
Sub 3:30 Gingermagic: #Irunsuccess



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    I Run Success Runnning Techniques Workshop image


    Me and Mrs GM made the 90 minute drive down to Colchester to meet up with Angela and figure out if we have ‘funny runs’. For me a self-confessed running geek this kind of thing is right up my street. A couple of hours of doing nothing but talking about running…heaven! I’ve never really had my running analysed before or commented on that much in fact. I knew before that I had a lot of bounce in my stride. From watching a race video of myself a while back I noticed I was projecting myself vertically in the air maybe a wee bit too much!?


    So we arrived at the location to a really nice looking golf course/range. Looking in, I could see a gym upstairs and reasoned that’s where it must be. Although I do like a bit of golf as well. We met Angela which was fantastic, great to meet the person who is coaching me through this…at no cost! The gym where the course operates from was really nice. Modern, clean and kitted out with all the latest gear/equipment. It was nice and quiet as well so there were no distractions for me, Mrs GM and two other gents who were attending. We all introduced ourselves and the reasons we were there. For me anything that can help me improve by the slightest amount is very attractive.


    We were given a really good handout from Angela that would detail what we were going to be looking at during the day. Angela explained a bit about the business and the three pillars of I Run Success. Injury Prevention was what we looked at first. Common issues/injuries were discussed and Angela showed us exercises to help prevent these common niggles. A really useful exercise for people unsure of this type of thing. To have the science and reasoning behind it explained was great as well. I’ve always just been told, do this, do that. Without questioning, why? Asking, what is this doing for me? We went through dynamic stretching and its benefits prior to a run. Something I knew about before but rarely put into practice. Naughty I know. We talked about biomechanics and had a bit of biomechanics check-up. We all did some drills whilst Angela watched to see if she could pick up anything. I have very tight adductors! I couldn’t really squat as deep as everyone else, I knew this was a problem area before. Angela gave me advice on stretches to get them performing better. We also discovered that my core strength needs a bit of work after I gave everyone a bit of a laugh as I tried to balance on a BOSU ball. Bambi on ice is probably not a bad description of what it looked like! Strength work has always been something I’ve neglected and it was a bit of a wake up call. I need to do the dynamic stretching, the drills and strength work more regularly.


    We had our running analysed on the treadmill by Angela. Like she has said in her previous post she thinks my running style is not too bad. I do though, twist a bit when I run. Bringing the arms round across my body maybe a bit too much which is causing me to twist,  using unnecessary energy. The vertical bouncing was picked up as well but I got some good advice to try and remedy that which I’ve been using in my training runs since. She also noticed hints of an overstride at times as well. It was just great to actually see what everything was doing in slow-mo. I find it quite fascinating! Aye, I know…geek. Mrs GM looked like a different runner after taking on Angelas points. Although, her dismounts from the treadmill left a lot to be desired. Dangerous! X-)


    It was a great day, really informative and useful. I would highly recommend it to anyone who maybe is struggling with a niggle or is maybe starting to plateau. The follow up aft

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    The follow up after is fantastic as well. You get all the videos that Angela takes and the advice after is so good, really detailed which is fantastic. The whole thing is great value for the information and advice you get in a really good facility. Get yourselves signed up!


    I’ll try and get the videos up for you all to look at and you can pick my gait apart!

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    18 miles done last night after being stuck in a car most of Sunday. Not ideal but getting this run done was important. I got home from work and got myself out there in some pretty awful conditions. Runnning in that weather though just makes me feel double-hard! I actually quite enjoyed it.

    Here's the link to link to it. 



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    Ello ello, It seems as Advent has started, its just you and I on here, GM,  still, as many an elite athlete says, they train on Christmas Day, as they know their competition will be... Clearly your competition are all too busy eating advent chocolates to postimage 

    Great write up of the Workshop... although I'm biased.

    And Bloody well done for getting out for 18 miles on a Monday night! That's brave of you, but also good practise, as depending on the start time of your ultra, you could well be running some of it in low light!

    Feeling a bit pathetic with my mere 5 miles on Saturday... Calves were really hurting, so gave them an extra rest day on Sunday (plus I'd been out out Saturday night, but that had nothing to do with it image)... But, its 20 weeks until Boston now, so time to get in the good habits! A bit of core work for me last night, a recovery run and leg and chest strength tonight image 

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    Nice write up GM, sounds like a good day. And well done for doing 18 miles in the dark last night, massive kudos for that. 

