
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Madiera is still an amazing airport to fly in to,just seem to skim the island then drop down.
    Decided to take today off,legs feel OK but got shorter days all week so will run then.
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    We flew into Madeira at night on a domestic flight from Lisbon.   Round and round the island, up and down over the mountains, all the Portuguese on the flight blessing themselves multiple times.    :open_mouth:

    Just over 3 miles this morning.   Thankfully roads and pavements still dry but when I checked my weather apps both said light snow expected.   As soon as I stepped outside the snow started but I decided to carry on and the snow stopped.  Legs heavy and knee niggling but lower HR today.

    Gym later if there's no snow/ice
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Another positive day.
    After all our spring planning we are now doing Manchester,just works better with the new store,I don't need a full weekend off.8 weeks after Seville should be good timing.
    My 2 races now are ones I have unfinished business with,Seville I had my only bout of tummy problems in the race and Manchester,I've never quite got the time I thought I should have got there.
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    Ian - you're running well, so should be an ideal time to improve your performances at races where you know there is an opportunity to have a better race. 

    I see Manchester is full now.  Unless this is another of their marketing gimmicks where they release more places later on.

    Did 30 mins in the gym.    Bitterly cold out.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    They said last nights was the last tranche,but I wouldn't be surprised if they find more at a higher price
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    I would imagine that they have more entries, at least so far, this year.  All good for the future of our road races.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    It says they have over 30000 and no more will be released under any circumstances so sounds pretty final.
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    That's good.   Must be more than usual. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Feeling a bit tired today. A couple of things, but probably main one being I’ve exercised 8 days in a row. I was planning a run, but instead did a very easy 30mins on Zwift. Hoping to go out tomorrow morning with a small group to Shaldon, and coffee and cake after. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Found a press release,it said last year 28k registered so an increase this year,that includes relay runners so will be less in the actual race.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Shades; did you run this morning? How was conditions?

    As I said PT who is half way up a mountain today.I dont normally run today but as no ice opted for a short one although we never had snow they had had snow so ran on soft snow for a few miles :)
    No ice on car this morning either and we warm up tomorrow so should be okay again.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big G  - not surprised you're a bit tired.    You've ramped up the mileage plus all those hills.    :)

    Ian - I expect Manchester have put aside, or sold, a fair few charity places too.

    WP - yes, I  ran.  See my post earlier today. 

    Good you could get out for a run today.   
    We're stuck with this cold weather for another 6 days but hopefully dry so no ice.   Rest day for me tomorrow, don't want ice as I need to get my car out.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    That wind's a killer, eh Shades? But no frost here. I went out for a five mile plod today. I had a thermal long sleeved top with a T-shirt over it and I still felt like I could have done with a hoodie. Bit of a knee twinge (ITB, felt like) when I stopped so had a good stretch after. Like a lot of people, I neglect the stretching more than I'll admit. I guess I'm now at an age where I can't afford to do that.
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    Cal - I find the cold makes my muscles feel tighter than usual. 

    For my run I wore a thick winter top with a light jacket and I was OK.  But wind has picked up since then.

     I've just put the bins out and it's bitterly cold 🥶 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I wore a compression top and a long sleeve thsirt with hat and gloves today,probably could have done with a buff as the wind was very cold.
    10 done anyway.
    I bought a pair of Vaporfly 3 as I didn't get the Alphas,saved nearly £100 so rather than actually saving it,obviously I wanted to spend it so treated myself to a tracksmith top,they are ridiculously dear,preppy type running clothes,but I got a couple of pieces in Chicago and I love them so justified it as I didn't really spend that much as I saved £100 on shoes,runners logic and all that.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Cal - I’ve just about given up ever getting rid of my ITB issues. Just one of those things I’ve learnt to live with. 

    Ian - Hopefully see you in Manchester. 

    6 miles earlier around a thankfully drier common. 
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    Ian - that sounds like a perfect accounting strategy...for a runner  :)

    Rcouture - ground is drying up here too.

    Rest day for me today.   Cold here, feels like -4 but roads and pavements are dry and the wind has stopped any frost from forming.

    Feel OK after running 2 consecutive days and short session in the gym. My ex pilates instructor found me in the gym, came to enquire about my sciatica.   Thankfully she didn't try or offer to stretch me out like last time. 🙄  She is trying to persuade me to return to Pilates, which I should really do as should keep any reoccurrences of sciatica at bay.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Went out for a mainly trail 6-miler today with Simon’s group (they call themselves the Motley Crew) on trains I’ve never been on before, starting in Shaldon. Went up to a trig point, after which we went along a long muddy path, filled with water where we were breaking the ice into muddy water as we were going through it. Sounds horrendous, but it was enjoyable. Brian was there so I’m no further ahead or behind him in the elevation challenge, which is good :) Coffee and cake afterwards so it was a nice morning.  
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    Big G  - the icy water doesn't sound much fun, but when running in a group it probably is quite enjoyable. 

