
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    A herculean effort, Big G! I certainly didn't envy you and I'm glad you didn't end up with heat stroke. You earned that medal, walk breaks or no. And the ice cream.
    Sterling effort from you too, Ian.
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    Cal - this hot weather is awful.  My flat is a little cooler than yours, about 25 degrees, managed to keep the sun out by closing the curtains when necessary and did a bit of housework early in the day.

    Ian5 - you did well to run in that heat and have a good run.

    Big G - you coped so well to adapt to the conditions and get round without wearing yourself out.  It must have been well into the 30's for the race, when it's over 30 degrees it really is a different ball game.    I wonder if your spell in Rome helped you cope with the weather.   It certainly doesn't matter that you walked a good deal of it, you conquered the distance in extreme conditions, you certainly deserve that medal, and ice cream :)

    I think it's due to be a lot cooler this coming weekend for Torbay Half.
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Hiya Shadies, happy birthday for yesterday Cal. I took a month break from running to let a few niggles heal, still niggling but improved, decided to run this morning as I was beginning to get worried about loss of fitness, I ran 5 miles in 45 minutes despite the heat which I was quite pleased with. I aiming to keep to shorter distances for a while as the last lot of marathon training took its toll along with an ill disciplined marathon run. Hope everyone is coping with the heat, personally I love it and always feel better when the sun is shining. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Brilliant effort to get round at all today and the walking strategy was great as it was far more important to get through it safely.
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    edited June 2017
    Hi Jugula - a very hot day to resume your running ;)  I'm glad someone is enjoying the weather, I hate it. :#

    Deliciously cool and fresh when I went out for my run at 5:15 a.m., 6 miles done, starting to warm up now though.  Think I will run at 5 a.m. every day while the weather is hot.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks all.  Yes, it was very much a self-preservation thing yesterday.  There is very little shade on that course, but at least as it's lapped an advantage is that you can reapply sunscreen and get provisions each lap (as well as water, I had a lot of croissants with me, which seemed to go down quite well...  After Leiden, I took a bunch of bananas with me too as I enjoyed, but I couldn't get them down yesterday).  I applied sunscreen before the start and after lap 4 I think.  I did miss a bit on my back (I was wearing a vest) which is very red, so definitely glad I applied it.  I hope everyone else wore it too!  Every lap I was within a very short detour to the ice cream van and that was very tempting during the race, but I just promised myself one afterwards and kept going :)    I have to say as well I was never tempted to step off the course.  Before the start I said to myself that if I was really struggling I'd just DNF it, which is easy to do on a lapped course, but it didn't cross my mind to do that on the day.

    Shades, yes it could have been Rome that helped.  Generally speaking I avoid running in the strong sun when at home.  I have to say, my mind was turning to the DD already whilst on the course, and I thought if the weather's like that at the DD and I had adopted the same strategy I wouldn't have made the marathon cut off (I think I'd have made the earlier cut offs).  I think the fact that I can walk quickly (about 4.25mph) helped me yesterday as I lapped people who were still trying to run/walk, but obviously around the lake is flat whereas the DD is hilly.

    I feel pretty good this morning.  My vest rubbed under my arm which is painful, and I do have a blister on the ball of my foot, but I feel okay in myself as do my legs.  I do have some very interesting tan lines - bright white feet and thighs, but my legs and arms are quite brown (don't worry, I'll spare you a picture ;)  )!

