
Over 60s training.



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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Didn't run today but did a lot of gardening which I enjoyed and maybe counts as cross-training, and a load of ironing which I never enjoy and which doesn't count as anything except ironing.

    JJ - loved the thought of glowing on the chancel steps, - might have looked from a distance as though I was wearing a halo, and given that I was up a stepladder to reach the board where the numbers go, could have appeared to be levitating as wellimage!

    Ray - 1.00 p.m. seems like a very good time for a full English breakfast!

    Diana - with you all the way on meat/fish/rainforest issues. In fact, am supposed to be going to a public meeting tomorrow evening where a Brazilian will spell-out the impact on the rainforest which is being made by clearing it to grow soya which is grown for export to feed cattle etc. in the northern hemisphere / western world. One or two local MPs are coming. Idea is to put pressure on government to subsidise British farmers to grow their own cattle feed rather than importing from Brazil. 

    As to reaching Busbar's speeds, I have absolutely no ambition in that direction, being totally overawed by him.

    I also did Latin to O level, enjoyed it, have never regretted it, often comes in useful. Our Latin teacher was Scots, and a friend of mine who took the subject to A level pointed out to me that everyone in the school spoke Latin with a Scottish accent.    

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    Possibly everyone retired by now, at this time.

    So just a brief reply to....


    Well done on your determination to complete the final qualifying 10k race.  Result thenimage

    Been out all day and then this evening spent some time on 'net looking for suitable b&b accommodation for myself and Margaret for two days at Serpie time.  Bit of a nightmare as I haven't been to London for 40 years and Marg hasn't been at all !  Short listed a few but would prefer a location where parking is allowed, I don't mind driving down as long as it is day before the 5k.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good morning all,

    I bit drizzly and misty here, I guess i will get wet whilst out running this morning.

    I did Latin 0 level too, enjoyed it. We had set books, Caesar and Virgil, which probably interest me more now than then. Like Sharkie Latin helped me understand the romantic languages. But, unlike her I do not speak them.

    I hope you find somewhere to stay asap. It will be an interesting time for you. I think you should stay 3 nights whilst you are in the smoke so that you get the most from it, it is a very exciting city with loads to offer one. I think it will be difficult to find a B&B with parking in London. If you want parking I think you will have to stay somehwere away from the city and travel in by tube.

    good to see you are in control.

    I would have thought that the World should impose a trade embargo on any products grown in what was once a rain forest. Btw, I like ironing!!

    It is good to hear that you finished a session that you wouldn't have done a year ago, that is indeed great progress. I expect your ankles are protesting today about the uneven surface taht you ran on!

    sounds as if Liz is having a bad time at present, but both of your runs were excellent ones.

    things will soon be back to normal.

    do you carry a 'SOLD' sign now?

    I think that free range meat is available in your area. This company will deliver organic meat and veg. organic free range meat and veg

    My legs are certainly feeling the off road running from yesterday, especially that which took place on rough grass. Of course 3 miles uphill will have left it's mark. Not to mention the 3 miles down hill which was a surface that  was too dangerous to relax on.

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    Good morning

    5.07M; 59:05; 11:39/M; hr149 m157
    11:33 147 157
    11:38 151 156
    11:53 152 156
    11:49 149 156
    11:14 148 156 (58:09)

    Back to the new normal.
    Still dark when I got back. Rain was only a very light dusting, took ages to even dampen the pavements but I was soaked when I returned.

    Tracey - Push your weekly mileage up to 23 and you'll reach your target for the year.


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    Morning all

    No. More like Rediced price/Specila Offer.

    And still no takers!

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I like the Specilia Offer, sounds a bit like me!

    apologies, I forgot you, but not your comment about the Panda's. I have been thinking about it a lot. Jeremy C could have a point there. WELL done on finishing your 10k race yesterday when your body was telling you to stop. Now you have completed the 8 races, what does this mean now???
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    sharkie, that sounds like a very hard but useful training session. Hope all your muscles are ok today!

