
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Enjoy Beverley, TS!

    45 gentle minutes this morning almost avoiding puddles.

    Wordle in an annoying five; the first four letters in the right place after two, then chose the wrong options!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Missed you again, TS!   ;)   If you ever fancy refreshment whilst here . . . .
    Enjoy your weekend - only passed through Beverley, apart from visiting the racecourse when J was at school and ran in a regional schools XC there.  
    Accidental 10.5 this morning. Had 6 in mind, but carried on a while, resulting in seeing erstwhile running chum's husband, who advised me she was coming from another direction, but that if I ran that way, I'd see her "in two minutes". Ten minutes later . . . .
    Had a nice catchup, agreed to meet soon for a run :)   Legs weren't happy on the final uphill mile.  I'm happy though, as I again have a blank weekend in store, so 36.5 for the 5 days is a pleasing enough week.
    Have a good weekend all.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Hope your back plays ball & the predicted good weather stays on course for your weekend away.  
    Ale: Week total should work out well after your string of 40+ min runs over the last few days 
    Dave: Very decent 5 day total, accidental or otherwise.
    And ditto, a very solid two days, WP. 

    Three km warm-up + parkrun this morning.  A touch chilly before start but otherwise good running conditions. Alas, barely any improvement on last week.  Legs still in recovery after the 12 k'er on Thur.

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    I wouldn't worry about no improvement from last week, NZD! You are now at the beginning of tadhe half marathon training block so don't let parkrun results lower your spirits. I would now try to treat parkrun as a hard session as part of a longer run.

    Probably colder here today than with you. At -1 I struggled to get the ice off the car so all thoughts of parkrun went out of the window (actually the thoughts went a day or two ago when I saw the forecast. Supermarket shopping then just over 30 minutes run before getting changed to go and help at the local cross country league. Six miles of standing water, thick mud or liquid mud: very glad that I was officiating. A couple more miles run and that was definitely hard work.

    Wordle in five 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dave: What a great place to visit I like it.Good outing a nice long run.

    NZD I agree with Alehouse-it is what I would do if I ever ran a parkrun.

    No run yesterday I felt out of sorts and RHR +9 but it dropped today to +5 so a gentle hours run this morning.
    I never where tights and last time must be 15+ years but tights,LS top, short sleeved top,hat,gloves and buff it was 2 degrees! I am feeling the cold more which is strange. Only 28 miles this week due to resting yesterday but all good.

    I am following a half marathon programme with Garmin so tomorrow is speed repeats that will be interesting :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Thanks. Well timed advice, Ale & WP.  Reminded me of the task at hand.
    Yes, just a tad chillier in your neck of the woods!  Suspect it was more like 10C at start of parkrun yesterday.  A bit milder this morning.

    Local LSR (with hills) this morning - 95 mins, 13.5 km, 270 m EG.  Legs stiff from the go-get. Tough going over last km or so.  Mind you, also for the first!
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    Thought that I had posted yesterday! 

    95 minutes on your feet is great, NZD! Now to be consistent!

    7k yesterday, getting rather damp; 50 minutes today. Dressed for the weather forecast but the wind and rain of storm Debi haven't arrived yet. Lots of puddles to negotiate. 

    Wordle in four today, five yesterday. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    How was the weekend, TS?
    alehouse - decent 50 mins to back up yesterday's damp outing.
    NZD - great work!  
    WP - good hour's work given the "out of sorts" feeling.  Will be interesting to follow your HM training.
    I seem to feel the cold more these days too, but only sport leggings if temps likely to be <5c. Different matter on upper body, although I avoided a possible overheating today - was such a cold day yesterday, I anticipated similar today, and with the forecast windy conditions, I dressed in one of my warmer base layers + wind jacket. Fortunately checked and the temp was 12c!  Hastily swapped for lighter base + tshirt.   Lots of standing water (heavy overnight rain), but wind lighter than expected, and beautiful sun, so a pleasant 7 miles completed. Eschewed my usual Monday double digit, partly due to having done a brace of them last week, parly due to a later start.  Poached eggs on toast and coffee post-shower :)  
    Wordle in five.
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    hope you have survived the storm and you did well to get out before it really blew in 

    Your xcountry duties sounded very pleasant - not!

    has your phone recovered yet?

    yup it got chilly swiftly! you did well to wrap up and get an hour in.

    a swift strip tease indeed - nothing worse than being too overdressed.
    You have had a really good series over the past few weeks so the breakfast was well deserved.

