
Sub 3h15



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    No worries Poacher just relax and enjoy the views and refreshments from Mrs P. Junior will also be running and the family will be on the beach at Alnmouth- we'll all be on hand to revive you ;)

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    FreemersFreemers ✭✭✭

    MsE - great to hear you're back running a bit - hope the recovery continues to go well.  Sounds like you are being ultra sensible!

    Gerard - when I read your post I thought you'd been playing tennis with Olly Murs :)

    OO - those track sessions sound like fun.  I bet the 400m is painful though!  And you're creating white space again!

    GDawg - I think the wind is always out to conspire against us runners!

    Poacher - is that Newton as in Low Newton by the Sea?  You're so lucky living up there - we go on holiday to Northumberland every year, will be there early September. I might try and sneak away to the Drurudge Bay parkrun while I'm there - maybe get you, OO and Minni along to that as well?  It'll be Saturday 9th September if you can make that.

    I've been managing to stick to my plan with one or two TM sessions each week in between easier runs - nothing particularly structured, just trying to get some resemblance of speed into my legs.  And I did a lovely 15 miles on Sunday - weather was great for it, with a little breeze.

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    Birch - any improvement at all with the glute/hamstring?
    OO - some good turn of speed there. 3000m especially as you say. Very brave to do the 100m.
    GD - working hard on your holiday!
    Leslie - that hill session sounds like torture.
    Lorenzo - good news on the ankle.
    Poacher - that's a lot of blackcurrants! Our raspberry and blackberry bushes are in a total mess due to my totally inept post and wire construction skills.
    Freemers - TM? Good to hear all is going to plan.
    Quite a thunderstorm last night; thought I might have to ditch my plans for this morning, but fortunately it had blown over by 6:00am. So drove to work early and set off back along my run to work route. Reached the 12 mile from home point and had clocked up just over 5 miles. Came back and added a bit extra to make up 11 miles for the session, avg. 7:56 m/m.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Glad all is well with you, Jools.  

    Gerard - Olly Murs is such a nice guy.  Soon after he came to fame, we were on the same flight as him to Ibiza.  I recognised him as famous but didn't have a clue who he was so asked if my daughters could have a photo with him and, by the way, could he tell me who he was?  Without a hint of annoyance  he told me and smiled graciously with the MsEttes.  Years later they now love that photo which, at the time, had no significance.

    Sorry hear your niggle is so persistent, Birch.  What's the next step or will you just give it more time?  I ask because I have found that sometimes lack of movement can bring its own issues so resting is not a good option for too long for me.  Fancy some acupuncture?

    OO - I would be super pleased with all those times.  Very impressive indeed.

    GD - any Strava CRs from your session?  

    Lorenzo - (stern look) I am going to tell you off for running so soon on your ankle.  I know it feels fine but there will be micro damage to the soft tissue which needs time to heal. I am convinced my cavalier attitude to rolling the ankle was what got me where it did.  Please be careful.

    Poacher - no training but still good to hear you are out in the fresh air harvesting summer berries, as opposed to being incarcerated in a dingy gym somewhere abroad.

    Freemers - Great MLR. I can't wait till I can do those again.  I think 10-16 milers are my favourite runs. Sounds like you are ticking over nicely.

    Gul - The storm was incredible here in Surrey.  Had to close the windows and go and sshhhh the dogs.  Tasty pace for your 11 miles.

