
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    By the sound of things the UK weather will be a shock to me when I return.  

    Wordle in five,  also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Work trip down in Wellington until Tuesday pm. Catching up with another two overseas visitors so probably little chance to run. Got kit just in case. Weather forecast for tomorrow and Tuesday a bit bleak though. 
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Amazing the difference a few hours can make! Flight arrived in Wellington early and dinner with visitors delayed almost an hour. So, with 2+ hours to spare I headed out for an 11 km run around Wellington waterfront (6:04 ave pace).

    Felt a bit weird. Flat as a pancake - 3m EG in 11km, most of that accumulated minor deviations from level obvious only to Strava. Despite that, not much faster than recent training runs back home 🙁. I'm certain it was headwind both ways though 😁. 

    Grateful of last minute decision to bring kit with me. Wasn't a simple decision though.Was raining (thankfully only for first km or two!) and meant foregoing freebie drinks and snacks in the hotel (Intercontinental) Club Lounge 5pm - 7pm 😕.  But needs must. Need to condition myself to forego business travel temptations if going to take prep for upcoming HM seriously - at least until after the event! 

    Sorry, doing this on phone and can't easily see previous posts other than Ale's understandable weather concerns. As usual with holidays, it's great until suddenly realise that it will be over in a couple of days ☹️. 

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    Nice work,  NZD! See if you can squeeze another run in whilst away!

    Only 15 minutes this morning.  Lower legs tender from running on hard surfaces. Not used to it.

    Wordle in two. I couldn't believe it either.

    Decent win for Newcastle,  T S. All down to me leaving Trippier and Pope on my fantasy bench!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Tempted to stop and take a few photos en route, but reluctant to interrupt the run so only stopped briefly at half way turn point to take a few. Not so picturesque there.

    One slightly quaint outcome. When I turned around, there was an M30-40 ish runner coming towards me. Don't know how long he had been behind me but presumably for a while as I was met with a broad smile and "You're a very good runner". Guess it was partly shock on registering my age? 

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    keep them there please :):)

    A game full of incident and sh*thousery of the highest order from both teams but worth it all to see Legohead (Arteta) completely lose it in post match interviews.
    I don't actively dislike any other club (apart from S'land obviously!) but I make an exception for the Gunners - they ruined so many games with their offside tactics and blatant cheating in the past that I make an exception for them.

    Highlight of the match -  a perfectly timed challenge from Joelinto that completely wiped out Ric and then Joe getting to his feet and bellowing his challenge out to the rest of them like an alpha gorilla - crowd erupts!!

    I have found that he pavements in most Med places appear to be concrete and they have zero give in them - had the same experience of dead legs.

    good going for the week  - a nice total

    excellent - resisting temptation like that can leave one feeling very smug and virtuous. Plus getting congratulated by a much younger runner - can your ego take any more :)

    Strange that the lack of elevation didn't improve performance times - maybe because one has to push a lot higher tempo for longer and if the base speedwork hasn't been done it is difficult to rise to that pace?

    Well - beautiful morning here, clear and crisp so I tried out a return to my 1min on/off.
    Went ok at first but after about 18 min I could feel the hamstring twanging again so I eased off from the already gentle pace into something slower to complete the 2.25 miles.
    Pleasant enough outing

    wordle in five - bad show!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Advice taken, Ale. Just 6km this afternoon though. Similar weather, except a bit colder and windier. Guess I am a little more used to running on hard surfaces, which is likely not a good thing.
    TS: Right decision to not risk your hamstring. Can take a long time to recover. Yes, I assume it is a lack of base speedwork impacting ability to take full advantage of the flat terrain. 
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Meant to add yesterday - 35 (... km!) for the week. Not so flash in this company but about as much as I can normally expect to achieve. Might need to lift it a bit in preparation for the HM though. 
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    for a good HM preparation it's those >15Km runs that are needed to get the body used to the duration.

    The leaf situation was partially resolved yesterday - another 1m3 bag filled, however this time with damp leaves which weight a lot more than dry ones!

    Weird morning here - sun at the back of the house, rain at the front - hamstring haggled after a short while so walked it around for a while instead in aforesaid rain/sunshine continuing!

    Wordle in two!
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    Wordle in four.  

    Good that you got out. NZD! 15-20 minutes is also better than nothing. I, also, would gradually build towards 15/16 km. Or 90 minutes on your feet. Write a plan for these longer runs and try to stick to it.

    Cool but sunny here, TS. Felt a bit off colour for my run, perhaps from the 25 of Spain to the feels-like of 3 here. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Weekend offline & off the road - week of 32 miles. Legs felt relatively fresh after no running for two days, so I incorporated some road efforts into my out and back 10 miles. 1 x 1mile, 4 x half mile, 1 x 1 mile.  Almost perfect conditions; sunny, around 8c, but a bit breezy. 
    Wordle in four
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I ran a lot of HMs and found my preparation depended of whether I wanted to race or just run. To just run it all I needed to do was "time on my feet", so lots of easy long ones. To race it I found tempo runs to be the key, 10k at or above my aerobic threshold.

