
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Well done all. Rest day again here.  Meeting N tomorrow at a parkrun, so that will be three runs for the week, as Sunday will be another blank .  Back to it properly on Monday! 
    Wordle in four. 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    10 miles this morning.
    2.5, parkrun, 1.5 for starters. Very cold (car windscreens all iced up on road outside). Shorts sported, though.  I last ran this course in February last year in 23:11, but aware I'm a few pounds heavier than then, and of course 10 months older, and haven't parkraced for three months (25:12 on a different, but similar course). In similar fashion to alehouse recently, I ended up with a time not far off what I might have predicted. 24:23 - 148/668, 2nd V65-69, AG 71.50%.
    It was hard work, but maybe Christmas period excess now out of system!    
    Hour's break for fried egg on toast & coffee, then a very stiff legged 3 mile trudge!  
    Wordle in three.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: Great work this morning and no surprised leg stiffened up after an hour's comfort break.

    No run yesterday as felt ill like a cold coming on.Still felt rough this morning but determind to get out and five miles was done.It was pleasing to run that far as give myself a target of a mile;-)

    Wordle in Six!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done, Birch! On even parkrunning! I had decided to do my nearest but it was -1and freezing fog so declined. Fog is about the only thing I won't run in, and certainly not run hard. 

    My twins were 34 today so we went out for brunch; as a consequence my run afterwards was neither quick nor easy!

    Wordle in three.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    well done on parkrun in difficult conditions!

    And the run after breakfast!!!

    ditto after brunch!!

    ditto after feeling rough!!

    I couldn't get into my car as the ice had frozen the water on the door seals and it took some  time to get them open - no run today as I built up to the derby game - which proved a little anti-climatic in a good way :)

    wordle in three and wondering if I shall get into a double figure total for the week tomorrow.....  
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: good to see you are managing increased mileage these last few days.
    Dave: Very good parkrun effort in very chilly conditions.
    Ale & WP: Well done on braving it in those temperatures. 

    Yesterday, usual 8.3k (6:18 ave) around estuary; 6 easy pace, finishing faster over last 2.3k.

    This morning (W9D7); spec'd fast finish long run cut back to 12.5k per TS recommendation - 7 @ 5:55, 3 @ 5:21, plus warm up and cool down. A bit of tightness in right leg muscles at times but nothing too serious. Main concern for race day is tightness in R glute at faster speeds ... 🙁

    One week count down begins!

    Was thinking of one last repeat of that on Tuesday before flying out on Wednesday. But may just do 12k easy? Will see how it works out on the day. 
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    one week to go :)!

    Remember - nothing you do this coming week will improve your fitness but may adversely affect it so the 12K, or a bit less, easy, sounds fine and then try and fit in a couple of 3-4 k runs at about race time when you get there, nothing more.

    The biscuits are waiting for you :)

    Not so much managing increased mileage but raging against the dying of the light :/

    I did manage 2.25 miles this morning at 11:15m/m pace HR 133/145 which Garmin somewhat erroneously described as "Threshold" !!

    It did bring up the 10 miles for the week - but the several trips up to the loft carrying boxes filled with Xmas decorations was probably a bigger impact upon fitness and exertion!

    Wordle in four - must stop choosing the hardest word left  for the fit!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, what TS writes, NZD...or less!

    Fitness suite plus 6.5 km this morning, the latter described as productive despite the very slow pace. I have yet to put my festive boxes in the attic. Perhaps later. 

    Wordle in six.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    55 minutes and 55 seconds this morning, largely with my M78 neighbour. Chilly. Very routine sort of run. 

    Wordle in three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Two days no running due to ice  I hope by Wednesday it will be back to no ice.

    Wordle in Four,
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    nice and steady and fiverish :)

    due to get colder!!

    I am attempting to lay a trail for the Hash this evening as I will be missing for a long time after this week when on nursey duties.

