
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - most of us are a bit race rusty when it comes to judging pace.  3:20 seems a good and fairly conservative target for Boston, weather dependent of course.
    15 minutes in a hailstorm is a long time, ouch.

    Rcouture - shame you didn't get a chance for run in Brussels, hectic schedule.

    Cal - I expect you'll be heading to Manchester today, hope you have a lovely weekend and a good race too.

    6 miles this morning, it's a bit colder than yesterday, frosty but roads are dry, just some ice on the footbridges.   But the wind has dropped here so was slightly less unpleasant than yesterday.   Too cold for my legs to go any further though.  I won't be doing my planned 20 mile run on Sunday in this weather, wonder if Manchester is on YouTube?
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Nike have their end of season sale, including vaporflys and alphaflys, FYI
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    more shoes Rcouture?  :open_mouth:
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Not for me, just delivering a public service 😬

    I’m tempted but both my Nikes have less than 30 miles on them so I really can’t justify it even at a discount

    Off to Greece on holiday tomorrow but looks like the area we are staying is difficult to run in due to cars so may have to be hotel dreadmill for a week 🙄
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    edited April 2022
    Rcouture - there's a lot of lurkers on this thread so I'm sure they'll appreciate the tip off about Nike's sale, as well as Ian and Big G of course.   :)

    Hope you can find somewhere safe to run outdoors in Greece.   Have a lovely holiday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ha ha, thanks Rcouture for the public service announcement. I’m fine for now though so I am resisting!  

    I’ve got a physio appointment for Monday. I am not trying to preempt anything but I don’t think they’ll give me much more than what I’m already doing, but good to get a second opinion. I very briefly (absentmindedly) knelt on the sofa yesterday, and the knee surprised me as it hurt a bit whereas walking around I don’t feel anything.  
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    Big G - your niggles don't seem to be clearing up despite a fairly long rest period so good idea to check in with your physio.

    Re shoes, I've been reading the first reviews on the NB 1080 v 12's and very good so far.   They seem to have corrected what was unpopular with the v 11's.   However, it seems that they're no longer coming up a bit small as with the v10's.   I doubt you're intending to buy a pair yet anyway.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-I was tempted to get some Vaporfly but didn't like the reduced colours.
    Leg was playing up a bit today so decided not to run,pity as I can't all weekend but I'm just aiming to get there in 1 piece now.Got my official start so I'm in Wave 2,Corral 2 which is where I expected to be,it has crossed my mind to drop back a Corral or 2 as that's based on my 3:07 but will probably stick with it and just let the hoardes overtake me.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I'm sure Manchester will be on somewhere,as its the trials for the Euros and Commonwealth Games.
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    Ian - sounds like you're in the right corral for Boston.   Better than dropping back one and then having the frustration of getting past other runners.

    I've seen a link for live streaming of Manchester via Athletics Weekly, think it starts at 8:30.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I had that dilemma in both London (somehow I was in one of the front waves for London) and Munich, but in both cases decided to stay in the group I was put in. For Munich it was actually really good.  I started at the back of the group and so  had plenty of space as everyone else sped off, but soon I started overtaking some stragglers and I had a great run out that (PB at the time). London I just did my own thing and kept at my own pace, but it was very busy for the first 5K or so. I remember for Barca I was put in a slower group based on my PB from when I’d entered the race but at the expo I showed them my faster time and they bumped me up no problem. 

    Shades, is it just a finish line stream or a full race stream for Manchester, I wonder?  Paris Marathon is happening tomorrow as well, so probably a stream for that may appear somewhere  (it’s on Eurosport) and Rotterdam is the weekend after.

    I’m going to try a parkrun today and see how the knee holds up.
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    Big G - as far as I know it's for the full race, the link takes you to the marathon website now.   It might switch to finish line after the elite have finished.

    It's a qualifying event for the forthcoming championships, says starts at 9 a.m..   This is the article with the link Mellor leads Commonwealth and European hopefuls at Manchester Marathon - AW (athleticsweekly.com)

    Hope the knee is OK for your run today.

    Bradders - good luck at Manchester tomorrow, enjoy it, I think you'll do a great debut marathon.

    6 miles today, cold, frosty.   Too cold for my legs, just one more day of this frosty weather and then I can get back to enjoying my running again.
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    Big G - here's the link from race website

    Follow all the action from the Therme Manchester Marathon - Manchester Marathon

    says Elite race and finish line stream
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Shades. Good news about the coverage. 

