
RW Forum Six - Sub 3:30



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    Spoons: I'm usually in bed by about 2130, though when I do the really stupid oclock 3AM bike starts in the summer it can be 2000!

    Minni: Hope your better soon.

    I never eat before I go out even if its going to be a 6 hour bike ride, never considered it a problem.

    2Old: A very impressive 1/2M, surely your time should be posted as 88.05image. I do sometimes wonder what I could still do if I concentrated just on running, every running race I have done this year has been preceded by a 100K on the bike the day before, there are 3 races this year that I will not cycle the day before so lets see what happens then. I don't beleive that cycling and swimming slow me down as a runner in fact its probably how I manage to stay generally injury free, its the long cycles before running races that impinge on my race times though.

    So back from the pool 2.5K swum, one hour to trot tonight.


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    DD - some of your races this year have been pretty quick, even with 100miles on the bike beforehand...I reckong you'll be super speedy when fully rested!  What distances are the 3 races?

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    Hi everyone,

    Away last week so haven't checked in for a while.

    Seems like the main thing that's happened is a fantastic new HM PB for 2Old. Congratulations on that! Fantastic running.

    Brolish, what a nightmare for you and what a shambles. Hope you still managed to enjoy your time in NY.

    Minni, Freemers, hope the colds get better.

    Had a nice walking break in Wiltshire last week and for some reason I found it tired my legs out more than running! Tried a 10k pace tempo on Friday but my legs just didn't want to run at that pace so cut it short. A couple of easy runs since and then back on form today with my last Furman style long run before Norwich - 12.2 with 10 @ 6:47 image Toying with the possibility of aiming for 6:30mm at Norwich and will try 5-6 miles at that pace later in the week and see what the HR monitor says about it!
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    wow, 2old - even better image  love it when chip time turns out to be better than Garmin time (usually it's the other way round and they rob you). Don't want to sound negative but your symptoms really look like a cat allergy image

    BarryB: next big one will be Hamburg marathon on 21 April but I signed up for a series of offroady 10ks over the winter. First one of those 18 November. I'm slightly worried though because I still can't run fast without the calf playing up. Guess I need to bite the bullet and spent some cash on sports massages image

    Minni and kiwi: hope the colds don't get too bad. Sometimes it's good to let them run their course. Inevitably the First Defence will fail at some stage and you don't want that happening close to an important race.

    Daren: mindboggling speed once more!

    10 miles done - it was cold and windy, like every day at the mo. Well, it's November.

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    Afternoon all,

    Couldn't sleep and woke up at 05.30 this morning, thought of all you early risers on this thread so took a look out the window, with a view to a run... frost all over the cars on the drive... BACK TO BED!imageimage

    I'm thinking of running with my running club this evening (far more sensible time of day), but left calf seems to be getting more sore and i've got worse doms than after both VLM & MKM???image

    Don't know whether to risk it, or have another rest day just in case?image

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭
    Minni- interesting that wine option didn't do any harm. I had a beer the night before the HM..... That wrecks RWs theory I think. Get well soon. It's not the same here when you aren't 100%

    DD- cycling engages different leg muscles than running so sure your long rides hinder the runs the day after. I guess that to get the best out of your runs you may need to leave a decent gap. I agree that training for all three helps us oldies to avoid injury . I swam and/ or did bike work on easy or recovery days after VLM up until mid September.

    Daren- good to see you back. I believe you can do the pace you have in mind after seeing your previous impressive performances. Have a decent taper too and see how that benefits you.

    Free - I think I gained the time as I was slow switching it off at the end as I was gasping for air to recover first. Better to get rid of the lurgy before pushing it

    10.25 TM session at av 7.34mm done as I out tonight and won't run then
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    Freemers: I like the new forum pic. Was it taken at TM? Overlooked that you are coming down with something as well. So take it easy.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    2old - I did drink gallons of water during the night though.  I can't remember if I said but my fuelling before and during the TM was spot on - the first time in 11 marathons that I've got it right. I had no tummy issues or hunger pangs.

