
Training for a shorter Tri



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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    well done EP - is it taper time now?

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    Yes, well done pixie. image will outlaw be your first iron distance or have you done others previously?

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    Well I woke hubby up at the crack of dawn, loaded the car and after having wee wibbles about the upcoming day hit the road bound for Market Bosworth.  First off I have to say I am so glad the rain stayed away – it was quite windy out on the bike course but you can’t have everything!  I also have to say GG I owe you a beer and I got no icecream – I feel robbed! image I completed the little piggy in 2hrs almost on the dot and came 48th I think.



    This is what I had the most wibbles about prior but not one to back out of a challenge I lubed myself up to the eyeballs, squished myself into the wetsuit, felt like a sausage and got in the positively balmy 15C water awaiting the marshalls start.  I have to say not having ever swum any great distance in OW prior it showed and I got my a**e handed to me in quick fashion image masses of weeds, almost being kicked in the face and not being able to keep my feet in the water when I was swimming leads me to believe that I need a lot more practice at this portion of the event!  I ended up doing a smoosh of BS and FC and exited the water dead last but I didn’t give up, just sucked it up and kept on going.  I knew once I hit the bike I would be fine – it was just getting there that was hard work – Man those buoys seemed so very far away!


    Time: 29.27



    Transition consisted of me pulling the wetsuit off in quick time, whacking my helmet on and donning the pirate shirt – it occurred to me as I was doing it that perhaps putting it on under my wettie would’ve been the better idea but eh live and learn.  I grabbed a banana, and a couple of gels and decided to forgo the armwarmers and the calve comp gear as they would’ve taken too long to get on.


    Time: 3.58




    Really enjoyed the bike and since I was last I just went hell for leather and caught one guy but everyone else was already long gone – so it was almost like a nice wee bike ride out but with arrows image  I really liked the course – could be quite a fast one come September which makes me happy!  There was a headwind for the first 8 or so km but I just put my head down and kept on going.  My average moving speed was 15.2mph so I’m happy with that – room for improvement!


    Time: 51:50



    Decided to forgo hat and comp gear just put on shoes quick as I could and got out of there.  So quickly I forgot to grab my garmin off the bike!


    Time: 1:47



    It took half a lap for my legs to get over themselves and just run but once they did it was a good run.  I enjoyed myself and although I have to say running on the grass isn’t what I’m used to I also got over that!  With no garmin telling me my heart rate I just figured I would run at a comfortable speed that I could finish without stopping.  I did have to stop once when I grabbed a drink I went to sip it and ended up wearing most of it image I am soooo elegant – not!  I liked the flat flat course and that also bodes well for September!


    Time: 33:24


    So all in all for someone who has never done a tri before I think I did okay – my cycle and run times were a little slower than I was expecting but I think that was just a cumulative thing and I’m well sure I can improve on it.  Big takeaway message was that I need to get out in the OW and swim with the freaking fishes man!

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    MC I may have to join you on a Tuesday night!

    Really enjoyed meeting Mark and LMH – LMH you really are the shiz – running like a steam train!!  I saw EP as we were packing the car up and yelled out (she was just coming out of T2) go Pirate but I don’t know if she heard me – very focussed she was!  Missed out on seeing GG but never mind there is always next time piggies! Next time! image

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    Bugger image nevermind will find me some hills to run up - I shall be like speedy gonzalez on downers image  Will see you at Outlaw! Enjoy the taper EP!

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    well done buttercupimage

    I haven't been to six hills for a while - I have been going to a place near Lincoln, but I could always be persuaded to go back to six hills!

    are there loads of weeds at Bosworth?

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    It seemed like it but I don't know what is the usual amount of weeds image I was thinking it might be smart planning to go to MB instead of Six Hills - would you be keen for that? Get used to the course and allimage

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    Loads mathschick - it was the weediest I have ever known it today.

    Well done Buttercup! The swim is the hardest if you don't come from a swimming background but I think it's worse for Ken really (my ex swim coach) as he swims like a fish then waits for everyone to catch him on the bike or run!

    GG - you don't need much for a sprint but if you're going to be going flat out for an hour and a half either some carb drink/gels dissolved in water on the bike or a gel a couple of miles before T2 would probably stand you in good stead.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Well done buttercup. sorry I missed you there. It certainly was weedy, wrapped around my feet and everywhere before we got started.

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    buttercup - yeah, would be good to meet up at bosworth a few times before wild boar - when is swimming on there?

    don't like weeds, the place I go now hasn't got anyimage

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    it will probably get weedier as the summer goes onimage

    think me coming down to bosworth will have to wait till summer hols - and so until we are back from hols which will be mid-august as weekends are looking pretty busy up until then, and it is a bit far for a thursday evening - at least an hour's drive I think - but it would be good to get down there before wild boar - I like to know where I need to go to save stress on the day. getting there for 7 on a sat morning will be good race day practice, and I could throw the bike in the car and maybe you could take me round the bike route after a swim?

