
Sub 3h15



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    Chuffin' 'ell Menn, that's fast! And only 84th? Yikes. 

    First proper track race today. 3000m at the Midlands League Division 1, and they put me in as the A string runner, which seemed fair enough I suppose, given that I beat the other girl by nearly a minute at the road race last week. Scary though, as I wasn't sure what to do tactically. 

    The (very loud) gun went and one girl shot off into the distance never to be seen again. I found myself in 3rd and panicked a bit so tucked in behind 2nd even though the pace seemed slow. After 200m or so another girl came past us so I tucked in behind her instead and just followed in her wake for lap after lap. It felt ridculously comfortable and I didn't have a clue what the splits meant that were being shouted out. I can't do that kind of maths! I was wondering if I should go past her, but I didn't know how long I'd be able to maintain a faster pace for. 

    After the bell two other girls came past us (one of them being our B string runner). I went with them down the back straight then decided my time had come as they were both breathing pretty heavily. I pulled out past them with 200m to go and pushed for the finish line, finishing strongly. So second place was mine, and it's all about positions rather than time for the team scores anyway. As it happens I'm not sure of my time as I wasn't wearing a watch and they cocked up the provisional results (they'd clearly read the wrong line of the declaration sheet). Hopefully they'll fix that before the official results go on the website image I think it was around 10.56 or 10.57. 

    Then the team manager asked if I was free to run the UK Women's League next month. Errrrr, it's only 13 days after my marathon. And I checked out some results from last year and I'd most likely finish last with that time, and I'll be slower then. Not sure about that!

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    x-post Lorenzo (took me age to type mine!). We now have matching 5k PBs image

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    moofmoof ✭✭✭

    Very fast 5K Mennania, I agree with OO you and AR are the on form runners at the moment.

    20 on a treadmill AR, ye gods!!

    Cheers for the link Keir.

    Congrats on the PB Lorenzo.

    80 miles on the bike for me this morning, I wanted to get up to 100 but ran out of time as I was taking my son swimming. I didn't find the ride hard at all as you can have a good ol' nosh the whole time (one malt loaf and a large flapjack). Definitely easier than a 20 mile run.

    After taking my son swimming, which was pretty energy sapping, he wanted to go out on his bike, I'd had enough of that for one day but what  could I do? We were only out for about have an hour when I had a real big dip in energy and was feeling pretty shit. My son even asked if I was ok  which is a first.......I'd boinked on a 3 mile ride. I got my sorry arse home and stuffed a couple of jam sarnies down which eased the shakes and that horrible spaced out feeling.



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    moofmoof ✭✭✭

    Nice racing Speedy.

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    Speedy - we may have the same 5K times, but I'm not sure I could get close to you over 3K based on your race today. And second place as well - sounds as though you got the tactics spot on. Fantastic stuff - what sort of marathon time does that convert to? image

    Hopefully the weather will be OK for me to get out on the bike tomorrow morning although I won't be in Moof distance territory.

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    I don't think there's a conversion calculator in existence that will give a marathon time based on 3k!

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭

    Windy - did you spot the redback whilst out running?
    Keir - pleased to hear you're managing to get some decent mileage in again; good luck with the stretching and injury-proofing.
    Speedy - sounds like a tough 10k training session.
    Poacher - saw a barn owl last week, but don't think I've ever seen a wheatear.
    Mennania - good report and great to hear you're already thinking about improving on that stonking time.
    GM - good luck with the revision.
    Martin - have a great holiday.
    OO - good parkrun result.
    Lorenzo - congrats on the parkrun PB - sub 19 is a great achievement.
    Speedy - fantastic racing. Congrats on 2nd place.
    Moof - nice long bike ride.
    3 mile recovery run this morning to round off a 49 mile week. Getting nervous now as it's usually around 50 miles when I get myself crocked.

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    A Super Saturday for the thread! First-class (first division?) performances from OO and Lorenzo, but I'm sure even they will be happy to stand aside and form a guard of hour for Speedy. As Lorenzo said, what brilliant racing tactics and know-how!

    Anyway, really well done all three of you.

    Off out for a long-ish (12-14M) run now, hoping it will stop raining soon. 

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    And I will second Ants sentiments exactly.  Speedy - I take it it is over the same distance? I wouldn't be dismissing that offer out of hand just yet!

    Moof - 80 miles on a bike is a long way.

    12 hilly mile done this AM in lovely conditions. I now need to try and establish some kind of plan for the next months coz as it stands I have nowt booked and my schedule is a shambles, I am in danger of using bits and peices of whatever running philosophy that drifts through my transomimage Seriously though, I need a new focus. Any thoughts?

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    Great run Lorenzo. Sub 19 sounds like a good club to join. Lets say yours was the best pacing of the day (parkrun and all that) and Speedy takes best racing of the day, with the tactics of a master.

    That bike of moof's is getting some use. Quite like the idea of a picnic on the move.

    12 x 400m this morning. Clueless as to how fast to run them so basically went a little faster each time. Next time I will have a better idea

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    Mennania -You could just use this new-found freedom to do whatever you fancy for a month or so, mixing it all right up according to what you feel like doing on the day.

    In the end I just did 10 miles but more or less replicated next week's HM course by going up 150m in elevation. Unfortunately the normal route you follow once you're up the hill was closed off (landslides due to the heavy rain), so had to come down straightaway and do some flatter miles down in the city. Last mile 6:45mm just to show myself it is still possible.


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    Talking of heavy rain and the like, we had the hailstorm to end all hailstorms on Friday, and this was the result in the main street:



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    Ant, That's a catastrophe, it even shut Maccie D'simage.  What time are you aiming for in the HM?

