
Rome 2012



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    JUst done 12 miles, getting very nervous now but also excited at the same time .

    Fly out a week on Wednesday and hoping to pick up number on the Thursday..

    Good Luck on your race Onetit  image

    Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend,

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    Onetit - running dvd recommendations: The Long Run, Saint Ralph, Spirit of the Marathon, Running to the Limits, or Running the Sahara...

    Here's a strange thought - Onetit, Elizabeth Ellis 3, and myself have all been happily posting away on this forum since 14/15 of May last year...!!! Where has the time gone?


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    11.5 steady miles for me today.Rest tomorrow i think and then the real count down begins.I'm trying not to eat everything in the house but failing miserably.I could be a stone heavier come race day.

    Good luck tomorrow 1T.

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    Yeah, yeah......I made it.  Took off a tad too fast, for me.....and at 5k there's this HILL....(well, in my terms anyhow) and I got a stitch - first one in many a year....so had to pull up and lean over.  Very nearly chucked image

    Loads of squished frogs on the road, which is a shame, as I always seem to skid on road kill.....d'oh.

    Made up the slow hills on the downward slopes and managed a bit of a sprint to overtake two girleees in front of me at the last 1km (both came up and hugged me and told me it was a great finish!!- blush....image) and then remembered to switch off the Garmin.....

     last year 1.03.28..........................this year 1.01.58.........Speedy knickers or whot????

    My friend, in her first race in many years, (and she's desperate to lose 7 stone; she's done 3 stone since November) finished in just over 1.45 huge well done to her too.....Neither of us fancied the pate rolls, chocolate cake and beer.......image

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    Hi Guys

    Seems everyone's still doing amazingly well!! I salute you all.

    I'm still injured, however (possibly stupidly) I couldn't stand it anymore and went out and did 45 mins very slowly earlier.

    This probably isn't the time or the place, however I just learnt that one of our 'Rome Team' passed away this week. An amazing guy. So I just wanted to get out of the house, very much in the spirit that he would have told me to (injuries are for wusses, have a red wine and get your fat arse out the door etc).

    I don't want to bring the tone down, and I don't normally like that people post somewhat sad and personal things. It just seems so entwined with the marathon. I ran the last one with him. I can't imagine him not being with us. Although I know in his own way he will be.

    Give your loved ones that extra hug tonight. Plus remember, if we miss our goals, do a 4+ instead of a sub 4 or whatever. It doesn't bloody matter. We're out there, and that's what counts xx
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    H - How sad. Sorry that you have lost a dear friend. Wise words about giving those whom you love hugs.

    Onetit - Well done indeed image

    Ran up to our local water tower (think steep!) and knocked 59 seconds off my fastest time, despite having friends over for dinner last night and over indulging.
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    H. It's at times like this that we all realise just how fragile life is...

    Ran my last proper pre-taper long run this morning. 18 miles at an easy pace, with Mrs Bloke cycling alongside as usual, through cold rain & even colder rain... Had to make an unplanned stop after 8 miles and, although I never buy food from there, I was rather glad to be able to take advantage of the golden arches this morning... A few post run aches & pains but, thankfully, nothing serious to worry about... Mrs Bloke is cooking a nice pile of roast veg (no meat) for tea & a banana loaf for dessert, before we go for a nice gentle swim this evening. After that, I'll attack the coffee machine & she'll play badminton for an hour (I'm not allowed this close to a marathon) before we head to the pub for an hour...

    The coming week is going to seem strange. Mon-Fri no run is longer than 6 miles & on Sunday I'm running in the Bath Half Marathon at an easy pace... We'll probably do some sightseeing afterwards, but I'm unsure whether Mrs Bloke will see the irony if I take her to see the Roman Baths...


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    Oh that is sad H, thoughts are with you all.  Big Hugs.

    I'm feeling very "good", no idea why, should be aching?  Maybe tomorrow?  Hopefully not though - got 5k tomorrow on the schedule, so looking forward to that.

    Am thinking of getting my suitcase out mid week - that will get me in the Rome Mood.....

    Well done to you all for all efforts today.  Won't be long now....

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    Oh My...........................it's next week........image

    Anyone else feeling a slight fluttering in the tummy?  image  or is it more image

    Glorious day out there today, frost this morning, so am waiting a little while before heading off out.  No aches or pains......must be doing something right.image

    Enjoy Monday everyone.  See you all Next week..........eeek!