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    Sounds like a plan image if I can whack my wettie in your car whilst we tootle around the course image

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    no problemimage I think we are back on about the 11th august so maybe set of provisional date of the sat after that?

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    Righto sounds good to me image

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    cool - only 2 weeks before wild boar - which is scary as I will have had 2 weeks of no cycling while awayimage better get plenty of miles in before I go away!

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    Some cracking racing going on this weekend. Well done to EP, LHM, GG, Buttercup & Mark. Good run there too Steady.

    Had a great fathers' day here, cards, ale & breakfast in bed, family swim (managed to creep off to do 500m in the lanes). Then 70km on the bike over some of the biggest hills I could find image.

    GG - I find sprint nutrition interesting. I don't normally take a drink unless it's hot, and then it would be electrolytes. However some of my club mates will have a gel on the bike. I would have a good carby breakfast, a carb drink and probably a gel 30 minutes before the swim. I wouldn't normally carry a drink for a run of that duration but then racing does put an extra load on the body.

    MC: +1 on the Dambuster. Sometimes you need a DNS to stop getting in to a rut of DNFs. Chill out, rest up and re-plan.

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    Thanks for all the welcomes! It sounds like you all have a great support network. It sounds wonderful and I love being part of it even if it is vicariously. 

    SteadyCJ wrote (see)

    Hannah, would I be correct in thinking that it gets very hot and sticky in Bogota, hence the early starts for exercise. It will be easy to remember your time difference, it is the nearly the same as my brother in Canada (5hrs), so I call him late in the evening just before bed, but it is his just got home from work time, or I cheat and wait until the weekend so more likely to catch him at home.

    Where is your brother? I grew up in Manitoba - high school years at least- and miss it sometimes but not sure what I would do if I went back there. My mum usually forgets the time difference and calls at random times. When I was living in Italy was the worst! Now we are in the same time zone which is nice.

    In Bogotá we are at 2600 masl so while it can get hot in the day, it is freezing at night. There are no seasons so if it rains one day everyone calls it winter, then the next day may be hot and it is 'summer'. We are near the Ecuator so it gets dark every day at the same time: about 6pm, and for many years there was a curfew because of the violence, so things tend to open and close really early. 

    The bike ride my new group does is about 85 km with hills, so in order to get it done before everyone goes to work they head out really early. I'm lucky to have a bit of flexibility in my schedule but lots of people have to start ridiculously early.

    I'm a bit worried at the moment. They had asked me to join after the San Andres Tri, so I checked them out etc, and felt it would be good to have a bit more support as I have signed up for the MiamiMan HIM in November. I met the coach on Friday and it all seemed really positive. But then this weekend was the most unlike any weekends I ever have - I had a wedding and had promised some friends to show them a trail on Saturday which took about 4 hours. So I was not able to actually join them yet. I feel that I was only told anything on Friday and had already made promises, but felt a bit disaproved of. Aaaarrggghhhh

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    Results are up at www.stuweb.co.uk

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Actually did it in 1 hour 30 mins and 18 secs. - 19:39 swim - 2:17 T1 - 45:52 cycle - 1:07 T2 - 21:21 run. I think I need to work on my transitions!

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    Yeah me too GG! I was looking at my times for the bike and run and if my swim had been better I would've moved up at least 3 or 4 places as my bike and run were faster than those peeps - lesson learned more OW swimming!!

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    Yeah me too. I was one of the last men out if the water. Calmness is the key for me I think though! Lol

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    Wow, what a great day everyone has had! image Have loved reading the reports and listening to all the chatter. Well done everyone image

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    Ran 7.6 miles this morning in 1hr 10 mins @ 9.15 m/m avg, this is at the top end of my Z2 (165) but felt really good so not worried because I know my outlaw run will be slower ( 145bpm) lower end Z2. I was really relaxed on the run and everything felt easy so hopefully I've done enough  and can relax onto taper next week. Got a 56 mile bike next Sunday and 56 mile bike the week before Outlaw but I will be taking that one easy , and planning on doing 2 OW swims each week if I can fit them in and easy runs when I can manage them.  All in all I think I'm readyimage

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    Good news Razor on being ready for Outlaw.

    Hannah, my brother is in Northern Ontario been there for nearly ten years now, so he gets long cold winters and hot summers.

    My legs now feel trashed, think I will wear my 2xu compression tights to bed, walking up stairs hurts on the right hip/groin area.

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    Well done Razor. Are you going taper crazy yet?

    I have sore legs too Steady. Hydration plays a part. I think before my ride I'd only had a tea, coffee and a sip of squash. Could feel calfs beginning to cramp on some climbs and quads cramping when I come down stairs.

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