
Shades Marathon Training



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    So is it a date then Keith? image

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    Mr LB looking at a Golf TDi now.

    He said I could have a Mini Cooper but I think it's a bit small for my ego...image

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    Elspeth - I hope you can persaude HR to let you have the 5th Oct off work, after all you've done your penance for being late back, and it was hardly your fault...must happen a lot

    I still think you could do a PB at LN, it will be cooler and the first 3 miles are downhill.   Re training, easy this week  until legs and manky toe recovered.   13-16 this Sunday and 10-12 the following Sunday.

    VR - the cooler weather at LN will be more to your liking.   Perhaps Keith & Elspeth should run together

    LB - tentative and LB....don't go together for meimage
    Mini Coopers are lovely but where would you put the shopping?

    Keith - sounds like a date to meimage.  we could do with a bit of romance on this thread 

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    YOU could do with a bit of romance, you mean.....image

    As for the shopping - that's what I thought! This one is British Racing green with Black alloys! image

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    Lol its not a date not that i would decline image There isn't to big a age gap either only erm 10 years ish. Uni is Newcastle too iirc
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    Come on Keith - GET IN THERE LAD!!!!image

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    Yes go for it Keith!

    Not PB for me at Loch Ness I doubt, I don't like it too cold and definitely don't like it windy! Will be very happy if I don't have to walk as much of the second half as last yearimage Thanks for the training advice Shades. Really hope I can get the Monday off, it's not HR who are the problem, they are trying to help but my colleague is taking that week off at short notice and we're not allowed to be off together.

    Think it should be Mrs Mac getting the drinks VR, she will likely be the first Shadie homeimage.

    Definitely not enough room for the  LB's shopping in a mini.How about a van.image

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    Mrs Mac better not say CBA when getting our drinks image

    Keith - What you waiting for, ladies like action these days, get in there image

    Shopping  can be delivered you know. I would love a mini cooper but where would I put the dog?

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    VR - They give you such a heap of stuff after LN that you can hardly move - tins of soup, pickled beetroot, lucozade, bananas......but the hot food is good!
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    LIVERBIRD wrote (see)

    YOU could do with a bit of romance, you mean.....image

    As for the shopping - that's what I thought! This one is British Racing green with Black alloys! image

    Even the bloke that used to chase me round Tesco's on a Saturday morning has buggered offimage, not that I ever wanted him to catch me.

    You'll just have to have all the shopping delivered.

    Elspeth - Never been cold or windy when I've done LN ....having said that has probably put a death wish on the weather for this year

    Keith - well you'll have your chance on Fridayimage

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    VR- you'd have to trade Jet in for an Alfie
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    elspeth fay wrote (see)
    VR - They give you such a heap of stuff after LN that you can hardly move - tins of soup, pickled beetroot, lucozade, bananas......but the hot food is good!

    No probs, the Jaffa trailer will be empty so we can fill it up again image

    Shades - Poor Jet. I wont tell him you said that


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    VR - I was thinking the same as Shades about Alfie (but I'd prefer Jet myself - because he looks like my friend's dog - but don't tell Mrs Mac, I'm sure Alfie's lovely too).

    VR - You could be like that lady who ran round the world pulling her trailer of essentialsimage Don't know that she had Jaffa Cakes though.image

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    I think she did!

    I read her book on holidayimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Chris had a Golf GT TDi Sport as a hire car from when a neighbour couldn't park properly and he loved it, so much so that he didn't tell me until after it went back that I could have driven it because I was also on the insurance.  He did say he would have brought a new one if he was in the market for a new car.

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    I wonder how much of a PB VR would get if i ran with a backpack full of Jaffa's ahead of her around LN image

    Off course i'd need Mrs Mac to do the same with a backpak full of icecream for me to PB

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    Keith - Now you're talking. I always really fancy ice cream after a race but there never is anyimage. Mind you to carry enough Jaffas for VR and me would really slow you downimage.

    Who else is coming to LN is Kevin going to be there?

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    Keith  - LOL!

    Mr. Bump - Have you been watching Tour of Britain on ITV4. Seems funny to watch the peloton on English roads.

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    Elspeth - I bet you'd booked the day off first though hadn't you?

    VR - thank you!

    Shades - I hope so too, I think it will be a fine line but there are only eight big weeks to get through.

