
Sub 3h15



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    MsE - Shhhhhh! Your HM PB is the same as mine. Mine was my first HM, in March this year. It sounds similar to yours as I didn't get cracking until 8 miles due to only having run that distance once before. It wasn't nearly as bad as the next one will be, when I actually have to put some effort in from the start!

    BarryB - Nice speedy stints from you.

    Gul - Get well soon matey.

    KK - Well done on your MLR. How was it? I'm sure there'll be quite a few on here who'll be interested in what they prescribe in your new book.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    MsE wrote (see)
     To answer your question, I have only done 1 HM (last September) and managed 1.33 but did feel I could have gone faster had I not spent the first 7 miles dodging slower runners. I got stuck in a pen of slow runners and only found my stride around mile 8. I am basing my paces on a 1.30 HM which feels achievable now I think although racing is quite new to me so I could be wrong. I wonder if VLM will be similar with all of the charity runners?
    If you predicted your marathon time to be 3.15 on the application form then you should be in one of the first two or three pens, along with runners going for a similar time.  Therefore, although there are a lot of people, they should all be running a similar pace.
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    Evening all. Another day, another treadmill for me. This time I had a pass for Fitness First. Their treadmills are stoopid. When you program it it asks you how long you want to run for in minutes, you can't choose your distance. And you can only go up to 60 mins. No marathon mode. No override. Stupid! And it was in kilometres. So I opted for the full hour at 11.6kph as I wanted to go a little faster than my 'slow' pace. Fetch tells me I ran 7.21 miles at 8.19 pace, so actually I guessed well. That's MP plus 60.

    MsE - I've run London twice and not found congestion to be a problem at all after the first mile or so. And you don't want to be going too fast then anyway. 

    Get well soon Gul, and anyone else still battling the lurgy. And stay away from me please, I've got the County Champs to worry about in just over a week. 

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    You've all been making me feel guilty these last few days, so as a birthday treat I just went out and did a special torture session of 6 x 1 mile intervals with 90 seconds recovery. Well that was the plan, but as I ended up at the far end after 6 and still felt OK I did a 7th. It's actually a touch less than a mile, about .93, but it's close enough. Reps 1, 3, 5 & 7 were with the wind, 2, 4 & 6 into the wind: 6:00, 6:16, 6:07, 6:19, 6:02, 6:20, 5:59. So that's an average pace of around 6:37, and the HR max was 163, 164, 164, 166, 167, 167, 167. It was quite strange - the 5th rep just felt so easy compared to the first 4, and that's why I added a 7th rather than just using the mile back as an additional cool down, and the extra one felt comparativey easy as well, despite being the fastest. Whether that was the effect of having the wind behind I don't know, but I've never felt like that at the end of that session before. Anyway, as my wife is in America my mother is taking me out for a birthday dinner, so I can now feel a little less guilty about stuffing my face!
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    Quality mile reps there BOTF. Very impressive especially as you saved the fastest for last
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    Top Work BOTF, nice reps

    Good for those battling (and beating) the CNBA Fairy!

    8.5 Miles on the treadie today (with 4 @ 6:50 Pace) Felt OK.

    Since starting the P & D training plan I love my rest days soo much more!

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     some good running by too many to mension keep it up all...welcome Mozzy.

     just popping in for a quick catch-up,  from the bench...

     Picked up a glute strain while doing a 17mile in the snow on boxing day.

     Going to rest and stretch for a week and see if it eases-up hoping its not too bad.


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    Good going there BOTF, especially off the short recovery as well. Happy birthday BTW.

    I had been challenged by elder Lorenzito to make this morning's run a "double hill" one involving getting to the top of both Leith Hill and Box Hill.

    I decided I couldn't let that challenge pass so ended up with a rather hilly 21.5 miler which takes my tally up to 3 20+ milers in the last fortnight.

    Got back in time for a quick turnaround and then headed up with the rest of the Lorenzitos to an art exhibition in London followed by a rather pleasant meal in Chinatown so an excellent combo of sport, culture and food today.

