
February weight loss team challange



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    Thanks Seren, I think i'll try that one.  I love garlic mushrooms image  I'm finding the points allowance okay, I'm just still suffereing from the lack of sugar, and while my body is adapting, it is all I want to eat!!!  So far so good though, i'm managing to avoid the stuff.  I've been eating more fruit, which is a good filler, though i've just eaten a totally juice-less orange....  Ah well, better than a mars bars...  Well, it isn't really, but i can pretend image

    RBM, that food sounds pretty good, even if you're not training.  Surely you wouldn't want to eat less in a day?

    Flat foot, chicken kebabs are pretty healthy you know (so long as they're not drowned in sauce) as it is just grilled chicken, salad and a pitta bread.  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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    The last of my Pork Casserole has gone .... and I was very good and left the potatoes, moer cos I am bored of them now!

    Just tried to log my lunch on Ford Focus.co.uk ....      image
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    Does anyone else find that they're usually good Monday to Friday but come Friday evening it all seems to go to hell in a handbasket? I'm hoping that thinking of the skinny sausages will prevent that from happening this weekend. Good swim this morning but not a great lunch time workout. Ho Hum! I have to say that for a cut back week, I'm still feeling kind of tired, as if I'm fighting the beginings of a cold. Mind you with the number of people snuffling around me at work, that's a distinct possibility.
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    I agree Orca, Firday nights and Saturday cafe stops are my worst times!  That said, i've not been to a cafe for aaaaaages.

    Today i've been good food wise: toast for brekkie, banana snack, chicken with lemon & olives for lunch, and a pear, orange and apple since.  I'm fecking hungry though..... 

    Off to gym for a wee run and a swim....I may have to have my post-gym protein shake before the gym....

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    I know Lee, Saturday morning cafe breakfasts can be so nice image 

    I had porridge with protein powder, berries and flaxseed for breakfast.
    Muller Bio Yoghurt before lunch time workout
    Homemade vegetable soup, 2 slices homemade bread, 100g turkey breast and onion relish for lunch.

    Not sure about dinner, have defrosted chicken breasts so will probably go with some kind of chicken stir fry. Best of luck over the weekend sausages!

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    oops make my evening meal a lovely low fat home made veggie curry ,,,,,,,,and then 5! digestives and abucket of tea .....managed 20 mins in the pool but  5 mins of that was chatting to a guy going for his first IM this year....sorry donutsimage
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    I said no to cake today image
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    Today has been a bowl of cereal....a banana.....scrambled egg.....tea/coffee..... chicken is out ready for a stir fry and I think a beer will have to be had as tis Friday.  50minute run though so I think a beer is okay.....just trying to forget what I have had the rest of the week. image

    Gooooo Donuts!

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    Nice one Max, keep it up   image
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    Happychap wrote (see

    I said no to cake today image
    Impressive stuff HC I find this very hard to do and our office tea bot manager is a bit of a feeder always coming round with bikkies and cakesimage

    Saffers I was going to have a beer or two and watch the rugby but cant be assed to go down the shops to get someimage I have only 2 weekends to get a few beers in if I want them as I give up when I start IM training as beer makes it impossible for me to get up at stupid o'clock to trainimage
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    ridgebackmax, I have beer in the garage and will send hubby to go get me some. image  I mean one. image  I am not doing IM so have no need to get up at stoopid o'clock either. image
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    IM training plays havoc with beer drinking training.  On a plus point it does turn one into a cheap date image
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    Just to try and steer the doughnuts off track.... image

    (I need it someone brought doughnuts into work today.... and I've opened the Malbec - I promise I'll just eat veggies & water the rest of the weekend)

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    I've been good, weetabix for brekkie, cornflakes for lunch, 8.5 mile run home from work and I'm just about to cook a stir fry and I'm not even hungry......

    I'm f..kin starvin!!!
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    I walked up and down, up and down, up and down the "seasonal aisle" in Tesco today - the mini eggs and creme eggs were calling. . .imageimage

    . . .but I walked away, empty-handed.image image T'was the thought of my fellow sausages that saved me from ruin.


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    2 * Weetabix & Skimmed Milk
    1 * M&S Count On Us Salad
    1* Count On Us Ham Sandwich
    2 * Venti Skinny Cappucino (1 Starbucks, 1 Costa for balance)
    Beans on Toast (4 Slices of bread)
    Muller light Yoghurt

    1759 Calories with a target of 1812

    2-hours on the turbo for 33 miles = -1793 according to fordfocus

    -34kcal for the day image (although Garmin reckons 1000 for the cycling)

    Come on Sausages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meface (needs stuffing)

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    I take my hat off to you meface.