    *whisper it* - just entered another couple...one of Davey's in late Sept and another one of Foxy's in December.  You watch, come December Ill be moaning it's too cold....
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    It was up to 29 last night, Shades (and I have shutters I use to block the sun out once it comes around). It's annoying as it's affecting my main hobbies, running and gaming. Whilst my PC doesn't get too warm when I'm on Facebook or here, the graphics processor generates a huge amount of heat when I'm gaming which means, in higher temperatures, it gets super hot. It's like sitting next to a radiator so, right now, I don't want to risk it.
    I went out for a run early too and it felt a bit fresher but was still 19 degrees. I had absolutely no energy (I guess sleeping in a hot room doesn't help) and averaged 11:08 over 4 miles. Hamstring didn't feel great either.
    Got another five days of this weather to put up with. I'd welcome it if I was on a theme park holiday somewhere, but in London, hell no. I can't wait for it to end.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Regarding the heat, my iPhone displayed a message I hadn't seen before. It told me it needed to cool down before I could use it again!
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    Big G - I'm afraid there's no hope for you now...you've just completed a marathon in probably one of the most extreme conditions and then when you get home you enter a couple more, you have a marathon addiction :D

    Had you been running DD in those conditions you would have made sure you made the marathon cut off but there would have been a good 50 or so runners behind you.  And there is a fair bit of the DD course in the shade where it's cool as it's thick tree cover.   We had hot conditions once for DD but nothing like as hot as the weather has been over the last few days.   It caught a lot of people out and some were an hour slower than their usual or predicted time, we'd had a cool Spring too so runners felt it more.

    Your phone must have been just about to go into meltdown :o

    I take it the Bodyglide did it's stuff?   It will stop your vest rubbing too, I expect that was as you were sweating more than usual.

    I'm doing Davey's autumn race on the Saturday and then on the Sunday Lesley is hoping to be doing her 100th marathon so I've offered to help out on that day so she can run

    Cal - 29 degrees ouch, that must be so unbearable in your flat and not being able to do your gaming to distract you from the heat either.   I slept well last night, just a sheet, no duvet.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I have to say I have got the bug.  I think the thing is, maybe even only last year, I'd have seriously considered DNSing yesterday.  But I figured that if I want to do a few more marathons, I can't dodge the conditions which I've no control over, but just learn to deal with it and adjust expectations accordingly.  Like I said though, if I'd had to DNF yesterday I would have done so, but getting to the start line and giving it a go seemed important some how.  I've got 5 more booked up this year (Gloucester, City to Sea, Davey's, Abingdon and Foxy's), and I do have a couple more that I'm looking at, but I don't want to book them up yet in case of injury or just needing a rest etc.

    Another thing that has come to my mind is that I'm fairly sure (in "normal" weather conditions, so not extreme heat) I could have shuffled around another one today.  So I may think of doing a double later this year, or some time next year.  It's just fitting it all in, as I still do want to target one or two for a "faster" time, with the first one being Gloucester in August.

    The slight issue is that these marathons have blown some New Year's resolutions out the water.  I had really hoped to get nearer to a sub-20 5K time, but I'm no where near that.  Also, I'm way off my Half PB time, but I'm finding getting some decent training in between marathons difficult, as it generally takes me a while to recover from them.  That's why I'm hoping July (with no marathons) will be a good month for me in terms of training, as long as it cools down a bit.

    Basically, my mind set has changed to one of genuinely enjoying them.  Of course, there are some tough moments in the races and events I haven't especially liked (Plym Trail was a bit of a struggle), but I have mainly enjoyed my races so far this year, which is good.  Interestingly, the one I've most disliked the most was my PB race...that was awful, with the cramping etc!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    PS, Davey was there yesterday as RD, and Leslie was out on the course yesterday too - I don't know if she did Day 1 as well.

    And yes, the Bodyglide stuff worked.  Should have applied it under arms too.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Big G - Awesome work. I can't get my head around 100 marathons in 5.5 months though!! :o
    Cal - Happy Birthday!