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    Cat Girl - thanks for the tips re the GG - I'll head out and recce it when the kids are back to school. Dot is a complete star! At 58 and one year post her first race for life she ran 1.46 in the Sheffield half bagging 4th place in her category and and 3rd in category in the Gritstone series! We're heading out with the striders tomorrow morning for a 10 miler round Derwent (8.45 Fairholmes carpark to run @ 9) - message me if you fancy joining us - or just turn up!

    MsE - I don't think being teetotal has anything to do with banishing the CNBA pixie - I don't have that problem either and I'm a reet old boozy slapper! 4 kids under 8? Crikey Mrs you deserve a medal! It must be hard work so, well done you for keeping up with your running! I have two little Mozsters: 7 & 9 - I only managed to get out running regularly when they started school.

    GD/matchstick man/elc-col - thanks for the welcome! Much appreciated.

    KK - I have the Run less Run faster book - I've used the Furman schedules before - I know they get mixed reports but I reckon that if you're injury prone or have limited running time available they're brill. If tri is really your bag then it could work really well for you as they advocate x-training, in particular cycling/rowing/swimming so rowing aside you've pretty much cracked it! I'm considering the Outlaw with BMBecky so I may modify my P&D schedule slightly to accommodate more cycling if I decide to go for it. With the Furman schedule just make sure that you work out your paces according to your current ability not your target race time as the speed stuff can be pretty harsh if you've overstretched yourself image.

    Re the VLM pens - I assumed most of the lasses on here would have GFA places? In which case the pens are quite striclty controlled so you'll be running at a good pace from the start. I targeted 3.30 the time I ran London and I found that the pace was slightly too fast so I pulled back a little (much to the irritation of the folk behind) (but calling me a twat was tad uncalled for image) (though generaly a fair comment)

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    Glad to see the back of all that ridiculous ice. Gentle little 5 tonight at snail pace then planning 6 * 1km at 10k pace tomorrow. Remarkably runs have been outside every day this week. Wow !

    Nice mile intervals there BOTF -  enjoy your birthday

    Get stretching and icing that hamstring efc-col

    MsE - I doubt there are many committed smokers on here but as for the booze.....prob a different story. Although I reckon I could be comfortably drunk under the table by an eight year old girl these days. Lightweight doesn't even begin to describe it

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    I had half a bottle of wine last night. Mind you, it was one of those dinky bottles that hold 250mls! I might have the other 125mls soon. Push the boat out as I'm on holiday...

    We still have ice here in Newcastle, at least there is still ice precisely here at my parents house, but just a few miles away it seems to have all gone. So I'll be driving over there tomorrow for a 4 mile recovery run. Seems wasteful of petrol but I still can't walk on the pavements here and the roads are too busy.

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Nice effort BOTF

    Ref Smoking.... I gave up in 2001 and there was no difference in running.... very simple.... gave up put 2 stone of weight on in 2-3 month period then took many years to get rid of it..... once I did that then yes giving up smoking has it benifits.... the key is not to eat and substitute fags for food...

    Rest day today....

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    good reps there botf....

    last run of 2010 in the bag for me which was a nice 2m brisk with wu & cd followed by a nice glass of red. just short of 2000k for the year (29k short tbh) but looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

    did i read earlier that someone else was reading the "Racing Weight" book? i am using some of the stuff in that regarding nutrition timing etc and it seems to be working so far....any thoughts on this welcome.
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭

    I have to confess to having a glass of red wine in my hand but just for the antioxidants you understandimage

    Impressive miles and hill bagging there Lorenzo.

    Go easy on that glute strain efc-col - sports massage?

    Nice birthday celebration there BOTFimage

    On the CNBA Pixie - I think having a schedule/written plan and milestone races helps a great deal.  An 18-week schedule is great for London because it starts mid December and helps get you out training over the festive break when the CNBA Pixie is tempting you with mince pies and alcohol.  I think the other strategy that works is to always have the flexibility to downgrade a planned run so that it's not the fear of the session that is stopping you get out there. 

    14 miles for me today but as I was unable to run during the day it had to be the treadmill option as we have no streetlamps on the local roads.  Psychologically painful but hopefully good training with the last 5 miles at 7:08 m/m pace.