    I'm miffed, did my two hour run this afternoon and the Garmin dropped the signal before going backwards, downloaded it to Sportstracks but it must have lost all satellites as even that couldn't make sense of it so I can only guess at how far I covered. Despite feeling a little like spot-the-dog the miles were ticking off most satisfactorily.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Week 1/33 Devon 100
    Mon 7/9 Rest Day
    Tues 8/9 Rest Day (Well ok CBA day)
    Wed 9/9 6.67 Miles 01:05:28 (9:49/mile)
    Thur 10/9 Rest Day
    Fri 11/9 7.18 Miles 01:11:08 (9:54/mile)
    Sat 12/9 9.93 Miles 01:38:17 (9:54/mile)
    Sun 13/9 10.04 Miles 01:33:46 (9:20/mile)

    Week 2/33 Devon 100
    Mon 14/9 Rest Day
    Tue 15/9 4 Miles 00:38:43 (9:41/mile) done 5am Wed
    Wed 16/9 5.24 Miles 00:52:30 (10:01/mile)

    Was busy when i got home from work last night so being tired too i went to bed early and did the 4 mile recovery run this morning instead. Was meant to do 8 miles tonight but the legs were feeling tired and being i have a hilly marathon sunday i cut it short by 3 miles. Will go fo a wee bimble Friday instead.

    Elspeth - Unfortunatly icecream would melt on the way round and erm i'd be gettin glighter as i'd be eating the jaffas myself image

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    LMH - I have asked for it off first but neither of us have had it approved yet. If my colleague was there then it's simple as I would just take Mon as my day off that week. Hopefully will find out one way or another this week.

    Two hours biking followed by two hour run LMH - you put me to shame!

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    What happened to Kevin?
    I think he said  he was doing Fairlands Valley marathon back in July but I didn't see him.
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    My cats been 'missing' since the little bugger ran out the front when i got back from my run this morning and has yet to reappear. Probably buggered off someone to hide for the day being she wouldn't of been able to get in the front what with me being at work all day. She's too stupid to go round the back to get in as she only knows how to go from the back to the front via the field and the street.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Hope your cat makes it home okay.

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    elspeth - I think if someone handed me pickled beetroot at the end of a marathon I'd be rather image

    10 mile long run done tonight image  

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    LMH - 2 hr spinny and 2 hr run - you put me to shame.  Good idea getting some swimming lessons in before getting going again in the pool.  Already got a basic swimming toy bag.  image  BTW last Saturday, I got one of the worst reactions on both legs to some moisturiser I bought recently and it can't be anything else because everywhere I've put it, am lumpy image - it looks like I've got german measles, so won't be showing that pretty rash in the pool or baring legs for a while.  Got any suggestions to get rid of it, please?

    VR - hope you had a good time running with club mates.  It's been a while since I've seen mine and until it's possible to run an hour without getting injured, it won't be happening for a little while.  image

    Shades - although have had 12 days off, was very strong on the bike today.  image

    Sparkly - the book is "What I talk about when I talk about running" by Haruki Murakami (it's in English).  You wouldn't want to drop your kitbag with a jar of beetroot in it.  image

    Elspeth - wishing that HR are going to be very kind and let you go out to play at LN.  Sounds like you'll be needing a campus stove and a tin opener for Baxter's goody bag.  image

    LB - I really sympathise with you about your car and know you are more than capable of dealing with these car people.  My former partner was a car person (well, he thought he was) and I could tell you some stories that would make you seethe, but I won't as you have enough hassles of your own.  Don't stand for any cr*p and tell them what you want and give them deadlines - or else!  image

    Keith - wondered why you were eating so much ice cream.  image  Has your moggie come home yet?  image

    Bike ride today: 48 mins - 8.53 miles - 12.22 mph and finished extremely strong.  Had Flossette with me and would have gone quicker, but she felt funny on way back.  image

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    Nah the little bugger hasn't returned yet. I'm sure she'll reappear at oh 3am trying to get in.

    Most of this ice cream is going with my sticky toffee pudding for when i get home on sunday after Langdale marathon.

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    The little beast has returned, stuck head out door before going to bed and she came bouncing along the street. Currently stuffing her face full of biscuits. Best not yak them up again else she'll get a kick up the arse.
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    Flossie - I'll have the book next please if there is no-one else in the queue
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    Glad to hear that the cat is back safely Keith.

    Flossie - antihistamines?

    Bridget - it's quite a light read but engaging.

    Yesterday was quite a heavy day training wise - today is just a swim before work and a couple of hours on the bike after, both supposed to be at race pace but I don't actually think I'll hit that, race effort will have to suffice. Fitting it all in is the problem.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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