
pretty parky out there-fff 9/12



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    ...or as they say around here, Sam Panther, "Willpower is soluble in alcohol".
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    Couldn't agree more. Maybe as I train more, my willpower will become insoluble. Thats what other forumites have said about combining their smoking and running.
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    I'm hoping Santa will bring me some willpower for Christmas.

    Works Christmas do on Saturday, huge buffet, managed to be good (loads of Pasta salad) until dessert appeared, then ate about twenty seven profiteroles.

    Oh dear.

    I WILL run tonight. Would have this morning, but two pile ups on the M6 meant I got to work at 8:30 instead of about 7:00. Does the fact that I was unavoidably delayed absolve me of non-running guilt??
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    Of course it does Slowboy. And next time, remember profiteroles contain no calories if you eat them with your fingers crossed.
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    Slowboy - No!!! You should have got out on the M6 and done one mile laps around your car!!!

    Please stop saying the word m*rzip*n!!! I feel ill!!!
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    Slowboy, you probably expended more energy fuming at being stuck in traffic than you would have done on a decent run. Unless, of course, there was a big bag of toffees in your glove box.

    I've got a works Christmas do on Friday. Chinese buffet - the menu looks fantastic and it will be difficult not to have a bellyful of everything. But I shall go to the gym beforehand, wear trousers which are just slightly on the cosy side around the waist, and try to hypnotise myself into realising that if I eat anything other than soup and noodles at THAT time of night I will have bad dreams, possibly involving being bombed by exploding tubs of lard. And after a couple of glasses of wine, I shall eat everything and more, undo the trouser waistband, dance on the table, scrounge a lift home, and work it all off walking to the restaurant to collect the car on Saturday afternoon.
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    Off to get my laptop looked at by tech support... had a bit of an accident which didn't involve going out on the lash straight after work on a Friday, drinking about 10 pints and falling over. It definitely didn't happen at the same time as I snapped my watch.
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    V-Rap ... don't dance too hard with your trousers undone... people watching might get more than they bargained for...

    Make sure you wear your best underwear just incase.
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    Hello all,
    Confessions - me and the Mr opened up a selection box of chocs last night that had been bought for my friend's little girl - and we ate everything in there.. oh dear.. another trip to Tesco's to replace it.. But I've just been for a 7 mile run so hopefully some of the chocolate has been evaporated now..!! Susie Redhead - a big WELL DONE to you for that long, long, long run!! Amazing...!! Most I've ever done is an hour and a half. I got my 'we don't want you' magazine from FLM on Saturday too.. sob! I'm gonna do the Halstead Marathon in May instead though.. Well I'm off to visit my friend this afternoon for a coffee and a gossip (I've told her not to do me any lunch!!!). Have a good day all.
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    Ha! Lay-Zee-Boy and Fizgog have both seen what I keep under my trousers at some point in the past (along with half the local medical fraternity because I'm always the one who ends up giving myself a pretend insulin injection on the diabetes training days), the rest are girlies, and anyone else in the room will be a stranger so it won't matter...aaarggh! No! I ALWAYS end up being spotted by at least one of my patients at the Christmas bash. Never mind - they all know what I am and take me as they find me.

    But I shall heed your kind words, Gordon, and not wear the greying Sloggis whose elastic has expired prematurely due to repeated exposure to sweat. Problem is, all I've got is about 15 identical pairs of these. Wonder if Kevin would lend me some knickers.
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    Hey Fiona, commiserations to you too. Don't know about a gold bond place as I'm not sure I could raise such a large amount. desperately wanted to run for Cancer Research as a thank you but they want £2000 for a gb place. Oh and I still haven't got my fleece!

    EP haven't you heard from your slimming club yet?

    Michelle, where's Halstead (guessing it's over your way in Essex)?

    V-rap, you hussy! ;-) You'll have to buy a sexy thong and wear trendy hipster jeans if you're going to dance on the table. If I did that people would think it was a Sumo wrestler!!!!!
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    Maybe we could start a charity for those of us that did not get in and then get our own gold bond places?

    EP - hope you hear from SW soon.

    The thought of me in a thong is just too awful, especially just before lunch!
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    just an update - She's gonee
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    I hate thongs. I'd be forever trying to howk the strappy thing out from betwen my bum cheeks. And trying to pull the hipsters up. Maybe I'll just wear a dress which is forgiving in the midriff area. Wish I had kept just ONE maternity dress.