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    yes antioxidants indeed...absolutely image
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    dm1974 wrote (see)
    did i read earlier that someone else was reading the "Racing Weight" book? i am using some of the stuff in that regarding nutrition timing etc and it seems to be working so far....any thoughts on this welcome.

    I'm working my way through it - TBH I think alot of it is just common sense but it's presented in a way that makes you want to do something about it.

    Healthy eating plan kicks in on Saturday but I'm hoping that there's something in the bits I still haven't read yet about the need to increase your antioxidant intake.image

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    DM - I too picked up my copy of Racing Weight again last night in a bid to get as lean as possible in 2011. I would probably be described as slim anyway but running throughout each pregnancy highlighted to me how much a difference it makes carrying those extra pounds. So healthy eating and focussed training is my resolution for 2011. Oh, and to nag my husband less and stop shouting at the MsEttes and MsEsq when cross no matter how trying they are being. Anyone care to share their resolutions for the new year?

    SBD - good effort on the treadmill! I am wondering about finding one to get my paced sessions in with all these admirable sessions going on.

    RFJ - good to hear you gave up the cigarettes. Interesting to hear how the weight battle continued afterwards for a while. Smokers often say eating replaces not smoking when giving up don't they?
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    MsE wrote (see)
    Anyone care to share their resolutions for the new year?

    Healthier eating for me as well - I'm not an unhealthy eater, but sometimes can't resist the biscuits in meetings and I don't have my 5 a day on a regular basis, so my aim is to eat more fruit and veg.

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    Good reps BOTF - how often are you doing those kind of sessions?

    Efc-col - I can feel my glutes after running in the snow & ice for a week, it's surprising how much you these muscles more in those conditions. Hope the rest does it good.

    SBD - Are there any of those antioxidants in Stella Artois?

    The week is progressing well so far with a 10 miler on Tuesday @ 7.54 pace, then 6 miles on Wednesday night @ 6.48 pace and 11 miles last night at 8.10 pace. Will probably go out this afternon for a 1 mile easy, 2 miles quick and 1 mile easy session as I think tomorrow might not be much good! Then just got to work out a new route for my 14 mile LSR on Sunday. TBH honest I have had to juggle some runs about just to get them in with Xmas/visting people etc. So next week it will be back to normal. What is the suggested Mid week LSR max distance nad how many weeks of the schedule do you do it for?

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    Just a quick check-in before heading off for new year festivities and last drink for a while! Had 3 days rest in the end over xmas, felt a little sniffle coming on and with family all coming down with something was probably a good idea, feel good for it now.

    This week:

    Tue - 12 miles, ave. 7:18

    Wed - 35min bike, Weights, Core work

    Thu - 10min w/u, 3 x 2min @ 6:00/mile (60 sec jog rec.), 8min @ 6:20 (2min jog rec.), 3 x 2min @ 6:00/mile (60 sec jog rec.), 10min w/d  =  6.5miles

    Fri - 45min swim

    Rest (read hangover) tomorrow and a long run on Sunday.

    Happy new year all!

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    Knight rider I believe the length of the mid week run is equivalent in time to 90mins to 2hours. Generally 12 to 16 miles.
    Did an easy 3.9 miles this morning at 8m10s pace in my vibram fivefingers. Yes I still use them on short runs occasionally as a way of improving form and cadence
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     KR, SBD, thanks for the support regarding my glute strain...i know i could be being over cautious but i have been there before with different injury and tried to run it off..i have got to keep the main goal in mind and back off a bit...

     MM totally agree my normal mid w run is between 1h 30 to 1h.55 depending on distance 12 -15m

                all the very best to all for 2011

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    Some great sessions being bagged by lots of peeps. Nice LSR Lorenzo and plenty of them. Excellent reps BOTF and happy birthday for yesterday...I hope the meal was nice. Well done Steve for hitting that pace on your tempo run. KR, that 6@6:48 looks a strong session.

    efc-col - Running on snow and ice certainly does test muscles. I found it was mostly my calves which ached. I hope your glute sorts itself quickly.

    Pleased for you Fraser that you're running outside again. I believe I was the last person to push you off the drinking wagon? I think it's allowed when it's champagne on the marathon finish line.