    As for me a cut back week, so back to back runs were only 8m and 10m! Saturday headed to Parkrun with the GF for her last home parkrun before moving in with me! 2.5m warm up for me, and realised it was boiling hot before 9am, so decided to use parkrun as a 5km LT session. Positioned myself a couple of rows back from the front, however then set off too quick and knocked at a 5:58 first mile, which is PB pace and my fastest mile!! Then slowed down as that felt tough in the heat, but still held a decent position. Held a more comfortable pace and was surprised to stop my watch and see I'd run 19:09, to equal my PB set last year!! Was gutted I didn't push a bit harder as I'm confident I'd have gone sub 19 if I had. Anyway then did a 2.5m cool down to make my 8 miles for the day. Actually finished 10th overall out of about 570 runners and first in age group!!
    Then did a trail run of 10 miles on Sunday, was soaked through with sweat afterwards, but kept it nice and easy pace wise.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Big G - there's absolutely no hope for you :D Welcome to the multi marathon craze :D I did my first double at Foxy and stayed at Caldi so it was easy to recover and get sorted. Well done on your race, it was a really tough day to be out there. 

    Cal: I'm with you - it's just way too hot.
    1SteveMac: That's an epic LT run! Well done on getting first in your age group!

    I've just got back from Oslo where we had a short city trip. I loved it but by gum it's hilly! :D Managed 2 runs so i'm happy with that. Arrived home on Saturday and went out for a run 'early' on Sunday... unfortunately it wasnt early enough. I managed 11k but it was 25c when i got back and i just felt 'dodgy' the rest of the day. I'm planning to go out either later today or tomorrow but i'm a little restricted with the heat as it's already 37c in our garden (!).

    We're only home until wednesday and then we're off to Dorset for my favourite marathon ever (Giantshead).
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    I've finally managed to catch up with all your posts!! Well done to those who've done more marathons  :)

    My friend Liz and I had a lovely walking week :) . We started off on Tuesday (6th) in torrential rain (remember ? - it's that wet stuff that falls from the sky!) which lasted all day. Luckily Liz's husband had dropped off our rucksacks at our first b&b and when we arrived dripping wet and quite cold we found that we had been put in the annex (lounge & kitchen as well as bedroom and bathroom) and the owner had turn on the central heating in advance. After pouring out the water from our boots/shoes we were able to drape everything on the radiators to dry. The rain had cleared on Wednesday and although very windy the sun had come out B) . We now had to carry our very heavy rucksacks along the well marked Peddars Way until branching off to Great Massingham where we stayed in a pub that often entertains William & Kate and Lord Sugar! Thursday saw us finish the Peddars Way (a very straight path in between hedges and alongside fields, but with quite a few undulations) in brilliant sunshine and we walked across the sand dunes to Hunstanton where we stayed in a pub b&b which was a bit like Fawlty Towers. After a late start on Friday (breakfast not served until 9!!) we caught the Coast Hopper bus to where the 2 paths meet and then continued along the coast. In contrast to Peddars Way where we only saw a couple of ladies doing a short walk and a few cyclists, this path was much more populated although never crowded. The weather was now HOT and the rucksacks felt heavier - we made it to Burnham Overly Staith where we caught the Coast Hopper to Sheringham YHA which was our base for the next 3 nights.

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    Big G - I can see you've got the marathon bug :)  and even considering a double too.   I no longer do doubles but the ones that I've enjoyed more have been at different locations, so not doing the same course on Day 2.

    Fortunately we can't always achieve all our goals at once, life would be very predictable it we could, and in running they will often conflict with other running goals.   But this means that every year we can work towards at least one particular goal and hopefully achieve it and maybe one or two more along the way.  Re your 5k goal you'd probably have to place that before getting stuck into any marathons and maybe too your half marathon goal as part of your marathon training.   There just aren't enough weeks in the year :o

    I think you probably enjoyed your PB race least as you had put more pressure on yourself for that race than any other.   If you get a good training period done in July and Gloucester conditions are cool you might easily improve your PB there, but there's no pressure this time for you to do so.

    I saw Davey at Yeovil, he said to me that I had x number of weeks to get my entry into Brathay 10 in 10 for next year...Davey was lucky I didn't shove him in a ditch :D
    I also had a chat with Lesley and I think she was on 83 then and still hoping to do her 100th on Oct 1st.

    Steve - that's an outstanding parkrun result in the heat.   Now you'll have to do it again to get that PB ;)

    Congrats on GF moving in with you :) 

    Hope the job is going well too.
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    Emmy - sorry xpost.