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    I've just looked at the results from the race yesterday and I WON THE OLD BAGS Category (over 45's I think it is) WOW......had I have hung around for about another hour in the cold I'd be the proud owner of a very very glam French Cup.....mmmmmm all glitter and plastic.  Damn it.... 

    I'll admit there were only 4 in my age group, the last one being my mate and my time was quicker than I'd worked out on the watch too.  1.01.26.  Last one home was 1.40.39.

    Ooh I've never won a race in my life, now I feel all weepy....imageimage

    Off to run now, focusing on the finish line in Rome.................

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    Well done Onetit that is great !! well done on knocking time off too, I am finding I am now racing against my age group.This will be the first Marathon I have run since I was 50 last year . I really would have liked a P.B. but not sure I will but will still be happy if I get 4 hours, will see.My P.B. was 3.41 4 years ago, I am getting older now and not raced at all for 3 years. I had put in for a 30K but it got cancelled due to the weather I was really hoping to try and run that at Marathon pace but it was not meant to be...

    Sorry about your Friend H , that is very sad and agree it will bring it all back to you with running Rome, but as you say he would want you to carry on enjoying. True though you have made me think If I do get over 4 hours I should be so pleased to finish...

    I really do have a case of the butterflies Onetit so you are not alone.

    I was wondeing what everyone was doing about Breakfast. I really do have porridge when Marathoning, I was thinking of taking some with me and see if they would microwave it ?

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    Well done on your time too Elizabeth that is good, the training must be paying off image

    William enjoy your half Marathon at a steady pace image My last long run was over a week ago at 22 miles. This last  weekend I did 12 and this coming weekend will be 8.

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    Wow, CrazyLady you are speedy.  I ran my fastest marathon just a few days after my 50th, 4.32, that was two years ago, but I feel great now.  Not sure I'll get the time though, Toulouse is as flat and boring as a pancake, I think Rome might have a few challenges....image

    I like porridge too, but I'm really fussy, I'm sure the hotel will cook it for you, or get some hot milk and do it yourself?  I'm going to take some and if I don't think they will do it right, I just eat everything else on the menu image exc the fried stuff.  I spoke to the hotel where we are staying to check they do v early break, and of course, being British, the said "yes, full English from 0630".....image 

    I'm being the complete opposite this time round, not even hungry......losing weight though, which isn't a bad thing, as I'm still about a stone over my "wishful" weight.  So it can only help to get me round quicker if I'm lighter. 

    Suitcase has things in it now.....ooh I am sad.....

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    I *Was* speedy but that was a few years ago, I know I will get nowhere near that time now though. I am far too hard on myself though..

    Toulluse sounds a great Marathon to do too image  I am thinking too Rome may have a few challenges.My Fastest time was Copenhagen that was a great Marathon. My last LOndon 3 years Ago I was so silly and went off far too fast and burnt out. I am so trying to run within myself this time. I think though with London it is far too crowded .I am hoping Rome with be better. I spoke to someone from our club who said it was a bit congested at the start then it did get better.

    Yes I will bring some porridge with me, I too have my case out ...and things too.

    Not sure if it was you that posted on the Rome Facebook page but I liked your comment . It was a lady from France there could be quite a few though.

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    I have put weight on due to a break in running a couple of years ago, that was one reason I put in for Rome to get my motivation back for running and lose some weight. I have not lost as much as I wanted or got to what I was when I was running well. I find it so hard to lose it.

    Copenhagen I was at my lightest and that helped me so much re time and of course made it easier. You will notice the difference I am sure if you have lost some weight image

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    Well done on the race category win 1T - I racked up my first of those in january and was well chuffed with it.

    H. I'm really sorry to hear that grim news and am very pleased you shared it with your friends here. I do have a feeling that running and life are stories that go in parallel. I feel it helps make me a deeper and more connected person. So go ahead, and pour out your feelings mate.

    Feeling a bit pale and yucky myself. Think I have some sort of abscess or painful swelling at the back of my mouth. Not sure if it is a doctor thing or a dentist thing but don't want to be bothered with this while I'm trying to get round Rome. It's a real risk right now and I'd like to ignore it but that's probably not sensible.

    After a heavy day of gardening, digging holes for new fence posts and hand-mixing concrete (getting ready for arrival of new border collie puppy), I then went out and ran a race simulation on my todd - was wrecked at the end. Then did 27k yesterday and I'm feeling much more tired than I'd like to be. Still, this tapering lark is going to catch up and do me some good soon i think. Good health and happiness to you all. 12 more sleeps to the race.