    The pub looks excellent and a splendid example of community togetherness - hope it stays a success. Unfortunately I don't ever drink and drive, not even a half :/

    a regular/weekly run of that length is just what's needed as a build up for your HM!

    Well the sun did shine on the righteous B)
    Cold and very bright - managed to find a sheltered spot in Bridlington with good choccie and cake and it was very warm in the sun.
    Then voyaged to Flamborough Head where the exposure was rather greater but still lovely weather for mid -November

    The last one is notable for the building in the background as it is one of the high rise buildings I remediated post the Grenfell fire and during Covid lockdown- the planners wanted to have it knocked down but the residents were rather less keen!!

    The cave one is where the sea has broken through the fold sin the chalk strata and is rapidly eroding the chalk cliff away behind it.

    Beverley is a lovely old town with a very fine Minster  - I passed the racecourse and was glad I wasn't running it :)

    Wordle in two, four and three today. Unfortunately my mobile didn't synch with my account so I have lost my very longstanding streak :/
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS:  A very serene spot on the coast ... with sun shining & winds at bay.  Nice to visible reminders of contributions you made to society dotted around the landscape.  Gkids must be impressed.
    Dave: Well caught, and again a good mileage haul.
    Ale: Good double to start the week.  Yes, 'consistent' will be the challenge.  Need to regularise getting up earlier!  At least managed it this morning.
    WP: Meant to ask what the speed repeats prescription is in your Garmin half marathon programme.  One aspect I do need to work on.

    Estuary x 1.5 again this morning (sans fan group :lol:). 12.3 km @ 6:08, with half a dozen strides thrown in (75 mins).   Trouble is, 'faster' = less time on feet (as in faster than my hill run on Sun).  Not that I could spare 90+ mins more than once a week.

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    NZD : Speed repeats are:

    15 minutes warm up
    5 minutes at controlled pace
    3 minute jog/walk I jog them
    x 3
    30 secs fast
    1 minute jog
    x 6
    15 minutes cool down

    TS:Nice spot you visited not one I know anything about.

    Dave:Nice run and change of kit and seven is more than enough.Nice post run breakfast;)

    Yesterday was easy 45 minutes it ended up 50 minutes but the winds were fierce but no rain.So it was hard going in places just glad I got it done as I was not too keen to start with due to winds.

    Today PT session and rest from running.

    Wordle in three.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Great pics as ever, TS!  
    NZD - nice 75 mins there. Good to incorporate a few strides.
    WP - 50 mins in "fierce" winds is a tough session! 
    Mild again this morning, so once again light long sleeve top with tshirt over. Dropped off, so a point to point almost flat 6 miles (0.75 uphill finish).  
    Wordle in five. 
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    just get up half an hour earlier :)
    all the other time needed for running - getting ready, showering after, changed etc is the same so it's only the actual time on feet that changes

    Good move up to more distance to day though after your earlier long run - 7+ miles is good going, and with strides!

    Don't think the g'kids will be over impressed :)

     I have now completed  the fire remedial works on 23 high rise buildings, and a few more to do before I finally decide I have done my bit, so that is about 5,000 folk that can sleep at night without worrying that their homes might burn down due to faulty external wall construction.

    good session into the wind!

    We were a bit battered overnight here and I now have lawns completely covered with branches and leaves but a good 50% must have also gone into neighbouring gardens!

    Flamborough Head is unusual as it's a chalk headland - not something one normally associates with the North east coast

    thanks - don't think I would go to Brid' in the height of summer!

    Almost flat run for you - unheard of :)

    Mild here as I gingerly tested my hamstring - still there but a naggle only now.

    Wordle in six :/

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    Wordle as per Birch!

    Just 25 minutes today, after work, off road in the dark without a head torch. Managed to survive and even stay dry. Must remember the head torch in future! Safer than the uneven pavements covered in leaves and puddles!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Just over an hour largely off road. Raining when I started, then the sun came out briefly. Rain again now. Waterproof socks, jacket, hat...and legs, i.e. shorts. Unusual for me at this time of year. 

