
Sub 3h15



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    Steve, Sal f, and Martin congratulations, now enjoy a beer or two.

    SBD, commiserations. When did you know it was not on? and more importantly have you done yourself any damage? It takes bottle to walk from a long way out and watch other runners pass you by, especially runners which you know you can go faster than.

    MM - there were several top runners who had problems after the finishing line. Was trying to work out wether it was deliberate camera work to show a grittier side of running or just poor editting, I think it was the latter.

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    3:18:20 for me but not at all gutted. Still 7mins off My PB and think I hit the wall after 16 miles. 1:32 for first half and felt great ten really felt the heat at 14 miles until the end. Never felt as bad ever during a race though. Well done all!
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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭
    Thought I'd just dip in. 2:33:57 beat my target by 2 secs. image well happy. Think I saw birch and jools cheering us on, although I was in the hurtbox then. 1:15:46 first half, 1:18:11 second. Hot towards the end. Kept 2:30 within touching distance for the first 5 miles but the pace was a bit too hot so backed off. It was the right decision. Good to see some of you in the pub. Be proud of yourselves, it was tough out there today.

    Full report tomorrow.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    I don't think I made a very good spectator: from the 3 and 3.15 threads I saw (in no particular order):Coro, Hilly, RJ, Mr. Boat, MTR, Drifter, Marders, MsE, XPS, Ant, CC2 (I think) and Minni.

    Sorry I didn't make it to Chandos, either...

    Big congrats to sub 3.15ers Steve and Sal; big congrats to sub 3er Martin; sorry to hear things were so painful, SBD; congrats on the pb, Wokky.

    Looking forward to more race results soon!

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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭

    SBD sorry to ehar you didnt have a great day mate.

    Martin extremely well gritted out. I have to be honest I was concerned after your luck with the niggles the past couple of weeks. And to say you did that, in the heat. Awesome mate. You shoudlnt retire just yet!

    Steve, Wokky & Sal, massive congrats to you both too.

    Seriously though, London marathon is amazing!

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Great to catch up with some of you in the pub today! Could have stayed into the night. Some brilliant times run by you all! Well done!
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    Big congratulations to Sal, Steve, Martin, RJ and Wokky.

    SBD Big Balls for braving it out, hope you are still fit.

    Enjoy the drinks, you all deserve them.

    Looking forward to the reports.

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    Have been cyberlurking and reading. Huge respect to everyone who got through it some great times being posted

    Looks like it got hotter and crueller as the day went on

    Good shout SBD - that injury was just not going to lie down on the day eh

    Nice one Martin  - your balls are clearly there for all to see Sir - well done Mr Sub 3 !!! Take a bow mate

    RJ - special mention to the standard setter, quite brilliant squire. Who knows what could happen for you on a cooler day

    Brilliant time there Sal - really well run

    Not sure who I've looked up and who I've read about on here now so better not say any more. Will be great getting everyones' full reports over the week.

    Looked like a bad day at the office for Mr Lemoncello (he loked to be really hurting at the end) and it was hard to see Liz Yelling's face as she crossed the line.....image

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Great to see so many of you this morning.... but did not do it justice....

    OK, my VLM was crap....

    the start last night was fantastic along with a great pasta party at a local school only 200 yds from the start..... great sleep and already to finaly have a good run at london in the 6th attempt......

    Great start, held back nicely and was hovering round 7:17 and 7:19 min miles.... then disaster amd possibly the most FRIGHTENING experience I have ever had in running......

    At the 1st Lucozade station the guy next to me took a bootle a slup the just throw it down at my feet, bearing in mind I was in the middle of the road and also the drinks station, foot hit the top of the bottle on landing and rolled my ankle, lost balance and straight over into a roll / fall... looked up and all I could see was runners hurldling me.... clippling me... thankfully one or two managed to stop and form a barrier to allow me to roll over to the side and to my feet, they took a few blows and expleteives from other runners, so who ever you are thank you. They helped me to my feet, and checked all was ok, as usual adrenaline was flowing so statered straight off running,with no major damage except pride (I thought)...... managed to maintain some sort of pace, and was still on for 3:2X:XX but as the miles went past so my foot ankle started to be uncomfortable... by 16m I was in the back of the St John Ambulance, again pride kicked in and asked them to tape it / bandage it up, which they duley did... after tihs I could not get back any pace and the heat was helping even though it wasn't too hot.... so just accepted that and aim was just to finish... which I did in 3:48:57 on the watch......

    So another poor day oput at London, this WILL BE MY LAST LONDON, I cannot cope with the crowds, the noise, even though the atmosphere is great and just too many people........