    Trying to be sensible about my activity. Yesterday was a rest sort of day so ended up being a yoga day.  Good to strengthen the body, stretch out and ground the feet (especially the right one whose arch needs strengthening after being in a cast for 6 weeks). Today I did another 30 min TM walk-run session of 10 x 1 min with 1 min recs.  I can tell on toeing off that the right foot is still weak so am happy to take this recovery slowly. Then followed up with half an hour of weights using the barbell and dumbells.  Finished off with a 15 minute running specific core circuit.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Keep it going MsE.
    Freemers that's GNR weekend- are you doing it? I'll probably do a gentle plod at my local parkrun rather than travel to Druridge, but we'll make you welcome if you fancy a trip to Whitley Bay ;)
    That 400 came 15 mins after the 3000 so I could probably do better. You are right though- it was tough.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    MsE - think I concur that rest is not helping - 10 days ago I did 17 miles over 2 runs - evening, then following morning - no reaction next day, erred on the side of caution with a 2 day rest, but next run the issue returned !! 
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    All speed work has been on the track recently, so I fancied a road test. Ventured out for a 5 mile tempo session tonight and it went OK. Average pace was 6.32 with a showbiz 6.11 mile to finish. I needed that as a little confidence booster.

    Great to see running coming back into play, MsE. B)
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    G-Dawg - that's pretty pacy. Definitely a confidence booster.

    OO - I'm sure that you could have gone quicker in the 400m without having run a super fast 3000m 15mins before. Sterling effort under the circumstances.

    Birch - sounds a very strange niggle to be appearing and disappearing like that. What's the problem exactly?

    Freemers - good to see you back on here. Sounds as though you're running well. What races have you got planned

    MsE - I count myself suitably reprimanded. Heeding your advice I was on 2 wheels today for a very pleasant 40 mile bike ride with both the Lorenzitos. Pretty undulating for the first 10 miles or so and then flattened out a bit. Great to be out there with the lads and not even the drizzle could stop me enjoying it.

    Track session planned for tomorrow evening - is that OK?
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    MsE - I count myself suitably reprimanded. Heeding your advice I was on 2 wheels today for a very pleasant 40 mile bike ride with both the Lorenzitos. Pretty undulating for the first 10 miles or so and then flattened out a bit. Great to be out there with the lads and not even the drizzle could stop me enjoying it.

    Track session planned for tomorrow evening - is that OK?
    You are joking, right? No. Absolutely not this week. Stay off it and resume light running only at the weekend/next week at earliest. Nothing to lose everything to gain. 
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Study out today states that 15% of Alzheimer's diagnoses could be prevented by supporting people to quit smoking, treating depression, increasing physical activity, managing diabetes and enhancing social contact. 

    Running has so many hidden benefits, it's just brilliant.  
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    FreemersFreemers ✭✭✭

    OO - no, not doing GNR and hadn't realised it was that weekend.  I think Whitley Bay might be stretching my wifely talents when it comes to explaining to my OH why I am going off for a run during our holidays - we're staying near to Rothbury so it would be a bit of a drive....Druridge Bay is manageable, just!  Normally when we're away I go out before breakfast while he's walking the dog so it doesn't eat into the day at all.

    GD - that is really shifting it!

    Lorenzo - I have no races actually scheduled other than VLM 2018....probably won't actually race this year but will find some HMs and 20s in the spring as part of the build up.  Was half tempted by the Great Yarmouth HM next month, but it would be a plod at best. 

    Gul - TM=treadmill :) 

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    MsE - you are incredibly focussed. Keep at it!
    GD - cracking tempo run.
    Lorenzo - hope you made it a double today and went out for a hilly 15 mile tempo run this morning before tonight's killer track session ;)
    Freemers - treadmill - d'oh! Have you ever done the Great Yarmouth HM? Just wondering what it's like.
    5 mile recovery run this morning.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    All heed MsE, she speaks sense.  And her rehab seems to be going ok :)  Nice tempo runs and intervals going on.  I'm always impressed by early morning speedwork, which I've never liked.

    Nothing very exciting here: went to club session on Tues and although the first rep was pretty sluggish, my legs then started to remember what running faster is, and I ended up with about 3.5M at an average of 6.10s or thereabouts.  Mixture of 900m and 450m reps, and last 450m was 5.45 m/m.  Legs were pretty tired yesterday, but ground out 7M at 8.27s. No adverse hammie reaction, although I'm doing a LOT of stretching at the moment.  So tedious!
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    No worries Freemers, w/bay is a Temp course anyway and not very good.

