
New York 2005 Superheroes over America



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    This thread will live for a long time......................................................................................................................................
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    This thread will live for ever!!!
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    I love you all. Lets all get together in NY and have a love-in. I love you all, i love you all, lets hug each other in Central Park. i love you all, i love you all. I've drunk too much.......i still love you all.

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    Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,loLove,love,love, love. Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,love,love, love, love, love,ve, Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,love. love,love, love, love, Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, loLove,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,ve, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, loLove,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,ve, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, loLove,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,ve, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love,Love,love,love, love. love,love, love, love, love, Dave :¬D
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    didn't quite get that one, drink posting we love it........................................................................................................................................................................

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    Hey guys

    Watch Stereophonics at Live8, thier final song is....SUPERMAN!

    I love them boys.

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    Higo, i am sorry to say the entries for the Great South Run are closed. :¬(
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    Hi guys & Gals,

    I'm another one heading for the big apple.
    I am a marathon virgin, so don't really know what to expect. I am also relatively new to running, started last December. I got my NY place through 2:09 events. Tried the lottery but no good. I'm actually staying on Staten Island, so it shouldn't be too difficult getting to the start. More of a problem limping back again after the finish!!!

    Any advise from anyone would be most appreciated.

    I am following a 6 month training program produced by Mike Gratton, London Marathon winner & owner of 2:09 events. It's more time based than distance.

    Once again, please feel free to give me any advise you deem necessary and some you don't!!



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    Welcome P.A.!

    Suhuhuhuhhuperman, its getting out of hand on this lovely thread! But hey, All we need is Love!!!!

    Higo, why don't you join me in Offa's Orror? Its an off road 20k extremely hily race in the forest of Dean, start at Tintern Abbey....


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    This will be my 2nd marathon, my 1st was London this year 4hrs15.

    My advice and tips would be:

    1).You need steely determination and dedication. You do need to train properly.

    2). There will be loads of ups and downs, take the rough with the smooth.

    3). Stay involved with this thread - it will get you through.

    4). Get the right gear.

    5). As race time approach you will be on a massive high.

    6). Be prepared for an overwelming life changing experience. I was emotional for a month after - on a high (runners high does exist believe me).

    Hope that helps.

    Higo xx
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    Welcome aboard PA.

    It is interesting that you are going for time rather than distance based training. I think it is a good idea. Time is the only variable we can measure acurately. I was getting obsessed estimating my distances prior to the London Marathon. I shall be increasing my training based on increased time rather than guessing increased distance for the NY. By increasing my runs by 10 minutes per week, starting at 1 hour, my longest run 3 weeks prior to the NY should be 3 and a half hours.(watch this space)

    I've just got back from completing the British 10k, i ran along side my 15 year old son finishing in just over 53 minutes. I personally think for the price (£29) it is a complete rip off. 18 minutes to cross the start line, people walking within the first 2km blocking your path, stopping and starting the whole distance. Disorganised drink stations, and to cap it all, no finish gantry, just a white line on the road. 29 quid and no official finish time or postion. A nice run for seeing the sights of London but nothing else.

    I know I know I'm always bloody moaning.

    18 weeks to NY now, getting excited?

    Thats me done now, keep on posting.

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    Superman, I am very disappointed! I was hoping to see you this morning at the Britsh 10k... but no sign of you!!!!

    Next time, wear you superman suit please, so at least I will recognise you amongst the crowds!
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    Higo, I'm missing Sponge Bob, put him back!

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    Hanneke, If i run the NY as Superman you have to run as a horse, thats only fair. Higo will run as Sponge Bob and P.A. will have to run as a beer mat.

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    I want Spongebob too.... hihaaaaa!

    And I agree with Superman on all fronts re the British 10k, although as a new runner who has never run a race before I cant compare.

    And yes, getting excited over NY... 10 k is definitely not my distance. When I crossed the line on the road, did not even know that was the finish until I got there, would have expected something more obvious so that I could have sprinted some time off...., I felt I had just gotten into the swing of things, so I continued running for another half hour.