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    Could well have been me, I've posted a few things on there, I asked them how many entrants the other day, and as of last week it was over 15600.  I think it closes on thursday this week. 

    I did London in 2003, my first.....it was truly amazing, but it was busy, as was Paris, esp the first 5k,.  But both great and I'm glad I've done them.  I pulled up half way in Paris and limped the second half, so in my mind I feel I ought to do it again and get a decent time....mmmmmm  But it still haunts me image

    I'm not sure ...."where next"?.......I quite fancy Venice, only because we went there for our "moon" and have never been back and always promised ourselves - although I was not even a "runner" back then....15 years ago....eek.

    Toulouse is good, it's great for a good time, so flat, but rather boring and the route is such that no one can get to see you, buses don't run, and roads closed to traffic and no bikes allowed.  So hubby had to hang around the start/finish in the rain....!  there was a shuttle to the 1/2 way, but of course I was sooo speedy...hee hee, he missed me.  Luckily I was spotted by a friend coming into the City centre so they called hubby to get to the finish to meet me.  i'm not sure who was the most excited about my time...ha ha

     Just been out for my 5k, feeling good.

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    Yes it was you then image I did see the question..

    I did think of Paris for a Marathon or maybe Barcelona or even Prague ...We go to Athens lots and I would love to do Athens Marathon, the only thing that puts me off it is later in the year and would find it hard to train in the summer, we go island hopping in the Summer and some of the islands we go to are so tiny would be hard.plus mountainous too.

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    Trying to catch up.Sorry to hear your news H.

    Well done 1T.It'll be the only trophy Chelsea win this season so make the most of it.

    I've picked up a strain i the calf which is a worry.I'm sure it's more taper madness than anything serious but i'm not running again til Friday just in case.I've had no strains for over 12 months so it's a bit of a coincidence that first week of taper it happens.

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    I had a strange conversation with Mrs Bloke last night that revolved in trying to save up for a really good holiday. Of course to save up enough money we need a long term goal, thus giving us the time to have a really good, no expenses spared time away, in a city that we'd both love to visit, and of course there has to be a marathon involved too... My intention is to run London in the spring of 2013 & Abingdon in the Autumn of 2012, so, with all those things taken into consideration - I'm virtually decided on the Florence Marathon in November 2014...

    Crazy Lady - I always have porridge the morning of a race. And because I don't trust people to make it the way I like it, or I want to be 100% sure that I will have porridge for breakfast, I always have one of these in my race kit...


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    Sorry to hear about your strain in your calf Howey. Hope the rest will help. It does seem normal to have last minute twinges though. I am struggling with my back at the moment but going for a pre race massage next Tuesday so hopiing can do some good. It is not stopping me running though which is a good thing. I have to be careful though as had a disc removed some years ago. I am sure it is only a twinge though...

    Thanks for that tip re Porridge WB. I will take some with me image

    It is interesting we are all looking at alternative Marathons and have not even done this one yet. I know some people would think we were mad image

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    Oh ha ha Howey....I did think about donating it to the trophy cabinet of Arsenal..... image  Hope you are resting up this week with that niggle - you wouln't want an old bird like me beating you......image

    Good tip on the porridge, doubt they sell it here, but I'm off out to shop today so will look - although the thought of syrup makes me image I'm a salt girl.

    Rest day for me, dreamt someone stole my trainers from the hotel room last night, had to run in my (not) Ugg furry boots......and I did it, but just under the 5 hour mark....eeek. 

    Big game for my team tonight, so will be glued to the sofa and no doubt being composed.....yeah right.  Hubby will be plugged into his ipod and keeping out the way. 

    CL - only some people think we're mad???mmmmmm I think the whole of my village think/know I'm mad. But then I just realise how lucky I am to be fit and healthy (touching wood here) and not on all the pills they are - high blood pressure/cholest etc etc.  Off to see my mate who's just had a new hip today - so will try and encourage him to be out of bed soon and get moving about.  Will go easy on him though - he is 80 this year...

    Happy Tuesday everyone

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    Just come back from the phsyio who has dealt me a mammoth blow...my back is bad and if I continue to run marathons I will end up in a wheelchair! One of my vertebrae is compressed which caused the injury and why I had to bomb out of Berlin last September. I have a high pain threshold but when I run further than 15 or so kms I experience awful pain. He suggests that I run the first half of the Rome marathon as fast as I can and then take the other half easy. I am completely gutted image I will run the Marathon du Médoc with my husband to celebrate his 50th in September as we have a full 6.5 hrs to run-walk-quaff but apart from that my marathon days are over.
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    Oooh not good EE, nice to chat to you though.  You can do it, then just get your speed up to be the fastest 10k runner? 

