
Newbie, need advice please



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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Whichever marathon you do check for cut of times. Stratford has 2! One for the first lap and one for completing the whole distance. The link to their website will give you more info.


    I have to confess that I'm worried about the first cut of 11.6 miles in about 2hrs 15 or 2hrs 25!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Beth & HippyChick,

    I think I've still got the plan I used for my 10k in February about. If you would both like a copy drop me an email and I'll forward it onto you both.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Well done with your cholestrol.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    That's a cracking time for your first 10k!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    That's the place!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    I can't remember who it was who was just about to start speedwork sorry!

    However 10-15 min straight off may be a bit much (I know it would be for me!)

    When I start doing speedwork again I've 2 types of interval sessions:-

    One has 5 min quick 5 min slower run done twice with a 5 min warm up plod and 5 min cool down plodd.

    The other one has the same warm up and cool down and has 2 min quick and 2 min slower done 6 times.

    I didn't do the 2 min quick/2 min slow session last year. However the 5 min session was used to good effect last year.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    I wasn't sure if we were updating the list with our weekday runs as usually they tend to be shorter than the weekend run but since others have .....

    WB 4
    Purple 4
    Half 3.65
    Hippy 3.5
    Terra 3
    Beth 3
    Mad 3
    Fen 24 min = approx 2.5?
    HY4 2.3
    Graham 2
    Steaders = 0.82
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    Hello all

    You're all doing rather well. Can I join in? I severely lack motivation, and I try to trick myself that by reading Runner's World I'm as good as going for a run. Ha! It's like spending ages making a revision time table at school all over again. Sums me up really.

    I did Reading Half last month, but have done almost nothing since. I have sciatica that comes and goes. But as I say, the biggest problem is the lack of drive... I'm hoping that regular posting will shame me into doing more!! When I do get out there and do it, I really enjoy it, so I sort of don't understand myself really.

    How do you guys spur yourselves into action when feeling like running is the LAST thing you want to do?? Am I just weak / making excuses??

    Hoping for an epiphany,

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    Do you reckon, if I can run just under 4 miles now, that I'll be able to do the Great South Run in October (bearing in mind that I'm trying to finish a PhD and won't be able to train more than 3 times a week, 4 if I'm feeling on top of the work)?

    I figure this is a good race to aim for, as it's 10 miles, which is the intended target, and it's only down the road from where I'll be living at the time...I don't think I have long to decide, as there's not many places left...does anyone know how much it costs to enter?

    Minx, I don't know if this will help, but if I can't be bothered (which is rarely!), I just make myself get changed/dressed (depending on time of day) before I can prevaricate too much about it, and then once I'm changed, I may as well go out and do it!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Miss Minx,

    Put your running clothes out before you go to work and make sure you leave them in a place where you'll have to move them from when you get in from work.

    Or besides putting them out somewhere highly visible get changed into them straight after you get in from work.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Last college year I was doing shifts and on the final year of a 2 night a week evening course.

    I only set myself the target of getting out for max of 30 min at the weekend and it worked. I managed to get a head start on my training and bring my 5k time down from 35:24 to 30:11.
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    Minx I frequently have what I like to call severe C.B.A. Can't be @rsed!!! But I know that I feel hugely better after a run. I plan it into the day so I can't on the day come up with the excuse that I don't have time, or got other things to do. Stick with it, well done for doing a HM.
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    thanks HY4, that sounds encouraging!

    However, I've just registered on the site, and it's £28 to apply! eeeep! Is it me, or is that a *lot* of money to part with for a race? I know it's a big big race and all that, and so costs are higher, but...ouch!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    which race is this for Halfadragon?
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    The BUPA Great South Run, 22nd October, Portsmouth.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    I should read the posts.

    I'm not sure. It's a large race and they have to pay to close roads and for the police and medical presents.

    I'm assuming that you get a medal, t-shirt and good bagy.

    IMHO I think it would be expensive. The marathon I'm planning on entering is £22 for the full and £22 for the half. It's not traffic free and you do get a medal.

