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    no problem pugheaven, you can do it. you made me smile anyway. had a s++t day, just about on my knees with work etc now having a beer and a bbq.
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    Mr.RowanMr.Rowan ✭✭✭
    Lynne,i,m not familiar with the mike gatton training program.I am not used to following programs.I did 3.30 doing my own program last year.This years program was based on last years with some of the runners world sub 3.30 programme thrown in. Not all programs suit every body.
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    I'm following my own "Mark Dodd 2:49 Target Plan"... anyone want it, just mail me ;-)
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    You all sound really fast! My pb is 3.39. I'd love to run 3.35 at NY but am told it's not a pb course.
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    ExhaustedExhausted ✭✭✭
    Lynne, your training plan sounds fine. The long run is the thing that makes the difference, and make sure it is hilly/undulating. Then you'll be prepared for anything..including the sheer boredom. It is the things no-one tells you about, like bad stomachs, that can catch you out. You will learn what you can and can't eat through your training - then you'll develop superstitious/obsessive 'meal the night before' habits like the rest of us. Pugheaven. I would have thought that you combining NY with your honeymoon would have been very newsworthy for your local paper, and draw attention for sponsorship.

    I found rattling a can at the local supermarket one of the quickest and painless ways, especially somewhere like your local Co-op where everyone knows you. People also tell you about their own friends or relatives who have the disease or illness you are supporting, and that can be very inspiring. Get permission from the store manager.
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    These are all really good fundraising ideas.

    I need to get out there and get the cash coming in.

    Looking at everybody's times I feel really pathetic - I'm telling most people I'm only aiming to finish but secretly I would like to do it around the 5 hour mark. This being my first marathan and the fact I'm not much of a runner...
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    Hi everyone

    Failed in the lottery but just got a place with Phabkids so really looking forward to 5 November now. In my naivety had booked flights and accom (on Tesco points!) already only to find out that most charities only did the whole package. Luckily Phabkids do race entry only. Did FLM in 4.29 last year, hoping to break 4 hours at NYC.

    Good luck with the training!
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    hi charlotte
    i will be really pleased if i finish in just under 5 hours. thats what i'm aiming for so dont feel bad. it's my first marathon too. and hundreds of other people. so we are not alone.lets just focus on what we are achieving and stuff the times.

    welcome mid life crisis.
    well done on getting your place,and welcome to the world of fundraising, which personally i think is harder than the training
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    It's so good to get encouragement! I told one friend I was doing it and he laughed at me and said he wouldn't sponsor me until I'd done it - and he didn't think he'd have to part with any cash.

    Nothing like positivity is there!

    But I do like proving people wrong!!!

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    ExhaustedExhausted ✭✭✭
    Lynne and Charlotte. NY is as follows. You have to get there for 7.00 in the morning as they close the traffic to the bridge. You have to make sure you're there for the buses, (there are plenty), but you will be hanging around at the start, just sitting, standing, for about 2.5 hours. It could be freezing cold, it has been boiling hot. The route is all urban, apart from the last bit on Central Park. The hills are over a bridge, and a nasty long incline up one of the avenues. It is the width of the streets with the sun in your eyes, and urban route, and the crush that gets you down. I can't quite put my finger on why this race is a killer, but it just is. The energy seems to drain away from you from the first few minutes. Combine that with the long flight. Tell that to your fundraisers. You are doing one of the demon races on the circuit as your first - feared by even the most experienced runner.
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    Charlotte - good attitude! You've got plenty of time between now and 5 Nov to get the training in to achieve your goal. Just don't overdo it, as the worst that can happen is getting injured. When you come back from NYC, you can tell everybody that you are a marathon runner! Not many people can say that.
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    if he's that confident you wont do it get him to put his money where his mouth is and sponsor you £1 a mile (or more) and take great pleasure in collecting it when you finish.

    thanks for that exhausted. i dont know whether to be encouraged or just throw myself under the nearest bus right now. have you done GNR i find parts of that route a bit tough, is it a good comparison. putting in a fair bit of hill work in my long runs so hopefully i sould be ok.
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    ExhaustedExhausted ✭✭✭
    Charlotte - Be encouraged (everything is worth it for the handbag sales in Maceys!) And Lynne, tell your mate who won't cough up that you're hardcore doing this race - and he'd better believe it!! I haven't done GNR, but as people have actually died on it, I'm respectful of anyone who has done it.
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    I didn't find that any part of this course "got me down" - quite the opposite in fact!

    But it is knackering!

    I've done GNR too and in many ways there are similarities in that it's mainly on roads and the hills/bridges are similar in steepness but many differences - more (volume and vocal) crowd support at NYC, much wider roads and, of course, twice the distance!