    Gul Darr wrote (see)

    Windy - did you spot the redback whilst out running?
    don't think I've ever seen a wheatear.

    Gul, Nah, Redback in backgarden & I've drunk a wheatbeer - does that count?

    Swimming this morning around 1/2 mile of splashing, until what little I have of triceps/biceps and pecs completely siezed up.  I'm carp at swimming.

    As for this running lark, did a bit, but just nursing my knee - no fast stuff and certainly none planned for another month at least.  Need a healthy base, grumble free.

    Menn, OO, Lorenzo, Speedy nice racing.


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    Crikey Ant - that's one hell of a hailstorm. If it's any consolation, it's lovely and sunny here at the moment.

    As planned, I hopped on the bike this morning. Didn't get the fuelling sorted (one bowl of cereal before I left and nothing but a sports drink en route) so the last 10 miles were a bit tough, especially the 1 in 5 hill, but managed to get 54 miles in so no complaints.

    In prep for my parkrun yesterday, I asked younger Lorenzito if he had any advice to pass on to help me PB. His response: "run the first 4K as if you haven't got a sprint finish and the last K as if you have". Can't say fairer than that!

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Congrats on the sub 19 Lorenzo and brilliant last k to dip under. You must be mighty pleased. Couldn't imagine what 54 miles on a bike feels like..... Two miles from mine to the office is enough for me.

    No run for me again, this time with vineyard flu as I went to town on the vino tinto last night. Oh dear, need to get my act together or I won't be able to match any of these fab performances.

    SG- 10:5X is a good time and it sounded like you were not flat out at all.  Tried a sub 11 once on a track for 3000m and failed miserably coming home in 11:20. I guess it's all down to experience with the track running.

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    Speedy, nice track race there, especially impressive as a first time out seriously. The track races take a bit of getting used to as the reward is on position and not time. Many people also double up so no points for running a hard race and knackering yourself: trick is to put in a reasonable first lap and try and work out who is off and away and who is in the mix as an also ran and then see what is left over. I have done lots of 5000m races where the positions at the end of the first lap have stayed pretty stable to the finish with just the odd position being played out by a couple of runners.

    My, I enjoy runing so much



    Did the Staines 10k this morning: club champs and I was 15th overall but 7th in my club so even though we won the team prize by a country mile there was nothing for me. Chip time was 37:17 so that is 6 minute miling spot on. Have now got the rest of the summer to get the speed up at shorter races and see if it is worth trying a 10 miler in the autumn and harvest another sub 60 run. 

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    Oh, that's a lovely picture PMJ, you look so serene. image

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    PMJ - great picture. Definitely a candidate for a caption competiton!!

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    Great time PMJ. Staines is one of the 10k's I have kept a note of for next year - it sounds like a popular race which fills up quickly. Datchet Dashers seems to be a really strong cub with 7 out of the top 15. Nice work

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭
    Lorenzo wrote (see)

    PMJ - great picture. Definitely a candidate for a caption competiton!!

    Does the caption competition need to include Staines  in the wording

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    PMJ - Excellent time, and fantastic gurn. With your right hand "down there" we'll take your word for it you were running at that pointimage.

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    A certain Captain pugwash figure springs to mind. Great run PMJ and as you say, a good point to work from. 

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    So Seaman Staines, Master Bates and Roger the Captain Boy are all urban legends all people have been sued for printing such as fact.

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Speedy I bet you are really scary to race against with the relentless terminator racing hear. Very impressive
    PMJ - that is indeed a quality gurn, although immodium has to feature in the caption competition too
    Lorenzo - woo hoo, nice landmark, 3 sec really counts. Good parkrunning from OO too

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Now a pic just for Ant, everyone else should scroll down rapidly


    Not too minging after a hard race this morning.  The Windermere mara brought up 50m for the week for the first time in ages, a good day out and a useful VLSR. Good conditions and well organised, but the course is relentlessly up and down and for a road race a bit gruelling given a lack of training and especially of long runs and hilly stuff. Quite happy with 3.20.54 for 45th place, the last few miles were an exercise in fending off cramp but overall a better run than London.  Onward and upward.

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    What big feet you have poacher, never mind the nails.

    Great running Speedy, you did well to hold back. Very shrewed tactics given your lack of track experience.

    Great 10k PMJ- 20 secs better than I've managed this year. Definately coming back

    16 for me today most at sub 8:30 pace. 36 for the week which is a good recovery from a poor week. 

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    OO, had a sneaky look and your ag grading is a little better so I'd call that evens. Reckon the talk of come back has to be over: my aim going forwards is to get as many 80% + age graded runs as possible and today was my 4th ever: one in 2011, two last year and a good start this year now with plenty of time to go.

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    No, they are minging, Poacher, but what a fantastic effort from you today - effortless, even. Maybe that's the key, just turn up and leg it round. I sometimes think we (I) worry ourselves too much and crumble as a result.

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    PMJ, that's a bit flipping quick for this thread, especially for a non-junior. In fact, it rather smacks of being a bit competitive. I can't remember what a 6 minute mile looks like.

    I did a 6 minute tyre change. Does that count?

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    Blisters wrote (see)

    I did a 6 minute tyre change. Does that count?

    Depends if the tyre was around your waist.

    Poacher, I think a coat of nail polish would smarten them up a bit....image.  So why is it a very useful VLSR?  What else have you accidently entered?

    Nice gurning PMJ, great time.  I wouldn't even attempt one 6 min mile at the mo, for fear of spontaneous knee combustion.  And the caption comp must involve Dashers (with or without pebbles), skids and AR's afore mentioned Staines.

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