
Shades Marathon Training



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    Hi - Good to hear Shades did well - againimageimage

    Hope all the sore hips and backs ease as the day goes on.

    LB - good luck with the party, is it after school or evening? Hope BBS has survived his son's one.

    Off to work, drizzle has returned.

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    LB - I don't normally like to take painkillers as I'd rather listen to what the body will allow and what it doesn't want me to do - pain is generally there for a reason - but I can't take many days of nagging (if relatively minor) pain and not enough sleep. Make the appointment with the physio - a guaranteed one for the 7th is better than keeping looking. What time does the party start?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LB - Forgot you lot had a bank holiday down there - business as usual here.

    Pleased to report no  achey bits today - yesterday must have been a good recovery from Sat. Now officially tapering.image  That must mean not long to go!

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    Party starts at 4.00pm and goes on till 6.30 when three of the party guests leave. The other three are sleeping over and I will fling them out tomorrow morning sometime! image

    LMH - I do know what you mean about listening to the pain. I meant that if it is adversely affecting your sleep you might need to give in and block it out for a bit so you can get some shuteye. I'm quite used to putting up with pain because of the opiate sensitivity. Paracetamol simply doesn't go near some pain, does it?image

    Elspeth - tapering! I never miss a day of it! image School recommences on Wednesday round here! This holiday has gone really fast! image

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    Elspeth - good to hear that you've recovered so well.

    LB - I think you get used to living with a level of pain, and that which I have currently (aside from the back) is much lower than I've had in the past, so much so that rather than being on three levels of painkiller permanently I've been practically painkiller free - so to acknowledge the difference that the SR voltarol had on my sleep is a bit disappointing/scary - if that makes sense? I think I shall have to have another good nights sleep though - it's got to help hasn't it?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Good luck with the party Liverbird.  

    My thoughts are with youimage.

    I cant bear kids parties, and havent held them at home for a good while.

    Hope you get some sleep!

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    HY4 - *passes back WD40 - thankyou  image*.  Hope the yoga DVD gets an airing for your hip.  image

    LMH - sounds like fizzy terrorist for you if you need painkillers.  Like you, I stay away from painkillers until the point where healing sleep is needed - sometimes we just have to give in to the stuff.  image

    LB - thanks for passing on that wicked finishing time for Shades and those long mileage weeks definitely paying off and no rumbling achilles.  Nice one.  DOMS still there a bit, but not as bad as last night.  Still walking around a bit like a gorilla.  Physio exercises last nights with weights really helped and a good stretch.  Would have been nice if Moggie hadn't disturbed me at 5.30 am to throw up a hairball.  imageimage  That was good of the physio to send you a message.  Wouldn't feel too guilty about jumping up and down when you're genuinely in pain, that's what it makes you do and she's offering you appt more or less straight away, which is what you want.  Enjoy the party.  LOL at Mr LB producing proper shredder when it's all done.  image

    Elspeth - good to hear that you've come through from weekend's events with no achey bits.  Enjoy the taper.  Are you baking anything nice?  *sniffs the wind*  image

    HTF - hiya *waves*.  image

    Supposed to be baking hot here today.  No blue sky yet.  image  On with the painting and a whizzy walk for 5 miles later on to flush out these dratted DOMS and gorilla moves when getting up from sitting position.  Have a lovely day.  image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    *Puts wd40 back in cupboard*


    The yoga dvd has had an airing with MIllie joining in and biting me (only her usual love nip) at one point.


    Well done.

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    Hi HTF - don't be a stranger!

    Flossie - I hear you but it is getting better, I just don't think a fell race, more decorating, a brick session and long bike ride have given it the best chance. Rest day today (I've made Mark paint the woodwork) and just a swim tomorrow will hopefully give me more of an idea of where it's really at.

    LB - batten the hatches and prepare for the onslaught.................

    Yes, wonder how BBS's boy's party went?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    The onslaught will start as soon as Mr LB gets in because I'm going to murder him....image

    Party begins in 20 minutes. He's decided to go to Sainsbury's on a jaunt with the minis for NO REASON at all and my car is parked in a bus lane 3 miles away. We were supposed to collect it from last night before the party starts. Now we can't collect it till tomorrow night because I have all these kids sleeping over and I don't think their parents will appreciate me leaving them home alone and Mr LB will be at work tomorrow.

