
Rome 2012



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    Just off for a gentle run this morning.I've not ran since Monday night so i'm hoping everything is fine.Lovely day for it too.
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    Tricky - don't write things like that when I have a mouthful of coffee image

    Just come back from a 16km run. My leg/back are feeling awful; I feel as though I am running with someone else's leg.

    My expectations for Rome are as follows:
    gold - sub 4hrs....yeah right!
    silver - better than my PB of 4:09...not likely.
    bronze - to finish and not need a wheelchair from then on!
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    Ooh lots been going on since I last looked, Happy Sunday one and all.  Thanks for all the info TD.

    On yer Bikes then TD & EE......might get round quicker in Rome of course, wouldn't count though.  and nowhere near as much fun....image

    Can someone please confirm WHICH DRUID place we're going to?  Happy to get there on Sat. but I won't be there late into the evening as my body is old and needs its sleep.....I was in bed by 830pm last night and fell asleep within 5 pages of my book.  J was worried about me...!! I am truly knack'd.

    Ive done my 16k this morning, up and down hills - why I decided on a hill now....I've no idea, but I managed to get all the way round in a gentle jog, down to the village and in less time than I did it back in January, whoop.  Managed to hold a perfectly good conversation when I arrived in the market and walk back to the car (J had done all the shopping by then)  So feel good.....Doing nowt else though all day - Bring on the Rugger......England/France.....mmmm?

    Just totted up my totals since I started my schedule,(25 December)  inc. 5 walking club outings (around 35k total) 40k on the readmill whilst on ski hols (not inc 181k skied...) I've run just over 500km.....whoooah.  Is it any wonder my poor old body is wanting a rest...!!? 

    I am SOO looking foward to a lie in once we get to Rome......but will set my alarm for Sunday morning.  Remind me what we're doing again and how far is it???? 


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    EE3 - I didn't get to meet MY, but Mrs Bloke did get a couple of nice photos of Liz Yelling...

    Any way, this morning was the Bath Half Marathon. And, honestly, I really did try to take it easy(ish).

    Rule 1: Stick to your planned 6:50/mi pace, Rule 2: Ammend rule one & stick to your now ammended 6:40/mi pace, Rule 3: Tear up the rule book & enjoy yourself...
    I felt good, the pace felt easy, I started running with fellow club members, but after a while I looked around & they were no longer on my shoulder; I waved at the crowds, had a bit of a dance, high-fived the kids, stopped for a quick chat & a slurp of coffee with a friends (on more than one ocassion), stopped to ensure a few fellow runners were bearing up ok, and 'jogged' across the line in 1:25:53 - an average of 6:28/mi... Oops.

    The strange thing is that I felt as if I could have quite happily done it all again. Now I need to ensure that I get adequate rest before next Sundays race...

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    Achilles was only sore when i got to the top of the hill near home.Running on the flat was fine.I'm going to rest up all week and see how it goes.If it gives me any pain on the day i'll slow down and just use it as a long training run.

    Hopefully the adrenalin will kick in on race day and i'll be fine.The main thing for me is simply running the race.I've trained really well but if it's not to be then London will be.

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    Well done Williambloke. Sorry you didn't get to meet the main man.
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    Well done WB and well done Howey for getting home and resting up. Hope it's okay.

    Hope you are ok EE? 

    I'm feeling good tonight, must have been that long sleep last night.  Will be up and out in the morning, but ONLY.....5k from now on.  Oooh, tempted to do more....but I won't.

    Back to packing.....image

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    Hi Elizabeth and 1T. Have lots of fun today loudly proclaiming your British (English?) roots. I'm sure you will be lovingly greeted by all around after yesterday's match in the Stade de France!!


    Is anyone else feeling this strange sense of energy starting to ooze in? I've gotten so used to being perma-knackered that I'm starting to like this taper malarkey.

    Proper excited now.... and nervous. image

    Howey - ATM sends her best wishes and wants you to know she misses you and is wishing you good luck for Rome.  I'm running Paris 4 weeks after Rome to do some pace-making for a few of the threaders there.  Glad your Achilles is not too bad, so hang on in there. We are all demanding a mahoosive new PB from you in Italy.

    Weather forecast looks like temps will be close to ideal and sunny! Got your running shades ready?!

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    It was a good match - but I'm British (Scot!! image) so could well be getting the wooden spoon on Sat in Italy - oh well......

    I'm starting to feel quite sick, in fact I gagged whilst brushing my teeth yesterday morning before my run, and it has been a long time since I did that......nerves....not sure why?  Could be becuase I think I'm not going to meet up with Howey and give him his BIB number.....image

    I've not been in touch with ATM for a while, so give her my best too.  She's very nice (virtual mate still)

    I've just looked at the 10 day forecast, sun little cloud and up to 19.  Hopefully it won't hit that whilst I'm out there. 

    Unpacked winter long tights, in with spring thinner ones and the short-shorts....but I'm too chicken to wear those.

    Nice little 5k stretch for me today, so better get on with it, then back to the suitcase....Sun tan lotion??

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    Tricky - say hello to ATM for me too!

