankfully).

    I have no idea what the delay is or why - the role was temp to perm, but I've not rec'd anything from this company only contact has been with the agency, my issue would be can they be trusted, or will there be more delays?

    I'm just typing this to get it out of my system decisions already made, the above doesn't sound too bad unless you're the one that has gone through the phone calls and excuses and I don't do uncertainty.

    Gone through a world of emotions since 4.30 even walking in the rain (quite enjoyed that), now trying to get drunk and think of evil things to do to that man who interviewed me. I meand for fuck sake doesn't he know his pissing around with peoples minds, or is it me taking this far too seriously.

    Sorry hubby's stuck in traffic so I'm rambling here.  I not good at ranting on a forum

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    Oh what a rotten situation TL.  Sounds a bit like a funding issue in the employing company.  The department wants you but they will need authorisation from higher up who are not fortcoming for some reason - either they don't have the budget or there are other ongoing HR issues which would mean taking on a new member of staff tricky.

    Don't be too hard on the man who interviewed you, he's probably spent all day wailing at whoever is putting the stop on this.

    Hang in there and see if you can get some sense out of somebody on Monday.

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    TL that's not on after you handed in your notice.  If that's the offer they made, surely they need to pay you from Tuesday.  Hope the rant helped. ((((TL))))
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    Oh balls TL. Why do these things always happen at the end of the week, to leave you stewing over the weekend?!?! Hopefully you or the agency will be able to get in touch early on Monday to find out what is going on. Do you have a contact e-mail for anyone in the company that you could write to over the weekend? I know you'll probably not get a response until Monday, but it might help you to feel like you're doing something; I know it is hard corresponding via an agency, and it can be good just to skip them when possible and get the information yourself.

    I'll keep everything crossed this is resolved quickly, and as TP says, it might just be a slight funding delay, or something similar. I'm sure if the job had been withdrawn, they would just have said so, as there would be no reason to string you along, as it could cause them more problems. Keep the heid, and I hope it all gets sorted pronto. Hugs to you xxx
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    It's not a civil service job is it?  We are having to do similar things at my place because they are changing the recruitment forms every week.  So the one you got approved last week is no longer valid and you have to go through the process again, which delays the start date of the employee.

    It's called 'efficincy savings'.

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    Dear parents

    Well done on your generosity in sending you clearly full of cold snotty kids out to the librrary to use the PCs I love listening to the snot snort every thirty seconds and look forward to catching whetever it is they have.  Not to mention the fact that they have to keep talking to each other - it is alibrary they are old enough to have been taught repsect for others around them

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    Nam - had similar. I was the kid with the two quid trainers when everyone else had Adidas! Didn't bother me nearly so much as it seemed to amuse them. Trainers seemed less important than FOOD at the time, which needed buying first.

    Had one person send me a message on FB (not a friend, just someone searching) saying "I used to hate you at school but now you seem to have turned out alright"image

    From a PHOTO? You can tell that from a f*cking PHOTO? Why? Because I now have trainers that might meet your approval.

    Crawl off somewhere you vacuous piece of dirt.image

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    LB, I hope you replied

    "Funnily enough, i hated you at school too, but it seems as though you are still a total ***t"

    ( Fill in the blanks as you please)
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