    I think time based training is good too, especially on the longer, hilly runs I do... and it gives you the felxibility to divert off those standard routes you know the distance off!
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    Hahaha, I am hoping to run the marathon as well as a horse lol! But in a horse costume... I would need a partner to be the back... and I fear I wont find any volunteers at such short notice.

    Hey, maybe thats why Hogo has removed Spongebob?
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    That British 10 k sounds a joke Superman - I would have found that so frustrating!

    Got through my first proper training week for Berlin last week - 67 miles, so quite chuffed. Need to do a double today - lunchtime and evening - all good fun.

    PA - my biggest advice for marathon is not to start too fast, especially in New York where the atmosphere is amazing and it's easy to get carried along. Good luck with the training - it'll all be worth it on the day!

    Went to see Coldplay in Glasgow on Saturday - amazing! The beers didn't help with my running yesterday but running with a hangover helps training as it makes it seem effortless when feeling ok!!
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    In 18 weeks exactly I'll be as stiff as a board and 14 pounds lighter!

    Today I have started my NY training and adopted a new identity (Mutley) Sponge Bob has well and truly been dumped, no protests - Superman bring back Superman - an order!

    Done 6 x 2 minutes at 15kph on a treadie with 1 minute intervals.

    My typical week will be:

    Monday Weights/Rest
    Tuesday Speed Session
    Wednesday Bike
    Thursday 5 to 10 miles
    Friday Swim
    Saturday Long Run/Rest
    Sunday Long Run/Rest

    Due to my long standing injury I can't run two days on the bounce.

    I weigh 14.4 this morning against 13.4 at FLM, I have had a blow out weekend though.

    Hippo XXXXXL

    P.S. Honnekke my name is Higo no Hogo!
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    Higo, sorry! A typo and once posted you cant correct on this forum... Mutley is cute!

    Superman, bring yourself back, whats with the silly NY logo? You cant run as that!

    British 10k was a shambles and I am utterly frustrated. It transpires that while dodging people or trying not to fall while being tripped up (3x!) I have sprained an intercostal muscle. I was in bl**dy agony last night! Had to take some serious painkillers to help me along! At least the legs are ok... but breathing is bl**dy painful! And just now that I wanted to start my NY training seriously, as in doing consistant interval work once a week, tempo once a week and bump up the mileage steadily as well. B***er!

    Off to have a look at realbuzz....

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    Woof Woof!

    I've checked out the realbuzz site, some interesting stuff, thanks olivia.

    Higo, i too have to loose a bit of weight, at least 7 or 8 pounds, the training used to control my weight when i was younger but now i have to be careful what i eat as well.


    Hanneke hope your incostals heal quick. I too have injured them before and if i remember the worse thing was coughing and laughing, but they did heal quite quickly.

    I'm off to cock a leg, talk to you later.

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    Just checked out realbuzz too, it looks pretty good. Have to look at motivational section, as finding it a bit hard at the moment. Looking for new job while still in old one and mrs Jape not being too well takes up a lot of energy...
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    I am sorry to hear that Jape... but I have to say that whenever I struggle to get out of bed early to do my run before breakfast (I literally have to carve my running training out of my nights)I am always glad I did, as the running always makes me feel better, even if its a shorter run than originally planned!

    Nice new photo Superdog! And I am trying hard not to have too much laughs, not to sneeze or cough, which is hard with the hayfever! Painkillers doing their job though! And thanks for info on quick healing! Such a small muscle, so much pain auch!!!

    Just decided I want to loose the 2 kilo's weight I put on when I started running (and eating a lot more!). Think my body has now gotten used to all the extra activity and metabolises a lot more efficiently then before... and less weight, less pressure on those poor ankles, knees, hips and lower back!

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    you are the dog sorry the man.

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    Woof! Woof!

    Sorry, I meant hear hear...
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    Between us the other thread is boring as ****.
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    This thread 151 messages

    The other thread 400 messages.

    Come on guys we can do it.
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    This thread 152 messages

    The other thread 400 messages.

    Come on guys we can do it.
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