    I expect most places are 'hilly' compared to where you live.   You already know what to expect at Giantshead :D  hope it cools down a bit for the race, I think it should do.

    Nothing to be gained by squeezing another run in at this stage especially if it's hot.   Maybe on the day you ran you were already a bit dehydrated before you started the run, so easy on an early morning run, and if it turns hot you will suffer more.

    mowzer - xpost too, and I guess you've not finished your report yet.

    I can't remember the last time it rained!
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    cont.... Friday evening I found I'd got a small blister at the base of my left big toe (which proved to be no problem) and a larger one on the ball of my right foot. On Saturday this became more sore and I could feel the outside muscle in my leg aching, but a few paracetamols kept me going. Easier now as we only had small daypacks but getting hotter and me more redder, we had a fantastic walk from BOS to Blakeney, including along Holkham Beach which looks like it should be in the Caribbean. Feet got wet as we tried unsuccessfully to negotiate some of the little streams meandering across the sand. I think we missed the Coast Hopper bus, but a kind woman gave us a lift to Sheringham. (Liz actually talks to anyone and everyone - for an hours walk add 15 minutes for chatting  ;) and we got to know the life history of quite a number of people). We met a partially sighted older gentleman at Blakeney who was travelling around by himself - he had lost both his wife and dog in the past 18 months but was determined to 'keep moving and keep the brain active'. When we arrived at Sheringham I suggested we then do the finish of the walk (Sheringham to Cromer, which actually goes inland) that evening - partly because I was worried that my blister and leg ache was a bit worse. This bit was quite tough with a number of undulations (hills to me!). We reached Cromer pier, took a photo, then had to jog back to the station just in time to catch the train back. We met the partially sighted gentleman again! This was also the day of the Norfolk 100k (Castle Acre to just beyond Sheringham). Earlier in the day we had been passed by 6 or 7 front runners - 2 of which stopped to ask us the way as the coastal path is not very well marked and there are a few 'junctions' where it is unclear where to go. We were a bit worried about the tail-enders as they would be running along the marshes and cliff paths as it grew darker. I think about 25% actually dropped out.

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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Blister was still sore on Sunday, but we felt more relaxed as we didn't have quite so far to walk, didn't have to worry about bus times and didn't have to go past Sheringham. Another lovely HOT walk and after our evening meal we briefly dipped our feet in the sea. Got talking to another old gentleman who was a volunteer at the museum, had taught geology abroad for 60 years and had now retired to his granny's old flint cottage near the sea front. I had overestimated how far we could comfortably walk each day (especially with our rucksacks) and with constraints due to bus times, we didn't really get much chance to explore places. In hindsight we needed 4 days for each path and probably a 'rest day' on the coast. Still, although tired (and a bit sunburnt) we had thoroughly enjoyed it  :)

    We caught the train home on Monday - we bumped into the partially sighted gentleman again. He was off to Ipswich for the day so we helped him change trains at Norwich and made sure one the station staff helped him get on the train. Then while having a coffee at Norwich we got talking to a Dutch woman who had visited England for walking holidays for the past 50 years. I don't think I have ever talked with so many strangers in my life  ;)

    A short walk/jog on Tuesday confirmed that my blister was still painful and the Poppyline was now in doubt.

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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    cont.... (yet again, feel free to skip my rambling posts - pun intended!)...

