
2012 Marathon thread



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    Hello Gazelle, its mainly from memory and then a quick flick through the page, I often miss a few folk or things, so apologies if I do miss you ( or anyone else)  occasionally....

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Yes, that's right.  I've linked a 5 mile race from my Fetcheveryone routes which I would class as hilly o would be interested to see how that compares to Denbies.  Regards the wine after the race I think so however know they have wine at the water stations.  Not that I plan to partake with that apart from the very last refuelling station image!

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    HY4- I will run with my garmin on Saturday and log it onto Fetch so you will be able to have a good look. When is the mara?

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Thanks.  It's 9 September so very early days in training.

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    No PainNo Pain ✭✭✭

    Kaz I bet your glad all your travels are over for awhile nice to see you got your 10mile run done early.

    Gaz nice 10mile run, last year I did a medium to long run on a Wednesday and on a Saturday did 12miles which is verry hilly then did my long runs on a Sunday, I will cut this back to 10 miles this year which is enought.

    Gazelle well done on the recovery run and sit ups.

    Teknik nice 14 miles, we get four seasons every 10 minutes here lol.

    YC you dont see that type of person at 5 am lol, well done enjoy your 5 miles tomorrow.

    SM6 welcome to the forum what sort of time did you do your half and 10k in?

    AGF nice core work, all mine tends to be done on the foam roller now....

    Jason well done on the double 7's, HR still a little on the high side here but making progress.

    Mon great running with the 11 yesterday and 5 recovery today.

    Gobi nice blog on the year i'm sure 2012 will be a great one.

    Two runs of 6 miles for me today progress and building back upimage.

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    jason djason d ✭✭✭
    NP- well done on the runs and the post!image
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    Fiona CFiona C ✭✭✭

    Nice doubles NP & jason.

    Welcome SM6, are you following a schedule?

    YC I got that feeling too tonight, lots of runners out. It would be nice if they carried on but doubt they will which is a shame.

    Lots of shocking weather around but it does not seem to be stopping anyone here getting out! Waited til the rain stopped then headed out but it started again, did my 10.15 miles. Very cold by the time I got back.

    Must get back to the core work.


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    Some nice running here, good to see it so early on in the year.

    8 miles for me tonight despite feeling a bit tired, need a good night's sleep!

    7 progressive and one cool down - 8:57 8:23 7:54 7:29 7:04 6:50 6:24 8:44
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    Gazelle - the other way to reply to lots of people is have 2 copies of the page open.  One to read and one to type on!

    I took last night off after my husband told me I looked tired and went to bed for a couple of hours instead image

    5.25 miles done tonight though

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I had every intention of getting out for 3 miles this evening however I ended up going to the post office to send some music to our wedding dj and regreted not wearing a hat so by the time I got back the cold got into my ears which isn't good as I've got an ear infection at the mo.


    Good or him.  Hope you're looking more with it soon.


    Well done on everyone's training.

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    NP your right not many peeps about at that time,pre injury most of my runs were done at that time,been a bit lazier as im still on holiday till monday so hence the later running.

    Everyone seems to be buzzing with mileage at the minute.

    Great stuff


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    No PainNo Pain ✭✭✭
    MF nice progressive running.
    Fiona well done on the 10 miles, the weather is crap at the moment, rather have -18 and snow at least that's dry lol.
    Jason its nice to be back running and posting image
    USB well done on the 5 miles tonight.
    YC 5am start here tomorrow.
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    Some good miles getting done considering the conditions.

    NP. I'll start of with 10 miles on the Saturday. Thanks for the tip.

    Jason. I had to put a new strap on my 405 just before Xmas (puppy ate it). The tool had me puzzled for a while as well!
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    NP - My 10k PB is 47.21 and my HM PB is 99.21, and before anyone asks or checks, yes my 10k is a slower pace than my half... I can only offer the explaination that I've never specifically trained for a 10k, although my PB was set only 4 weeks after my half.