    New running shoes have arrived. 😀

    Food shop at Aldi this morning and I couldn't resist picking up yet another pack of socks.  😊
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Should have ran ahead up a hill and back just to get a bigger lead on him.
    My race shoes have arrived also.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I popped to Lidl today and they had some running stuff. Sadly no running bras in my size, just small and large.
    Didn't feel good today (that weird thing I sometimes get where I feel off, not ill as such, but a bit swimmy headed) so skipped the run and went to the gym for a short go on the elliptical and some upper body weights.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I was tempted. But with my Monday run I’m quite a way ahead of him this week currently, compared to his Monday run. But when in Madeira I won’t be doing as much mileage as him so probably I need a buffer if I want to try and be ahead at the end of the month!  Speaking of Madeira, thanks for your Half Strava. I managed to track down the elevation for the Full, and it’s about 800ft, which I don’t think is too bad, but then I’m not going for a fast time.  I’m going to be leading a run in a week or so, on the trails around here soon, so looking forward to that. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited January 10
    Went for 8 after work today,nothing to report really,felt nice and easy,HR was low,no stress,all good.
    Phil Sesemonn has now announced he will be in Seville,looks like a top line up,even if it reduces my chances of being top Brit.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - What shoes did you buy? 

    6 miles earlier. Will try and get a tempo in in between meetings tomorrow. Not sure why when miles and intensity have been going up but have been gaining weight and probably need to lose half a stone. Suspect it might be due to hols then wfh so not really moving much ex running and eating all the girls’ leftovers. OH’s folks should be back next week so that’ll  change. 
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    Cal - so annoying, when you know exactly what you want to buy but they don't have the size you want.   

    Big G - You could do a couple of short runs in Funchal and way exceed Brian's elevation score  ;)

    Ian - I'm sure you won't mind sharing the rostrum for an Olympic hopeful 🤣

    Rcouture - I take it that when the in-laws are there you don't get the opportunity to enjoy the girls' leftovers 😋

    New shoes, Novablasts 3, hopefully for future races.  Saucony Ride 15.   Have had a pair of Rides before and liked them very much.   And a new brand for me, Scott ( of cycling fame). 

    These are Scott Pursuit, reduced by £100 to £40.   I did read at length a lot of the reviews, most criticism of the lacing system.    I agree with that, whoever designed the lacing system should be shot, truly the worst I have seen.  But with a Phillips screwdriver and a bit of brute force I managed to re-lace them with elastic laces and they now fit perfectly.   Ran in them this morning and I found them very comfortable, they feel a bit like more stable Hokas, cushioning not as soft as the Hokas though.   However, I'm not really running normally yet, more of a shuffle so not really a good test for them today.

    Cold wind this morning, but all surfaces frost free.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It was supposed to be Zwift TTT today but my computer froze 1min into the race, which was really annoying. 

    Instead I went out for a 14.5 miler in my new Nike Pegs and had a great run. A few hills, all on road, and although getting hungry and a bit thirsty towards the end I felt like I could have gone on and on (I did have any food or drink with me). Just one of those days when everything clicked. Loved the shoes as well. Could hardly tell I had them on, plenty of cushion and just an enjoyable shoe to run in so I’m pleased with those too. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I was wondering what people thought about this. This Motley Crew lot are doing a trail marathon in September, with camping beforehand, in Cornwall. Running as a group it would be a social event and would basically take all day as it’s quite hilly. I was all for it, and then looked at the price - £60 for the event.  Plus, I think it’s £15 back the start in a shuttle bus, as it’s a point to point race. I know things have gone up and I know prices vary around the country, but am I wrong to be having second thoughts due to the price?  Yes, I know I’ve paid a lot more than that for other races…..but to me it seems a lot for a trail race that isn’t happening until September, although I think prices started at £45 and went up in December I think. Part of me thinks ‘well, it’ll be a day out and it’ll be a laugh’, which is true, but I’m sure a similar LDWA event would probably be £20 or something (I think this race has a tracker and tracking website etc, which I’m sure all costs money, but I really don’t care about that). 

    If there are 8 of us, 8x£15 (£120) for a shuttle bus seems a lot, so there was talk of sorting our own transport back. 
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    edited January 11
    Big G  - annoying about your Zwift.    But you've definitely got that running mojo back, that's a good run in your newly discovered shoes.

    Re the trail marathon.    Costs have spiralled.   I know when we were organising the Women Can marathon which was a trail event, the costs for medics alone was more than 2k for the day and that was pre pandemic. 
    You can't really compare it to a LDWA event.    20 years ago we'd have paid £5 for an LDWA event and  £15-20 for a road marathon, so not much difference these days.
    It all depends on the logistics, check points, refreshments etc.   The transport may be expensive to try and deter folk from using it.  

    But if you think it's too pricey, then it is too pricey for you.   Trail marathons are not really your favourite type of event. 

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Head still a bit swimmy but it's mostly indoors and in certain positions (I think it's an ear thing maybe - it's happened before a few times and usually goes away after a bit) so I went out for a cold 7 miler with some fast bits (my alphabet streets fartlek). Wasn't too frosty on the pavements but I had to be more careful on some roads and paths which seem to hold the frost a bit more.
    I've booked trains to Seaford Beach parkrun for my 250 - unfortunately I'll be on my own for that one as my parkrun friends are either busy or have done it before. 

    Big G - I'd want a professional level race for that money. I definitely wouldn't pay that for a social run. Glad you like the shoes.

    Shades, how do the Nova 3s compare?
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