    Most people here know that I am not partisan about England v France. I adopted the 'may the best team win' policy yesterday. What a good game it was too.

    Nervous and excited now! I'm off tomorrow morning first thing image
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    Will do Elizabeth. I've booked up a gluten free restaurant for me and the missus on Saturday evening. One more little detail ticked off.

    Rock those shorts 1T. If you're Scottish, no one in Italy will have seen skin that particularly shade of pale blue before.


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    we are on the Red Line - Cornelia (top left), seems straight forward enough to get into the City.

    Howey - shall I meet you at your hotel on the morning, or outside the Termini Station, as it seems you have to change there to get anywhere.

    Where is the Druid's pub that we are all meeting?

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    Haven't been as active on this thread as I would have hoped but have been following everyone's training as we progress.

    On my part training has gone pretty well - 6 secs off a Half Mara PB at Wokingham. Flying out on Thursday morning and the anticipation is building!

    Tricky, where have you found a gluten free restaurant? My fiancé suffers from Coeliac's and I am just about to embark on some internet research to try and find some suitable places for us to dine! Any help would be gratefully received! image
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    Oh and if any one is staying in Rome for a few days after the race and is interested in football I have two tickets for Roma v. Genoa at the Olympic Stadium on the Monday evening that need a good home.

    Booked them when the game was listed as on the Sunday after the race but the game has been moved to Monday evening and I am already on a plane home by then!
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    Ooh... Roma tickets... I was just trying to get a couple of cheap ones online & was debating whether I should just leave it until I get to Rome...  Send me a PM with the cost & I'll let you know if I can afford them. Not being a skinflint, it's just that I'm used to League Two football & League Two prices... image
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    Oooh football tickets........yeah yeah......if WB doesn't want them and they aren't horrendously expensive, I will give them a very good home....

    Been out for my 5k, it is very warm out there.  Legs are on show - eek!  gravy browning might be needed...

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    Does anyone know the station name on the metro for the expo ? Cannot seem to pin point it!!!!! Cheers !!
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    Go back one or two pages Mr.Penguin. You'll find instructions.
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    Lovely stuff!!! Info collected many thanks and good luck. Really excited (and nervous!!) about this event, sounds fab!!! Cheerio
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    Safe Journeys everyone image

    We fly Wednesday but away tomorrow as have to stay near the airport as got an early flight .I am very very nervous at the Moment. I am excited too though.

    Hope to catch up with you all soon image

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    Still open to adding more people on to the Contact list (just PM me your real name, mobile number and email address and i will add and redistribute).  Ciao ciao!
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    Morning........two more sleeps for me.....eeek.  Nerves are really rocking now. 

    Packed the kit now, trainers will go in rucksac before I head out the door on Thursday morning (note to self...stick postit on door to remind me....!)

    i think it's the Druids Den we're going to watch the rugger on Sat if anyone's up for it, 1330 for the Scots...

    Trying to keep busy as it's my rest day......but I'm itching to have a little run about as it's glorious out there.  Will get out tomorrow with the walking club then do my 5km then....be sensible.

    Enjoy the day one and all

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    Won't be at the Druids Den to watch the rugby I'm afraid, but am definately up for meeting up there post race.

    How far post race though? Is there a suggested time for meeting up? 

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    I would like to get back for a shower and change after said race....! and I'm not likely to be quick... image  so I'm looking at earliest, 4pm by the time I do 42km and get back to shower and change and then back into the centre.

    Most of you will be sloshed by then I suspect.... image

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    After drinking next to no alcohol for the best part of 4 months, Onetit, I doubt very much if it'll take too many pints of Guinness or Peroni before I lose the ability to speak coherently... Although, as a Bristolian, coherent speech has never been my forte...

    However, as most of us would probably benefit/appreciate the chance to get to our hotels, wash, eat, drink, snooze, come down from the clouds etc before heading back off out for a drink or three, shall we agree on 4-4:30pm @ The Druids Den, Via San Martino ai Monti, 28- ROMA ???


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    Sounds good to me!!!! If i'm finished by then image

    Just a quick 45 mins on the bike for me today.

    What's everyone else doing this week?
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    I did an interval session this morning, then spent the rest of the day doing some last minute shopping, packing, having a massage, then eating the worlds bigest couple of baked sweet potatoes with baked beans. I hurt now.

    Early morning tomorrow. Four miles easy jog, breakfast, then a friend is taking us to the airport & we'll be Roma bound! Got a nice easy 5K planned for Thursday, from our hotel, round the colosseum, a lap of the Circus Maximus, then back to the hotel for breakfast. Then it's an early start to the Expo. Should get there just as the doors open...

    Just 2 easy miles jog on Saturday, then an easy day - don't want to do loads of walking & tire myself out... A couple of miles to stretch the legs very early on Sunday morning, just to stretch the legs, then it's the big un...

    INFO:Just noticed that Monday 19th is a Vatican holiday so 99% of Vatican City won't be open... 

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    Yay!!! Done the last 3.5 mile trundle.......right that's it made it to the start line for Rome!!!!!!
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