    I will make it short and brutal - for my benefit not theirs :)

    Wordle in five  - continuing the sequence of ale and WP
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Enjoy an easy week, NZD . . .  
    Nice double digit week, TS  - make 'em have it at the Hash  . . .  
    Very cold here also, alehouse/WP -
    Clothing malfunction - no leggings available this morning, so shorts donned in the 2c temps. Same sort of outing as alehouse - 6.5 miles in the bag.  
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    bad wardrobe malfunction :)
    at least temperatures were rising slightly and it no doubt encouraged you to turn the legs over more quickly!

    I thought I was well wrapped up for my trail laying last night but ws shocked just how cold it felt on getting out of my car (admittedly I had been driving with heated seat on!) as a brisk NE breeze and -2C temperature went straight through my clothing.
    Fortunately I keep an old wind jacket in the car boot and hurriedly donned it which gave some added protection.
    Trail laid of just over 4 miles of jog/walk with ample opportunity for me to short cut this evening whilst making everyone else work rather hard :)

    Just to keep 'em warm of course!

    Wordle in five  - too many choices
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Enjoy this evening, TS! Especially the short cuts and the rewards afterwards.

    Left my run until this pm in the hope that the icy wind would have died down; if it had I didn't notice despite being dressed like a Michelin Man. 68 minutes. A few detours for lakes and icy stretches.

    Any word from Canada?

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good (well swaddled) outing, alehouse!
    TS - "turn legs over more quickly" - actually, I'd omitted to say that I'd followed your advice of the other day to incorporate this very thing into my run yesterday!  Leggings donned today, and was glad of them. Have a good evening . . .   

    No icy wind over here, alehouse! Another 6.5, albeit a different course to yesterday.  
    Wordle in five
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    PT session this morning but temps warmer just -1C so went for a jog afterwards on snowy covered track.This is further up the mountain as we had no snow at home.

    Wordle in six.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    well done - first recorded run on snow :)

    excellent - hope the change did you good!
    well prepared yesterday and another good run

    sounded suitably grim but at least if you fell you would have been well protected :)

    I cunningly donned my lined Gortex jacket last evening on top of merino wool base and double knit Mizuno top so was quite comfy as I watched the Hash being continually surprised by my disappearance and reappearance as I short cutted the trail in several places :)

    Kept them all moving as an antidote to the cold but didn't get much thanks for that after a brisk 60 min for them and somewhat easier for me!

    Pub was very warm and welcoming after that and Camden IPA on draught was a refreshing change.

    Popped out this morning for a shamble of 1.5 miles - milder conditions 

    Wordle in five after I got yet another " ...... is a valid guess but it's unlikely to be a solution based upon what I have learned from playing Wordle ..." perfectly good anatomical reference!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Glad the Hash was a success, TS. Wordle in five, also. 

    Much milder here also, although didn't realise that until I had donned my Michelin Man attire and set off. The wind has noticeably dropped. 45 minutes clocked, with only about a mile on softer surfaces, which is unusual for me, and no diversions.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Please don't send the snow up here, WP!  
    Hope you didn't have to buy your own ale, TS . . .  
    Slightly milder here now, alehouse, but not earlier for my speed session. Double gloves required. Six strong group; 2x400m, 3x800m, 2x400m.  
    5.75 miles with the pre & post jogging etc.   Coffee (but no pastry) locally afterwards.
    No wordle yet. 
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    All is well in the great white north. A green Christmas, only my second in 45 years.
    The snow has arrived so got a serious workout shoveling today. After the storm the temperature jumped to +5c and the ground was not frozen, bad for snowblower so just the shovel and scoop. Another storm is on its way with much lower temperatures so should be a day to exercise the snowblower as we are getting 20 cms.
    With my increased energy and strength levels I'm catching up on chores. Dry wall repairs to the ceiling in the basement which is a good workout.
    The washing machine has started to leak from the front door so that's my next project.
    Ordered a new seal. I didn't realise how complicated they are, it has two hoses going to it and a light fitting. To replace it I have to take the machine apart, estimated time to fix, one and a half hours, thanks to YouTube.
    I'm out walking regularly and even tried a very short bit of running so getting there.
    Enjoy your Canadian weather.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    All sounds excellent, Mick, washing machine apart!
    Just finished my hour's stretching; now for a little light refreshment.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Good to hear you are recovering rapidly and are now up to tackling more physical chores, Mick.
    You obviously succeeded with your cunningly laid out course for the Hash, TS. Hopefully no aftereffects of the 1.5 miler.
    Six strong group was very good in that weather, Dave. 
    Ale, I'm guessing your ''much milder" was higher up the temperature scale than WP's "warmer" -1C.