    Wordle in six. Could have been three bit too many options.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    better in daylight!

    Deep puddles covered by floating leaves are a nightmare just now.

    60 min is a good session out there

    Wordle in three here - lucky guess on the many options available!
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    59 minutes for me easy run in the dry no rain but a bit blustery.Later than normal so lots of traffic on road which i hate.I should have chosen different route.

    Wordle in six as well .
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Ran to my speed group today. 4.5 miles, then warmup with group, 3 x (400m,600m,400m), warmdown (the 2nd of the 400's is a different stretch to the first). 9 miles all told.
    Wordle in four.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS:  Hamstring news sounds positive.  Less so the leaves & puddles soup.
    WP: Thanks for Speed repeats info.  Might need to use the perimeter of the soccer fields to experiment on.  Good 59 min.  Running on footpaths or side of the road?  Lots of traffic on road, not good either way.
    Ale: Sensible wet weather gear for the legs. Good to see more 60 min+ efforts. Now well over the problems from a few months ago?
    Dave: Another impressive tally, 4.5 
    miles + speed group

    Mixed circuit of the estuary this morning (8.3 km @ 6:00 ave, 50 m EG).  Strava HM plan had me down for Tempo Intervals today: 2-3 x 2 miles [what are they?] at Tempo Interval Pace.  Yeah, right.  Not.  Legs not keen on anything over easy pace.   Managed just 1x 3 km at 'Tempo' pace (~5:30 GAP), plus 1x 2 km nearer the start at 'sub-Tempo' pace (~5:55 GAP). 'Must do better'.  But with the ups & downs, not an ideal course for this type of activity. 

    Then again, the upcoming HM course is even less ideal, with over 430 m EG in 21 km according to my previous time around four years ago.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    My version of your run this morning, NZD, in that it was partially along the river, although mine was a little flatter. 8.2km, average speed 5.59km although the majority was quicker: very slow first km as I tried to get the legs moving in the 4 degrees of heat; last km fairly gentle also. Quickest km 5:36; slowest 6:46. Easy and shorter run tomorrow, I imagine, as work will get in the way. Probably due an easier day anyway, although today was well within myself. 

    You asked about my health! At long last I feel that I am about where I was last February before COVID; until the last week or so I have just felt drained, although nothing specific to put my finger on. So around eight months of not being quite right. Not done very much quicker running, or indeed a parkrun, to get any real measure of where I am. Heading in the right direction, I'm sure. 

    Wordle in three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good outing -an hour easy sounds perfect

    hard day!  And tough interval distances which require a high degree of effort, no coasting there

    mmm Strava likes to pile it on! tempo pace for 2 miles x 2 or 3 indeed is a session for a more advanced plan at a later stage.
    Sometimes the tyranny of the watch has to be disregarded, at others it is a useful spur - looks like you made the right decision today.

    Interesting course profile - the overall elevation isn't too  bad - it's the fact that all the slog uphill is lost in short, rapid descents.
    I have ran a few courses like that and they are not easy.

    well at least it wasn't too warm for your goodly outing - and a thick sandwich at that :)

    Pleased to hear that you believe you have finally turned the corner in general health terms - onwards and upwards!

    I dribbled round a couple of miles this morning, in dank, misty and chilly conditions, feeling out the hamstring - still there but more noticeable when I stopped than actually moving.

    Wordle in four today
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    NZD/alehouse - good outings, given course profiles/terrain.   And I'm with TS re the tempo segments . . . 
    Thumbs up for your two miles, TS - hopefully no reaction . . . 

    Yes, the efforts are testing. The main loop used is 800m, the final 100m of which is pictured here. The first of our 400m is approx 300m flat, then an "up, over & down" 100m to finish. The second is flat and finishes, appropriately enough, at the finish line here. The 600m is on an adjacent loop, situated a short recovery walk from the end/start of the two 400m. This is actually 630m, and includes a "nice" climb up to an old steel ladle, with a downhill finish. This can be seen in the second pic.
    Move More at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park - Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park
    Don Valley Bowl  Between the arena and the English Institut  Flickr
    Legs were feeling it to start with at 8:30am today. Set off very circumspectly, but eased gently into the run (an out and back mainly flat) and completed a sedate 7 miles. Still loads of water around. Felt cold at 6c, my base layer was too light, and familiar issue of backs of hands very cold, even with supposedly good gloves!    
    Wordle in three.
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    Wow Dave : That is excellent track to train on!! Are those summer photo's?

