
For me.....



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    ((((JB,Sammy & family))) hope he gets better soon.

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    Oh JB I'm so sorry, its must be a huge worry for you all, hospital is possibly the best place for him with everyone on hand instantly.  ((((())))) just don't seem enough - sorry image
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    Evening gang

    JB I hope sammy gets the care he needs love what a worrying time for you all ....... it's never ending for him ((((( ))))

    fire's been alight since this morning brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

    Happy Sat gang

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    Poor Sammy.  Thinking of you all.  (((((())))))
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    Happy Easter Everyone!!!! XXXXXX
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    Just back from some friends.  Nice day spent in the Harvester and then back for some games on the wii which was hilarious, whilst all the kids sat in the other room watching football!!!  A few glasses of red added to the hilarity.  Come home with copy of Alvin and the Chipmunks which is on now and already their voices are annoying me (maybe because I'm hungover LOL!)

    Oldest definately flirting with a new young lady.  Its all in the early stages (the most exciting in my eyes, once you know them its not so exciting).  He's taking lots of care with his diet  and has just given hubby his two easter eggs because he doesn't want them.  Hubby nearly choked with the kindness LOL!

    Its chucking it down now, and freezing outside. coal burner and log fire lit tonight image

    No eggs for me, and thats the way I want to keep it.  Littlely has 6, hubby 2 and middlely 2, they definately won't hang around for long I can vouch for that.

    Keep warm everyone.

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    evening gang

    happy Easter ...... no eggies for me lol emotional day but it's going to be ok!!

    just about to start the ironing!! whoooo hoooo party on lol

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening and whooo hooo bank holiday Monday!!

    coal fire and logs all loaded up yay!!

    Happy Sunday gang

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    Happy Easter everyone.  Hope little Sammy's ok JB.

    I can't believe the relief I feel.  Haven't spoken to my bro for more than two years.  Last saw him at my grandmother's funeral.  He said "see you soon" and I said "why, are we expecting someone else to die?" - long and short was he just has never bothered with any of us since he got married.  We made an effort at first but it was all one sided.  I used to try and hold the family together (even in my childhood) but it caused me so much anxiety that I eventually just gave up.  Now my older bro is getting married (late in life - 47) and he invited other  bro.  Other bro declined without any explanation!  I was really upset for my older bro.  

    Tonight my Mum picked up the phone to other bro and didn't have a pop (which would have sent him scarpering) but just said she had really been looking foward to seeing him and was disappointed that he wasn't going.  He said he felt awkward cos he hasn't spoken to anyone for such a long time.  I was dead proud of my Mum cos she usually goes in guns ablazing and gets everyone's backs up but she didn't - she was really sensible about it and told him to put the past behind him, think of his family and try and come to at least the service.  I then had a quick chat with him and he said he felt so much better for talking to us and is now thinking of coming to the wedding.  Yay!  I thought I wasn't bothered but I must have been because I feel so much happier for having spoken to him.

     Sorry, meant to keep that short.  Easter really is about new beginnings though isn't it ?

    Very few Easter eggs here which is good.  Little Mint used to get way to many and I'd greatly assist the consumption.  This year he got one.  He ate the sweets and gave me the chocolate egg.  Much better.  It's all gone and Easter's over without too much to feel guilty about.  Mum cooked a fantastic lunch (turkey - it was like Christmas and delicious).

    Scrum, I've three big baskets full of ironing when you've finished yours, ta very muchly.

    Enjoy your bank holidays ladies.


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    Sorry JB - enjoy yours too.  You're an honorary lady in this thread anyway .  image
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    Its ok I'm in touch with my feminine side (have great legs - look good in fishnets).
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    Probably best not to let that image linger long in the old brainpan.....

    Sammy home after another traumatic 24 hours at hospital. Feel quite low at the moment.image

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    (((Johnny))) - if the fishnets help ..... image

    Glad Sammy's home. 

