
Sub 3h15



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    Folks, you're not supposed to stuff yourselves with crap that's high in fat and protein - you need quality carbs not pasties, crisps and biscuits!

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    Can only do short posts on phone, but yesterday I had a large bowl of porridge made with oat milk, blueberry juice, banana, half a pack of potato gnocchi with tom sauce, graze box flapjack, geo cereal bar, small amount chicken stir fried with lots of veg in a sesame sauce with half a pack of micro rice...
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    ... A raisin bagel, the other half of the pack of rice with some low fat honey and mustard dressing, 500 ml Lucozade Hydrate and 500 ml Lucozade Body Fuel.

    Today I'll have no meat, and most of the fibrous stuff (fruit and veg) early in the day to be sure it's well digested.
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    During carb load you don't need to eat extra food, that will see you gain weight and you don't need to be lugging that round. Even off normal calorie intake you'll gain a little due to doing less exercise. You just need to change the ratio of your diet so that you get roughly 75 - 80 percent of your calories from carbs.
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    efc-colefc-col ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the info speedy,what would you recommend for last meal
    I was going to a local eatery but don't fancy some of their pasta dishes .
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    MsE wrote (see)
    Oh, 5. Blimey. Am I going to be stuck behind lots of slower runners? I vaguely recall being conservative when applying in the belief I wasn't going to get a place in the ballot in a million years. If I am aiming to run between 7m20s and 7m25s mile splits will that be possible from pen 5?

    Afraid it will be very crowded in early miles back there MsE.  A few ideas:

    • if you can get back to the Expo this am (before it gets too busy) with proof of your ability to run faster (e.g. photocopy of a recent Half Marathon, or longer, race result) then it is (certainly in the past it was) possible to change pens (go back to the registration desk you got the number from and smile sweetly/beg)
      get to the pens
    •  early (9-ish) and try sneek in pen 2/3 (the entrances are policed to stop pen-jumpers so it's not easy - wearing a throw away top and lifting it up at last second to flash the number might help) ......or failing that smile sweetly/beg
    • failing that, get to pen 5 as early as poss (bearing in mind public pee-ing not as easy for a chick as a bloke, gay or otherwise) and get to the front of it.  Then when the rope between in and pen 4 is raised (10-15 mins b4 start), get in pen 4 asap and then push/excuse your way to front of that, and keep going as long as you can pre-start
    • if you don't get as far forward as you'd like and find yourself surrounded by slower runners DON'T PANIC.  I'd guess the front of pen 4 will be c.8mm's (look out for RW pacers with their little lollipops to give you an idea).  Don't use up loads on energy trying to run your perfect splits in those early miles - it will eventually thin out (when the red and blue starts merge after 3 miles) and even before then it's poss to use the pavements to get a bit of space. 
    • Finally, remember a slow start is better than starting too fast.  If you do find yourself a minute or two down on schedule early on, don't try to get it back as quickly - just 5 seconds a mile is 2 mins over 24 miles!  And a negative split is the best way to run it anyway!

    Good luck!

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    MsC - a couple more thoughts - please don't just take my word that going to Expo with proof will work - it did when they stuck the pen numbers on seperately, not so sure now

    more positively, take a look at the links here - pen query 1 and pen q2 - second one includes comment from our own XPS about running sub 3.15 from pen 4. 

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    I've heard the old pen-promotion trick doesn't work these days with the pen number printed on instead of a sticker - but i know a couple of people who've been let into higher pens with the "smile sweetly/beg" technique.

    As you say, Jezza, if you can get to the frontish before the tapes come down you could easily be well up in pen4 at the start.

    I've only been off blue once but i seem to remember being in pen 2 or 3 there and it was pretty busy anyway as that's where the elites and club runners are.

    I really wouldn't worry too much, MsE - as J says a slow start is far, far better than a fast one, and the key thing is not to panic - you've a whole 26 miles to get back anything you lose at the start.

    On the train now so as long as East Coast have sorted their travails from yesterday I'll be in That London by about 11:30.
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭

    Tricky stuff this pen business for the London first timers.  Good luck with the sweet smiling/sharp elbowing MsE.