    I am surrounded by trees but they are nearly all coniferous so no leaves to rake.
    However I do have other problems, a family of skunks decided my side lawn needed cultivating, they dug it up looking for grubs.
    We also had chipmunks living in the lawn and a couple of rabbits living among the trees but they got cleared out by predators not sure which ones but we did have an eagle hanging around.

    Doing well and am back to my daily walk. Not ready to start running yet as have a lot of muscle and joint pains due to the drugs. I have a full body CT scan on the 21st and a full blood work up and bone marrow biopsy schedule on the 28th. This should give me the all clear to come off the drugs.

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    Yesterday was laps of rec around 4.5 miles.
    Today easy run 50 minutes but I also ran a second run of 2 miles.pace was faster than suggested.
    It was 1 degree first thing .Glad I was running later. 

    Wordle in four.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    you will be glued to the TV tonight!

    Good to see you get out daily and I hope the drug after effects are not too severe.  Will you have a tapering procedure after the scan or is it just an end to all the drugs if you get the all clear?

    Nice range of varmints you have there!  I only get the occasional fox and semi-regular sparrowhawk who pops in from time to time when she fancies a pigeon!

    Deciduous leaves are a drag particularly now that we can't burn them so it will be several trips to the recycling tip to get rid of them.  A lot of trees are still clinging onto a decent leaf cover just now so at least it spreads the chore out!

    welcome home :) Hope you enjoyed the break.
    quite a temperature gradient to accommodate  but good to get the passenger seat  out of the body!

    a perfect way to start the week :)

    Had you gone away as well?

    you win on the temperature stakes :)
    Double sessions!!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Many thanks TS, Ale and Mick for your comments re HM prep.  All of it makes sense. 

    I also spoke with a group of three HM - UM types at parkrun on Sat.  One interesting comment all three made was that it was best to walk very steep parts rather than stressing body / tiring legs etc by attempting to run up hill at little more than walking pace.  One also added (1) use a walking section to take gel etc, (2) plan any walking sections in advance of the race, and (3) planned walking is good, unplanned not.

    Now back home.  No run this morning.  Didn't sleep well and by time was organised, had insufficient time before having to leave hotel for the airport.  Plus it was wet and cold!
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    Lovely to see Mick back here posting and hope you are off the drugs ASAP.
    TS 2 degrees this morning good job it is PT day.
    I am bringing in once a week a double session it is only two miles so that I don't have to run post PT session if I dont want to and have that as rest from running day.That means Wednesday I can run longer if I want to.

    NZD: Sounds like British weather to me;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Looking at the data for my previous Bermuda HM, my pace on the 'big hill' only dropped to ~7:28/km. Not certain if that qualifies as sufficiently steep for a walk session.  But I quite like the idea of taking gel while walking and the hill is at the 6km mark so would make a good rehydration spot.  It can get messy doing it while running.  Also, I find consuming gel while running hits my HR for the next 10+ mins.

    Incidentally, I was grossly ill prepared for that run.  It was very much opportunistic - we happened to be there the weekend of the race and although I knew about it (& registered) beforehand I had not prepared for it (work commitments, Xmas, New Year, Xmas-NY visitors & having flown Auckland - London - Bermuda BC only a few days beforehand with all the temptations on offer).  Max run in the preceding 3 - 4 months was only 8km, and even there had done very little post-Xmas day.  Have to say, timing of the event is not great, at least for us 'southerners'.  Xmas-NY is pretty big down here, coinciding the with the main summer holiday period.  

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    That was some game.
    The current plan is I just stop the medication. I may get withdrawal symptoms as I have been on it for a year but during my hospital stays with various infections I was taken off it with no I'll effects.

    I always felt that walking in a race was the end, no matter how steep I battled on, just a mental thing for me.

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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    nice to see you had a sprint finish in you :)

    I'm with Mick on this - walking is the end although for marathons a lot of folk recommend the 9 min run, 1 min walk as a way of getting round in the best possible shape.

    It will ultimately depend upon your fitness level for the race - fit to race or fit to finish?  Like the adverts say for financial investments - "past performance is no guarantee of future performance" :)

    it was some game - I am still trying to work out what game it was though :)!

    Spurs were even more open than when they played Newcastle last season and got turned over in 20 min but this time they were doing the turning over until red mist stupidity came over them. Even then they were still a match for an abysmal Chelsea for much of the game and were unlucky not to get a goal back.

