
Greenwich Park



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    poor domsk... you'd better drink lots of guiness to get the iron levels up... :-)

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    Is Dublin to be recommmended - I was thinking about it as a London alternative for next year. Just concerned I would get a bit too carried away on the Saturday and Sunday and be in no fit state on the monday!
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    Domsk: I hope the back repairs itself quickly.

    Multi: I usually have about half my wardrobe in the office but I managed to misjudge it. I had two suits available but forgot I had gone home in my spare work shoes last week.
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    Social secretary reporting for duty.....
    Greenwich Park Events
    If you've ever run in Greenwich Park, or if you want to run in Greenwich Park, (even if you've only heard of Greenwich Park..) do come along.

    It's a pretty mixed group in terms of ability, experience and when we run (I am a 'lunatic' 6 am runner - I mostly run alone...) - the only really common ingredients - we're nice people, like running and most of us like the occasional drink :)

    Pub Run/Fireworks on Saturday the 8th November.

    Currnt plans (such as they are)(and they seem to be under negotiation at the moment)(so watch this space) from Crafty are:
    "We should start at 3pm run and drink until it gets dark then go home, freshen up and head off to the fireworks.

    I reckon we should stary around the standard, head to Blackheath, then up to Oxleas Woods back to the pilot and return to Greenwich where things might then get messy.

    Any takers?"

    I'm sure it will be an interesting afternoon.... Crafty knows his running and - more importantly - knows Greenwich pubs!!
    Drinks on Wednesday the 19th November at The Cutty Sark pub in Greenwich! (details on where the pub is to follow - apparently just down the road from the Yacht on Crane St...)

    As always - I'll be there from 7:00ish with a copy of Runner's World
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    Thanks, I've got physio on it tomorrow.
    That'll teach me to play dangerous sports, I'll stick to running in future.
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    Domsk, that sounds painful? What happened? Still doing Brighton?
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    It is painful, too traumatic to talk about.
    I could tell you but then I'd have to kill myself from embarrassment.
    I'll find out if I'm still doing Brighton after my physio tomorrow.
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    tell us anyway domsk - you're among friends here

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    There's litigation ongoing so it would be wrong of me to talk.
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    Dug out from the 12th page... slackers!
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    What woke you up out of your shell?
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    GavoGavo ✭✭✭
    Page 12 - obviously working hard on your thesis then Snail.

    [quickly escapes to the library before Snail grabs something to throw at him]
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    What's happened to my pumpkin!?
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    stuck at work Gavo. Again. Thesis hasn't been touched since I started this job, and the crap they gave me about time off in lieu - pah!

    Did have to look for the thread though - wasn't just reading back through the pages!

    domsk - your pumpkin turned into a coach and drove off without you.
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    Hello Snail, Hello Soo.

    It's a different world in here!

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    Hi Tim - it is a different world - but it's mostly friendly..... Interestingly in the entire time this thread has existed I've never seen anyone other than Snail actually running in the park - and I only saw her when I dragged her out one morning.

    I'm social secretary for this motley crew (a role for which I'm underpaid - but still attend to with a dedication rarely seen...) so my posts always include details on what's coming up in Greenwich running/drinking wise(mostly drinking to be honest)...so here they are....

    Greenwich Park Drinks - 19th November
    If you've ever run in Greenwich Park, or if you want to run in Greenwich Park, (even if you've only heard of Greenwich Park..) do come along.

    Drinks on Wednesday the 19th November at The Cutty Sark pub in Greenwich!
    (details on where the pub is to follow - apparently just down the road from the Yacht on Crane St...)

    It's a pretty mixed group in terms of ability, experience and when we run (I am a 'lunatic' 6 am runner - I mostly run alone...) - the only really common ingredients - we're nice people, like running and most of us like the occasional drink :)

    As always - I'll be there from 7:00ish with a copy of Runner's World

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    Im nice ....................... that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.

    Patently untrue though.

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    club training night so might be late unless i run there in which case I will be smelly as well as late, the choice is yours.
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    Plum - you have the unique (and some would say welcome) talent of leaving me lost for words!!!!!
    But, frankly, your threats of being late and smelly are less alarming to me than your threats to arrive at our last sess buck naked!!! So come on sweaty one - I'll even buy you a drink.
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    ok then late sweaty and naked by special request.
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    Big Tim was right - it certainly is a different world in here.

    Just one thing though - shouldn't you be 'plums' rather than 'plum' if you're sweaty and naked? Regardless of what time you come... :-)

    Or is there something you'd like to tell us?

    Soo, you've dragged me out more than once. Believe me, one doesn't forget experiences like those... & whilst I admire your ability to get up and out that early in the morning, when you're still at work at this time of night, the thought of getting up at 5.30 doesn't appeal :-(

    I do keep seeing the same people in the park, but never anyone from the forum. V bizarre. Most of my running's along the river now though - park's closed in the evening. I have to keep bribing lovely people like Crafty to come running with me late at night...

    right, back to work... with images of a naked plum in mind...
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    boing again... in danger of slipping back to p2...
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    So......what's the deal this Saturday afternoon then? Is there a deal? Is there a Crafty? Is there a park? Is there a thread? Is there a forum? Is there a Runners World entity? Is there a world? Is there a universe? Is there a life. Am I me? Does Plummy have two? Help!

    I need to know, cos I have a dinner in London in the evening, and need to arrange cars etc.
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    we're waiting for crafty to get to work... he doesn't have access to the forum at home. But as he was still working at half midnight, I think we should give him a little breathing space :-)

    He did email to say he'd be posting details today when he had access, but I think the general gist is meeting up around 3 at the Vanbrugh Tavern (Maze Hill, v close to the station and the park), a lap of the park to honour the forum and on to the next pub. Then the next and the next. Until we're either pissed, knackered, or it's late. But I think probably around 6-6.30ish, though if you have to leave earlier that would obviously be fine. When we finish the pub run at 6ish, it's a quick trip home to shower/change and reconvene to go to the fireworks at Blackheath (which i think start at 8, but I don't know).

    Snoop - e me if you have a problem wiht this schedule, I'm sure we can sort it out...

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    Grrr, my delightful Brother is scuppering all my cunning plans for the weekend. I think I am going to have to miss this as I am obliged to catch up with him at some point on Saturday. 19th still in my diary though so I will catch up with you all at some point!

    Fireworks do indeed start at 8pm on the common.
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    Not a problem Snail my leetle mollusc chum.

    ..but having din dins with the new Tunisian ambassador at the Embassy, and they're sending the Bentley over and I need to confirm a time - ya know how it is!
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    oh, has the old one left already? He was such a delightful man... but I s'pose Ferrero Rocher had stipulated a female ambassador, so he just had to go...
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    I have finally got round to catching up on all these messages. I now fully understand why you said you had been talking bollocks last night.

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    ..but as social secretary I have to ask: what are the plans Crafty....you've got people on the edge of their seats...ready to hear your well crafted (heh - just noticed that 'crafted' is your name swapped around)(and I'm not even drunk)
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    I just typed out a full itinery and it crashed so I will have to reype it.

    Anyway. Let's meet at the Vanbrugh Tavern 3pm 8 November.

    I enclose a link to the map.

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