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    good to hear that Sammy's home, not surprised you feel low Johnny, (((((((((((((((((family blaze))))))))))))))))))

    Minty - that's lovely news about your brothers

    So choc egg consumption is low on the thread image egg consumption is low at chateau slowcoach but we had a wonderful roast dinner across at Mum's (well her fella's house), roast lamb and trimmings, choc cake, rasberrys and icecream, cheese and biccys and the choc eggs from Betty's we brought!

    don't even think the 22 miles i did this morning will make up for that blow out image

    enjoy the bank holiday peeps image

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    Gordon Bennett! 

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    ((JB and family))) take care of yourselves and each other XXXX

    WOweeeee nsc 22 miles that DEFINITELY deserves some choccie!!!!

    I did 16 miles myself (not for any reason other than it's a long weekend and why not!) was great, but now i'm fooked!!!! imageimage

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    Total and utter respect to those high milers, NSC because she has to and Laura cause she wanted to image

    JB fingers crossed you have a good night.

    Mints I;m slowly learning myself, that when I give up the control it all works itself out for itselfimage

    Oldest has burnt the candle at both ends all weekend and now tucked up in bed fast asleep, he's definately getting it out his system before settling down thats for sure LOL!!!!

    Catch up morning this morning and long walk with the dog this afternoon.  Out all day tomorrow with jobs, and hairdressers. Thats as exciting as it got today.  Settling down for Leonardo film (forgotton what its called but know its good).

    Night all.

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    Mrs F - I am WAY past sweating the small stuff these days!
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    22 miles!!!!!  That's going some NSC!  Is it taper time now? And Laura didn't even have to! Wow!  I think I ran about 16 yards pushing wheelchair across a crossing today - does that count?  It was hard work.  LOL

    Pleasant day today.  Spent [more] money on LM to try and keep him occupied with his leg in plaster - bought him an airfix model and some war hammer figures to paint and maybe start a collection.  Let's hope it keeps him quiet for a while.  Invited Mum round for dinner.  Told her how impressed I was with her phone call to my bro last night - I think she impressed herself too.  Anyway, she seems somehow warmer towards LM and me - perhaps old age is mellowing her!  Lord - don't tell her I said that please.  

    We're going to settle down to that film now too Mrs F.  Enjoy.  Oh, and completely agree about the control thing.  That's why I don't diet as well - same psychology.

    Right.  Couch potato time.  



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    I have a fringe or is that a bang!!!!!! Mmmmm not sure about it., Didn't like it dried straight down, so I've swept it to the side and it looks better.  Must leave it alone though keep fiddling.image

    EB you ok, lots of love if you're lurking.

    Scrum hope things better for you now.

    Waves to JB, Laura and NSC

    (((Mints)))) cause I haven't hugged you in a while image

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    I must be going for broke - I paid for LM to have highlights in his trendy new haircut today.  In total his hair has cost me £40 this week - that's more than I spend on my own!

    Having a day in work tomorrow to do some catching up and keep me away from the shops!!

    Stupid mistake - forgot to put my pay claim for February in.  That means I won't get paid this month.  Heeeeelp!  I now realise that it would have arrived whilst Little Mint was in hospital and I eventually thought I'd dealt with it but actually I hadn't.  Eeek.  Do you reckon they'll give me a sub?

    I'm tired as tonight.  I think I'll call it a day.

    Nice hair Mrs F! image

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    Feeling feelings today folks so keep this short.  Back to normal self tomorrow promise.  Oh and I don;t feel like eating (bliddy miracle!!!)
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    So, off I went to work.  Had to park near new building to gain wheelchair access through and then over the bridge as I couldn't park near my office.  Complete obstacle course as everyone just moving in.  Got to my office and nobody was there (despite planned meeting for which I could have claimed the time and now I can't because there was no meeting and we'll still have to have it and I can only claim once!), the office was freezing and the computers and phones were down and so I did very little and came away again.  Grrr - complete waste of time.  Plus I got the news that the finance director turned down my proposed contract meaning they get me for 1/3 of the price of a contracted teacher.  The only problem is that I can't live on a third of a salary.  Perhaps the finance director would like to try it!  image

