
London Marathon 2014



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    Thanks Wenty, thats good to know!

    I would say I am enjoying it, although it feels strange to enjoy something that doesnt come easy to me!?!

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    I dont think it comes easy to any of us (well except BT)

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    Everyone's gone quiet here - I hope its not a case of too many mince pies image Into serious marathon training in the new year

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    Mince pies n injury for me will be back around 4/6th jan ready n raring to go.

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    I just had 3 weeks weeks with minor calf pull - but back now wehnt out on christmas eve and boxing day! nice to have a break from running, but good to be back as well.

    There is a hard 3 months ahead!

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    Is Cas still about, or lying in a ditch somewhere sobering up? image

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    Cas where are youimage 

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    Oh not looking good - no blogs recently either!

    How are you getting on BT?

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    Just back running after 3 weeks out. 4m last Thursday and 12m yesterday (tail end of week 1 on the P&D 18 week plan) so looking forward to MK.

    Then it's my ultra season.

    Followed with 3 marathons in 5 weeks. 

    I'm hoping Cas has just been away over Xmas and will be back this week *fingers crossed* 

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    Hi BT, start training again tomorrow....dreading it, but boy was it nice to have a break!! Will be online griping, whinging and whining about how hard it is later this week I would imagine......happy new year to you all x


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    Wenty....me, in a ditch drunk?? I will have you know I've never lain in a ditch In my life. Been found under a few hedgerows in my time though......ha ha!! I've not been getting notifications of new postings, weird. Thought everyone else had gone away for Christmas, and now I see you were all here all along! Hope your injury is better. image

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    Ah good to see you  are back! Starting to get worried. Hedgerows must be more comfortable then ditches i guess....I prefer Bus shelters.

    I am back running but struggling to get back into it, what with the weather and Christmas, new year etc. Good to see BT is back at it  as well.

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    I don't know, a couple of weeks off (ok, ok, 4 to be precise) but man, it's hard to get back out there. Did 4 miles tonight but it was tough on the mind and legs! I could get very pissed off with myself for being so daft, but no point making myself feel worse. Back to four runs and week and the hope that it will be slightly easier to build up to long runs than it was first time round. As Dr Gregory House would say..... IDIOT!!
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    hehe, just keep goingimage be strong, less than 100 days to go? image

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    Oh god. I think i just stress peed. Thanks BT!!
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    that was funnyimage

    8m yesterday and 10m in 1:55 tonight. (Utterly knackered)

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    You need to write a book and self publish it for kindle. Just reading your story would motivate folk and it's so easy to do. I've bought a fair few books on running and some of them tell such a weak story and you have a fantastic tale.........image

    Id buy it! 

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    FOUR WEEKS OFF!!! FOUR WEEKS!!! 4 WEEKS.........................................................................................

    28 DAYS NO RUNNING ................................

    Cas we are almost into taper period!

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    Wenty: eeek that must be driving you mad! You don't really loose that much, (trying to sound positive).

    Cascita: Hummmmm i'd probably only have 5 sales including yourself and me buying a copy image but I try to write every now and then.... Fantasy / Sci-Fi stuff, so maybe having a go at my running might be fun, and I have all the stats so know what i've done. I might actually do that image

    8 miles Wednesday and 10 Miles last night... I'm now utterly shattered, 4 miles on Ssturday and then 13 on Sunday.... P&D Plans are hard work and this is only week 2 of 18, but hopefully i'm going to be upping my game to a new level if I can do the runs in this plan image

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    Not me BT - I'm hard at it again - Cas had 4 weeks off!!!

    I'm on the P&D plan as well but using it more as a guide currently until i feel 100%.

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    Wenty, how can I possibly taper when I never peaked!!


    NOT PANICKING. I can run/walk it, it's mind over matter and all that.

    Someone told me pain is just a sensation and sensations are to be enjoyed. Mind you , he was wearing a mask and holding whip at the time (JOKE!!!!!)

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    You will be fine I'm sure Cas! What has your longest run been to date?

     - I wondered what you had been up to for the last 4 weeks and now its all making sense!  Mr Whiplash!

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    Pain is temporary, pride is forever.

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    My training is eukk, Im running 2-3 miles 4 time a week and a long run/walk of 8 miles on a Sunday!

    In my mind Im walk/running it (Im with you on this one Cas!), this has stopped my hitting the withdrawal button!

    I dont know London at all, Im a country girl so can anyone reccommend a hotel, I think closer to the finish would suit me better, coming down from Scotland on the Friday afternoon and hoping to fly home on the Sunday night.

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    If you can increase your long Sunday run/walk a mile each week you would get two or three decent length ones in and just cut back to a shorter one the weekend before the marathon. As you don't really need as big a taper if you aren't up at high milage generally before the marathon.

    If I was in a desperate mode to get me to the marathon in some sort of running fitness but knowing i'm just winging it a bit..... i'd go with something that isn't orthodox and you'd have everyone in the training forums complaining like hell that it's wrong but i'd do...

    Run 1: say Tuesday 1 x 3 miles (getting up to 4 in Feb, and 5 in March) that is at Marathon if not quicker pace.

    Run 2: general run 5 miles then if you can push it up a bit further over the weeks at a sensible speed that you can keep going for the whole of it but it's not an easy run. So this run would start really slow at the moment but slowly increase distance and if possible the speed over time, but distance is more important then increasing speed but see if you can get this up to going 7 or 8 miles once or twice without stopping.

    Then the Sunday Run/Walk and increase it a mile each week. Every 3 do a shorter one as you will probably find it hard work so maybe increase 2 or 3weeks in a row, then drop back a say three miles then back to the week before +1 So you know that you are only actually doing three long sunday runs in a row then a little breather.

    I'd try and fit two other exercise, non running sessions in a week as well if possible just working on general fitness. Strengthening the core.

    This is not a recommended plan or something I say you should do, this is just when I was running my first one or two, and i had pain and time issues, these are the sort of things that went through my head, as they would be enough to get me around.



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    Brilliant thanks for the advice and it makes perfect sense, will keep you posted.

    thanks again x

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    Good advice BT....

    It will start coming together if you put the work in.

    I was really daunted by the idea of 26 miles, but now I realise you should not be scared of it, but respect it.

    Important part is getting the long run in as long as you can be it walk run crawl.
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    Staggered 13.1m and then had a 4k walk. That's how you do it big mama when you have a bad day you just keep going image one way or another 

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    BT - Staggered 13.1 miles - were you drunk! Thats what we expect from Cas (sorry cas no offence!) 13 miles is a long way for a pub crawl.

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    Just read your latest blog Cas and we are all with you on "Team Cas VLM".

    Go on and run those mince pies off! (did you know you have to run approx 2.5 miles per mince pie)

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