    MT, really good pace for a Clarendon leg. Our club had a huge number in it, with 6 relay teams, 2 doing the full marathon, and several others the half. After struggling up Farley Mount, I was glad to hand over, having done the half in the past.

    Pretty damp down here too aws, so I expect to get wet tonight.

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    ceal, you're right, that organic farm is not too far from us. We also have one even closer, but they don't produce their own meat.
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    Diana I am really looking forward to meeting you. I think we have quite a lot in common  - not least our attendance at very early Glastonbury aka Shepton Mallet Festival of Blues, Folk and Progressive Music - or whatever it was called back in the day.

    I love all fish - but even that's a minefield. I don't eat cod for instance as stocks are so badly threatened and there are many sustainable alternatives. Help! I guess one just has to do what one can without getting obsessive.

    What I really miss in Hastings is the Ridley Road London street market. 2 minutes from my east end flat and brilliant cheap fruit and veg. Means I can get fresh veg every day easily. It's harder in Hastings but at least the new house has a REAL LIVE old fashioned greeengrocers 5 mins away that sells local produce but isn't poncey. They are getting fewer and farther between.

    Ceal's box link sounds very good.

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    good morning


    well done on getting through your 10k - hope it did no further damage
    I recall running a 10K a couple of years back  just after I had been ill for some considerable time and so took it very cautiously and found it quite an enjoyable occasion having a chat with other runners and so on rather than the fairly dark and introspective place I normally inhabit when racing!!

    I particularly liked your "car mile" - good paceimage!!
    Two good sessions there - nothing missing for your race later

    Funny how it's always the toughest leg that someone drops out from!!!
    that sounded a real toughie - I am sure it will have value in the future
    eat lamb and mutton - particularly English. Very difficult to farm it other than naturally. If you want to be really selective then insist upon Herdwick lamb for the Lake District - they can only be reared on the hills

    excellent miles - that sounds an enjoyable group run

    good rate of improvement there - maybe they were smaller numbers so they did not weigh as much??

    wimp out of a race and do a long run instead - that should stiffen the knee!

    Sounds a very different rout e for you yesterday - the downhill set my knees wobbling!

    good news about your Mum.

    hope the bug has passed - you may have passeed it on to me yesterdayimage

    "Goody two spikes" - like itimage!1
    Could also be "Trainer's pet" !! Visions of you receiving paternalistic pats on the head after completing tough session whilst panting happily - and on grass!!

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    went out yesterday - felt carp all the way so did only 5.5 miles in 49:22 with HR all over the place due to faulty contacts.

    Went out this am into a cool/chill still dawn with that lovely feeling of light dew in the air caressing one's skin and making me wish I had a merino top on instead of a short sleeved techie!!!
    Ran 6.3 miles in 54:20 and avHR131(67%WHR) and a max of just 142 on a hill

    1m 8:14 hr117
    2m 8:58 hr132 all uphill
    3m 8:28 hr132
    4m 8:43 hr130
    5m 8:27 hr134
    6m 8:49 hr136 hipps Hill
    .3m 2:35 hr138

    of which 4.5 miles ran on short cropped grass with firm level ground under and  whatever was ailing me yesterday had quite disappeared. If only the knees had no pain then this would have been a really easy run.............................................

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    Parking is normally prohibitively expensive in central London on  a daily basis. Plus you have to pay congestion charge. Train is the best bet - or you might find a good coach connection as well.
    You can often get a good deal if you make the stay to include a Saturday night as this is the quiet night for London hotels.
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    ...............I have sent you an email link to the site I often use for hotels in London

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    good run from you today. I can't beat the pace at all, maybe the distance, just, and the av HR of course!! I am envious of the dryer weather you are experiencing at the moment.