    Glad your hammies have calmed down Jools 

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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    edited July 2017
    Lorenzo its the naught step for you (on your way back from track ! )
    MSE saw the Alzheimer's diagnoses story strangely hearing loss was the biggest factor but a lot of the factors were only tiny like 1% and 2/3rd's of it is out of your control so you will get it anyway if you are unfortunate ( My mother has it and is at an advanced stage now ). smoked , has diabetes ,inactive due to poor health etc etc.
    Probably the biggest problem we will face if we live long enough to get old ..
    Freemers ...probably won't race this year and only July , are you injured ? ,does not compute ! lol
    Gul nice recovery 
    Jools nice speedy reps 

    4 easy paced ones last night similar planned tonight .

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Lorenzo - started as a tight hamstring after a parkrun a couple of months ago. Initially had a week rest, after starting the Derby Half and quitting after 2 minutes (!) , then returned, but I've only been doing 3 or so runs a week. The problem doesn't seem to worsen as I run (did 11 miles on Sat), but I can only plod, and rest doesn't seem to help (4 days rest after the 11, no pain or discomfort whilst walking around), but 6 miles today and the tightness is there immediately !   I continue to stretch and foam roll . . . .
    Anyhow, your bike ride with the lads sounds great - I take it you're enjoying your sabbatical ? 
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Birch - rubbish luck on the hammy front. Mine is much better now. I had hammy and glute issues for a large part of my Boston campaign this year. I reduced the number of weekly sessions, had the odd break here and there just to make it less painful on key sessions. Tennis ball massage against a wall helped a lot. The other thing that has helped is trail running. I noticed today that the pain is almost completely gone. Nurse MsE is so right with her rehab tips.  B)

    Nipped out for a cheeky 10 miler
    today. Felt OK and ended up with a 6.57 pace average. Happy with that after last night's quick 5.

    More trails this weekend, looking forward to it.
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    onegoodlegonegoodleg ✭✭✭
    Birch- sorry to hear that you still have hamstring problems. I had issues a while back, tight/sore right hamstring only upon starting running. Initially it was for the first 50 meters or so, then it got worse and took longer to run off. No issues on walking or at rest. Physio couldn't explain it but as a fill in at the end of a session gave me an exercise that sorted it.
    use an elastic band between your ankles, with straight legs put your weight on one leg and swing the other leg backwards until you feel the stretch, hold for a few seconds then release. Repeat ten or so times, switch legs and do the other side. Repeat two or three times.
    Remarkably simple, but for me it has been effective.
    Give it a try and keep running.
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    Birch - Sorry to hear your injury woes continue. Good advice from ogl, maybe worth a try.

    G-Dawg - Very pacey 5, coming back to from nicely. Any 10k races coming up near you? Great sub 70 10 too.

    No real time at the mo to have a proper catch up but glad to hear MsE is making good progress on the running front and noted OO's very fast track running, that 3,000 was very good!

    DNS tonight for me at a local 10k. The car broke down as I was on my way up there. Had to get a tow home. £65 later! Electrical fault and hope the mechanic can sort tomorrow as my mother is visiting for a week on Saturday. 
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    That's a bu88er GM - was it an important race for you?

    More great running for you G-Dawg - based on how you're running at this stage, you're looking very strong for your Abo(?) campaign if you can stay injury-free between now and October.

    Birch - yes, definitely enjoying the time off at the mo. A few irons in the proverbial fire but nothing firmed up yet. Sounds a strange injury - have you seen an osteopath about it as it might be something else that's causing the hamstring problem rather than the hamstring per se?

    Am sitting firmly on the naughty step at the moment after blatently disobeying MsE's orders and heading down the track last night. My defence is that my ankle is no longer sore and it's a grass track so much less strain than an all-weather surface. Found it a tough session - 3 sets with each set being 4 x 400 and a 200 with about 10-15 seconds rest between each one (the aim was to start each of the reps about 100 seconds after the start of the previous one, so if you did a lap in 90s you got about 10s rest).