    Currently in Miami waiting on final leg of flight to Bermuda, now delayed by almost an hour. Will be close to midnight before get to hotel. Hopefully no further delays. At least first meeting not until 10:30 am. Did an incident free steady(ish) 12.5 km (6:09 ave pace) on Tuesday morning.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Sounds good, Mick . . .
    As does "incident free", NZD!  
    Similar here, 6.25 miles done and dusted.  Still cold at 08:30am - leggings and double gloves in order.
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    Good to hear all is well in Mick's world and hope WM is fixed.
    NZD: Good news on the run shame about travel.We are watching Die Hard 2 which is in Airport so be careful;-)
    Dave: Great run and double gloved you need warmer gloves or OMM mitts,

    You do not want to know my morning! it involved 
    Cat weeing on me as I picked him up at 4am to stop him weeing on my carpet so I got soaked!
    Cleaning up and stripping bed,showering etc at 4am
    BT giving me grief and switching us to digital when I said no and nothing I can do!! I have issued a complaint.I have been with them best part 40 years,So I know have to switch hub to digital and digital phone line will attempt it Sunday and we have 9 devices to sort out as well .Luckily I only have three,
    Then going for run and almost went head first on re d brick path at speed only strong core saved me(Thank you PT) but 67 minute run all done .It was touch and go if I would go out as head all over the place.

    Wordle in Four.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    never get the clothing to fit the actual conditions!

    hope the refreshment went well :)

    I was suitably rewarded... :) 

    Another good speed interval session.

    Very good post refreshment abstemious willpower  

    I'll bet your neighbours are pleased to see you revving up the snowblower!

    Really good news on your progress - not sure that fixing a washing machine would be on my recovery programme though. Never heard of a light fitting in a washing machine - must be very top of the range :)

    mmmm - so not a good start to the day!!

    well done for running after all that.

    BT's switch to digital is a nightmare - good luck with that.

    just avoid Boeing 737's or at least sitting next to the doors!!

    Hope the rest of the journey has gone well and you suffer no jet lag.

    Damp cold this morning - nasty stuff as evidenced by the lack of dog walkers on my route.

    2.5 mile trundle done - my VO2 max appears to have dropped by 3 points since NYD run!

    Hamstring/neural pain appears to have finally cleared up in right leg - just left with left knee now which is ok when moving but doesn't like it when I stop - which I have to!!

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    wordle in six!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in six!

    20 minutes off road just before dark. Easy day, as will be the case tomorrow; work!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP:  Your day seems to have been on par with my trip over here. Flight ended up 2 hours late leaving Miami. Then on arrival in Bermuda I discovered my checked in case had not made the flight. Most critical missing item at this stage ... running shoes! With filing missing case report adding to the delay, it was 3:00 a.m. before I got to bed. Last two (out of 5) meetings today were a struggle! 

    TBH though, I think I would prefer all that to a cat weeing over me and the bed. Just hope the case gets here in the next day or two 🤞. 
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    Oh blimey what a day for you.I hope your suitcase arrives soon for you!I always carry a set of running kit in hand luggage.
    I can honestly say I would rather your day!

    Trying to get myself out but tired and achy so may take another hour!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    shoes are always in hand luggage :)  - although security has made that harder nowadays.

    Hope they turn up in time

    What's the weather like - not too warm I hope?

    have a couple of hours!!

    well it is getting a little lighter at nights - when there is no cloud that is!

    repeat of yesterday's 2.5 mile run, if slightly quicker, but nothing to get excited about 
    VO2 max has gone down another point - very strange!!!

    Wordle in three
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