    I went and did Cranbrook parkrun this morning, which I’ve not done before, and is about 40mins up the road from me. It was more or less 2 laps on a mixture of grass and compacted gravel, and was flat, which is what I wanted today. I didn’t push it at all and finished in about 28mins to test the knee out and although that odd sensation was there at the start, it did actually ease as the event went on.  I didn’t do any other running in terms of a warmup or cool-down, just the 5K. I enjoyed the event but probably wouldn’t necessarily go back as I think there are nicer ones around if I do want a change of scenery. The last run I did was last week’s parkrun in Wales so I’ve had a whole week off of running!
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    Shades DD sounds perfect for Cal! She doesn't like trail running and wants to run an ultra... hopefully no more surprises with the weather for another 6 months.

    Ian thankfully my hail storm was only 30 seconds on my run the other day, I've only had to find cover once before from it.  Hope the leg is okay, sensible to rest it this close.

    Rcouture so glad I don't wear Nikes, this forum is bad for shoe addition and entering races

    Big G Hope parkrun went well (ps was on facebook the other day and your photo popped up on parkruns post trying to flog their gear.

    Bradders/ Cal Enjoy manchester!!!

    14 miles done early for me, out the house 7:30 up and down the river, glorious day was a bit nippy at the start but warmed up. 2hr11 ish but legs were tiring by the end.  Also got a bit of a grumpy glute that I need to do some work on.

    Have a few days off next week so try and get another longer run in then have a 10k on sunday, only doing it to make the numbers up for WJ champs it's Harlow so I can run 13 miles there and tag that on the end.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, I see those parkrun adverts pop up occasionally too, and then I then read the comments and most people are saying the hoodies are a rip off :) The thing is, I’d never have bought one myself, but they are genuinely really good quality and fit really well. That’s a good run from you today. 
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    Big G - glad the knee was OKish at parkrun.   Never been to Cranbrook, it's one of those 'new' towns isn't it.

    Robert - you're getting some decent training runs in, hope the glute ache is just a passing twinge.

    Went to the gym, still very quiet, I went an hour earlier than my usual time on a Saturday, expecting it to be busier.  But only 3 of us in there.  😲
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, the town itself is a bit uninspiring I supppose, and I don’t really feel the need to go back. But the event was friendly :)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Nice one, Big G.
    That's a good run, Rob. Get a ball into that butt.
    Terrible train journey up yesterday (overhead wire damage meant my train was cancelled and subsequent ones were heavily delayed...got into Manchester after 10 instead of half eight...but I was up for parkrun today. Alexandra is a nice flat one so while I was intent on taking it fairly easy, I couldn't resist a little push at the end and did 28:27 instead of 30ish. Eh well. Knee was OK but groin is still a bit niggly. Hopefully won't be an issue tomorrow, unlike my lack of training and overall fitness!
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    Big G - I suppose a new town takes many years to get some character.

    Cal - that was a bit of a stressful journey.

    Hope you have a good and enjoyable race tomorrow.   Looking forward to the race report.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to see you today, Cal! Hope you enjoy tomorrow! Didn't realise that the journey was so bad. Hope the return is somewhat better. 
    Will keep my eye out for you in the morning!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Have an enjoyable race tomorrow, hope it goes well.
    Hope Jonny Mellor wins tomorrow, he deserves it after his Olympic disappointment and with the last commonwealth.He looks in great form.
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    edited April 2022
    Ian -  I'd like to see Mellor have a good run too, should be a good race.

    I've wimped out of my run today, frosty and a 'feels like' of -5, just can't face that.   Looking forward to milder temperatures from tomorrow morning, hate this cold weather.

    34 miles for the week, so an unplanned taper due to the weather.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Me too! One of my clubmates, Matt Dickinson, is in the 100K champs today, running around a circuit in Scotland. Rather him than me.
    Good luck alehouse if I don't see you.
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    Good luck Cal.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    2:10:46 for Jonny,delighted for him,that's the European and Commonwealth qualifying times achieved,looked like he ran the first half well with in himself at 1:06,then put the hammer down.
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    Ian - that was a great bit of running from Mellor, a well deserved win.

    I'm exhausted after watching that.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Saw JM at 22 miles: looked particularly comfortable!
    Didn't manage to see Cal, or indeed hardly anyone else that I was looking for. Too busy.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Best of luck, Cal. 

    I’ve a small confession to law :) I did my 99th marathon today at a local RED event. Very cold start, legs seized up on the last 6-7 miles, making the finish a bit of a struggle, but got it done in 3:56. 

    I entered on the day and just made my mind up this morning to go and do it, after a jog up and down the pavement first thing to see how the knee was. It held up well during the event causing no serious problems. I’m pleased to get the 99th done, so don’t have to worry about finding another one before Belfast now. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done on the 99th, Big_G

    Looks like a solid race from Bradders!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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