    Poppyline was on Saturday this year, instead of Sunday, and I'd already booked at Wells next the sea YH for Friday night. I decided to go anyway and also booked up for Saturday night at Sheringham YH. I took my running kit and my walking shoes, but had really already decided to DNS as I didn't want to over compensate for the blister as this was similar to how my foot problem started (after 5 weeks of no running :s I think it might be ok, but haven't had a chance to try it out). So time to be a tourist. Friday evening a lovely walk around Wells and the harbour. Saturday I drove to Sheringham, left the car and went on the steam train to Weybourne. Looked around the church and ruins, then caught the bus to Cley Marshes Nature Reserve - well worth a visit if you're around this way. My previous sunburn had now started peeling and it was so hot and sunny I was getting burnt again. Bus back to Weybourne - which is the last checkpoint on the Poppyline. I went onto the station and there were a few friends taking a quick sit-down. I declined to run back with them and caught the steam train again. I met a walker who had just arrived at the hostel - his face was a horrified picture when I told him that the Poppyline had changed days this year and had been and gone :s . On an even hotter Sunday I took a boat trip to see the seals and also had a walk around Blakeney Point. The sky was an incredible blue with not a single cloud. Then I visited the Shire Horse Sanctuary before a slow drive home. A very enjoyable weekend and (I'm ashamed to say) I didn't actually miss the running, especially in this heat.
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    mowzer - I'm exhausted after reading all that you've done in a week's holiday.   How many miles do you think you did in the whole week?   A lot of walking and talking, it's lovely having those random conversations with folk you meet along the way.

    Shame about Poppyline but seems you had a lovely day out anyway and not worth picking up an injury.   Hope the blister and  sunburn are healing now.   Painkillers don't seem to touch the discomfort of blisters.

    It's very hot here again, flat temperature is up to 26 today but I for some daft reason did the ironing just to make me a bit hotter :'(
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    mowzer - I'll be updating the marathon list tomorrow, what's your next couple of races for me to put on the list please?
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    edited June 2017
    Just back from my run, it's so humid here, just checked and humidity was 97% at 5 a.m. when I went out.  Felt like I was running in treacle.  So glad it's done as I think today is going to be our hottest day and I wouldn't want to go out later one.

    I had planned to make some jam today which always heats my kitchen up, I might postpone that!

    Pilates for me this morning, I managed to get a cancellation spot in the class that filled up in 4 minutes.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Mowzer, sounds like a great holiday.  Shame you couldn't do Poppyline though, but sounds like you made the right decision if you enjoyed the walking anyway.  Also interested in how many miles you did that week :) 

    I did a 4-mile recovery run at about 8:30pm last night, and it was very humid too then Shades.  But at least a bit cooler than earlier in the day.  Legs feel fine, but the blister is still sore.  I don't think I'm going to run today, but I may do an easy bike ride.  I'll see how the day unfolds.

    I took a load of bananas with me to Milton Keynes, thinking I'd eat them on the race, but I didn't/couldn't.  They went a bit black, so I made ice cream with them last night (mashed up bananas, yogurt and some lemon juice).  Delicious!  It was washed down with a pot of green tea with some fresh mint and a slice of lemon in the pot - also delicious, and refreshing.
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    Big G - impressive getting out for a recovery run yesterday as it was warm.

    You need to get that blister healed for Torbay Half.

    That banana ice cream sounds divine.   Bananas are a nuisance that they ripen so quickly when you don't want them too.   You can freeze them, they will go black if they aren't already but are still fine for cooking, cake, or even ice cream :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Yeah, not really sure what to do about the blister.  I've covered it which makes it okay to walk/jog on, but there's not a lot else I can do really, is there?  I also purposefully wore different running shoes for last night's run and that helped a bit too.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Mowzer, you never fail to inspire. Perhaps we should rename you wowzer. Shame about Poppyline but it sounds like the right decision.
    Big G, I may have try that banana ice cream. One of my summer tricks is to freeze seedless grapes - they turn into sorbet and are very refreshing if you want a cold treat that isn't too fattening (having said that, I did buy a box of Haagen Dazs ice cream bars yesterday - white chocolate and almond. Sounded nice but actually a bit too sweet for me now I've tried one).
    Steve, what a fab result at parkrun! And hope the cohabitation goes well. :)
    Emmy - good luck in Dorset. What makes that one your favourite? (Just asking as I've only done Manchester and Liverpool so far).