    2hrs on the turbo!!!

    I reckon the sausages are gonna walk this image
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    Madlot thanks.

    Wife was out tonight, daughter asleep in bed, so couldn't go out and run or party. Therefore hit the turbo. Watched Leon on DVD and then the first half of the rugby. 2nd half while having tea. Might have done a bit more but started at 7:15, finished at 9:15 and wanted my tea. Plus I have swimming at 06:45 - I will be slow tomorrow and draft mid pack when I can.

    Did 2:45 on the turbo last week. I'm a stubborn bugger and whilst I would prefer lots of sunny days cycling if it isn't an option I'll do it on the turbo.

    My marathon training last year was nearly all in the dark. Probably 4/5 long runs done after work. Start running at 6:00/6:30 finish at 9:00/9:30, eat, bed. Frees up the weekend for family stuff. Gave me a shock running fist thing in the morning, in the daylight for the event though.

    Sometimes it isn't easy, in fact at the moment I'm finding it bloody hard but it will come good. Plus lost 1 stone 4lbs since January the 4th. 8lbs to go!!! Yeah!


    .............Just getting it done

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    Well done Meface! Tiny run and little swimble for me tonight. Then Spanish rice with prawn for dinner. Made a massive pot, so that will do about 5 work lunches too! Had 4 pieces of fruit today, and veggies with dinner image Only 'bad' thing was a Stoats flapjack before the gym but it is included in my points for the day, so i'm doing okay on that front. Need to drink more water though - feel hungry a lot at night, so might be dehydrated.

    Wee run tomorrow, 90 min spin on Sunday and that's me for the week. If i've not lost at least 1lb by next week, i'll be greetin!
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    I worked a 12. 5 hour shift yesterday and only had 5 chocolate biscuits which is a very good result for me image

    also had muesli and a banana, a roll and butter, a roll and scrambled egg and loads of fruit and a pint of milk

    just run 5 miles on dead legs and off for another 12.5 hour shift once I've showered

    I reckon I've lost a whole pound image
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    image I'm not going to weigh myself for that reason!!!
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    Right...Who wants to go to the cafe for a full English breakfast...Bacon..Sausauge..Eggs...Beans..Fried Bread....Mushrooms.......Hash Brown....Tea and Coffee.........image
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    Throw in some fried tomatoes and OJ - with the beans and mushrooms, that'd be four of your five-a-day, so it's be a healthy start.
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    Saffers wrote (see)
     I am not doing IM  image
    You're not fooling anyone, even yourself, of course you are image
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    No weighing to be done for 10 days!

    If you dont think youve lost 1lb yet youre not trying hard enough.

    Just think of weighing in and the feeling of guilt if youve let your team down, that should focus the mind!  Part of the main reason for making this a team challenge image
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    Just done 50 mins on the turbo, could easily have got off after 30 mins but thought of the Donuts and carried on.

    Quick unrelated question though, just put aero bars on my bike and not sure of the setup.  Are your elbows supposed to be as close together as possible?  Didn't feel right to me, shoulders felt odd and didn't feel like I could breathe deep enough.  I've set the elbow pads a bit wider now and it's more comfy but doesn't look very aero??

     Yes I am a numpty!!  image

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    Believe me, I'm trying hard enough!
    Im starving!!!
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    I actually weighed myself today, and i'm ????lbs down - i'll not fess up until offical weigh-in day! image So feeling like the hunger is worth it, lol!

    Went for a 3 mile run outside today- i've only been on the dreadmill lately. God it felt hard, but I kept going. Brekkie was post-run protein shake, the porridge with a banana after my shower. Going to have some toast now, cos still hungry, and it is practically lunch now!!!

    Go team Donuts, we can kick those sossie arses. GET IT UP YE SAUSAGES!!!!
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    Hooray for the weekend! 

    Woke up this morning somewhat lacking in motivation to go out in the wind & rain, but thankfully had planned for me to drive a couple of mates out to Ladybower for a run..... 5.5 miles done, longest run since foot surgery image

    Had a bowl of museli, glass of orange & mug of tea before
    Small hot chocolate (no cream/marshmallows/yummie looking cake) after run
    Chicken Salad & a yoghurt for lunch.

    And.... the 50m pool doesn't have an event on today, so I can swim this afternoon.
    As long as I don't give into any treats at the cinema tonight will have made up for yesterdays lapse.

    Go Sausages! 

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    Today so far I have been eating dust and air - how's the other leftovers doing?  image
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