
VLM 2012 first timers???



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    Thanks black and tabby, guess I am feeling over sensitive!
    Completely feel like I over reacted in feeling so upset about it,
    Putting it down to fatigue!!
    Pleased you enjoyed your marathon though, mine was a bit more of a roller coaster, think I'm going to look at a few halts, have great north run in September anyway, I feel I have time to train for this without it impacting too much on the kids and my partner etc but total total respect to you all, is it everyone but me, who wants to do it again!!
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    So lovely to hear all the tales.
    Suzie, I love the idea of being cheered on the way to school!
    B&T, I was speaking to a guy at the start about the elite runners, and I reminded him that they could no way run for 5+ hours! So we are bloody marvellous!

    Pleeeeeaaaase everyone come to Edinburgh!!! I live here and we can all go to the pub after, or you can all stay in my house, although it's teeny, and I guarantee you a ton of supporters!!! It would be fab!

    I felt okay today, stiff and chafed but more human and switched on. Might have taught something useful, maybe. Took kids to swimming after school which helped.

    Only 3 of my photos are up, all with Tina or Little by Little. Nice photos, better than the end ones I bet!

    Top tips.....Don't dye your hair three days before. Your sweat will be the colour of blood and you will look like you have been strangled in your photos!

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    perfectly natural feeling u have  - come on now, move on in life

    its a hell of a sacrifice around family life

    feel proud of what you've achieved

    sleep on it all, give yourself time, now isn't the time to decide anything

    wishing u well always

    mick xx

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    hi all

    well what do I do now, still a bit fed up about my time, as I know I can do better, also feel a bit sort of flat now ...anyone else feeling like that ??

    definately going to do another marathon, just mentioned Brighton to Mr Pips and he said ' that's miles away' so think it will probably be Llanelli for me, Miss no mates with all of you lot either doing Brighton or Edinburgh [ haven't even mentioned Edinburgh to Mr Pips, he may fall over with shock]image

    so what is everyone doing now, I will probably dust my bike off as promised no running for a month ...as instructed by Kiwi ......... sounds a bit boring to meimage

    lots of sighs from pippity  x

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    I can't imagine not running for a month either, Pip.  Not gone that long without a run for a few years...but never done a marathon before.  Are you doing Llanelli 10k?  I've done it several times.  Was going to give it a break last year but my daughters love the kids' races and wanted to go.  I am tempted to give it a whirl and see if the marathon training makes a 10k seem a doddle!

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    hi Aber yes have done the 10k did it last year...it was very windy !! but they do a half marathon a 10 miler ans marathon image  how did your marathon go ..... sorry if you have already said and I have just missed the post.image
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    I did my Len mile in 8.35, can someone put it on for me!? Feel pretty horrible today, my throat hurts too! Went for sports massage though and was told I'm in good shape all things considered and could run today...I decided against that!

    I too need a marathon for next year, I feel like I have no goal ATM and I don't like it! I think I'm willing to pay for a Brighton place just in case... Can't remember when you find out about ballot?!
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    That coastal path is always windy!  Marathon went okay thanks - feel like could have done better but at least I finished and ran all the way.  I'm not much taller than you and found all the crowds at the end quite scary (but I won't post another grumble about it!)  Now thinking what next?!!  Will have a look when the half and 10 milers are.  The 10k is in June.

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    Of course you're right Mick!
    Thank you

    Emma, I looked up your photos, not in a creepy stalker way, you look fantastic! What a skirt!!
    There's a nice of one of me with my partner at the start - the sweaty ones aren't up yet! Can imagine bad hair day big time on them!!

    Phillipa, I totally relate to how you are feeling - I was also a bit disappointed with my time, but I also know it could have gone a lot worse, on the day for whatever reason it didn't go as well as I know it could have, based on my long runs, but it's still a PB and if you feel so inclined you can go on and beat it next time!

    I spoke to the charity today - they are so grateful for all the fundraising. I see first hand what a difference they make to many of my patients with life limiting illnesses and I feel proud to be supporting them - I may not have a great time but I have made a contribution to something that matters more! I will keep reminding myself about this!

    Emma I love Edinburgh, maybe we should get a team to do the relay for those of us who can't face the beast again so soon!!