    Thanks for the info on the FGFA pens Ant.  Ideally, I'd like to get a 5 min warm up as close to the off as possible.  Where would you do the warm up and do they close pen1 FGFA at a certain time?

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    efc, my last meal will be potato gnocchi again. Anything along the lines of pasta, rice or potato would be good. Just avoid fatty, creamy sauces. And ditch meat in favour of more carbs. In a restautant you could have a vegetarian pasta in tom sauce and some plain bread to mop up the sauce. Do most of your eating before 4pm today, then an evening meal that's not too heavy. Don't want to feel full and bloated in the morning.
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    MsE - might be worth ringing vlm hq. The phone number should be on their website somewhere.
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Arrrgggh! I cannot believe my entire sub-3:15 campaign may now be thwarted by being put into the wrong pen!!

    Jezza Thanks for the tips, and everyone else too, and I will get on that phone now. I can't get to the Expo today and even that sounds not a given (family duties and suspect MrE won't be happy) so will see what can be done by phone.

    V worried now and less optimistic than before image
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Have spoken to VLM and apparently I put down 3:45 for my estimated finishing time.... AARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Somebody please reassure me it is still possible to achieve my goal? This is so depressing.
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    efc-colefc-col ✭✭✭
    Thanks speedy will take you advice.
    Mse if you don't get any joy,try not to weave about overtaking too much as you will lose valuable energy, at least it you won't start too quickly. Enjoy
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    anyone know if the adidas tracker is avaialable this year - can't seem to find any info.

    MSE - might as well aim high when trying to switch pens.

    PS the marathon is 26.2 MILES, there are MILE markers, we all talk in minutes per MILE so why are the chip reading mats every 5km instead of 3miles????

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    DomFDomF ✭✭✭
    MsE don't stress too much. Try and get as far forward in your pen as you can, perhaps duck under the tapes and sneak forward when nobody is looking. it's not too hard to wriggle past people. In 2009 I seem to remember there were gaps in the barriers with no pen police quite close to start time which may allow self promotion. Risky though. In a race this big chip time counts surely, so you don't lose time, and it thins out relatively quickly.

    CC2 - I only had half a pastie, and half a bag of crisps image Today I've had 100g of muesli, wholemeal toast, aiming for something light involving either spuds or brown rice/pasta for lunch. Unfortunately the recommended 10g of carb per kg alone takes me way in excess of my usual daily calorie intake so I can't just change the proportions!
    Just going to eat to appetite today, and replace my usual water with fruit juice. Should be well-carbed but not feeling too heavy by tomorrow.
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    MsE - at least being further back will avoid setting off too quick, keep positive, being conservative in the first few miles will make the AVIT even more special for that last 10K when others are flagging. Don't try and make up time early on as this will only waste energy with the dodging and weaving.

    Last post for me, luckily our train doesn't seem to have been affected so will hit the EXPO around 2pm. We are eating at Frankie Detories Restaurant tonight as staying at the Chelsea Copthorne Hotel - a complete waste as I will just ask for a small portion of pasta in a tomato sauce!

    Good luck everyone, and those not racing enjoy what looks to be great weather for a steady run/bike ride instead!

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    Good luck all - especially those trying to circumvent the M1 today.

    I'm off now too, feeling jittery.

    Looks like there isn't the adidas tracking this year.

    PS Metcheck forecast sticking to its guns of just 8 degrees at 1pm - all the others are about double that.

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    MsE -  Try and stay positive, aim for a slow start rather than a slow finish.  Try and get as far forward as possible in your pen, use your charm to get thru' the masses.  Do n't get too frustrated by the slow start as this will just use up energy. You will be overtaking people for most of the race so this will help. 

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    you WILL still achieve your goal MsE, don't stress.

    And as others stay don't weave .... I would though position yourself to the right side gutter - there are definitely stretches of wide pavement that overtakers can use in the early miles.  I also liked the advice from DomF to duck under the tape when no ones looking.