    I've still not entered a spring marathon at the moment, I was going to enter Worcester which is on the 8th May, until the wife reminded me we have a wedding to go to on the 7th!!! So that one is now out, as the wedding is 250 miles away from Worcester. Looking likely that Bungay Black Dog is favourite With me now.

    Angela, after the initial excitement of this forum, the pace has died down a bit on here. But I think once people properly get into there training plans the pace will soon pick up again.

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    Cheers Sean. I was pleased with myself for getting that one done. I dont think I would have forgiven myself for missing a long run. Bungay's a good one by all accounts though mate so its a good back up. You've hit the nail on the head with the forum I think. Once people start doing their marathon training it'll pick up again for sure!

    20 weeks to Boston Angela, loads of time! You'll be smashing out solid weeks soon enough for sure. My run last night was quite good prep. I took my headtorch and headed out on some of the unlit trails. Although with the rain it was just as hard to see with the headtorch as it was lit up streaming past my eyes. Glad you like the write up! It took me long enough to get it out there. image

    With doing my long run yesterday I was thinking I'll move the Tuesday and Wednesday run to the following days. Then maybe do the strength work on Friday but just a fraction of a normal sesh. I'll keep it light heading into the weekend. What do you reckon? Loving the look of the next training block! image

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    I'm here on the bench image

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    sensesense ✭✭✭

    GM - good report on the workshop.  do keep us posted on how your adductors & core progress. will be interesting to see if you manage to turn them into strengths rather than potential weaknesses, hopefully you'll be deep squatting in no time!  also very impressed with the Monday 18 miler, will be a good one to have in the bank if you have any self-doubt later in the process - if you can do that at this stage then 3.30 in Manchester is clearly well within your capabilities.

    Angela - 20 weeks to Boston was a reminder to me that time until April will doubtless fly by.  Like Sean, I'm not yet decided on spring marathon but seems that there's a reasonable chance of a Bungay showdown!  Hope you're happily getting into the routines of marathon training.

    Sean - some good long hilly runs on strava.  sights settling in on 3.15.  are you aiming to follow an asics-type plan?

    Mr P - hope spirits on the bench aren't too low

    Inspired partially by Charles & his big run streak plus Chick & her super-consistent base mileage, I decided I should try running more frequently in order to up the weekly mileage, so the last 2-3 weeks have involved more runs than usual for me.  Have been enjoying it. Aim for next 2-3 weeks is keep the frequency but start to increase the distance - ideally have couple of 35-40m weeks before christmas.  Not fussed by pace at the moment.  Will see how it goes.  Niggles coming & going but nothing seems to be persisting so fingers crossed progress continues.

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    Great write up GM - sounds like Angela has a brilliant set-up there- Getting the correct running gait i think is just so important ... Funnily enough, I still remember Sam Murphy on the bootcamp day ordering me to 'relax shoulders' and 'push hips forward'. I think those two pieces of advice on their own have made a huge difference to my running- especially the latter...

    Mr P - wishing you a rapid recovery-

    Hope everyone else enjoys their (relative) rest before 20th (ish) and the Spring marathon countdown begins! 

    Sense - definitely recommend streaking- it becomes routine fairly quickly and rarely a chore. Day 591 completed today (not that I'm keeping count!).

    Looking forward to your next update GM

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    Wow Charles, that makes my 30 days in November pale into comparison ... I must say though that I found it a bit of a chore on those days when the weather was horrendous and I put in 12+ hour days at work. I'm cutting myself a lot more slack in December, allowing for the odd hangover - after all it's xmas party season image

    Great write up, Ginger. I like the sound of that gym a lot.

    Sense: well done on the consistency. Is the groin behaving these days then?

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    I did say 'rarely a chore'! - but yes, Chicksta, some days it is pretty unpleasant to have looming for the evening after a long work day. One thing I do enjoy doing is squeezing the run in to a 45 minute lunch break at work- Quite a challenge to get undressed, run, shower and dress again!


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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    Evening all! 

    Sorry I have been AWOL. All sorts of busy here. Good news is that I am running again! Oh yes.....truly shocking right?image

    Done 4 runs since Saturday, when I basically decided that after 7 and a bit weeks of rest enough was enough! 

    Only little piddly slow runs of 1-2 miles mind you but hey, it's progress! Still getting a little bit of post run reaction but during the run all is pretty much as fine as I could hope for. 

    I will have to catch up later as still working - looking forward to reading about the workshop GM and Angela! image

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    Sense - It's hard not to do a hilly run living in Dover! But yes I am managing to slowly up the mileage as well as keep some tempo and interval sessions during the week as well. Still hoping for sub 20 at Folkestone Parkrun in 2015.