    Good prep for my 10K on Sunday, but am having a rest day today.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Must be unusual for a hamstring problem to last so long- sorry to hear that Birch.
    Great pace there GD.
    Im tapering for a big race on Sunday- Northumberland Coastal race, c. 14 miles of beaches track and off road.
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    Jools - sounds positive. Upwards and onwards!
    Leslie - nice easy miles.
    Birch - must be really frustrating. Hopefully you'll find something that works for you in all the advice!
    GD - that really was a cheeky 10 miler!
    OGL - hi! How are you doing these days?
    GM - sorry to hear about the breakdown. Pretty bad timing! Hope it's fixed today.
    Lorenzo - is it 1 min per year in age on the naughty step? Tough session too. All the best for Sunday.
    OO - sounds like a great race. Enjoy!
    8 miles this morning. 7 progressive (8:55, 8:20, 7;52, 7:27, 7:16, 6:51 & 6:28) and 1 warm-down (7:59).

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    Lorenzo - No it wasn't but there aren't many local 10k's in a calendar year, I would have liked to run it as an indicator of fitness and speed endurance.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    1gl - good to hear from you - any events lined up?  and thanks for the advice - def worth a try! 

    Gerard - expensive dns !!   
    Lorenzo - good suggestion - could be pertinent, too, as the hamstring tightness did disappear for a while to be replaced by (literally) a pain in the butt, which has now returned to the h/str . . .
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    FreemersFreemers ✭✭✭

    Leslie- there are very few local races round my way in the second half of the year, and I'm just not fit enough to aim for a time decent enough to make a long drive worthwhile!  I would have done the Norwich HM, but they have moved that to the spring now.  There also used to be a very local 10k in the summer but that seems to have been discontinued.  There is a slim chance I might do a New Years Eve 10k, if I am feeling quick enough - it's a good 120 mile round trip so I need to justify it!  Even my nearest parkrun is a 50 mile round trip so I on't do too many of those either.

    Gul - I did the GY HM about 10 years ago.  If it's the same course then it's pretty quick, providing it's not too hot.  Very flat.  Goes through the grounds of a stately home in some places and actually avoids the horrid parts of Yarmouth itself - unlike their 10k which goes up and down the promenade.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    OGL: as another sufferer of tight hammies, do you keep the 'stretch' foot on the ground or lift it?
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Our local Autumn half which historically has been run mid November has now been moved forward to the beginning of September. The local marathon takes place early October so it seems a good fit as a gauge of fitness for anyone who is doing the marathon here.

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    onegoodlegonegoodleg ✭✭✭
    Jools - stretch foot a couple of inches of the ground, hold for a few seconds then release and bring feet back together. Repeat until you're bored, I generally do 3 sets of 12 on each leg, swapping legs between sets.
    Another stretch of the hamstrings I find useful is the straight forward touching the toes. But, once you achieve the initial stretch you hold it for at least 3 minutes. A variation is instead of bending with straight legs assume the position (fingers, knuckles or palms touching toes or ground) with knees bent. Then gently straighten legs. The stretch is then felt in the belly of the muscle rather than at the ends.

    Gul, Birch - just 10Ks and parkruns for me these days, a different kind of pain from marathons but I can recover in a few days rather than weeks. Still have a hankering to do one final marathon, but don't have a target and not in distance running shape.
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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    Gerard sorry to hear you didn't make the start .
    Freemers sounds like you are miles from anywhere ,shame that  if you like racing.
    OGL will have to try your stretches as my hammy is literally a pain in the butt now !
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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭
    Freemers - Yes L Newton.Lucky us, but it didn't feel so lucky during the first winter when the house had no windows.  Drudge PR is nice but a bit far to drive from up here. There is a lack of PRs on the north east coast, in fact Druridge is the only one between Tyneside and Gorebridge (nr Edinburgh)

    OO - pouring at the coast this morning, now simply grey, cold, drizzly. Could be nasty conditions tomorrow. See you at the start no doubt.   
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