    My new year's resolution has to be the obvious one and probably to drink less too. It's a wonder I can run at all with my diet. I suppose I do eat my fair share of fruit and veg and proper square meals but it's all the other crap I eat, drink and smoke in between that's not so good.

    I had an interesting and enjoyable run last night, which is perfect for the last of the year. My intention was to do the same P&D tempo run that Steve did so I had 2 miles warmup as I made my way down to the prom on the Mersey. It's nice and flat there, with only fishermen to negotiate so ideal for speedy running. I got down to the river and found it was incredibly foggy. I could hear a deep chugging sound and gradually, from out of the fog, the outline of an enormous oil tanker emerged. Despite being very close, I could hardly see it as it made it's way very carefully between the red and green flashing buoys which marked the deep channel recently dredged to enable ships to proceed further down the river to the oil refinery at Ellesmere Port. An amazing sight.

    Anyway, I started the tempo bit whilst running alongside the tanker and after half a mile, looked at my watch to see I was running at 5:44 pace! Utterly ridiculous and impossible for me to keep up for 4 miles. Either that or MM's gonna get a thrashing at The Regency image I decided I'd probably ruined that session by being too keen so slowed right down and resolved to do some strides instead, as I've not really done them before and fancied some quick running. I did 10x100m and found them really good fun, made more so by trying to get my Garmin to register under 5mm by the end of each set. After that I jogged a mile then did the last full mile in 6:54 with a bit of warm down to take me home. It's nice to be able to mess about like that on a session. 8.4 miles of fun and no pressure.

    Sorry for the waffling guys and dolls. Off to a gangster and molls fancy dress tonight in Warwick, complete with sucker-dart firing gun!  It's gonna get messy.

    Thanks to all my invisible computer friends for all the help, advice and encouragement in my first year of running. You're a bunch of stars and I hope you all have a fantastic new year, with PBs not just in running but in every aspect of your lives. imageimageimage

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    Matchstick Man wrote (see)
    Did an easy 3.9 miles this morning at 8m10s pace in my vibram fivefingers.

    For the benefit of those who haven't seen them, how about a piccie? image

    Younger Lorenzito did a XC race the other week and one of the guys in the adult race was wearing a pair - do you use them for off-road as well as on the road / track?

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    knight rider wrote (see)

    SBD - Are there any of those antioxidants in Stella Artois?

    No - only carbohydrate, but you need plenty of that for marathon training as wellimage

    Need to get out for a 12 miler before dark but struggling with the CNBA Fairy.  Last run of the year but it would have to be a 77 miler to get me to 2,500.   I have been reading Born to Run over the last week but still don't understand the desire to run these ultralong distancesimage

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    Lorenzo - am on iTouch so finding it hard to post images.
    B&B - why did you back off when traveling fast? I'd have given it a nudge to see how far I could have lasted if I were you. You may have found the first mile was for "settling in" and that would have been the pace to hold for the tempo session.
    If you're running like that as a smoker then don't give up - it will give the rest of us a chance to keep up! image
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    Lorenzo - I only use them on road as I've got the Sprint model which is very open. I suspect the bloke you saw had the KSO model which fully encloses the foot.
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    Nice reps BOTF, that’s the type of session I love relationship with! Belated Happy Birthday!

    Great session B&B, sounds very enjoyable.

    I finished my running year with a bit of a bang this morning. I hadn’t planned on running today but decided last night to run a 17 mile LSR before work this morning so I could enjoy copious amounts of alcohol over the weekend! However, I slept in a bit so had to change it to a 15 mile MP session.

    I ran the first mile then looked at my watch for the first time and noticed I was running at just below 7 minute mile pace. I felt good so decided ‘what to hell’ lets really go for it on the last day of the year! I continued at this pace for all 15 miles, going through the HM mark at 1:31-ish which is quicker than I’ve completed any HM this year, and finished the 15 miles in 1:44:37.

    I know it wasn’t the wisest of runs at the beginning of a marathon schedule but it’s certainly a great confidence booster for next year. It was also done on an empty stomach, on the 5th day of running in a row and began at 5:30 am! 2060 miles completed for the year and now it’s party time!

    Happy new year everyone!

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    Blimey badbark! Remind us what you are targeting in 2011? I suspect you may need to revise your targets!
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