
plantar facilitis what now



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    Bitch - so you had it for over a year? And then it just went away on it's own? This is such an evil condition to have - it seems like it has a mind of it's own! I'm glad you've got over it now and I bet the weight soon drops off now you're back in action. Thanks for your input.

    Lawrence - I've got a question to add to the ones above. Could the regular Orthaheel insoles be too hard or am I just being a wuss? I've had my sports ones in all weekend and feel much better. I noticed that Boots do their own regular version which seem the same shape as the Orthaheel ones. However, when I sneaked them out of the pack for a quick try, they didn't feel as hard. Have you, or anyone else reading this, any experience of the Boots ones? I'm just a bit concerned that softer = less support.
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    Hi Debbie, obviously it didnt just go away but i noticed a move of pain from the arch area to just one point in the heel over time. I have very weird feet, as i told you i have pain in the left knee but over years i have broken one toe on my left foot and two (at different times) on my right. It stands to reason that at different times of the year i get pain (depends on the weather). I used a heel and arch insole from our local chemist who sepcialises in this sort of thing and wore them continuously then only when i ran and at the moment i am running without them (cos the puppy chewed ate them)

    I think the main thing is patience and to be sensible. When my dr told me it could take up to a year i laughed in his face-how right he was!!
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    the sports ones from orthoheel are a bit flatter in the arch I believe so may suit your foot type more than the regular ones. It can take a few weeks to get used to this type of orthotic though. Bera in mind that with a chronic pain problem one tends to see improvement in peaks and troughs not on a steady upward curve. Also its often a tendency to do more as soon as any chronic problem feel better which can bring on a relapse.


    If you had relief from a pre-fabricated orthotic but this relief dissipated it may be that it compacted and therefore lost support or that you just need greater support. Either way a custom orthotic would be logical. nightsplints can help but take enormous dedication to use eg I recently issued one to someone who I felt was very motivated, they didnt wear it. Re steroid injections, these medications are basically huge does of anti-inflamatory however the most up to date research shows zero evidence of inflammation in plantar fasia pain. However the researchers found lots of evidence of "degeneration" (basically weakening and loss of elasticity) and steroid injections usually make this sort of thing worse in the long run. Hence new recommendations from those in the know is not to inject unless NOTHING elso is working and surgery is being contemplated. But talk it over with your Doc. Are you doing everything on my list ?
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    Just a bit of positive feedback on night splints - I've been wearing a home-made one for about 6 weeks now and I never have that first thing out of bed pain any more. My pain is just a steady niggle and I reckon the night splint has helped loads, even if it's not cured it. It took a while to get used to and I struggled to turn over at first, waking up every time I tried, but now I sleep right through. I have made a few adaptations along the way and now I feel I've got something which does the job and cost about a tenner. (Blue Peter would be proud of me!)

    Lawrence - Thanks for the advice - I think my expectations rocketed when I felt loads better after just 48 hours of wearing them! It's definitely worse now after wearing the hard ones all day. Tried the sports ones in my sensible shoes but thay were too big. I think I'll try the softer Boots regular ones and maybe alternate them. Would this do any harm?
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    Yet another one suffering with this. Have been told on two occasions that I'm a neutral runner and have been wearing shoes as such, changed regularly - no probs for 3-4 years.
    Problem has come back for 2nd time since doing more off road, hill and speed work (increased steadily).
    Have been doing all the things on Lawrence's list (execpt the Orthoheel inserts) and its definitely improved.
    I guess a visit to a podiatrist is the next stage to prevent a re-occurrence ?
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    difficult 2 say Debbie but if your happy 2 then I would say give the softer ones a go, its probably all down to the shape and fit more than anything. Have to get you to send me your design for a splint - we could market it and clean up !

    Zippy, give it time - if you have it. keep stretching and icing. If not better I would say go see someone and have your gait analysed to see if there is a problem. Ive had a fair few "neutral" runners come in and low and behold they're not!
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    brooksrunning.co.uk have some information andnice stretching exercises showing what to do for pf and thanks for all the advice i am going to buy some brooks beast trainers at the weekend as they have been reccomended for us larger chaps also stretching 4 times a day and ice packs twice
    a day it does seem to be getting better
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    Lawrence - you may not be so keen on my night splint when you see how odd it looks. I just hope I don't die in my sleep - it would give the neighbours something to talk about!
    Seen my physio tonight and he reckons the orthotics are too big. I bought a size 5-6 (my proper shoes are a 6, runners 6.5 or 7) but I did struggle to get the sports ones in. I've no discomfort in my trainers though so I'll stick with them. Definitely going to try the Boots ones for my proper shoes. Good job Orthaheel offer a money back guarantee!

