
New York 2005 Superheroes over America



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    Yes to come pole dancing with us............................
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    hahaha.... never been to a pole dancing establishment, so you never know, but dont expect me to pole dance myself... my body is built for running!

    I was hoping to go to Spamalot on Broadway and I am staying with friends so no doubt lots will be organised. Also I want to make a trip up-state to see a sculpture park.
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    Done the Hill Run in 32.27 about 1.06 quicker - got to the top in 18.40 which is a lot quicker than last time......................................................NY here I come
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    Superman once told me he is into Sculpture, maybe you could link up and go to the park, as for me Pole Dancing will be fine.

    What is Spamalot - do you eat spam sandwiches all day? Not great before 26.2 miles I wouldn't have thought.

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    Isn't Spamalot the Monty Python musical? Mrs. Jape would be up for going to a sculpture park too.
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    Spamalot is the Eric Idol musical based on the Monty Python stuff... supposed to be great fun!

    It looks as if we have a group gathering for the sculpture park. Its called Storm King. My other half wants to go there too.

    Maybe we can hire a car and drive there, its not too far out I dont think, but it will be a daytrip.

    I am arriving on Tuesday 1 Nove and leaving Mondaynight 7 November so reckon I would like to go to Storm King on the Wednesday, so anyone who is in NY that day and wants to join in let me know!
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    That leaves us out ;-((( We're not arriving in NY until Thursday November 3rd. Staying until 14th though...
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    Maybe Friday is a better day???
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    Posting number 100!!!
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    Higo and me have got big plans for NY.

    Thursday arrive. Get to hotel. Find bar get drunk.

    Friday. Sightseeing/shopping. Find bar get drunk.

    Saturday.Rest and carbo load. Find bar get drunk.

    Sunday. Run 26.2 miles. Find bar get drunk.

    Monday. Check out of hotel. Find bar get drunk.

    Tuesday AM. Get back to London. Find duty free's. Get drunk.

    Wednesday. Join AA.

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    Btw, this thread is catching up on the other one... we may soon overtake in number of postings!

    I assume you and Higo will be there without your wives? I will warn the AA...

    Just bought a new pair of running shoes, the same as I already had... they had done 300 miles already training for NY, so I thought I better get another pair and alternate them so that I have a nice, fresh but well used pair for NY. There is a distinct difference in the bounciness between old and new! So I may need a 3rd pair come NY... I can see this is getting expensive at £60 a go... and I can't throw anything out that still has a function, so a stack of old running shoes will accumulate and eventually block the hallway so I will become a sad and lonely recluse... but all that after NY!
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    Take your old running shoes to a charity shop, that's what I always do.
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    Would they really want them at a charity shop? For now they have another 200 or so miles in them according to statistics but I reckon less, from the difference in feel the new and old ones give me... By the time I have done with them they will be horrid and smelly!
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    Ask at the shop if you're in doubt. the ones near me are usually quite happy. And if people don't run in them, they can always walk in them...
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    Higo, have you heard from Fat Buddah lately, i think he would fit in well on this thread.

    Theres a guy down our high street who sells the "Big Issue" he is always complaining about fallen arches and shin splints,i think he must have bought a pair of your old shoes Jape.

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    Hahahaha... I bet he has...
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    Anyway, a good 8 miles last night and first time in ages not bothered by heat!
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    Just picked up on this thread, and hope I can join in. Got into NY through the ballot as well. Did London this year, and struggling to get motivated at the moment....
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    Hi Zimchick,

    welcome to our exclusive NY thread, how did you do in London? I also did it 4.15 and so did Superman 2.04.

    My training doesn't start until 01 July 05.....................................oh ****

    Why the name?


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    Welcome Zimchick and good luck Higo with the start of your training.
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    It's amazing how well the shoes clean up and after 500 miles or so they can still look nearly brand new. I've got about 7 pairs in my cellar at the mo to take to charity shop. Unbelievable how you get through them.

    Just started training hard again this week for Berlin and NYC - can't wait!
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    Hello All

    Just finished some intervals 4 X 1 mile.

    I hate doing them and felt sick,dizzy and could see spots in front of my eyes at the end. Feelings normally reserved for post 8 pints on a Saturday night.

    I've just found out i have left it too late to enter the New Forest Half in September so the only races i have planned before NY is the Great Britain 10k this Sunday and the Great South Run in October.

    What races have you guys got lined up?

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    I plan London 10k this Sunday followed by Wycombe Half next Sunday. I will probably try a couple more halfs before my ultimate training run at Loch Ness Marathon 5 weeks before NY.
    Have now convinced my Wife that it it would not be a very good idea for her to come with me to NY as she would only meet boring sweaty runners like me.
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    Welcome Zimchikck!

    Pseudo... my shoes look grotty, dirty, worn and old only after 10 weeks of running in them! Also, I seem to have worn through the back of the heels from the inside... weird!

    Superman, I am running the british 10 k on Sunday, Hydroactive women's challenge first weekend of September and some real races: The Brecon 10k on 7 August, hilly roadrace..., the Machen Mountain Run (10k off road) on 29 August and Offa's Orror a 20k off road mountain race on 2 October. After that I shall slowly taper down to zero for the big day...

    I wanted to do a half marathon but could not find one that would tie in with my polo commitments and my work commitments.

    Anyone any ideas about the three mountain runs? I reckon as most of my training this summer will be in the hills I will therefore find it easier and NY a doddle with a bit of luck??? Or is off road running as training for New York not a good idea?
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    So far only the Dublin Half Marathon at the end of September, just to get used to running with people. Might do some more local 10k's though.
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    I've got a 10 pinter lined up tomorrow night, is that what you mean about races??

    He he he

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    How quick did you do the 1 milers, what intervals etc?
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    Hello Higo,

    the splits were about 1.15 miles long. There was quite a stiff wind which was against the 2nd and 4th split. The times are as follows: 8.30, 8.27, 8.01, 8.36, 2 minute rests between runs. I was very knackered on the last split so it must be doing some good. I will try and do this once a week, i hate it but i know it will help with my longer runs.

    I have tonight off work so i will be having a few pints tonight as i have an early start Sunday for this run in London.

    Did you get round to enter the Great South Run?

    Talk to you soon.

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    I hate that stuff too Superman, but I think I will have to start doing it too, otherwise I never get to 3.30 in my marathon...

    O yuk... speed... I prefer distance! As I am on metrci I shall run kilometers in stead of miles... lets see how far I will get with 4 x 1k... next week, after this sunday's race... Or shall I do it during the race LOL, I can run from marker to marker...
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    In a word no, am I to late?
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