    No marathon plan sorted, so will probably fall back to Malcs plan from 2 years ago! As it's it's served me well previously, so will probably follow that but run each session 30 seconds per mile quicker. (What do you think Malcs / Angela?)

    I will go out for a sub 3:15. Although not totally confident, I think I would rather give that a go and risk crashing and burning, rather than playing it safe and running sub 3:30 for yet another year.

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    Not managed to get out for a run today as I had to leave for work at 6:30 this morning and I've been looking after the kids since I got home image

    My wife should get home from work around 22:30 tonight. So contemplating going out then?

    Does anyone else run at ridiculously early or late times?

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    Good to see you back running, Malcs image

    Sean: I usually run at 5am. Guess that qualifies as ridiculously early image I like to have my runs done before work as I never know when I finish and how much the day wipes me out. Also - and this is probably silly - as a girl running on me own in the dark I'm more afraid at night than early morning. Somehow I tend to think that most weirdoes aren't early birds so I feel safe at 5am but wouldn't at 10pm ...

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    sensesense ✭✭✭

    Charles - 591 days of running is definitely getting into a routine.  I don't remember - what kicked it off in the first place?

    Chick - thanks.  I'm occasionally aware of groin/ab but generally seems that running & my haphazard other exercises are helping it improve.  trying to be careful though, and keep up the other exercises even now I'm back running regularly.  for your current base stuff, what sort of pace and HR do you normally run at?

    Malcs - glad you're moving again, even if only little piddly slow stuff image.  hopefully back in business shortly

    Sean - with a following wind & bit of luck, I hope to have similar 3.15ish aspirations by April (with a higher risk of crashing & burning!).  but will see how the training goes before setting any firm targets - I won't expect to get near that if my training isn't a decent step up from last year. In short term, I'm hoping to get to burgess parkrun this weekend & have a go at sub 20 so maybe we can have a virtual race, though I've got the easier course.

    Re early mornings, you'll know from strava that I'm rarely out before 7am at the moment, and mainly in the evening to be honest.  I prefer running in the morning and recovering through the day, don't like running late at night as always struggle to get to sleep afterwards.  if marathon training picks up I'll hopefully be out before 6am a bit more often.

    Had a look at paris training the other day - average was about 35 miles per week, with 2 weeks over 50 miles. hopefully an average of 40+ and 4/5 weeks over 50 miles will put me in a place where I could go a bit quicker in the spring.

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    Chicksta - 5am!!! Getting up that early to run, probably qualifies as wiping you out for the rest of the day. Do you do that early regularly, you must go to bed early. Although I can see the logic that not many weirdos are about early doors.

    Sense - I'm working Lates at the weekend so hopefully will get to PArkrun on Saturday, although I keep badgering my 12 year old daughter to have a go, so might run with her this weekend. What schedule do you plan to follow for Marathon Training? Seem to remember you did a lot of your runs early mroorning last year, whilst marathon training.

    Perhaps I need to be a little bit more organised and motivated and get out early, when there are no alternatives.

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    Hello Everyone! Now I have to apologise for my absence.  Its been a great week!  A book I've written that has been 80% finished for about 3 months, I finally got finished and published!  Its now available for pre-order on the kindle store image  http://amzn.to/1Tpi9kL

    Sean and Sense, I say train from now with the belief you will get 3:15.  If you are going to put yourself through marathon training again, it should be for something special.  We've seen with Malcs, that a stretch goal really can make all the difference.  Remember a few years ago when he was hovering around 3:59 for years on end!

    Chicksta, Good on you for getting your runs in early.  I used to do that in my finance days, but now, I appreciate my lie ins... sometimes I'm with a client as early as 6:30, but then am very often quite free from 2-4pm, so I tend to fit my training in during the afternoon.  However, I too will need to find some discipline as I have to work on my business as well as my marathon preparation.

    Sean, Re: Days like that, this is where having a coach image can really help... Or some planning.  If you can foresee a day like that when you just wont be able to run, your plan can be adjusted to ensure you get the most benefit.  If you were choosing between a 5x800m session, or a gentle 3 mile run, which would you choose - and the obvious answer may not be the right one depending on what's happened on the days preceding the missed training day, or indeed the days after.

    Malcs, So glad you're back running again.  Here is a link to some foot exercises that I've started doing since my foot issue to help make my feet a bit more resilient: http://zhealtheducation.com/episode-125-foot-strengthening-exercises/

    Shame I'll be in Boston when you're both doing Bungay black dog, otherwise I would come and cheer, but I suppose GM will be able to make it there to support!