    Zippy/Colin - glad you're both improving - maybe we should have a bet on who's cured first ;0)
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    Debbie, are you using a comb like I did?!
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    Lucrece - not a comb, but a plastic spatula which I'd bought for cleaning my lawnmower! Perfect size, narrow at heel, wide at toes. I couldn't tape my foot like you do cos of my allergy so I've taped the spatula to a sock which I can just slip on and off. I wear that under my modified welly which keeps my foot flexed, and Bob's yer uncle! It was such a good tip (many thanks) that I bought a pack of 3 spatulas for 79p and I have a sock at work which I slip on when I'm sitting down for any length of time. It stops my foot relaxing which in turn, ensures I don't get a big twinge when I get up. Got one downstairs as well for when I'm camped in front of the telly. Sounds odd but it helps me!
    Ordered that book from the library too - still waiting though. I'll let you know when it comes.
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    Ive had this condition on and off for a couple of years. The pain is never excruciating but varies in intensity -always in the right foot because of a collapsed arch. I use scholl inserts in my normal shoes which are OK generally and presently have nothing in my Kayanos but am about to try Superfeet (which are expensive but I have a couple of pairs I used in tennis shoes and walking boots).I'll see if they make a difference. Interestingly the condition is much worse after tennis than it ever is after running. And I'm convinced it is responsible for some knee pain occasionally. I'll try the Orthoheel I think too. By the way I'm not a Doctor.
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    lol, Debbie! Let's start a company. I work in advertising so I can do the marketing--will you focus on R&D?
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    DoctorK - what's so good about Superfeet insoles? My physio recommended them for my running shoes but being a cheapskate I decided to try the Orthaheels first as they were 3 for 2 in Boots. Only ran once in them and they were far more comfortable than I'd expected but I could still feel the niggle in my heel. I was wondering if Superfeet would reduce the pain when running? Been told not to run for 2 weeks now so can't try again yet.

    Lucrece - absolutely! R&D has been my main hobby for the last 6 weeks or so. We need sponsorship off Velcro though - I've gone through reams of the stuff whilst practising!
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    Having bought a couple of pairs about 2 years ago I don't think there's anything magical about Superfeet -Ive had some in walking boots and some other shoes and they do help but don't cure the thing, I guess they're for more mild cases. That said I've never tried them in running shoes -I bought them initially to try in tennis shoes because at the time I didn't run but they only improved things a little.

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    Hi everyone

    Keep stretching!!
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    Just back from a run with Superfeet inside my Kayanos. Early days yet before I can tell if there's any improvement.Looked at some Ortoheels at Boots I might try the Sports ones when I can get hold of the right size.
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    Think I'll stick to the Orthaheel Sports then. Just bought another pair today along with 2 pairs of Boots Regular ones. Tempted by the triple Advantage points on offer!!!
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    I'm going to check out the Orthaheel sports too -look more supportive than superfeet and about a tenner cheaper.
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    Just bought some Orthaheel sports too but have found Boots gel insoles a massive help day to day aswell...

    Happy running!

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    Hiya, have suffered pf on and off since 1999!! Even before I started running! Just started shock wave therapy treatment. Has anyone else had it?? Debbie just stick with it. It will get better if you do everything thats already been said...dont be too impatient and rest when you need to.
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    What is shock wave therapy? Does it involve sticking fingers in electric sockets or something? Cos if it gets rid of my PF I'll give it a go!
    How long does it go away for Rose? And do you know why it keeps coming back? My bruv's had it for 4 years but apart from 2 cortisone injections he's not done much about it. He lives with it cos he doesn't run. I find it so hard to rest. Stopped running for 11 weeks at first but it didn't help. Have now abstained for 2 weeks exactly and felt very envious of a huffing, puffing old man yesterday as he jogged past me!
    Thanks for the encouragement - hope your electric shocks work for you.
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    Know the feeling Debbie, would try anything (well almost) if it would get me back running sooner. Really started to think mine was on the ment until I stood on a flint whilst out with the dog - Arrgh!