    NZD:Footpaths ,I just chose wrong route for time of day.

    TS: I hope no reaction to run today?

    Kit fail this morning wore new shorts and new shorts are not suitable too much riding up after 5 minutes I came home changed and back out for 57 minutes progression run.5 minutes warm up,20 minutes easy pace then 10 minutes at faster pace-this tied in with downhill so achieved it.Then cool down back home.

    Wiggle have a sale on at the moment a small parcel may have arrived yesterday from them.

    Wordle in four.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Just stock photos, WP.
    Great progression run, esp with kit issues!!
    Just a 3.5 mile trundle around the park today for me. Legs tired.
    Wordle in three.
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    a Wiggle sale - must have a look

    A quick change there and out again for a very satisfactory run indeed.

    a quiet day for you - not surprising after your efforts over the week

    No outing today - and early hospital appointment for Mrs TS which took over 2.5 hours despite it being very efficiently run and too much to catch upon when I finally got back home.
    Looks like another op for Mrs TS next year to remove some of the metalwork in the knee which is unfortunate so that's another appointment in the book.

    Wordle in four today
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale:  Almost a perfect snap - except I am not certain I can claim to have been "well within myself"!
    TS: Getting metalwork out of the knee sounds good news.
    WP: Decent total despite the need for a kit change. A "small parcel" coming sounds interesting.
    Dave: Good 2 day total.  Sounds like the legs need a rest though.

    Strava/McMillan Running HM plan had me down for an 'Easy Run, 40 min - 1 hr' today.  Instead parkrun (+3 warm up) beckoned but I decided to aim it as a Tempo+ run (except last half km!).  Second half of the unfinished 2-3x 2 miles Tempo effort on Wed!  Result in line with previous two parkruns (26:14).  A bit disappointing not sub-26.  Damp overcast morning with minor drizzle, quite humid.

    Will probably re-gig the plan and swap the 'Easy Run' to earlier in the week, and run most parkruns at Tempo(+?) pace.  Perhaps one in three run harder?  Hopefully can improve sufficiently over next few weeks to get time below 26 mins at 'Tempo level' effort.   

    Tomorrow down as a long run. Might aim for estuary x2 to keep EG down for now.  Hopefully not too wet!  
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Not looking too good on the weather front tomorrow. Heavy thundery shows forecast 🙁. Might need to swap with Monday's rest day. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    That's fine at parkrun, NZD! Not your main aim at present! Nor mine...

    So, parkrun for the first time since August 12th. Alternative course in order to miss the worst of the flooding; nevertheless there were many ankle deep puddles to negotiate. Was particularly difficult on the first lap (of two) due to the crowds ducking and diving to find a decent route, not that there was one! Around 5:01 for the first km, then 4:53, 4:44, 4:54 (the puddly stretch again) and 4:37 to finish. 24:25 officially, although being an alternative course it was fifty or so metres long, as per parkrun policy. Happy with that. Plenty more to come, he says hopefully! 
    94th out of 351, although on age grading placed 25th.

    Wordle in three yesterday and today. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Best wishes to Mrs TS, TS . . .
    Decent parkrunning, NZD,alehouse
    Longer road efforts this morning. 1200m, 1000, 650m, 1 mile, 550m. 6.5 miles with the easy running included. 39 for the week (will rest tomorrow).  Overdressed in thicker long sleeve top & gloves; temp 12c.  
    Wordle in four
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Excellent result Ale.  Would have been a very good time even in better conditions and correct length.
    Nice mixed efforts, Dave.

    Still undecided about this morning.  Worst passed overnight.  Gaps between showers but raining at the moment, and don't have a suitable jacket I could use for running.  ...  Will call it in the next 10 mins or so but looking unlikely.

    Edit: Alas, chickening out. Gaps in the weather radar images aren't all staying gaps. Still frequent showers here.
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