
Two stone off!



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    Looking for inspiration to shift some weight.  Not run for two weeks due to some niggles with my knee.

    Horrified this morning to find my weight has gone from 13st 4lbs to 14st 2 lbs in a fortnight image (If I can't run, I tend to eat/drink).

    I plan to start training again today and I am entered into a 10k next Sunday, but how much of this weight can I shift (or how much is safe to do so) in a week.

    My ideal running weight is about 12st 10lbs to 13st max (was 12st 10 for Great North Run last year and it felt good).  But I'm a very yo-yo sort of person (good for several days, then ruin it all with a binge - am I alone in that?)

    Anyway, should I really cut back this week to try and shift those pounds, or just try and get back into a routine?

    I'm 45yrs, male and 6 foot one. (HM PB 1hr 41, 10k PB 44m 30)

    Cheers folks! 

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    Start slow - are you alone? Nope, I'm exactly the same image

    Get into a routine. Don't try and shift loads in a week. It don't work and your 10km will be rubbish. You'll put it all back on again.

    Routine is the best way and try and curb the binge into a mini-binge (call it a treat).

    Andy - what's a bleep test? (so obviously NO, I haven't done one).
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    Hello SS, certainly wouldn't recommend you try and lose too much this week, if you eat sensibly this week and concentrate on getting the 10k done then you should at least stop the weight gain and might even surprise yourself with a lb or 2 loss. Let us know how you get on...

    The bleep test is often used and feared by sports teams and military as a formal fitness test, and very few people are known to have completed all levels. It's based on a 20 metre shuttle run, which you have to complete at an increasing speed starting at around 8km / hour increasing to 20km / hour by the end, and you use a cd / iPhone app which bleeps at you and therefore tells you whether you're keeping up with the pace increase..... Should have just said google it.... Great way of measuring fitness, its a hard session though, and there are some free iPhone apps which help you. Would have thought it was right up your street mr spoons...!
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    Mr Spoons would do a 20 mile shuttle run, surely.
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    Hmm, sounds complicated. I can run the 4940m in 22 minutes, but starting slowly and increasing to sprint? My 5km pace feels like a sprint from the start....
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Welcome start slow, sounds like me a while back, I loved a binge! Cutting it out can be tough but well worth it.

    Must say the bleep test sounds like a bit of a waste of time for me, I don't need a test to tell me I am unfit! Weekly weigh in this morning, another 2 pounds off (total 26 pounds). image Big test this week though as I am in holiday mode, not had a home cooked meal since Friday!

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    I don't think I explained the bleep test very well, should have posted a link...!

    Anyway as always when on holiday, seem busier than when at home, but in a good way. Have been running every night except yesterday when I went to the pool. Done a couple of tougher hill / interval sessions, hence not run yesterday because I felt sore. Eaten too much, but hopefully the running should have made sure I haven't put on too much weight.

    How's everyone else?
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Morning Andy, glad you're having a good time on holiday.

    Having nice time here too, still managing to get out every other day for three miles, Kent is lovely and flat, makes a world of difference, my times for 5K have come down 5 minutes!

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    Struggling this week with a tweaked peroneal nerve (outside of the knee). Still keeping to my half-marathon plan, but having to stretch it every couple of miles. Might have to rest it again, though my physio reckons I should keep running. Another visit due, I think.
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear about yor knee Dan.

    I just had a late weekly weigh in (scales at my holiday house seemed to be half a stone different to the ones I use so I waited till I got home image ). Same weight! Happy with that considering I had ice cream almost every day and ate out every other day.

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    That's good Grant, and hope you enjoyed your week. Done the toughest of coast path runs this week, we've moved on to Cornwall and the coast path here is the toughest but most rewarding running territory. Been out every night, last night did just 4 miles but every metre involved a hill, almost all on narrow paths, it's been really good fun and I've really pushed myself.

    I've only just noticed that the Runner Previously Known as Mr Spoons has had an upgrade. Were you doing the Fairlands Valley Event this weekend Ultra Spoons? I came across it whilst looking at challenges for 2012 a few weeks back, probably too much for me but it sounds like a good event.
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭
    Glad you are enjoying your holiday Andy. Cornwall is one place I have always fancied visiting. I had a great week thanks. Arrived home on Monday and went out yesterday and really notice the hilly terrain round where I live compared to the lovely flat paths of Kent. My pace has dropped by nearly 2mins/mile!
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭
    Saturday weigh-in, two pounds off, total weight loss up to the 2 stone mark! image Going for long cycle to my dad's in Carnoustie with my son on the back today and then 3.5 mile run tomorrow as part of the One Hour Runner Programme (my adapted version, Week 4). How is everyone else doing?
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    Well done, 2 stones a great achievement - had my weigh in this morning as we got back from holiday last night. Put on just 1lb, which isnt too bad, I'll soon knock that back off. Have a target of another 1/2 stone before my next holiday in September.

    Just entered my favourite 5mile Summer Race for a couple of weeks time, and will now also see if I can enter the small 5k I'm targetting at the end of August.  Have you found a race to enter yet Grant?

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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Well done on not putting on any more weight Andy, I know what holiday's are like! I keep a spreadsheet of my weightloss since April and you can spot my holidays a mile off as plateaus or slightward upward trends. image

    I am going to do the Edinburgh parkrun next Saturday and have entered the Great Scottish Run (10K) in September so trying to get my mileage up now. 19 miles in the saddle today may mean a tough run tomorrow though, if I can even walk!

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    Good luck on Saturday. What time are you hoping to do it in, or are you just going to see how it goes given its your 1st one? Enjoy it anyway....!

    I did a really good interval session last night so not out tonight, don't think I've lost any weight this week but will keep going.

