
Paris Marathon 2013



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    Any film that's got Keanu Reeves in it........

    ... Is probably not worth seeing.

    Nice day off today and tmrw is a public holiday to celebrate (literal translation) Weapons Still Standing Day. Went to the beach with the family, nice and sunny. Dropped in on a big cycling shop on the way back and picked up my winter gloves, weird looking overshoes and hat to cover my ears and go under the helmet.

    If I'm going to arrive in April fighting fit, it won't be because I've been running once or twice a week. Need to put in some big winter biking efforts and that means lots of wind chill factor for my skinny body to deal with.
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    Keanu was in The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner?!

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    yer_maj wrote (see)

    ATM - do you want him now?  Go on go on go on go on go on go on....I'll include a pack of wipes for free??

    Mind you, he has just vacuumed the house and has now gone to buy the ingredients to cook his legendary Coq...I'll send him on tomorrow, will I?

    Please send him over this way when you're done with him! I love a nice Coq...

    Tricky Dicky¹ wrote (see)
    Nice day off today and tmrw is a public holiday to celebrate (literal translation) Weapons Still Standing Day.

    Nah, that's 11/11. Tomorrow is all saints day... don't you know your dodgy european holidays yetimage? 11/11 is a great day off minus the fact its on sunday this year image

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    Gnawing my knuckles here trying not to get sucked into discussing films. Need to get on with work.

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    jimbob decked it running up Deansway ...... image landed on my fists (fingernail side) and left knee - youch!!image - few scrapes but hopefully ok. Was a recovery run after sunday managed 6.12 miles at 10mm

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    Keanu missed out to Arthur Mullard in the Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner casting.

    All Saints Day tomorrow and All Souls Day Friday ( my birthday image ) so don't forget to light a White candle fir the poor souls in purgatory.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    ((Jimbob)) Take it easy. Scraps like that are never fun image

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    Easily done in the dark JB!
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    hmm...films...I'm not going to start...well...just a little bit on the star wars sale.  Disney mainly means = merchandising & theme parks - star wars theme park anyone? Don't know if they can do even MORE mechandising on SW though.  Joss Whedon is THE MAN!  If they put him on Star wars...oh YEAH!  On other films, sooooooo much I could get into but I there's a limit on post length. imageimage

    Kaz & any other interested parties - the supplement (feroglobin from viabiotics) is not just iron (which is why I'm taking it, along with my usual diet which is pretty high in iron).  It also has heaps of vitamin B & C and other stuff the beefs (sic) up your blood (aka oxygen and nutrients transportation).  I think that you (kaz) need to look at why you're not absorbing iron though.  Doc iron supplements should have bought your levels up.  most are combined with vitamin c (but check), so that's not a reason for your levels to still be so low.  Needs further investigation.

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    and now for the other stuff:

    Yer_maj - good to hear that Mr maj keeps a roof over his head with his cleaning skills and legendary coq.


    DV - can we have a playing of the interview tomorrow evening for our crowd entertainment?

    did a spin class yesterday.  it was hard. don't think I'm fully recovered.  muscles and ligaments were not keen on being pushed, ouch!  image the price I pay for a sub 4...I can take itimage

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    OK   * Nailing colours to...* Fav' film...


    Truly, Madly. Deeply ( all rom-com/melodram' fans make orderly queue behind moi...*


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    Too many rom-coms to mention...


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    Eggyh73Eggyh73 ✭✭✭

    TD - I agree on Keanu Reeves, with just the couple of exceptions.

    Emmy is right though, today would be Hallow Eve which is a holiday mostly in Catholic countries.

    I'll need to check out La Haine, not seen that one. Chalk me up as another that likes Amelie. Although if we are on the subtitles then the Germans win for me based on The Lives of Others and Das Boot.

    The only romcom I've ever enjoyed is rather predictable in that it's When Harry Met Sally, but I always was a Billy Crystal fan.

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    Eggyh73Eggyh73 ✭✭✭

    Jimbob - Take care, had a couple of flying through the air moments myself.