    It was raining cats and dogs when I went out this morning, so donned my wet top. So it was making rustling noises all the way during the run, most annoying. But I was pleased of when I encountered a part of my route where there was a water problem, confirmed by water board being on the road side fixing it. There is quite a wide grass verge but this did not stop a white van (why always a shite van, sorry, a genuine typo) drove fast and furiously through the water and a sheet of water hit me full on. Drenched and drowned. I got very sympathetic remarks from the water board representatives. I had to undress outside, I was so wet when I got home. Not nice  image

    Ran .8 of a mile very slow then ran for 61 mins the same time as yesterday. 6.7 miles, av pace 9.08mm and av Hr 124, MHR 140

    9.19 mins, av HR 114
    9.03 mins, av HR 120
    9.25 mins, av HR 124
    9.15 mins, av HR 126
    9.10 mins, av HR 128
    8.55 mins, av HR 126
    .7 miles ,pace 8.45 mm, av HR 136, MHR 140

    total miles for the run 7.5 miles.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I don't know why didn't remark on your valiant effort at the relay yesterday. As everybody has said, what a tough call. At least the weather was pleasant for the race. Well done on stepping in at such short notice.  
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    .."just the distance and the avHR of course" ....  ok don't rub it in image!

    NIce run there despite the conditions - and the driver.
    Our weather has been truly superb fo rwell over a month now - even the gales did not bring rain.Everything is dry and golden though it is due to change tomorrowimage

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    Afternoon all.

    Did 8 miles with Bernard this morning in the rain.

    aws - I have a 20 mile race on Sunday on the South Downs image

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    Good afternoon all,

    Couldn't manage a post before now as for some inexplicable reason I just couldn't access the RW site never mind the Over60s link.  And yet I was able to read Ceal's and TS's mail to which I thank you both for the very useful info on accommodation image

    I knew about the parking difficulties/restrictions and congestion charge in the big city so it has to be somewhere away from central parts.   Will be interesting to encounter the tube system if we need to,  last time we used the system was the Moscow Metro.   No English anywhere (spoken or on signs) so that proved a good opportunithy to brush up on the Russki lingo !  All I can ever remember about London tubes was seeing so many serious faces, hardly a smile anywhere.  Maybe it's different now.

    On Saturday ran 5 miles almost a carbon copy of Friday,  with 10 minute miling and keeping to 130 hr limit.    Made it easy as that knee still showed slight discomfort during walk to newsagents beforehand. 
    No run Sunday.
    Lovely calm and cool today,  ideal for me to get out and try another run later.

    Ceal and TS,  you have mail.

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all

    Diana, you really did have the tough leg didn't you !! There were an awful lot of tired runners at that point, our team of fast runner came a cropper at that changeover as the runner got there 5 mins before the car with the 4th runner !! I was "lucky" I had the 2nd leg.

    I think we had 5 or 6 in the marathon, at least 3 in the half and 8 relay teams. This year Clarendon was the "Club" event where the club pays the entry fee, each year we try and pick a different event - last year was the Salisbury 5,4,3,2,1 event.

    I had my VLM rejection letter today, phoned up and now have my guaranteed entry for 2010 due to it being my 6th entry on the trot. Oh, well I now know what my target is for the first part of next year.

    Ceal thanks for the link, it looks useful as our local farm shop closed down at Easter.

    Mike T

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    sharkie, of course I have particularly fond memories of the Bath Blues Festival 40 years ago next June, as I met my OH, now husband of 32 years, there. We have booked Glastonbury for next year, and may have a bit of a party there! Really looking forward to meeting you too, plus all the others coming to October LFOTM.

    Pammie, I forgot to say how pleased I was to hear that your mum was being allowed home from hospital.

    TS, I did feel I managed the section a bit better than last time, but of course, I didn't have to go on to run leg 4 like last time! Also, there was no slipping around on the mud which happened last year. I've ordered one of the merino tops you posted a link to, and am seriously considering ordering one of the ones ceal found too, which is long-sleeved.

    ceal, I now have visions of you naked on your front porch! Hopefully I'll stay dry this evening, as the rain seems to have stopped.