    Anyone else out there who wants to lose 2 stone before spring marathons? It's a bit quiet on hete at the moment, newbies always welcome....
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭
    Hi Andy, yeah it is a bit quiet isn't it? Hopefully everyone is out running and not sat in a boozer or chocolate shop somewhere! Dunno about time, I have run 33 minute something in training once but generally run in the 36 to 38 minute range. The course is flat so hoping for sub 34 certainly, I am really quite competitive (even with myself) so will really push it.

    Good to hear you enjoyed your interval session. I am going to have to work some intervals into my training, I am very one-paced at the minute. Fingers crossed you sneak a bit of weight off!
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    Don't think I will. Have carried on drinking as if still on holiday...! Easy run tonight. Let us know how you get on.
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Post holiday denial!

    29 mins 37 secs for me today, over the moon! image Curry to celebrate...

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    Under 30 minutes...Great stuff....! Did you enjoy it? Got the race bug? You'll want to go even quicker now.

    England v india Trent bridge cricket test for us.... Great weather. Chinese takeaway for us, but will limit myself to 1 beer, need a good run tomorrow.

    Well done!
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Thanks Andy! I really enjoyed it, there is a great atmosphere there, my wife and kids came along too and had a great time. Will try and do another couple before the Great Scottish Run 10K in September.

    Sounds like you had a good day's cricket, Broad's hat-trick must have boosted your hopes. Unlike most Scots I quite like cricket.

    Hope you enjoy the run tomorrow. I have started getting into kettlebell workouts and might do a quick session first thing but then after that I have the joys of Ikea and a 1st birthday party in Glasgow. Plenty of running around there then!

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    Another week of quietness! How's erm.....everyone?

    Really good week on the running side of things, not too bad on the diet front, will weigh myself in the morning. Have a 5 mile race next Wednesday, and am feeling very positive about it. Just finishing house cleaning then a tempo run.

    Even better, footie season starts tomorrow (for some of us anyway...)
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Seems like it is just you and me now Andy! image

    Good to hear the running went well this week Andy. Have you got a time in mind for the 5 miles? Fingers crossed for your weigh in.

    All good here, a good week, starting to up my mileage, planning 4.1 miles tomorrow, and trying to get out on my bike as much as I can too. Weigh-in this morning, 3 pounds off this week (33 in total), I hope to be at my target weight (13 stone) in time for Christmas. Nearly 2 and a half stone still to go.

    Footie season starts for me too, Partick Thistle away. I am a radio listener and result watcher though rather than go to games, too much money these days. Really hopeful of promotion this season! image

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    This is going to end up being a blog for one of us....

    Another 3lbs that's great, almost half way. I've done this race a few times and it's hilly and technically over 5 miles, last year was 44.50 so hope to improve. My main push as per the advice on here is to try and improve my 5k times, I want to get back under 25 mins, and have a 5k in 3 weeks I'm aiming for, so the 5m is just part of the training.

    I have to follow the results in that division as a friend of mine is a die hard Falkirk fan, good start for you yesterday.
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    Right: I'll bore you with my recent running, if only to break up the dialogue! Just back from a week in North Wales on the Lleyn peninsula camping with the kids: managed a couple of runs (on the same route). Ran a couple of miles down to the nearest beach, another 2.5 on the beach, and then 2 miles back up to the campsite (note the 'up' bit). I love running as a way to get to know an area, and a couple of miles on a deserted beach is both inspiring, and pretty hard work. Although it only measured 6.75 in total, it was definitely a hard workout. Also managed to stay off the beer (mainly to avoid having to get up out of the sleeping bag in the middle of the night!), though the diet wasn't exactly low fat. Back to it properly today with a gym cross-train and a short treadmill run: felt pretty good. Training plan moving up to four runs a week now. Proper stuff!
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Andy - Good luck in the race tomorrow, hopefully all those hilly coastal paths you ran on will stand you in good stead! Very good result for us, we probably would have won the league last season if it wasn't for the trivial detail of a 25 point penalty for going into administration so interesting to see what will happen.

    Dan - Welcome back. Sounds like a great holiday, I am with you on how running helps you get to know a new area. Four runs eh? I am still in 3 runs a week territory, might upgrade in a couple of months, let me know how you get on!

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    Definitely agree about the holiday training, I've found beaches which would never otherwise have been found. And 6.75 miles on that terrain is like 9 in the 'real' world.

    Rubbish diet week again, haven't gained anything but not got back into the routine yet. Fairly decent race on Wednesday night, only 44.06 but with the hills I was happy with it - 45 seconds quicker than last year too. Will look to improve further at a 5k in 10 days and a flattish 5m I've spotted near Birmingham a week after.

    Have either of you got any more races coming up?
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    A new hilly 8.5 runs yesterday including almost all of the tameside 10k race route which I might do on 4th September. Basically a 4 mile uphill, then 4 down, with a bit of flat. Felt good, especially when I bought a size smaller jeans layer in the day. Oh - then went to a wedding, with the usually salads and macro-biotic buffet. Hmmmmm.
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    grant mgrant m ✭✭✭

    Good morning all.

    Well done on the race Andy, good progress on last year. I am doing the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow on the 4th September and am hoping to do a warm-up Parkrun on the 27th August.

    Dan - I had to google macrobiotic... sounds like no fun at all! Well done on the the jeans!

    Lost a pound on Saturday and then proceeded to eat myself silly all weekend. Was my father-in-law's birthday so went for barbeque and then a big brunch on Sunday. Lots of cake and ice cream, really enjoyable but not sure it has done my weight loss ambitions for this week much good! Got out for 4.6 miles on Sunday though which has hopefully repaired some of the damage!

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