    Guts played up at the end to top of a poor day too....

    There will be NO splits.....

    Thanks to all the support from Fetchies and Runners World peeps, so much appriceated.....

    Take care

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Ok quick read bak,

    Race Jase - awesome

    Sal F - Great PB well done

    Martin - got what you wanted, great to meet you this morning

    SBD - Wise I should have done the same...

    SteveC - Great dip under the 3:15

    Wooky - well done too

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Oh, RFJ, that's terrible.  Well done for finishing.  Hope you recover soon...  I am heartened to hear of other runners being prepared to help you out, though - does a little to restore faith in humanity!
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    Wow what a day.

    RFJ what a sh!tter for you after battling it back in the last year to be undone by a bottle at a drinks station. Well done for getting to the finish - brave running.

    Great results for Sal and Martin + Steve squeaking it  by a few seconds under 3.15 and well done to Wooky.

    SBD - tough day at the office: are you OK?

    Can't wait to read your report RJ - just brilliant, so pleased for you.

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Executive summary - ran a decent 16m @ sub 3 pace. Kept it up till18, then turned into a muppet with  appalling cramp in both legs, walked quite a bit, stopped frequently to stretch, damage limitation got me home in 3.12.54 but TBH it was a mare. Far too hot a day but it's GFA and fully redeemed by meeting so many of you nice folk before, during and after.  Looking forward to reading back and forward but immediate headlines:
    RFJ - crikey, you did well to get through it
    Jase - just.... crikey

    Take care all, a quick skim of people I know shows that quite a few simply fell to bits today, anyone who didn't can be pretty pleased.

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    Bit of a battle zone today. Well done all for completing.

    I was in bits really. 1:27:30 odd at HM and 3:05:30 by the end. That was a whole lot of hurt.

    Good to catch the usual suspects at the start, finish and Chandos.

    At least the legs are OK but I'm quite seriously dehydrated I think. Lots of headaches. I blame the Chandos cider, naturally!

    Big shout out to RFJ. That's a lot of bad luck.
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    RJ - Awesome fella.

    RFJ -  That is shocking bad luck,  well done for finishing, hope the damage ain't too bad.

    Wokky -   Congrats on the PB.

    Poacher  - Not want you wanted, but with the conditions there is going to be  a lot of people with the same, still well done.

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Talking of Shouting EPS, you walked past us at the start, tried to shout, but you were in the Zone, well ane and well battled.

    Poacher - was nice to have the brief meet and greet this morning, well battled to another GFA....

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    RFJ that is such bad luck, I feel for you, that was a great effort to complete it such circumstances, well done I reckon.

    I can't believe the way runners were leaving bottles in the middles of the road in places - especially near end of Docklands if I recall - w***ers.

     Well done everyone else today, especially awesome RJ and Martin who stormed it!!. Whether you nailed it or whether it didn't quite go to plan everyone has trained hard and put everything in and we all deserve a bit of respect tonight image

    Me, well I'm 46 and never even run a hm till last September.  I was on the 3:45 thread until four weeks ago, so perhaps not a full part of your community here (yet) and maybe asked too many questions but really grateful for all the insights I got (direct and indirect) - I took the carboloading REALLY seriously and am convinced I reaped the dividends, also did the caffeine depletion for a couple of days then had a really strong (cold!) coffeee at 8:30 - who knows if that worked, no reason not to think so.

    I knew that 3:15 was my optimal possible, but 3:25 probably a good target, so the sensible thing would have  been to aim 3:25 - but that's not me ....  I took the f*** it and see approach - I honestly didn't mind if I crashed to 3:45 as long as I gave it my all.

     first half was 96:27 so on course, but ...

    .... but nothing - I totally nailed it (with a sprint finish) second half 98 for a finish time of 3:14:27 - woo hoo image

     I don't like to brag but back of the net. Legs aren't even too bad considering, might go for a recovery jog in the morning with a big smile.

    Not dehydrated either - just steadily supped water and Lucozade all the way round, apart from last 3.