    Sleep well everyone! image

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    1. RunningRaRa...............................................10:40
    2. Cregmallin
    3. Westbrompton
    4. Aber Snail
    5. Jon Harrod
    6. Vickster66......................................................11:02
    8. Badoo
    9. Aber Snail
    10. Laura...............................................................8.35
    11. Little by Little...............................................11:05
    12. Emmy_Bug - 12.00mins
    13. Rebecca Chappell....................................11.25 mins
    14. Sioney.....................................9:09 mile ( downhill from here!)
    15. Black & Tabby.............................................12:05 mins
    16. LMDavies.....................................................14.24
    17. Fizzipop........................................................10:21
    18. ChocolateLab                                                11.00
    19. James Clayton 7
    20. Emma McGlynn............................................13.5
    21. James Clayton 7
    22. Speed-10......................................................10:25
    23. Kaffeeg .........................................................15:03 minutes
    24. Aber Snail
    25. RichardWorrall
    26. Pip.....................................................................11.15 mins
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    Laura ..... time is on

    kiwi seems to have disappeared off the bottom and it will not fit on????????????

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    Just looked at some of my photos hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...two are of quite a large bloke...just wonder why the people who put the photos on don't think ' hang on this is not the same person it is a bloke ' ????? the mind bogglesimage
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    Can we put our race numbers on here so we can look at each others pics? It would be good to put some faces to names...esp those who didn't cross paths. Mine was 1845...only 2 so far from the start...1 with mr RaRa.

    Been trying to co-ordinate our running goals/work commitments/shifts/childcare/holidays/geography for an autumn half. Best so far is Warrington which I've done before but hubby hasn't. I'm not keen but my suggestion to leave a family wedding sober + early so I can run Bristol half following morning not going down well!

    Was treated like a hero at school today...mobbed by kids wanting to see my medal! Feeling a bit of a fraud as I'm not suffering.

    Edinburgh is tempting...bit easier to get to from nw...train from Preston.. Hmm may just look at it...lol

    Also may treat myself to some v expensive running capris as a reward for sun...
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    oooh my time is coming on well!

    I'm planning on doing the York 10k in august and the Nottingham half in Sept if anyone wants to join me? X
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    Running RaRa   to view the photos we need to put on surnames
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    No you can search by runner number...double checked.
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    I'd love to have a nosy at you all! I'm 34038, although you can find me with my unimaginative forum name!
    Thanks Suzie, I got lots of "nice skirt" comments! My bum is big, but the skirt makes me look MASSIVE!
    I was thinking Edinburgh 2013! Not bonkers enough for 2012. All full anyway!
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    RunnungRaRa, looking good in your photos!

    Suzie, you are lucky your charity has been so supportive. Alzheimer Scotland have been quick to ask for cash, but totally lacking in support. Very disappointing.

    I have just watched Ewan McGregor deliver vaccines to kids in Nepal on iplayer. I love him, defo on my list!
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    I must be looking in the wrong place, where should I be looking ........?? cos I keep being asked for surname
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    Awesome skirt, Emma!!! image
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    So today I am mostly looking at photos of fellow forum membersimage I'm number 6881 if anyone else is spending a similar day.

    RunningRaRa - lovely photos - you look very happy!

    Emma - also great photos - not surprised you got a lot of comments about your skirt! Did you enjoy the bagpipers on the way round???

    Pip - ha ha - you've done the gender swap in your photos too!Some god action shots there. Did you work out how to see other people's photos? Just put the race number in - and nothing else and that's it - stalker heaven!

    I've got another photo today - one of me must be near the end as I'm very wet, and look completely knackered - but I'm still wearing my blue ribbon! 

    Casually mentioned to Mr B&T that *if* I was going to run another marathon next year, did he think Brighton or Edinburgh would be better? He replied he didn't think  they could stand the tension againimage Might just have to enter anyway!

    Oh - who was it who had a look at the ladies urinals? I wasn't brave enough to look,  but wondered all the way round what on earth they were???

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    Well I've not been on here to post since the big day and have been trying to read through everyone's stories from the day, all the ups and downs and amazing experiences. There do seem to be a lot of people who are beating themselves up about their times, wishing they'd done it faster, but the fact of the matter is that you completed the London Marathon and that in itself is a major achievement and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

    After having a bit of a niggle the week before, I set off slow and steady as it was on my mind a bit, but after a few miles I had completely forgotten about it and just carried on at a nice steady pace, well as much as you could do in the crowds of people. I must admit I was quite surprised how narrow the roads got in places. I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere near the time I could have possibly done according to my half marathon times, but I managed to run all the way without having to stop or walk and completed it in 4:51:14 which I am so pleased with. A week before I was having serious doubts I could do it, but once I'd got past about mile 23 I knew I was going to. I tried to stop looking at my Garmin at about 16 miles as I just wanted to enjoy the run without the pressure of getting a certain time, although it was hard not to check every now and then.

    The event itself was so well organised from the Expo to the bag collection at the end, although the less said about the meet and greet area the better, I've not known it that bad in the 4 years I've been there, it took about 20 minutes to get out with people pushing in both directions, an absolute shambles!