    Some hill training definitely recommended (I'll be doing that at least once a week).
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    I'm doing the GNR this year as a warm up NYC so hopefully that'll help me prepare ( as well as my mega training obvciously)

    Good news on the sponsor front - I've got a few names from the radio station to cough up! only £1900 to go.
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    doesnt sound so bad if you say it quick enought does it charlotte. i'm doing a raffle this weekend at my local morrisons store, raffling a p.c. so hope it goes well. mind you i cant believe that on the hottest weekend of the year so far i'm going to be stuck indoors for all of it. and being a bit of a sun worshipper it's not funny, still if i want the funds got to do the time, so to speak.

    exhausted, got the wires crossed a bit i think, its not my friend who wont cought up its charlottes. I like your attitude though, never been hardcore before, quite like the sound of that.

    not done mcuh training this week, only been out once, and wont get a chance at the weekend, have to write this week off i think and start again monday.
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    Mr.RowanMr.Rowan ✭✭✭
    Hi all,i've been sick with a virus for 5 weeks after the FLM.Last week was my first week back training.I have a 10k on Sunday but I don't know if I should really doing it as i'm almost certain I wont get a PB.I have already missed a 10K 3 weeks ago and lost my entry fee.Any suggestions?
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    Hi Rowan,
    nice to have you back in the thread.if you feel ok and you have your GP's green light, go for it, just take it easy and dont worry about a pb. use it as a training run to get back into things, good luck.
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    Hope you are feeling better. I was in a similar position 14 months ago after the Rotterdam marathon. I would say that it took me about 6 weeks to fully recover. I did race soon after and didn't feel too good and believe that it delayed my recovery. In my opinion, losing a few pounds on the entry fee is not as important as your health. Is there another 10k you could enter in a couple of weeks? Just go out and do a few gentle runs for the next couple of weeks and enjoy them.
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    Mr.RowanMr.Rowan ✭✭✭
    I,m a bit of a wreck,my hayfever has started so it slows me down as well.
    My Gp is waste of time.every time I go there I get the feeling i'm wasting his time.Like 'dont race if you feel unwell'.
    I was flying just before the marathon with all kinds of PB's leading up to it.Now i've lost the momemtum it's like starting all over again.I ran 10.5k today in 48,17- 6 minutes of my last years pace.But iam glad that I can run again because when i had the virus I thought it was never going to end.Iam usually sick for no more than a week.so it was very frustrating.
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    My Hayfever has basically stopped me training all week, been a nightmare and Iv'e sacked it off... however, got 12 weeks before Lake Vyrnwy... then it'll be 12 weeks run up to New York... so, if I can hit 1:19 in Vyrnwy... then 2:49 should be on for New York!!! We'll see, but set yourself high hopes...
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    Rowan - take it easy. No point pushing it if you've been unwell. Just gear yourself up for NYC and treat this time as nice downtime before cranking the mileage up again next month

    I did NYC last year and it was amazing. My first marathon and I massively misjudged it. Went back for more at FLM and am now all signed up for Chicago in October.

    So looking forward to enjoying the World Cup for five weeks with LOTS of beer, then start Chicago training on 10 July!
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    anybody out there? just had the most disatarous run ever. only managed one run last week due to work and fundraising all weekend so went out this morning full of enthusiasm. did my usual 6 mile lap but after just about a mile i felt like poo. dont know what went wrong except it was very hot and i was trying a new energy drink. after 4 miles my mind kept telling me to just keep going however my legs said 'no way' (or words to that effect). i now feel very disheartened and i'm going to hide away in the corner of the garden and sulk:-(
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    Hey, it's one bad run, I had a stinker at Blackpool last Sunday, and have now had 7 days complete rest. Something (and I haven't a clue what) wasn't right...

    We all have them, it's a matter of take two days off... don't try that drink again... go out on Tuesday or Wednesday... and see how you feel then... believe me, I'm doing 10 tonight for the first time in over a week... and praying I feel okay. Plod around in around 75 mins will do me...
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    I will be running NYC for the second time this year, tis easy now that we have direct flights from Dubai! Marathon number 17!

    So wheres the list of those forumites running?
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    Charlotte Foster
    Dubai Dave
    Pugheaven 2:49:50
    Rowan Saunders

    there's a start ;-)
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    Hi all,

    I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm running in New York and am really looking forward to it. Lynne, don't worry too much about a bad run, we all have them. I ran the Edinburgh marathon yesterday and suffered quite badly in the heat. Made me even more determined to bounce back in New York. Maybe your body was just telling you it needs a bit of a rest. I'm sure you'll get back on track soon. How did your raffle go? I'm taking a few days off running but am going to try a gentle swim tomorrow and see how that goes.
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    thanks for that pugheaven,
    i know i shouldnt take it to heart but when you cant complete a lap that you can usually do easily its a bit demoralising. still onwards and upwards, tomorrow is another day:-). I think i'll still try the drink again though, it came highly reccommended (by the guy in the sports shop) it's very high in carbs but i think i'll dilute it down a bit, it was quite thick and sweet in fact it made me feel quite thirsty and my lips were sticking together. and it cost me 10 quid, so i'll give it another go but diluted by half.

    welcome KP
    thanks for the encouragement, raffle went ok, not as well as i'd hoped,(forgot about the football) never seen a supermarket so empty on a Saturday afternoon. made about £350. not great but better than nothing.
    what time did you do in Edinborough, cant believe you suffered in the heat, didnt think it got that hot in Scotland, (only joking all you Scots out there) I even remember getting sunburnt in Scotland, mind you it was about 40 years ago .....when i was a very little girl!!!!!!!.
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    Lynne - I've been running for nearly two years now and know that sometimes, bad runs just happen. You don't know why, but they just do. I used to get worried about them but now I realise that its no big deal, just get through it and things will definitely pick up.

    £350 collected when England were playing is amazing by the way!

    KP I pity you running a mara on Sunday - I managed about 9 miles early morning but that was hot enough!
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    Well, only managed 4 mile last night, and could barely do 7:24's... haven't a clue what's wrong with me at the moment... but ran awful, felt week everything... still, speedwork tonight... gotta get something moving and soon...
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