    Daren - is it a week or two till the Norwich half?  Will you go to the Compleat Angler afterwards, for old times' sake?  image image

    Rest Oompa!  Not worth risking the calf.


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    Chick - yep, that's from the TM. Must have been quite early on as I still look vaguely human image

    Oompa - I wouldn't risk it...take care of the calf!

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    How do you guys get decent forum pics to load???? Anything i try to upload is too big as it only allows 12kb!


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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    You need to reduce the size on photoshop or similar.  That's a rather dashing picture you have though - why change it?! image

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    Because nobody can ever find a short, fat, orange man with a rather fetching 'do at races... Except for Cooks!image 

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    It's still nearly three weeks away Minni. I wouldn't have done a run like that if it was a week to go! Some of us like to taper for HMs image And no, I try to avoid the Compleat Angler if I can. It's not the nicest pub - more Spoons's type of establishment image I've actually got to go to work at 4pm afterwards and work till midnight image but I suppose at least that avoids any chance of a repeat of last year! image

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    I'm envious of those doing the Norwich half - I did it a couple of year's back and thought it was really well organised and a very good course. I've just realised that Mrs R has booked me in for a trip to Norwich & then Metfield this weekend too...

    I have just made an impulse purchase of a place in the MK marathon. Now, that might not sound too impulsive, but given I haven't been able to do a single piece of running for 13 weeks and still counting, it might be a bit foolhardy. Fingers crossed! 

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    kfc.kfc. ✭✭✭
    Hello again Daren - good to see you are still speedy and still have the f*#*man faith image. I've missed so much - have you done a marathon yet?

    Oompa - if it hurts, rest is best... Is there another sport you can do with less soreness if you still feel like some training?

    Redwood - exciting about MK, something to aim for

    Spoons - I read your post as 35M recovery run...

    Another 3.5 junk miles for me at lunchtime. Secretly hoping nobody else wants to run tomorrow so I can blast the pace...
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    KFC - I have had a couple of nasty chess injuries!image

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    Ooof Daren, good pace. I've got a half in 2 weeks as well, but won't be targeting that sort of time. 

    Oompa - yes beware the calf - you don't want calf injuries, they are a real pain to get rid of, as I found out to my cost this summer

    Red - MK marathon. So spectating at last year's monsoon didn't put you off then?!

    4 x 1 mile repeats for me today. 6:52, 6:38, 6:57, 7:00 - slightly wind affected. It really is a killer workout. I'll be doing these all through marathon training. Thought I'd better just do 4 this week, given the proximity of the HM

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    Hi kfc, no, they haven't managed to bully me into a marathon yet! And I'm not a strict F&rm#n devotee these days - I mix it up a bit more and have even been known to run 4 or even 5 times a week and very occasionally more than 30 miles a week too image - but I do swear by their crazy-paced mid-long runs for HM training, and I'm still very much low mileage, high quality.

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    Evening. Tonight's session was 4x400 plus 1 mile rep. And repeat x 3. 9 miles in total. Tough but fun.

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    Just home from work, Year 10 Family mass tonight, what was left of my voice has now disappeared after singing the hymns. Have run out of first defence, but figured what others have said, will let this one run it's course. Hope everyone else with colds manage to shift them!

    Barry - I shall be interested how you find your doubles + their impact on your running. Have a friend who often runs doubles + races really well, she swears by doubles for her overall fitness...

    Daren, you are such a speedster!

    Red - good to see you planning ahead.

    Ant + Spoons nice intervals, makes me tired just reading about it!
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    I did run tonight and don't feel any worse for it. Did 5.5 easy (8:50) rather than 8 with strides. Had a pint afterwards but still can't face wine.....
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    kfc.kfc. ✭✭✭
    Oompa - had something a bit more cardio focussed in mind...!

    Daren - so when are you going to do a marathon then? This spring?
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    Minni -  Really enjoying Homeland, don't watch much TV but must see Homeland and The Walking Dead every week. Good news you are back running.

    Daren -  Impressive running, 6:30 target is v quick.