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    GM / Angela - the workshop sounds brilliant! Looks like you got alot out of it GM which is great news. Thanks for taking the time to do the write up, I really enjoyed reading it. Just sorry you were let down by technology in the process!

    Keep at it GM, you are doing an amazing job!

    Angela - many thanks indeed for the foot exercises. I will definitely be doing those. I just tried the test that they suggest and I was totally crap at it on both feet. Let's see what happens after a week or two of doing these image

    Massive congrats on the book! That is quite some achievement. Is it only on Kindle or can you get it on iBooks too?

    Sean - I totally agree with Angela. If I hadn't set those stretch goals I don't think I would ever have been in the position I am now (well, was back in September at leastimage ). I think now you have to go for it.

    I have essentially followed the same plan since the competition. All Steve's plans are pretty much the same just with quicker paces and a few more miles as your target time decreases. So yes, you could indeed do the 3:30 plan but up the paces by 30 secs per mile, that's exactly what I did.

    Sense - looks like things are going well for you. How are the abs? No issues I hope?

    Gotta agree with Angela (yet again) image You should go for the 3:15 target. If you could bag sub 1:30 half in Feb/March then you could feel very confident of reaching that.

    Once I'm back up to decent fitness we'll have to meet up for a parkrun. Dulwich might be good and if Angela is on Aunty duties in the area then even better (offer very much open to anyone else who can get there too).

    Or failing that there's always one of the Battersea 5K's.

    Chicksta - I googled it and apparently no self respecting weirdo would even think about getting up that early. Looks like you'e safe - phewph! image 

    The only nutjobs out at that ungodly hour are other runners like you!image

    Mr P - hope you're ok there on the bench. Having only just left there myself I know how damn frustrating it is. What's the latest? 

    Charles - that is an unbelievable run streak! 

    Apologies if I've asked before or I've missed you saying - what is your next marathon goal and do you have a race booked?

    Thanks everyone, it really does feel great to be back doing something. I've managed 5 runs in 7 days - 10 miles in total. Feel a bit in limbo, waiting to see if things improve or start to go back downhill. 

    It's really weird - during the runs it feels ok and in the last one it actually felt better at the end than at the start. However, most of the time the foot/lower leg tightens after and I get some dull aches around the arch area. I'm trying to convince myself that this means that I'm not re-injuring it and it's just the aftermath of whatever was wrong which will improve in time.

    Aiming for my first parkrun since September tomorrow. Just really hope it goes well!

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    Regarding parkrun meetups, I'm up for doing Dulwich Christmas Day (they think they'll have one) and Brockwell on boxing day... Anyone around to join me for either?
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    Angela - Congrats on the book will it eventually be available as a hard copy?

    It would have been great if you could have got down to Bungay, but given the alternative is Boston, I know where I would rather be! But if Sense and I do run it, at least we will ALL be running Marathons at roughly the same time.

    I would love to have a coach, but money is tight and the kids want X-box One and laptops for Xmas this year! So unfortunately my needs are right down on the pecking order.

    But your right I just need to be more organised on busy days. I do find that when I am following a marathon schedule then I will be. Your right about which session to choose, sometimes if time is tight it's easy just to go out and run 3 junk miles, just so you can tick the box, but it's not necessarily the best session.

    When my training starts properly I will be aiming for at least one interval session, one tempo session, a mid-week long(ish) run and one long run per week. But I do usually end up juggling these around due to work and family commitments. But for me that's all part of the fun of marathon training.

    Malcs - Cheers for the vote in confidence, nothing ventured nothing gained image

    Good luck at Parkrun tomorrow all those running, finally hoping to go sub 20 mins at Folkestone tomorrow.

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    Only managed 20:36 at Folkestone PArkrun this morning image 

    Although I'm putting all the blame on Desmond, it was ridiculously windy this morning.

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    sensesense ✭✭✭
    20.02 for me sean, caught your habit for near-misses. Windier than normal here too though am sure coastal wind much stronger
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    Sense - I thought I saw on Strava that you dipped just below the magical 20 barrier. Still a good run, especially as your mileage is still fairly low at the moment. I would have been happy with a near miss today, I seem to be going slower at PArkrun recentl, although I will blame it on the weather. 

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    Sense- The streak started as a challenge between some friends at work- 6 of us started with the idea of going for 'as long as we could' (3 miles seemed like a decent daily minimum) with no reward for the winner. There are still 3 of us left, and obviously none of us are keen on being the next one dropping out, having gone for so long!