    Parkrun for me this am, and iroinically after my earlier post, made the double mistake of starting too far back and then trying to recover it all in 1st km.  2nd half was really tough as a conequence - and that was just a 5k!  Be cool and patient

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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭
    Mse as others have said. It's a bit of a shitter that you're not in the apt pen. But seriously don't worry. It may well turn out to be the biggest stroke of luck you could have as a novice marathoner. It will make you start slower, which trust me can only be a good thing when you're in unknown territory.

    If I don't get on again, best of luck and hope you all have the race of your dreams. Looking forward to seeing some of you in chandos.
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    I'd echo the sentiments of others, MsE - a pen 5 start will not be a hindrance to running 3:15 unless you let it. If you have to run a couple of slower miles at the start don't stress, don't weave and just keep telling yourself that every 10s per mile you lose (if indeed you do - you could be surprised as it's a downhill start so people run a bit quicker than you might think) you'll be that much stronger in the last 6 miles where it really matters.

    Feel quite guilty - leeds to london train v busy with people standing in 1st cos of chaos yesterday - but not giving my seat up to preserve my legs!
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    AfE: damn right on the seat

    MsE: you will be fine, it's (the pen) a blessing in disguise

    Good luck to all tomorrow, hope to see some in Chandos.

    Getting nervous now!
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭

    Don't get stressed about it MsE and accept you might loose a few minutes in the first 10 miles.  As others have said, it could be a blessing in disguise and you'll feel great from spending the whole time passing people.  Just don't lose any energy in the first few miles by trying to force the pace too much.

    Andy - I'm sure running a marathon in 22 hours time (I wish I hadn't worked that outimage) counts as higher priority than a little old arthritic ladyimage

    Don't forget to clear the lap history from your Garmin and have it fully charged.

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    In London now and it feels surprisingly hot. I hope it cools down fir tomorrow. BBC is saying 18 degrees and Metcheck is saying 8!!! Not sure what to believe.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Will be heading up on the train soon... then will have no connection till I get home tomorrow night...


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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Ran 3.5M this morning and leg/knee feels ok, so should be good for spectating duties tomorrow.  I will be at about 13M and 22M (just after you guys come off Tower Bridge).  I can't promise to spot you all (!) so GOOD LUCK!

    (((MsE))). It will be fine.  Start at the front of pen 5 or wriggle into pen 4/pen 3.  Either way, you will be ok.  Steady start = strong finish image

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    BadbarkBadbark ✭✭✭

    MsE – Don’t stress about starting too far back. I was in a similar position in the Dublin Marathon last year when trying to break 3:15. It’s smaller than London with about 13k people but it seemed like I had to overtake about half of these in the first few miles! These first miles took me over 8 minutes but I kept calm and slowly made my way through the field. By half way I was nearly back on schedule and finished with a 3:13 and a negative split. Don’t panic, you can do it too!

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    OK, I have gathered my composure and am telling myself, in the infamous words of Thomas The Tank Engine, "I think I can! I think I can!" Thanks for the advice all. Will try my best tomorrow.
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    Hello folks -

    Just dipping in to wish all the sub 3-15 thread runners tomorrow in London the very best of luck.

    I may not have been posting but I have followed your campaigns and from the training I have seen here on the past few months you can all toe the line feeling confident you're in great shape - notwithstanding niggles and set backs along the way.

    I had planned to be at Chandos tomorrow buying the first round as RJ did last year but I 'did a Lorenzo' and inadvertently booked a family holiday in Yorkshire - doh!

    Last word on the pens for MsE , last year they were very poorly marshalled and if you get into the front of your pen early you can slip under the rope as the crowds gather a little and make your way forward right to the front if you stick to the far side away from the marshalls. And in any case the negative split is your friend - the feeling of passing people from mile 10 onwards is great!

    I will be very envious of you all tomorrow but equally glad I am not having to run.

    Look forward to some great reports!


    oh and a quick PS

    Knight Rider - real shame about your Brighton race but you learn something from every race which helps you perform better in the next

    XPS - when I was reading your post in response to KR in the week I was so absorbed as I stood on the train platform I didn't notice my train arrived and left without me!

    Cracking run from DM to get 3.15

    MM - great recent 10k pb (on top of all the others!)

    FW - un- freakin-believable on the Edin HM course

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