    Chelsea reminded me of playing football many years ago when our team tactics were to pass the ball from one side of midfield to another and then hit a diagonal ball for me to run onto behind a slow, high line lumbering defence - except we did it better!

    Good news abut the meds - hope it goes well.

    I had to go to hospital for eye checks today - nothing serious as it turns out just some fluid build up that can be treated with injections.
    However walking back into afternoon low sun after dilating eye drops was interesting!!

    Have to get the eyes right to watch Newcastle at the unearthly time of 1745 kickoff otherwise I will be as myopic as a VAR assistant :)

    Wordle in five today

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    Quick post from an old phone! Got so wet on my 42 minute plod that my newer phone isn't working despite being in the pocket of my goretex jacket! 

    For the most part I was impressed with Spurs. Dare I say that they are more of a team without Kane? 

    Back to the Newcastle game.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    it must have rained pretty hard for that to happen!!

    Apologies for the disappointing watch - some tired legs out there and a lack of reinforcements to assist :)
    I might have got a game if I had turned up!!

    To compound my woes I did my back in again last night for the first time in ages - a  proper spasm across the lower spine and down my right leg - B*gger -  I had almost forgotten just how painful it can be.

    Lying in the dentist's chair this morning was almost pleasurable - I could have taken it home afterwards!

    Wordle in four this morning - struggled to find a fit
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    Wordle in six. A struggle! 

    As was watching Newcastle, although to be fair the opposition were decent!

    Hope the back soon recovers, TS! Unfortunately I know what it is like!

    Just over 40 minutes today. Avoided the rain but the off road route meant that the many puddles led to an unintended farther.

    Phone seems to have dried out...except there is a vertical stripe that wasn't there before.  Going back on the radiator.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Long run day in torrential rain but  105 minutes all done.Longest run since before July-things are looking up.

    Wordle fail
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Decent, WP! Well done! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Excellent,  WP!
    6 miler yesterday, speed group (5) today.
    Legs reasonable, given efforts on Monday.
    400,600,800,950,800,600,400. Soggy . . .
    Wordle in four. 
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Great efforts WP, Dave & Ale.
    TS: ... :(.  Bit of a bummer.  The back that is (sorry, know little about the footy).  Hope it is only short lived.

    Estuary*1.5 this morning (12.3km @ 6:01 ave).

    Another notch in the ego belt, TS!  Not long after starting my (part) second circuit, I encountered the tail of a large group of local secondary school kids, presumably on some sort of PE (Orewa College borders the track).  A few up front 'running' but most walking or closer to dawdling.  Shortly after passing three tougher looking ~15 year old boys in the latter category, I registered that they had decided to follow, tagging along close behind me.  Perhaps checking how slow the white haired old fogy was going, or how long he would last?  Time to up the pace a bit. Had intended turning back for the carpark shortly after that point but figured that wouldn't look very cool.  So carried on for another km or so to a more natural turning point, with pace averaging around 5:08 (flattish section of the track, and a slight tail wind).  They hung on close behind all the way, with occasional gasps/grunts from one or two of the unfitter ones.  On turning around to head back to the car I discovered another 4 or 5 had joined in a long the way (now 7 or 8 of them)!  Must have exceeded expectations as again met with "Good job, sir" ... "yes" ... "yes" as they carried on by.  Very distinct bump in pace (& HR!) over that km. Didn't realise till later how much it dropped after turning around though. And now, several hours later, slightly stiff calf muscles! 

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    Nice work, NZD, in more ways than one!

    A few seconds under an hour, on a mixture of surfaces including a lot of water! Tiring!

    Wordle in six.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Way to go NZD showing those youngsters a thing or two  :)

    Ale: You must be back home again;-)

    Dave: Good going with speed group-soggy is a constant word this time of year.

    Over an hour for me in rain ,wind and hailstones I also felt tired but more than likely the LSR yesterday contributed to it.

    Wordle in six

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good work, WP/alehouse.
    Excellent from Sir NZD - love the bonus of seeing off/impressing the youngsters!  
    6 uneventful miles trudged this early afternoon. Legs pretty tired today. Was dry (albeit dank and grey). 
    no Wordle yet  . . .  
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    there is nothing quite like that exquisite pain is there :/

    Hope you find dry ground soon - 60 min watching where one's feet go is tiring in itself!

    character building - well done.

    great session between two very good outing of >6 miles.

    I was in Sheffield yesterday - arrived in darkness, left in darkness!

    I had to roll out of my car, fortunately onto a dry car park deck, to avoid upsetting my back. My shortened temper made my meetings very productive!!

    one must take victories wherever they occur with gratitude :)
    Well done - and I trust you didn't draw breath until ou tof sight of the pack.

    Off for a weekend in Beverley/Hull - weather looks about right for a change.

    Wordle in five yesterday and three today
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