    Or so he thinks. I'm going to hide his sodding car keys! What an IDIOT.

    I have shopping to do, some items of school stuff to pick up and an appointment at the gym!



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    Hi LB-Are you having a canny day?image
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    HY4 - I told Moggie what Millie did to you, she just rolled her eyes and went back to sleep.  Moggie flops in the middle of the exercise floor or tickles my tummy by walking underneath me when I'm doing a plank (rather unnerving sometimes and so trusting).  image

    LMH - 5 hrs on the bike would rearrange me, so think you got a point there.  Swim will make your back very happy tomorrow.  Rest day for me tomorrow.  image

    LB - uh oh.....image

    Lovely day down here now - sun's shining, couldn't ask for better and lovely temperature about 21-22oC.  Just back from 5 miler.  First two miles were hell with DOMS and it took 30:01 mins to powerwalk.  Then body woke up and managed to do last 3 miles in 39:54 run/walk - overall 69:55.  Need a dunk in the bath.  image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I don't know what Millie's reaction would be to me doing a plank.  She does have a very split personality and quite often will come up to me & give me a kiss so you never know what you're going to get a times.

    Well done on the 5 miler.


    Waits for mushroom cloud in NW England.

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    LB - The car wont be in any bus lane come tomorrow night image 3 miles away you say, simple solution when Mr LB gets home hand him your car keys and send him off for a run to fetch it back.

    In other news i headed over to Whitley bay for some sunny running today and did 7.9 miles in 1:21. Mostly off road with quite a few ups and downs. Along the beach, up the steps wall (why use the steps when the wall is wide enough image) along the cliff tops then through some woods before heading back through Whitley bay and back to the start and the cafe. HR seemed rather high at times and despite a fair bit of stop start due to stiles, waitin for others and walking up the odd hill it averaged 76%. Peaked at erm 92% allegedly. Not entirely convinced that one is accurate, espcially as i could wring the sweat out of my top.

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    HY4 - thanks for best wishes and have just received a newsflash that the first aftershock from the North West region is on its way southwards.  image
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    Keith - nice one.  You love your 8 milers don't you?  Must say I like that distance far better than 10, 12 or above sometimes.  Dripping wet top today too.  image
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    Bath time.  Quack quack!!!!  image
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    Uhoh - awaits fall out. I'd say Keith has the perfect solution though that does leave LB alone with the party, probably the better of the two options.

    Flossie - we could do with some sunshine and heat, quite grey and windy again here though not cold. We took Grace out for a lovely walk this morning but that's been the extent of my exercise other than some sorting of the spare room - it's all needed doing for ages and now I have an impetus. Well done on the 5 miles.

    HY4 - I think if I tried a plank Grace would probably try to sit on me!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    LOL.  All our pets are characters aren't they.

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    8 miles is merely the length of the route the NE Fetch mob have used previously image Its about right for a friendly run as much longer and you'd be into the realms of lots of waiting for the slower people or doubling back and forwards. It also happens to be a distance i can cover here at home in several different loops image
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    Shades - know you're due back tomorrow and want to say congratulations on two brilliant sub 5's this past weekend.  You must be chuffed to bits and hope you've got a big smile on your face.  Was the hotel nice?  image

    LMH - *pushes sun towards North* glad to hear you got some rest today.  You sound like me, can't sit still for long, must be something to do.  *visualising Grace sitting on her Mummy whilst doing a plank* - good resistance with Grace sitting on top of you mind.  LOL.  image

    HY4 - pets are great.  They're mad and they do cute things and some of the things they do are horrible and ghastly, but we still love them unconditionally like they love us.  image

    Keith - You doing GNR?  Just found an 8 mile loop with a good stretch along the promenade with the south west wind behind and some good loo and watering hole stops.  Good one for the autumn/winter training after NF Half in less than 4 weeks time.  image  Wintry south westerlies down here are best attacking your back - less sand in the face.  image

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    I'm not doing GNR again until i have a time that gets me in front of the slower people. Not overly interested in a hugely congested half, was bad enough 2 years ago. Extremly hard to PB on, costs a fortune and its a right bugger to get away from after the race. Took me as long to get back to the car in 2007 as it did to run the damn thing.