    I have had my feet checked for pronation whilst standing, but I'm begining to think maybe I should find someone who does video gait analysis, as I want to find out what caused my PF in the first place before I start back again.
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    Zippy - I hope you find out the cause. And send the dog out on it's own next time! I'm pretty sure mine was caused by worn out trainers but I've had my running style analysed and was told that landing on my forefoot first was causing a stretch under my heel which was preventing it healing. I was advised to change my running style and start landing on my heel but I found that so difficult. Advice on here said not to change and I got a reply from a heel striker with PF so that convinced me to leave well alone!
    Good luck with the gait analysis - hope it helps.
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    Debbie & zippy..shock wave therapy or to give it the correct name LITHOTRIPSY is a treatment used for kidney stones.It has (apparently) been found to be an effective treatment for painfull soft tissue disorder. It consists of placing an ultrasound probe on the area and in the radiologists words "zapping it for 15 mins"! It isnt painfull but very uncomfortable. I`m about to have my 2nd treatment tomorrow so I`ll let you know if its working. I`ve been through every other treatment for pf and have come to the conclusion that if you want to keep running you need to do calf stretches (hands on wall and legs out backwards) for at least 2 mins a go 5 times a day. I`ve had injections x3 Orthotics, Gait analysis, gel inserts etc etc etc!! If you suffer from pf its my opinion that thats the way you`re made! Its a problem you have to manage. Rest when you need to and KEEP ON STRETCHING EVEN IF YOU`RE NOT RUNNING!!
    Blimey dont I go on!! Hope this helps.
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    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to post a success story to give you all hope. I got PF for the first time about 18 months ago, looking back I had it as a child, but was told it was growing pains and I would be fine (!) If only I had had orthotics when my feet were growing I might not need them now.

    Anyway.......after motion control shoes didn't work, I got custom made orthotics which I wear all the time. I also do feet strengthening exercises and stretches, try to run barefoot once in a while to stretch and strengthen the foot and ankle muscles......only for about 20 ms at a time. Since Dec. I've been running up to 30 miles a week, and absolutely no pain at all whilst running or after. In fact my feet feel better for running! The only pain I get is first thing in the morning, and I find if I stretch for 30 secs before I get up it goes by the time I've walked to the bathroom.

    Rose is definitely right about the stretching. If I take a couple of days off running and "forget" to stretch my calves the problem regresses.

    Hang in there though guys!! At one point I though I was going to have to give up running altogether and walking was a struggle......now I just feel so fit and running is totally pain free! Orthotics have saved my running career!
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    Thanks for that Fin - nice to see there is light at the end of the tunnel! Glad you're OK now :0)
    I've had off the shelf orthotics for 2 weeks now. The first couple of days saw a great improvement but now it's as bad as ever. Everything I try seems like it's going to work at first but nothing lasts. I'm getting really fed up now. I'm constantly stretching and I'm beginning to wonder if this is half the problem. The consultant said that PF is micro-tears in the connective tissue. Therefore, I'm I adding to these tears by stretching? I know it's my calf muscle that I'm stretching but by doing that I'm also stretching the bottom of my foot. Please can someone reassure me that I'm not doing any harm?
    BTW, had really tight calves all the time until I started wearing a night splint and they eased almost immediately so should I still be stretching as much?
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    Keep stretching but do it gently. The main physiological role of thr PF in humans is to resist stretch so what you are doing is not likely to be of sufficient force to do harm.

    If you are suffering with very tight calves a small heel raise under the orthoheels may help. 3mm would be enough, try adding it to the underside of them - Boots might have some material you could shape.
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    the site www.orthaheel.co.uk has plenty of stuff on about the product etc. I've ordered from the site as I've been having trouble getting the sports ones in the right size at Boots.
    I was told some time ago not to walk around barefoot so I've been wearing Scholl fitness sandals which are just about shot at now so I've ordered an orthaheel sandal (bit more expensive but built in orthotic).
    I'll let you guys know how I get on.

    Tried Superfeet in my asics -heel felt quite a bit better after my last run that it usually does.
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    Hi guys, been for another shock wave treatment today...ouch! Like to think that my foot is feeling a little easier?? Have another treatment next month and then with luck I`ll be able to try running again. This pf really is a problem but it was good to read that Fin has been successful. I dont think you can stretch too much Debbie as long as its slow controlled stretching it can only do good.
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    DoctorK - I'll be very interested in your experience with the Orthaheel Sports compared with the Superfeet. Sorry to use you in this way but I'm reluctant to buy the more expensive ones without good reason!

    Lawrence/Rose - thanks for the stretching advice, I feel better now.

    My physio gave me a pair of those heel raises to try with my regular Orthaheels but I haven't been wearing them since Saturday. He taped my foot on Friday and I found that wearing my orthotics was making the pain in the side of my heel loads worse. Maybe the combination is too much. Still got the tape on and won't use the orthotics until I take it off.

    Rose - do you only go once a month for this shock treatment? Sounds nasty - hope it's worth it!
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