    After a very hot night (it peaked at 30 degrees in my room) I woke up feeling very listless and almost didn't go out.  Then I thought, well, I can stay in my room feeling cranky or get out for a bit of fresh air while it's still bearable. Problem was, both my pairs of shorts are in the wash. I do have a couple of tiny pairs of fitted Under Armor shorts that I bought for Bikram (before I realised I preferred to do it in leggings so my legs wouldn't slide off each other during some poses). Now there is no way I'd go out in those shorts due to a) less than aesthetically pleasing upper thighs and b) chub rub, but I also have a pair of loose grey cotton shorts I bought at a theme park once when I got soaked on a water ride. So I put the short shorts on and then the theme park shorts over them and that actually worked very well.
    The air was fresher (although still warm) and once I'd got going I realised my legs actually felt quite bouncy. I didn't realise how bouncy until I went through the first mile in 10:30 rather than 11, as it has been recently. Without pushing too much, I recorded a MP second mile (10:03) so I decided  to push things and got a HMP pace third mile in (8:52). The final mile was a mixture - half a mile recovery, then .2 fast, .1 recovery, .1 fast (actually .13 as I got started by an idiot cyclist who rode up really fast behind me) and then .1 recovery. I stopped on the common and decided to do a few sun salutations on the grass in my bare feet, which was quite nice.
    It's weird that I can have such a good run after feeling so crappy when I woke up. I really thought I'd be struggling through another round of 11 minute miles. Not complaining though.

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Cal - that's a good idea for the grapes! That's an impressive run this morning! Well done!

    I love Giantshead because its just everything around it. The organisation, route, scenery and other runners. It's just fun. 

    I wanted to go out this morning but by the time i had got sorted it was already 27c so i've had to can it. Hopefully it'll get cooler later on :/ 
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Emmy - Thanks, wasn't an LT run in the end though, a bit too fast for that!
    Cal - Thanks! Well done on the run!
    Shades - Job is going OK! Yes I know, I need to go sub 19 this year at parkrun and after this weekend I'm a bit more confident of that happening, but may wait until autumn / cooler weather before giving that a go!
    Big G - Nice recovery!
    Mowzer - Sounds like an epic holiday......I felt tired reading that!!

    4 miles recovery for me this morning, but it was still really warm/humid out! Got a heavy week this week, with 60 miles planned. I think it's only 2 months until SVP...that is scary!!!
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    Big G - a Compeed type plaster usually works well.  I actually prefer Tesco's own blister plasters, and of course they're a lot cheaper :)   Blisters can heal quite quickly, luckily it's a half you've got this weekend not a full.

    Cal - Frozen grapes sound lovely, I have a few grapes in the fridge, might try that.   I wanted to buy some ice cream on the way home from Pilates but wasn't sure it would survive the 5 minute walk from shop to home in this heat, so didn't.   But I've remembered I have some frozen pineapple in the freezer and if I put that in the food processor with some Greek yogurt it makes a lovely sort of ice cream.

    Nice that you had a really good run after feeling so rotten due to the heat, especially after the faff of trying to find suitable kit.

    Well that will teach me to be so smug about getting a cancellation for the Tuesday Pilates class as we had those bloody big stability balls again.   But I decided  to man up and not moan and just do the best I can and try and ignore the yucky plastic feeling of them.  Used a slightly bigger ball which was better for some of the stuff but worse for others as it was a bit too big and I fell off twice on my knees.   When we did the aerobic session and we were all bouncing as high as we could someone's ball burst and the poor girl crashed to the floor, she's OK.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Mowzer -Epic report ,sounds like you had a relaxing week ;-)
    Big G-Defintitely an addict now.
    Cal-Well done on getting out,easy to not bother in those circumstances.
    Shades-Thats must have been a big shock for her and everyone,hopefully not too many laughed.
    Steve- impressive pace as always,good luck on the 60 miles.
    Emmy-Good luck on getting out later,stifling at those temps.
    Easy 8 miles for me today,was hoping the heat would have melted some of the Welsh hills but not to be.Got a week off next week so we're off to Barcelona for a pre-ultra break :-)
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