
MODERATLEY ANNOYED, but not too annoyed thread



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    x post, but essentially we're saying the same thing!

    Me, I like my food to much to starve myself!!!
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    Been checking up, and at my current weight I need 2300 calories per day to keep my weight static (if I don't run).

    To lose 2lbs a week, which I think is the highest sensible target I should aim for, I need a deficit of 1000 calories per day, giving 1300.

    Of course, the great thing about running is that it allows for extra chocolate/beer/Krug!

    Not miffed at all as my charity page is flying already, and the race isn't until October! Thanks to all those wot has donated.
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    I have a whole range of hats: sensible, scatty, ditzy, stern, etc etc

    They come in very handy, I can tell you!
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    Morning SVT!

    I tried on some jeans a couple of days ago that I haven't worn since last summer and I couldn't fasten them! So I'm clearly bulked up from all that carb loading for FLM. But a few weeks of sensible eating
    and a bit more running should see to that.

    The odd thing is, I've got two identifcal pairs of Gap jeans, same size, and one pair fits me with room to spare and the other pair practically cuts me in half! How can this be?
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    ST - the smaller pair are clearly mislabelled. They're really a size 4.

    Like those trousers of mine that say 32" waist, but I'm sure are really 28".
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    Bless you, SVT! You know just the right thing to say, don't you? It's an art, you know!

    How are you today?
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    I'm good - just ironing shirts and explaining to SoVeryTiring 1 that saying "but Mummy said I could..." is lying, which is wrong.

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    <sneaks extra shirts into pile or ironing>

    Cup of tea, SVT?

    <looks innocent>
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    Thought this was taking longer than it should...
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    <whistles innocently while making tea>
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    <sneaks in more shirts in the hope SVT doesn't notice>

    Morning miffers united!

    Or should I say afternoon? Nothing to be miffed about, as I had a lazy lie in followed by a gorgeous copious breakfast. I need to take in at least 2500 calories a day or I will faint, even though I have not run for two weeks. <still miffed about injury caused by mninicab>

    Off for a nice cycle ride with my new man now, so look after yourself and catch you later.

    Hopefully Dude will have been back by then with a PB for the thread trophy cabinet!

    <Leaves remnants of breakfast for those who want it: fresh papaya and mango, caffelatte, cake, organic yoghurt, milk, cereal, pain au chocolat and pecan danishes, toast, real butter and organic honey and some chocomilk for those miffed later in the day>
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    welll.......despite torrential rain, mist and an annoying female equivalent of Mr Motivator barking aerobic orders at me as we waited for the off....

    what a great day! :)

    First two K? Lotta bunching and "oops i'm sorry" etc....lost a wee bit of time there and just about knocked a lady over who was holding an umbrella (apologies Miss Brodie).
    two-five - started to stretch my legs a wee bittie and, despite one or two tough climbs felt like, you, know...like a proper runner :)

    new top made me look almost athletic....very clever trick that, must be in the fabric.

    A big squad of us (I was running with the Scottish Sikhs for a bit) cantered down the Leith Walk and past the Scottish parliament, which still looked mightily impressive pokin out from between the drizzle.

    o, then the climb up the side of Arthur's Seat (michty me). Twas a struggle to maintain pace but there were jungle drums a-beating from the top, which was a nice touch, and a sense of achievement at the top.

    Windy (as in twists and turns, not gusts) from then on. Disappointed at the lack of support in Edinburgh, but not really surprised. Tis a silly place filled with miserable people (Glasgow's smiles better :)

    Ran for a bit beside Scott Hastings (hero!) which was groovy and got a decent cheer (and a wolf-whistle from a red-haired lassie (better than any medal in the world) just before the final stretch as I gathered a wee bit of pace for the sprint finish and tried to ignore my sore foot.

    but alas....

    47-somethin :(
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    JARS( she )JARS( she ) ✭✭✭
    47 something in the rain and undulating terrain is very good!

    Bravo Braveheart Dude!

    ..and you got the wolf whistle

    (..she's not the red head from the gym is she..

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    47.01 to be precise....results just got posted online (howzat for efficiency?)

    thanks jars :)

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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    Top stuff dude ! Well done !
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    cheers loon :)

    hows the van?
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    Hey Dude!! Fantastic run, fantastic race report! You can tell that you're a journalist. Loved the "michty me" comment!!!

    <pours celebratory Crabbies for dude>

    Well done. We're all very proud of you.

    <clears space on mantlepiece for medal>
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    <<<sips Crabbies proudly>>>


    thankyou very much buttercup

    now enough! my head is maseeeeeeve as it is :)

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    Oh just bask in it all, dude. You deserve it. Don't be so modest.

    Anyway, by tomorrow we'll be back to insulting you....

    <gets out saw and widens doorways of dude's house>
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    JARS( she )JARS( she ) ✭✭✭

    I thought what a great race report too ST


    Enjoy your Crabbies Dude :0) ))

    at the risk of sounding like Terry Wogan, I've opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio...so please help yourselves!

    How did the lasagne party go ST ?
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    Hi Jars. Glass of Pinot Grigio would be rather lovely, thanks.

    Lagasne party went well. Good to see our friends again and their two boys had great fun on the trampoline. Plenty veggie lasagne left over, if anyone wants some?

    How's your day been?
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    JARS( she )JARS( she ) ✭✭✭
    Not too bad...epecially now that you're serving Margaritas in the pub

    wimped out of a run this evening

    Tired this week

    What's your next big race post FLM..or is it take it easy time

    Sips pinot G
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    I've got the Dereham 10 next week (doing it with my brother, it's his local race> and then the Oxford Town and Gown 10k the following week. And saw some posters advertising a 5k through Marden Woods
    (where I ran this morning) at bank holiday weekend, so might get both junior STs to enter with me.

    Legs felt very heavy running today, though. Sluggish. Hope I feel better than this next week or I'll be walking most of the Dereham race!!
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    JARS( she )JARS( she ) ✭✭✭
    sounds good especially the %k in the woods.

    It's only 2 weeks since FLM so I suppose you ae bound to be tired still.

    Perhaps you need a drop of Krug

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    especially the what in the woods??
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