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    SteveC Nicked that sub 3h15 time fella! Doesn't matter if it's 1 second, 2 seconds or 20mins, you are a sub 3h15 marathon runner dude!
    sal f Sailing under the 3h15 banner with time to spare and as someone who has done nearly the same time as you (yours is better) I can empathise with how elated you are feeling image
    martin h ALready given my congratulations on your own thread but targetted, trained for and bagged. Textbook stuff and I know how you feel about not racing any more marathons. Great to sign off on a high isn't it?
    SBD Saw you weren't on it from halfway and just feel for you, knowing how much you've put into the last few months. The marathon is a cruel mistress brother bear image
    Wokky Nice time but I can see from your splits just how bad you had it. There is definitely more to come as your recent 5k time shows so enjoy the massive PB
    <RFJ> That's proper shithouse today and no mistake image Any other marathon and you'd have pulled out but London has a pull like no other and I can understand you wanting to carry on
    Poacher You went out at sub 3 pace, rolled the dice and although it wasn't what you were ultimately capable of, you still bagged GFA. Good save there!
    XPS Couldn't see your splits as I didn't have your number nor could I remember your last name but that's still a fast marathon in my book. Another GFA time by a thread member
    simon you've got BALLS my man, big fat shiny BOLLOCKS image That is a RESULT and one you should be SHOUTING about for a long time. Shoot for the stars and bring the bacon home. Please stay around and tell us how you did it (training wise I mean)

    and finally......

    RJ Mate, that was a STUNNING performance Saw you in the recorded stuff on the start line 2 rows behind the elites and then was on the sofa clocking your final 40km split and then looking at the screen to see you S H O W B O A T I N G down the cones for a barnstorming finish at your first London. You have come a LONG way and are an inspiration for us all.
    Big dose of man love for ya mate image
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    www.xempo.co.uk is the link for those thread members who want to get a "sub 3h15" technical t-shirt and there are some deserved results in there.
    Well done one and all!!!
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ahh, the best thing about this thread is a MM man-love post.  I cannot improve on it image
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    3:27:06. Absolutely delighted after missing 6 weeks of running. Defo benefited from fresh legs. Really kept on top of fuelling and ran a 5 min negative split. So tired but too buzzin' to sleep.

    Awesome all those that sub'd it!

    So tired.
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    RFJ Terrible day. Why do people have no consideration for others? Hope you are not laid off for too long

    Simon  Well done. Not bragging, we all share your enjoyment. That is why we are here.

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    BIG BIG congrats and commisserations to all of you, as relevant, but as

    Joolska wrote (see)
    Ahh, the best thing about this thread is a MM man-love post.  I cannot improve on it image
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    I'm on the train back to yorkshire, having abandoned Speedy to the Fetchies..

    Best bit? Meeting the Poach, Ant, Minni, MsE (and Minni's mates) et al in the pub.

    Worst bit? Last 10k - i was struggling hugely. For me it was 3:11 with a 1:31 first half - that'll do. I am quite fat and it was hot - 4 minutes off a PB.

    I'm off to That Spain for a Fred Run with Ant, by the way. So's Poacher ...
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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭

    Congratulations on sub 3.15 SalF, Steve & Simonx98 (brag away)

    Well done on your new PBs Wokky & RJ (awesome performance in the heat.  Right decision to back away from 2.30).

    Tough day SBD.  Takes alot not to give up and drop out.  I hope that you are not laid off for too long and you get what your training deserves in the autumn.

    Good to meet you this morning RFJ.  Really sorry you race ended in that way.  Incredible that fellow runners can be sooo stupid.  Well done for carrying on and don't blame you for calling it a day at London.

    Hard luck and well done at the same time Poacher.  GFA ticked off but a shame it wasn't achieved in your dress. 

    Tough one XPS. 3.05 is still a very good time. Looked out for you at the start but no luck.  It was tough conditions today.

    Cracking run Ormski.  Excellent time especially after your lay-off.  Well done.

    Good to meet you at the start AfE.  Sorry you missed your PB but it certainly wasn't the easiest day to do it.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Really well done all as it was hot today. Will post report and full backslaps later. Family duties beckon. Missed by quite a margin but with the whole pen debacle, my Garmin not working as I got it wet and the sun beating down I decided to just go with the flow a bit more and, as it was my first marathon, run a comfortable race rather than end up one of the many roadside casualties. Chip time 3:27:30. I WILL improve on that at Abingdon!

    PS lovely to meet Ant, Poacher, Andy, RJ and Minni at the pub! See, I'm not a Gay Bloke after all am I?!
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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭

    My race report.  Awake very early this morning, probably around 5.15.  Looked out of the window and glorious sunshine....oh no!!!!   Sorted my kit out, pinned my number on and watched a bit of TV.  An hour later clouds had come over and everything looked a bit more grey... more like it.

    Toast and a banana for breakfast, the same as always, whilst watching everyone else eating what I can only describe as a lovely full English....food envy.   Then back to the room to apply copious amounts of face paint to every part of skin not covered by my kit.  Then out to meet the rest of the runners for our charity.