    Tracey, my efforts yesterday pale into wimpish insignificance compared with 10 miles across the South Downs! Hope it goes well.

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    MT, just three London rejections on the trot for me, so will maybe keep to shorter distances for the time being. I may just think of Beachy again next year...................
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    Diana - It is a 20 mile race this Sunday.

    Empty - We will of course give you a donation if you do VLM for charity.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I have no targets for this year. Have entered Brighton, but won't necessarily run it. So I will target a couple of 10k's next year, but not until Feb. and even then they are not important, but training for them will help me with my real target for next year. In the summer when I turn 70 I would like to have a go at a couple more Br Records in new age group and dare I even mention it, a couple of World Records too. maybe. But I have to build up my base again and my strength and then make sure I don't  get injured before I have a go.

    you have inspired me to order a long sleeved merino top right now; Have you already got a short sleeved one? I had presumed that if it was cold enough for a merino then one would need long sleeves, but It seems I am not right on that one.  
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    We are lucky here to have an abundant supply of high quality fresh veg and fruit both local and US produce. Compared to the UK it is inexpensive. It always shocks me to see how much basic foods cost in England. Eating out seems to be about twice as much as it is here.

    When you two run easy you have such low hrs. I know it is all relative and I know I have a high max but I cannot imagine running 8:30 miles with such a low hr. I also have a low resting hr which gives me a large working range but it does not offer any advantages and it may even be a disadvantage as I have to get it up to a higher number before I am in equilibrium.

    the Bucks County Education Department decided I was technical at 11 years of age so I never got to study languages of any kind except for a small amount of French. I did learn how to use the forge and lathe and even made furniture. My art consisted of engineering drawing so lost out there too. It did have some advantages in that I can fix anything built by a human.

    The smell of freshly cut wood, the roar of the chainsaw and the thud of the axe while stripped to the waist and sweating from productive toil, ah to be male in the autumn, playing with man toys and bringing in the winter fuel.

    Obviously I am feeling a lot better so thanks for the good wishes. I think I must have been fighting this bug for a week or so.  Been doing my lumberjack thing this morning now off for a run to work out my new aches and pains.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    cor, what a picture. Stripped to the waist with sweat pouring down chestimage

    Stewart had similar education, no languages but did the lathe stuff etc, we have pieces to this day that he made at school. He loved using his hands in this way and can't wait to retire to re-unite himself with wood.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    You constantly amase me, how do you do these long races? It would take me 3 months from now before I would consider taking on a 20 mile race, you just seem to decide to do them on the spur of the moment and churn them out with no ill effects at all.

    What is your target for 10k? do you think you can go under 45 mins.
    I have got mine targeted 10k coming up in a few weeks, no time to train correctly for it but I will just 10k race sharpen by doing lots of intervals and tempo at pace. I will start tomorrow with 10 x 400 and then move on to 1k and 2k intervals at pace and 5k tempos at pace. Any thoughts on what might help bearing in mind my race is the 25th of this month

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    No rain here in mid-Wales, was rather surprised to find you all complaining about it.

    Ran for 46 mins 5 seconds, but was miffed to find on my return that this was half-a-minute slower than last time I did the same route. Obviously not trying hard enough.

    TS - English lamb yes, but don't forget the Welsh lamb too! Lots of it, some at least raised on hills if not mountains.

    Impey - I think London is getting worse as regards serious faces / lack of smiling, at least on the Underground. Last time I was there I was struck by the generally tense atmosphere.   Staff on the Underground always helpful and polite, though.

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    Ceal - Kierrah has to do a language, either French or German. She doesn't like the German teacher so is probably going to do french, hope so after all the years and money we spent on her learning it.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I think your Stewart and I are very much alike. It is amazing how much our early education and upbringing makes us what we are. After my technical HS education, the training to be an engineer came so naturally to me, just the need to create and understand how things worked was enough to make even my MSc Applied Maths for aerials enjoyable.
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