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    Hmmmm, sounds like FLM.  We found the car at 7.00 pm and it took 4 hrs to get to Bournemouth through the backed up traffic congestion, which normally takes under 2 hrs.  image
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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    UltraCas - Well done on entering Roth.  That's some challenge attempting an Ironman, first time out.  image

    Flossie / WD40 -I read something once whereby a runner started regularly spraying a troublesome joint with WD40, and apparently it cured him.  image

    Little Miss - Could the back problem be resulting from the hammy?  Only that's what my physio diagnosed as my problem - tight hamstring - which was pulling my back.

    Liverbird - Hope you can get your injury sorted soon.  As for your car left on a Bus Lane, it will be towed away by morning rush hour, believe me.  I suggest one of you runs to where you left it and then drive it back.  Why is it on a Bus Lane anyway???

    And as for your puncture...I'm not having a moan at you but......punctures are the most common thing to go wrong on a bike ride, therefore EVERY cyclist needs to be able to change a tube in an emergency.  The LBS will probably charge you £10 for what is a 10 minute job (if that) when doing it yourself.  Alternatively, you could buy a bottle of Vittoria Pit Stop which is an emergency tyre repair - costs about £6, one use only.  You attach the nozzle on the can to your valve and then press the button on the can.  The goo in the can then seals your puncture.

    If I was nearer, and if Mr LB does not know how to change a tube, I'd come and teach you myself. 

    To limit the amount of punctures you get if you're not that practically inclined (like me), I would invest in puncture resistant tyres.  They won't eliminate punctures entirely, but will significantly reduce the amount of punctures you get.  I recommend any of Specialized's Armadillo Elite road tyres.  I have both of my road bikes shod with Specialized Roubaix Armadillo Elite.  I recommend them as I've had one puncture (a nail went through my tyre) in over 2 years.  They also stood up to the Paris-Roubaix course which is notorious for punctures due to all the sharp edges on the cobblestones.

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    Mr B - back ache has been caused by decorating I think, had to bend at an awkward angle in a confined space for a considerable amount of time.

    Flossie - I don't do 'relaxing' very well. LOL.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Hi all, hope the party is going well (or at least bearably ) LBimage

    Flossie - No baking yet as had full day's work, quick tea and then an educational meeting this evening. My day off this week has been put back til Wed as well so might do some cooking then though need to fit some short runs in too.

    Keith - That PB coming up tomorrow with any luck.

    Is Shades doing another marathon today??imageimage

    We've all been good while she's been away I thinkimage

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    Keith M Stuart wrote (see)

    LB - The car wont be in any bus lane come tomorrow night image 3 miles away you say, simple solution when Mr LB gets home hand him your car keys and send him off for a run to fetch it back.

    It crossed my mind Keith believe me! I've got it back now. Mr LB's brother turned up and he took him to go and fetch it...image

    Mr Bump wrote (see)

    As for your car left on a Bus Lane, it will be towed away by morning rush hour, believe me.  I suggest one of you runs to where you left it and then drive it back.  Why is it on a Bus Lane anyway???

    Technically, the bus lane is not yet in use, as the lane is brand new on a new, unfinished estate and the road is unadopted so there are no enforceable restrictions. ALL the residents of the road park in the bus lane and I know that sooner or later they will come along and ticket the lot of them! They haven't even got buses running there yet!

    I'm not mental - I wouldn't ever leave my car in a bus lane normally! I've not had a parking ticket for 14 years and the only one I ever did have was waived!

    I've only logged in to escape all these little girls singing "A whole new world" and "High School Musical"image

    Party went really well - she got lovely presents and her friends are lovely.

    It's just that now I wish they'd go to bloody sleep and they're showing no signs of even being tired.....

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    And I want the.....
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    image No way I was missing that! image
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