    Fiona C - I'm not currently following a plan, I'm just trying to work out where I am physically. I've not ran properly for a few months for one reason or another so the next week or 2 I'll just have a few runs and try to work out what sort of training plan will suit me. I hope that makes sense?

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    Fiona CFiona C ✭✭✭

    HY4 hope the ear gets better soon.

    NP I agree, I seem to keep warmer when dry but colder!

    SM that seems sensible, you have plenty of time. I was thinking London last night rather than Loch Ness!

    Rubbish sleep at all last night, had to get up twice to eat. Slept about an hour after each snack.


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    Easy 5 for me at 6.30 am today @9.20 average,although a little bit concerned about my heart rate for this one,usually sit about 160-165 on easy runs,today it was up and down like an old tramps knickers ie max 186 quite a few times on this run,its fairly flat and the pace /effort was and felt consistent all the way through the workout.

    Any ideas on how this happened guys?

    My max heart rate has been worked out at 197


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    YC - That happened to me the other day also, I put it down to tiredness but its still sitting higher than normal ?? Maybe your in for some lurgy?? Mine is probably down to consuming something that i'm intolerant to...........it usually knocks it all over the place and when i've eaten something i'm intolerant to my temperature is usually very high, its the only time I ever feel hot!!

    I also had an easy 5 miles this morning.image

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    Kaz i hope the lurgy stays away,im type 1 diabetic and although i dont get ill with colds and such very much,when i do infections take ages to clear .One of the downsides of the condition i suppose,on the other hand im classing all my runs as easy runs when maybe for an easy run i should be a bit lower than 160-165 average.?

    The effort and pace feels easy and theres always plenty left in the tank at the end,i maybe could go slower when base building mileage but what im doing just now all feels very comfortable.Al just have too keep an eye on it over the next few runs


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    hey everyone, can anyone recommend some good motivational music for running? my friend said something about ministry of sound but she cant find the cd, planning on doing some itunes shopping today image
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    YC if you hr max calculated from a hr test is 197, easy running should be about 70%.... eg about 140 +/- 5

    Good luck..
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    my heart rate was 106 when i ran for 40 mins. what is normal rate?
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    my 2nd run off the week, and harder today, as i ran longer, i have a long way to go...just got to keep going and not get lazy or I will pay for it on marathonday.
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    5 miles easy today. Thank God the weather has improved.
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    8 miles for me this morning @5min28s/ km.  Felt quite fresh after yesterday's recovery run and had to make a conscious effort to slow down.  So much easier running in normal weather conditionsimage.  Xc tomorrow.

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    Runner 32 - to understand what is a normal HR and how to understand heart rates etc I think you need to read the link above in more detail.....

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    15 miles on the bike and a four mile recovery for me today. Rest day tomorrow, which is a welcome one!
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    A simple 5 miles today. A small glass of red to relax on a Friday eve...
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭

    Lots of good running- and wow is it busy on here!image

    MF- nice progressive run, but think you'll be told to slow down image

    SM6- I'm puzzled by your half being a faster pace than your 10k. That means that you would have beaten your 10k PB during the half- and then continued at that pace for another 5.9m-??

    R32- good determination

    YC- could it be that your HR is elevated cos you're running your slow runs too fast and overreaching?

    Well I did my recce of the second half of the Cardiff route today, starting at Merthyr College and finishing in the city centre about 0.25m short of the Millenium Stadium. Well worth doing as although most of it was easy sailing, there were 2 points where I wasn't too sure- one of which would have taken me on a big climb up to Castell Coch before coming back down to rejoin. Only other sign issue was due to a lorry being parked in front of it, which led to me going the wrong way for a short section! Better to check it out now than on the dayimage. The bad news was that the second "half" is long- I only made a brief detour, but clocked the run at 26.88m, so looks like the race will be around 51.6m. Some parts scenic- some parts far from itimage Must confess that the thought of running both last week's and this week's sections back to back has got me worried....image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭




    Hope you don't get the lurgy


    Well done on everyone's training.

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    Jason - I was complimented on my last one at similar pace image
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