    Lots of people to say thank you too though. Firstly everyone on here for keeping each other sane and helping each other to believe we could do it, with an especially big thanks to Mick and Kiwi for their invaluable knowledge. Secondly to all the supporters lining the route who made the day even more incredible, having people shout out your name and urge you on helped so much, especially in the later miles, and the wall of sound down the Embankment was incredible. And thirdly I'm sure we all have loads of thanks to give to our family and friends who came down to help and support us. I especially have to thank my other half who at 6 months pregnant spent 2 days on her feet at the Expo and running round on tubes hoping to see me at some point, which she luckily did at 19 and 25 miles and promptly burst into floods of tears (she blames the hormones!) I couldn't have done it without her support and her belief in me being able to do it. We were both like a pair of geriatrics the day after though, hardly being able to make it up or down the stairs because of our aches and pains, I'm just so glad she was there to share it with me though.
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    Now the big question, would I do it again? To be honest I'm not sure. It's not because I didn't enjoy it, but I just don't think I have the same passion and commitment as a lot of you on here. I did it to challenge myself to do something I never ever thought I could do, and I did it so I may just leave it at that, a good memory of a great achievement. I'm not ruling it out, but right now my priorities are going to be focussed at being the best dad I can possibly be when my first child arrives in a few months, a much tougher challenge than any marathon I think! I'm not going to stop running, I've got a half booked in for October, but I don't know if I could commit as much time to marathon training when I want to spend as much time with my new family, although ask me again in a year or two when I have a screaming toddler crawling about and you might get a different answer image

    A big congratulations to everyone again, we've all done amazingly to do this and noone can take it away from us, big pats on the back all round.

    Oh and Len you had quite a nice mile 7, enjoying running round the newly restored Cutty Sark and waving manically at the TV cameras. According to my Garmin it was 10.37, hope that was ok image

    My running number was 10578 if anyone's interested in looking at my ugly mug image
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    1. RunningRaRa...............................................10:40
    2. Cregmallin
    3. Westbrompton
    4. Aber Snail
    5. Jon Harrod
    6. Vickster66......................................................11:02
    8. Badoo
    9. Aber Snail
    10. Laura...............................................................8.35
    11. Little by Little...............................................11:05
    12. Emmy_Bug - 12.00mins
    13. Rebecca Chappell....................................11.25 mins
    14. Sioney.....................................9:09 mile ( downhill from here!)
    15. Black & Tabby.............................................12:05 mins
    16. LMDavies.....................................................14.24
    17. Fizzipop........................................................10:21
    18. ChocolateLab 11.00
    19. James Clayton 7
    20. Emma McGlynn............................................13.5
    21. James Clayton 7
    22. Speed-10......................................................10:25
    23. Kaffeeg .........................................................15:03 minutes
    24. Aber Snail
    25. RichardWorrall
    26. Pip.....................................................................11.15 mins
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    B & T  I  keep being told to put surname in...... what is the website you are looking at ?image
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    Pip - go to the link below, click on the 2012 Race results and then put the number in there, click show tracking and results, then click the runner's name and you will see a link to the Marathonfoto site at the bottom right which will take you to the photos for that runner image

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    Thanks soggs know what I am doing now, watch out everyone going to be stalking you.... not in a weird sense I hasten to add.   my no 3981 [ I look really determined in my action photos or is it in pain.......you decide] image
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    Love the skirt Emma, looking good !

    B&T I just went trawling the thread to find your race number and it's your profile pic - doh. Yes the one of you in the yellow shirt is particulary fetching image.

     Pip - great photos, you look so determined.

    Len - good idea we should find a 10k or half that some of us could meet up at during the year. I would love to run with some of you again.

    Thanks again to Mick and Kiwi for you fantastic support, and helping to keep us sane for the last weeks.

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    Rebecca & Len -a 10k to meet up again would be great - trouble is we're all over the country!

    Rebecca - yes, I'm looking quite yummy in the yellow shirt, aren't I?!

    Pip - definitely determined - in a good way!

    Oh - I have had the ladies urinals explained to me on another thread. Think its a good job I queued for the portaloos instead!

    My sis & bro-in-law are coming to take ime out for a celebratory pizza, so I'd better get mysefl ready, iron the Finishers T-shirt, polish the medal etc image

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    my photos are TERRIBLE oh my goodness... how embarrassing thought I was looking determined, at a second look  I look arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhh i have this forced smile with the one taken with my medal, can't even remember that being taken image

    oh goodness which one do I buy ...... don't really want anyimage

    oh and there is another photo where I have morphed into a different bloke ????

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