    Chick -  I see my physio once a month, even if I'm not injured, just for check over and massage, money well spent.

    Red -  Good to have a target, what's the news on the injury?

    Doubles are getting easier as the week goes on, slow going to work and 7's coming home. 5 lots of those will give me just over 30 plus my 18 Sunday, too much?

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    My throat now really hurts...don't think the first defence is working image. Don't feel particularly poorly apart from the throat, so I'm going to keep taking the drugs and see how things go.  Rest day today anyway image

    Barry - sounds OK as you've still got a few weeks to go until Florence. But you're not planning the same next week I take it?

    Red - great to aim for MK...good to have something to focus on. image

    Daren - I think I am more excited about what you might do at Norwich than anything I might manage! You are in top form at the moment image.  And I think I can give the Compleat Angler a miss image

    kfc - just start cranking up the pace very slightly when you're running with your colleagues...they will never notice image

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Morning all-such as is left of it

    Quiet here today

    Minni-you must be poorly if you cant face wine at least you can still run

    Free-enjoy your rest day and get better

    Barry-your mileage looks fine-I  assume you have two weeks to go after this one so will continue to taper.

    Darren-low mileage high quality?Anyone would suggest that we high mileagers are not doing quality runs.Now Im not one to take offence but I know how sensitive some can be here. To say you are sorry you should sign up for a marathon..no excuses now!image....no bullying there eh kfc?

    Oomp-be careful you are still recovering--dont fall at the first hurdle in the race to that IM. Looks like you have morphed into your digital character so you now are the profile picture.

    Ant and Spoons-Nice intervals-they are always tough and its  worse knowing you have them all to do again next week

    Red- another marathon for us to follow great

    Knees a bit sore so will swim soon


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    Ant – that monsoon was alright for watching as I was sheltering under a bridge!

    Barry – I’m enjoying Homeland too. Thought Sunday's episode was definitely the best so far from both series.

    Knee update is that it still isn’t great. Every time I think it’s getting better pain just pops up from nowhere. I can go 3 days with no pain at all, then something innocuous will make it really hurt for the next 2 days. I’m convinced it’s getting better, I just need to get a few weeks base in before Christmas to be able to train properly for MK.

    As for your doubles, I’ve spent a lot of this year doing something similar to you. When I’m not injured, I do 0.5M from home to the train station, then 2M from station to work, then repeat back at the end of the day. Things I’ve learnt are: as satisfying as it is, caning the 2M at breakneck doesn’t really serve a purpose, to try and run virtually all of them as recoveries, and not to be afraid to take a day off here and there if my legs start feeling a bit heavy. To be able to run as recoveries, I quite often extend two or three of the morning ones out to 5, 6, 8 or 10 to get some quality in, and before you know it you’ve got some pretty decent mileage.

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    Redders: great news re. MK mara. Best of luck for you to get on top of that injury.

    Hope your cold-stricken ones get better. If Minni is off the booze that's a reason for concern image

    Managed 5 easy miles in the rain this morning feeling very hardcore. Met another female runner and we both seemed happy that someone else was crazy enough to be out there braving the elements image

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    Afternoon all. I a, backimage

    Firstly - good to see Bro has a new marathon to re-focus on now.

    Secondly - congrat to 2old on your great HM time. Very well deserved.

    Minni, Freemers, I hope you feel better soon. Rest up a bit.

    Well I ran my first 5 miles in 10 days today. Didn't bother at all on holiday and didn't feel like it. Not sure which direction to head in now. But I am going to takeit easy for a bit.
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    AA - you still doing an Ironman next year?

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Spoons-AA doing an IM -not another one? I will feel drawn to doing one if this carries onimage

    AA-welcome back-hope you are well rested .You're doing VLM with most of us here arent you so just keep it ticking over is my view, training in earnest will start soon enough

    Chick-hardcore? is this a running thread?image

    2k swim done and off to get a flu jab later. Funnily enough Ive started sneazing again-wonder if its something to do with the swimming pool as its happened after all my recent swims and I dont have a cold. That could wreck training for an IM!


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