    I can't stop myself looking at the Gold Bond places. Maybe I'll contact the NAS and ask if I can negotiate them down below the £1,400 minimum, since I've raised lots of money for them this year and I know that at least some of their Gold Bond holders last year failed to show whereas my bad hip and I have a track record of turning up and doing the biz on the day. It might even be worth taking the risk of losing my deposit.

    Don't know if I really want to attempt another marathon yet, though. That's twice I've become overtrained and injured at way under realistic marathon training distances.
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    How are you feeling, WW?
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    WW, I'm sorry to hear that. Big hugs. Susie xx
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    I'm trying to get in touch with my Doc I need time off work and something to take the edge of so I dont do anything daft
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    V V sorry to hear this.

    Don't do anything daft.



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    Will, I haven't been in your exact situation but I had a long battle with depression, the best thing I ever did was get professional medical help - I just wish I'd done it ten years earlier.

    Get yourself to the docs, and don't take any crap off them (apologies VRap and any other medicos, but I had some real problems with my GP) - I ended up demanding a referral to a specialist nurse (think the term was PCN - Psychiatric Community Nurse) who was an angel, and probably the main reason I'm still here to post.

    Good luck, and feel free to post/EMail/Rant as and when you need to.
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    Will, I agree with Slowboy - see your doc without delay (if you're thinking in terms of daft things, this DEFINITELY merits taking an emergency slot in today's surgery), get something prescribable in a bottle to take the edge off the pain and a note to keep work from being an extra stress on you, and do lots of talking even if you feel you're saying the same things over and over again (people will understand). Have you friends or family who will stay with you for a bit?
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    I find it hard to talk to those around me, i feel a burden
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    Will, escuse me for barging in, but I'm very concerned at how bad you're feeling. You need other people at these times, maybe someone at work or friend who will listen? Don't feel you're a burden and have to cope on your own, human beings are meant to lean on each other for support when needed and I'm sure your family and friends will want to support you. None of us are superhuman and we all have vulnerable sides.
    I've seen the devastation when someone feels alone and unable to ask for help, it is awful for the person and for those around who wished they had known what was happening. Please don't suffer alone, go and see your GP and also find someone to talk to.
    Very best wishes to you.
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    Will, I'm sure you'll have offered support to others in the past when they needed it, now it's your turn.

    I found one of the hardest things was facing the fact that I had to ask for support from others - I had a real 'I must be self sufficient and have no weaknesses' attitude that did me a lot more harm than good.
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    I've always been the person that help not the other way round - everyone considers me a big strong bull of a man - not some wus
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    Will, I bet you're a perfectionist as well...
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    ... i spend a lot of time trying to be better than i am at whatever i do if that is what you mean
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    Nobody's going to think any the less of you for being upset and in need of support at a time like this, Will. Quite the contrary. If someone came to you looking for an open ear and an endless supply of tea, you'd oblige without any second thoughts, wouldn't you?

    Don't pigeonhole yourself into one image. Life isn't like that. Your GP won't be the slightest bit disturbed if he or she has to pass the tissue box to a big muscular man who normally has control of his own life and a bit to spare. It happens. A lot!
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    Yeah, that's about what I meant. It's a combination of characteristics I had (and still have to some degree) and it makes it incredibly hard to seek help or support from other people.

    Which I reckon is what you need right now.

    Believe me, people would rather be burdened by you than lose you.
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    I've just spoken to my surgery and there reply was

    "tuff theres nothing till Thursday"
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    hey Will - being able to show you are vulnerable is a sign of real strength - i know its really hard for guys to do that - but it makes you a much better man for being able to do that - not a wuss - you are astrong and sensitive guy in equal parts and your feelings and needs are as important as anyone elses - if you were looking at someone else going thru what you were going thru right now what would you see and feel for them - try and see that and feel compassionate for yourself - you are feeling bereft and are grieving that loss - be kind to yourself - you are worth it - you are a good man not a burden

    please talk to your gp - and consider the Samaritans if you feel like life is not worth continuing - i have been there and between talking the support of good friends and my Gp have climbed out of the bottomless pit you are currently drowning in - Will you are strong swimmer - you can swim back to the top - you are a runner - you can go forwards from this in time

    you are respected and valued and admired here - hang on to that thru these dark days

    love and hugs

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