    Gave up the ghost and decided to go to Leominster to spend more of the money I haven't got.  On the way stopped off at Queenswood Park - never been before and it was glorious.  The sun was shining and I pushed LM around a 1.5 mile hilly badger trail.  It was beautiful but exhausting.  Someone offered to help push him up a particularly steep hill but I thanked them and refused as I said it was good exercise and I needed it.  She agreed (about it being good, not that I needed it, although she probably did that too LOL).  Then had a little look around Leominster and didn't break the bank too much, came home, mowed the lawn and dug over half the vegetable patch.  

     Going out to dinner with Mum and her friends tonight - sod the expense.  Looking forward to that.  Can't be bothered to get too down about the contract.  My manager said she's going to keep fighting for it for me.  Otherwise I'll just have to get a proper job.  But I'd rather teach so keep everything crossed for me.

    Sorry - long post.

    ((((Mrs F))))) - don't let those feelings drag you down honey. 

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    am lurking but tired and grumpy so not much to say image

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    Oh dear, the thread needs loadsa hugs indeed ((((((((thread)))))))).

    Just popped in to ask if we're all still meeting up at FLM?  Just that I need to take a look at flights if we are.


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    I did a 5k pb tonight - 24 52 - only a treddie but there you go.

    And gym man measured me and said I had more lean mass (muscle) than fat mass - woohoo. Still 26% lard tho.

    Hugs to the thread - a lot of crap going down at the moment - hang in there. 

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    That's great news Johnny.  If I give you some of my lard, can you do the same magic with it?

    (((((Thread))))) hugs all round. 

    Lost a filling last night (and I didn't even eat pork crackling).  Need to make dental appointment.

    Going to do another circuit of that lovely country park again today.  Triple the exercise when pushing a wheelchair,

    I could be up for meeting at FLM if it ties up with whatever comes my way in the meantime.  I don't want to make promises though EB - although I'm sure there'll be others that will.

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    Ok can someone tell me the date of FLM then I can let you all know.

    Better day today folks.  Counselling is bringing up loads of stuff for me and know I just need to sit with it and it will all be ok.  Much better today and the suns shining woo hoo, very spring-like out there image

    Hope scrums ok? and our Laura?

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    Blerrghhhh I have a cold, but otherwise good!!!

    Waves to thread (would give hugs, but don't want to pass on my lurgy!)

    Had to cancel PT Sesh yesterday, but moved it to today as I'm too addicted!LOL (PT actually said I was mad today!)

    FLM is 13th April - i'll be there with my other half hanging out with Treacle's lot around the 13/22 mile mark. Will try and say hello to Debs (nearer the finish) along the way somehow!!!

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    Sorry to hear you're not well, Laura, hope you get rid of it soon.

    MrsF, good to see you're on the mend.

    Good news re the PB, JB!

    I had a run planned tomorrow morning with a pal, but she's cried off coz she's not feeling well.  Think I'll still go on my own, though.  The weather forecast is for wind and rain, but they may have got that wrong (for a change!).  Will see how it looks first thing.  If I don't run, then I'll go to the gym.

    Doesn't sound like there's a plan for FLM.  May come down that weekend anyway to see some pals and play it by ear re meeting up with some of you - would love to meet you in the flesh.  I still think it's a bit weird writing ("talking?") to you guys without having said hello in person!


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    Runs in with fat free cake Good day Happy Birthday JB I hope the tights are not chaffing

    Sorry not been posting busy and fights for the pc lol

    I have a wonderful weekend planned bloody tell it no more rain!!

    EB mail me I will be there just going to get a ballon with a little animal done so you all know who I am!!

    Mrs F sorry nawty matey will mail you today!!

    hangs head in shame!

    Gang it's only bloody FRIDAY whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooo
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