    I've bought the sachets of porridge, will try one out tomorrow to see if they are as good, then take them with me to the hotel in Rome.  Otherwise it's just everything on the menu...!

    Got a gentle 9k to do tomorrow and I'll do that after out hilly walking club outing, so that should help to spur me on.

    Happy evenings everyone.

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    Sorry to hear about your back EE. I agree wtih one tit maybe concentrate on shorter distances in future. I  hope you enjoy Rome though and I am sure you will  image

    Glad you got the porridge One tit, I was going to offer to get you some but not sure when would have seen you ..

    One week tomorrow will be on the plane. We actually leave here one week today as sleeping near Manchester airport bargain £25 a night !

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    Hi All

    Apologies I've been a bit lax lately.  A lot going on, as you've seen.  The physio has been ambivalent to my woes and so I've done a couple of runs.  They've hurt, but on the plus side I haven't got worse and the physio seems to think it's ok to continue. As a result I decided to go out tonight and try 2 hours on my feet (possible run/ walk - maybe half an hour of each on rotation?!).  If I can manage that ok, then I'm running Rome.  Sod it! image  I'm being decisive!!  Hopefully this means I'll be ok for Manchester 6 weeks later, and I might even get a decent time?!!? 

    EE, sorry to hear about your troubles.  You've put so much effort in.  Good luck! 

    Otherwise a couple of work colleagues have dropped out with injuries.  As mentioned another friend very sadly passed away so isn't coming (obviously).  This also means his best friend isn't coming.  All the more reason why I really want to run for him. 

    On that note what about pre and post races drinks?  Has anything been decided?  Sorry, struggling to get through all the posts.

    Keep trucking everyone... xx

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    EE - that makes me very sad to hear that story, but I have to say, if I was in your position, i would be seeking a second and a third opinion, without any flow of information between the consulted health professionals. Frankly I'm just not convinced by this sub-plot storyline that the human body goes through years and years of slow degeneration. In evolutionary terms, you have just enough juice to survive and prosper, so when you decline, you fall below the line of being able to survive pretty quickly.

    In short, I think we are supposed to survive with functional bodies and what is often diagnosed as a particular point of decay in our body (by close up analysis of one particular component of our body without any overview of our systemic health), they come to the conclusion that one bit of us is irreperably bad.

    But they rarely investigate root causes of that pain. They never explain why one bit of us is worn out and damaged but everything else is tip top. And their countermeasure is simply avoidance....

    What the heck does a 'compressed vertebrae' mean anyway? To what extent is it compressed? What were the forces that caused the compression? Is the bone crushed? Have the supporting muscles given way and you have a misalignment in your spine? Have you lost some intra-bone cartiledge?  Each one of these would have different causes. Surely you would want to know what the cause was, in case it happened again on another vertebrae?

    Maybe just visiting a bloody good osteopath would be insightful, or asking a podiatrist to have a look and check if you are in muscular-skeletal alignment? Elizabeth - you are a strong woman. I'd not recommend you accept this at face value and put up a bloody good fight to retain your atheltic prowess.  Just for starters, I highly recommend the book "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. Informative and inspirational. Good luck.

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    Here here TD.  I agree.  I'm also not supposed to run due to a broken back 10 years ago (not as bad as it sounds).  They always err on the side of caution.  Maybe a physio/ chiropractor that runs could offer some more insight.

    Meanwhile I've probably missed some discussions on this, but has anyone seen any info on picking up numbers/ locations of expo/ start of race etc.  I feel like I'm going into this not only unprepared but completely blind too image

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    Tricky - thanks for your support. In short, I fell off my horse and landed on a tree trunk (only I could do that!) when I was 14. I was told then that the injury would 'cause trouble in later life'. During the summer I sustained an injury caused by my hips being misaligned. I went for an Xray and was shown that my vertebrae was 'abimé'. The doctor told me that I should not really be running long distances and that I risked being handicapped later in life. I was offered 30 sessions of physio to help with the misalignment. Recently, the pain has become too much to cope with when running over half-marathon distances. Neither my doctor nor physio were happy about my running Rome but I am a stubborn bugger. Yesterday, however, my Kiné was surprised by the damage the LSRs have caused. He is the 3rd physiotherapist and all have eluded to the same conclusion, unfortunately. I am running 16kms this weekend and have to go to physio on Monday so that he can pull me back into shape before I fly out to Rome on Tuesday.
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