    Malcs- My next major race is Manchester- I'll be using the RW / ASICS sub 3:00 plan- I'm just about getting there, having managed a sub 1:25 half at Ealing a couple of months back.

    Angela- No kindle for me, but I will buy your book when it becomes available for luddites.image

    Happy running all!!


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    Hello all! I have been well and truly off grid for the last few days. The nature of the job I do, well and truly took over during the middle of last week. Last week has been a write off which I'm pretty annoyed about as I was flying! Straight back into work after a crazy few days this morning and I'm looking forward to getting back into a normal routine again. My last run was Wednesday and I can't wait to get out running.

    Angela, what do you think I should do tonight? Pick up the next week? Or repeat the last one? Sounds like there's been some good running going on over the weekend. Very jealous although I think I missed a good weekend what with Desmond blowing through!

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    Hello all!  

    Thanks for the congrats on the book... For those without kindles (I'm one of them), amazon provides a free app to read kindle books on all sorts of devices, so if you can get onto here, you should be able to get a kindle book and read it image

    GM, yes, since it's only a few days missed, just pick up on today's plan - please make your notes in the plan on what you've missed, and we will chat shortly anyway.  Life happens, and we need to be adaptable, but you've built up such a great base already.  Plus, you've hit every single session until then, so accept that there have been a few days missed, and move on image

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    Ha you missed a fantastic weekend in terms of wind and rain Ginger, though if you'd been running down there in Ely you'd probably be blown half way to Holland by now. Well done on the 18 miles last Monday. It did look rather impressive on the Strava map!

    Just a quick update from me. Did Bolton (aqua)parkrun at the weekend and it was just mud and puddles! Finished fourth but the time wasn't great 20:33. Happy enough though. At least I didn't fall over on the start line like I did at Heaton Park two weeks prior! Very embarrassed and the people behind weren't impressed either!

    Got myself some new shoes so the pb's are bound to follow. Maybe you should try that Sean and Sense? Sure it'll get you under 20 mins - failing that get a sports massage that usually does the trick for me!

    Well done on the book Angela, look forward to reading it on my phone!  

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    Angela - aha! Don't suppose you're doing an audiobook? I'm such a slow reader! Or maybe an abridged version?image

    Unfortunately due to the time of year I won't be able to make Dulwich or Brockwell on those dates. Xmas day I have  family commitments and Boxing Day we're doing Orpington. Sorry image

    Charles - that's awesome! So we will both be on the same programme then with the same target! 

    With a 1:25 half in the bag you've gotta feel confident. Just a matter of some decent training and staying injury free. All looks very good for you!

    GM - don't worry about the hiatus. I agree with Angela, a few days missed will have zero negative effect, they may even have helped!

    Well done everyone on the wet and windy parkruns! Sooooo close Sense! Surely this week it's on for you and Sean! If you try Stan's new gear solution solution you're sure to make it (nice one Stan!) image

    I managed my first Parkrun in 9 weeks on Saturday and boy did it feel good to be back! 25 mins mind but I'd take that over missing out any day!

    So far so good on the return. Keeping it short and steady. Did 4 miles yesterday and will probably do the same again today. 8-8:30 pace. Foot discomfort is slowly decreasing but it's not gone yet. Feels like there may be scar tissue or something stopping everything moving smoothly. Not complaining though!

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    Malcs, brilliant to hear of you running again! Hoping that discomfort eventually vanishes ready for you to blitz me at the Essex 20! Yeah I agree with you about the hiatus. It was just frustrating not to be able to get out there. My easy 5 miles last night felt fine and no worse off for having 5 days off. 

    Thanks Stan! Still quite chuffed with knuckling down on that 18 miles. Its windy at the best of times on The Fens, you're right. 

    Angela, I totally forgot to congratulate you on the book yesterday when we spoke! Well done, thats brilliant. I will defintely be looking into getting a copy! 

    So when I get home tonight I'll show you all whats in store over the next few weeks. I have the Portsmouth Coastal Marathon on the 20th which should be a nice pre-christmas binge workout! I did this one a couple of years ago and no guilt was felt as I destroyed an entire chocolate orange. The back to back runs are starting up and there's some more sessions running at a faster pace. I have 8 miles tonight which is to include 4 x 800m's at 10k pace. So I'll be out the door as soon as I get home tonight, can't wait.

    Last night I did an easy 5 miles. My bad admin left me with a dead garmin so I ran with the strava app on my mobile. So my pacing was a wee bit over the place. I'm far too reliant on the watch. Felt great though throughout, I was just so happy to be running again. It felt like an eternity since my last run.


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