    It was hard to offer them advice and calm their nerves without admitting that I had doubts about my ability to run sub-3.  The realisation of missing 2 of the last 3 weeks suddenly hit me and I became worried about only finding this out after 15+ miles.   Walked everyone over to their respective starts before heading back to the FGFA start.  Good to meet RFJ & AfE, who I stayed with until the gun went off.

    Then it was all systems go.  I decided to aim to run the first few miles around 6.40 pace to see if sub 2.55 was a realistic target on the day.  First mile was 6.48 (bit too slow), second was 6.35 (bit too quick) and then a long downhill section which meant the third mile came out at 6.30 (need to slow down).  Mile 4 went by at 6.34 (still to quick but feeling good).  Then the sun came out and I saw Poacher (minus his dress).  The next 2 miles came out at 6.42 & 6.45.  I was still feeling good but started thinking of the people who suffered in the sun at Brighton the week before.  The next two miles came out quicker again at 6.38 & 6.37.  Still on course for 2.55 but my quads were starting to feel tired...not good after only 8 miles. 

    It was at this point that the heat really started to kick in and I made my most sensible decision of the day.  Failing to get sub-3 was not an option and as this was my original target I decided to reset my goal.  Aching legs after 8 miles, missing 2 weeks running and the sun meant that my new target was sub-3.  I knew that if I could now keep each mile just under 6.52 pace then I was there as I already had a buffer.

    Miles 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 came in at 6.48, 6.43, 6.42, 6.46 & 6.44 (still well ahead) and I hit halfway in 1.28.23 (or thereabouts).  Just about the optimum time for hitting sub-3.  However, I had already ran an extra 0.2 miles (not what was needed).  Miles 14, 15 & 16 were a bit of a blur as I was looking out for Mrs H (missed her) and talking to SA & Postie Postie from my thread.  I actually missed the mile markers for 14 & 15, only realising when I hit the lap button for mile 16.  These 3 miles came out at an average of 6.39.  Feeling good but a bit too quick.   Then m right calf pulled.  I was not feeling too confident at this point, but thought that as I had a buffer I could still afford to run just under 7.00 m/m and still creep under. Mental toughness was needed.  So, I put my head down and thought that as this was last raced marathon I was not giving up.

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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭

    Mile 17 went by in 6.51, 18 in 6.49 and 19 in 6.57. I think it was at this point I passed Ant (apologies for not saying much but I wasn't in a good place at that point). Quads were now burning.  20 miles came up at just over 2.16 with a 6.45.  I worked out that I could now afford a couple of miles just over 7m/m and still hit sub-3.

    By this point I was counting down each mile knowing that each mile under 7.00 meant I was closer to my goal.  Just got to consolidate for a few miles to keep a bit for the end.  Miles 21, 22 & 23 went by in 6.55, 6.57 & 7.01. 

    I was now well within target but my right leg was now hurting with every step now...but I was going to win.  If it hurt afterwards then I could live with that.  After all, pain is all in the mind isn't it!!!!

    3.2 miles to go and, as usual, this is where I can feel the confidence of being able to finish flood back into me.  Mile 24 was 6.38....that's more like it (painful but nearly there).  Mile 25 was a bit slower at 6.49 but some of that was due to the amount of people walking, or running really slow, on the blue line (do they not know to move over) and a blister popping right in the middle of my foot (ouch)!!!

    Home and dry now....1.2 miles to go.  Mile 26 knocked off in 6.38 (running by supporters of our charity, parents included).  A fake smile and a painful wave as I passed them.  Finally it was head down and a big push for the line.  6.05m/m pace to finish and a huge smile as I crossed the line.  I finished with my watch showing 2.59.39 (confirmed chip time 2.58.37) and big congratulations from everyone at the end.   Met RSalter, MadLad and Postie Postie at the finish.  Treid to find SA but couldn't see him.

    Back to the guys from the charity with huge congratulations, relief from Mrs H that I will not have to put her through another 4 months of marathon training and then waiting for the others to finish.  As all were aiming for sub-4 I didn't get the time to get over to Chandos.

    As I have now ran sub-3 I am officially announcing my retirement from racing marathons.  VLM next year will be purely for charity purposes only (already made this promise to Mrs H).

    Thanks everyone for the support over the last few months.  It's been emotional!!!

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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭
    Well done MsE.  A very good first attempt and will stand you in very good stead for Abingdon.
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    AofE -  Still a good time considering conditions.

    MsE -   Good result and well done for completing your first mara. How did u get the Garmin wet? I think you'll find Abo a bit quieter,  easier to get round and it better be cooler!

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