    RS - Amsterdam wasn't that long ago. There will be some of that sub 4 effort still in the legs.

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    Gnnnngh, grrrrrrrgh, ngggggha



    Work Weedy, work dammit

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    Radar Sal wrote (see)

    DV - can we have a playing of the interview tomorrow evening for our crowd entertainment?


    yeh sure...  and ATM is going to make an appearance on a skype video call too..  image


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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    Ah, Das Boot! A corridor, a vertical ladder and a bucket of water...And hearbreak.  Fab.

    * Cue: Hero in polo-neck, Jack Hawkins, the Cruel Sea...*

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    BeddersBedders ✭✭✭

    Just been having a look through the official site and found this;


    Say's the breakfast run is the week after (?), unless of course it was held on that weekend this year and they've just not updated it. Anyhow, has anyone done it before? I did the one in Barcelona the day before the race back in March and it was grand!

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    Emmy - ugh, tired brain. All Saints Day tmrw. Ten days later for Armistice, yes of course. image

    This time last year, was doing all the tourist stuff before doing the NYC marathon. Received an invitation from NYRR to come back again this year. Glad I ignored that one. Must be a lot of marathon newbies over there wondering what they've let themselves in for. It's going to be chaotic trying to get to the start on Sunday morning.

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    TD - yeah, that's right!  Just checked the site and it looks like they're going to try and do it.  Will be amazing if they manage it!

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    Looking At Endomondo my half on Sunday came in at 13.53 miles at 1.46.41 - can that be right? My chip time was 1.44.33. I tunred on the GPS on my phone when i was  about 200 metres before the start while we were still walking, so that explains the extra two minutes. My stopwatch was 1.44.34 so i was spot on with that. I ended my workout on my phone a few seconds after i'd hugged the st johns ambulance girl upon crossing the line. Endomondo says my half time - was 1.42.24. Is that right? did i run 13.1 miles in 1.42.24 on Sunday? did i not take the "racing line" much during the race - its possible as i was overtaking for most of it so always running on the outside of the pack. Someone please advise?

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    Eggyh73Eggyh73 ✭✭✭
    Bedders - A few of us met up for the breakfast run this year. It was a nice relaxing run to get ready for the next day. I certainly plan to do it again.

    The marathon must be the last thing on most New Yorkers minds. I'm surprised it's still going ahead. It's hard to taken in what's happened as I was only there a couple of weeks ago.
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    Eggyh73Eggyh73 ✭✭✭
    Jimbob - Always take the chip time. No GPS is 100% accurate.
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    image i was hoping one of you would tell me that my half pb is 1.42 imageimageimage 


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    I'm really surprised they are going to try to go ahead with the New York marathon...   I was there last year and TD ran it...  it just seems crazy to me and an unneccessary stress when they clearly have more important things to be doing...  

    jimbob..   sorry..  take the chip time...  hey, nothing wrong with a 1:44..   



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    i know - never used gps before so was just largin it tryin to squeeze 2 mins cloer to 1.40! . My friend who did the run with me, his gps came in 2.08 but his chip time was 2.12. One thing the gps told me about tonight's run, was that i took it very easy and i'm clearly still a bit battered from Sunday

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    thought i'd try out endomondo on the telephonic communicator before i went down the garmin road - still toying with that idea. Ive got to where i am without it and despite being a tech head in most walks of life - when it comes to running / my asthma and weight etc i am not very scientific. More of a RUN FORREST RUN type

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    DannirrDannirr ✭✭✭
    Movies: Amelie, Cinema Paradisio, Like Water for Chocolate, English Patient, and without a doubt, City Lights.

    Looking forward to tomorrow night. Possibility of a live re-enactment rather than a simple playback of the BBC interview RS.
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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    If you two re-enact your interview in the style of Fawlty Towers I'll die happy.

    Currently I have a very ill kitten....he's clearly been eating somethig he shouldn't have been image

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    DannirrDannirr ✭✭✭
    Hmm. Which character do I get? With the current whiskers I might have to be the old guy who lived there (shhh, don't mention the Germans)
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