    Have a look on the events tab and see if there are any others local to you which may be cheaper. (If it's more than about 3 months in advance you can't look at the details properly unless you subscribe to the mag, (which is worth the money as you get access to anything on this site, including a better choice of training plans)).
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Should have also refreshed the page! doh.

    That's the same day as my half marathon!
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    *nods* I'm a subscriber, so I can check the events calendar properly I think. Funnily enough, the GSR isn't even on it! (not that I can see anyway, but I've tried every search term combination I can think of!)

    I think I will check out a couple of cheaper ones, there are a few, I think, so I may leave the GSR til I'm earning some proper money and feeling a little more flush!

    I feel like having a race to train for will keep me motivated, especially with work being so busy, although the goal of reaching 10 miles itself, and the support in this thread, are enough to keep me chugging along.

    Listen to me, I've not even done my first 5K race yet ;)
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    The Hydro Active a regular fixture on my calendar isn't even on there this year!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Just been looking at October's events 10 miles - 26.2 miles and theres a lovely selection of off road races beginning of October.

    However partner has agreed to the half on 22 October so that's the race it will be!
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    I did 2.2 miles in 20mins at 75 running 45 walking and it felt really good - I am starting to want to keep running as I come up to a walk phase. I also did the ice bath for wimps and that was ok too - I will wait to see if it was worth it!

    Too early to plan a race yet though.

    If ever I don't feel like a run it is usually because of feeling stiff or sore or as a result of bad weather. I usually just tell myself to go for an easy walk/run, which gets me out there, or do some other form of excercise. Then once I am doing it I usually find myself running. Practice the art of self-deception.

    Well done everyone who did their runs - HY4 30 min for 5k sounds pretty good to me.
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    Well done GA on your run this evening. It's great when you start to feel like you want to carry on with the running.

    What's the ice bath thing supposed to do?
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Thanks GA.

    The best thing was we made a weekend of it in London visiting the Science Museum and the War Museum and I couldn't walk before the race!

    I felt so chuffed when the announcer said that the people who were finishing at the same time as me were in the top 10%. As the race had about 22,000 women in it that was something special to me and I beat the people who I was with as well! (5k is the only distance I feel competitive over).

    The first year I did a race I started with a run/walk plan from this website (the beginners 5k) and still use them now. I completed the Flora Light (5k) as it was then in 35:24.

    So look at a race over that distance or shorter in the grey events tab. And there's the Comic Relief Mile this year as well!

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    You have mail!
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Thanks GA.

    The best thing was we made a weekend of it in London visiting the Science Museum and the War Museum and I couldn't walk before the race!

    I felt so chuffed when the announcer said that the people who were finishing at the same time as me were in the top 10%. As the race had about 22,000 women in it that was something special to me and I beat the people who I was with as well! (5k is the only distance I feel competitive over).

    The first year I did a race I started with a run/walk plan from this website (the beginners 5k) and still use them now. I completed the Flora Light (5k) as it was then in 35:24.

    So look at a race over that distance or shorter in the grey events tab. And there's the Comic Relief Mile this year as well!

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    Thanks all for the encouragement. I know that WHATEVER happens, I am DEFINITELY going for a run tomorrow morning.

    Planning is key. But even so, I can still write a run in my diary and shirk it one way or another!

    I'm not so much of a fan of the after work run(though I might try fitting in a short one a couple of times a week, now it's light so much later). And sometimes it's completely impractical - I'm at work now, and not likely to finish til 1am!

    I do however quite frequently have the luxury of going to the gym in the middle of the day, and morning runs (not early) are usually possible too. I ran to work when training for Reading, but the planning ahead (taking clothes etc in the day before) can be a pain.

    *slaps self* STOP MAKING EXCUSES! I shall run tomorrow, and report back to you all!!
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    Good for you miss Minx.

    I am going with a couple of friends tomorrow up Snowdon. Should be good, never done it before.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    How come that post appeared twice OOPPS!

    Miss Minx

    Shift work and running is hard! Last year I was also doing an evening course which was 2 nights per week for about 3 hrs and I set myself the target of 1 and only 1 30 min run (or run/walk) each week at did that at the weekend.

    Make sure you take your rest days (but you knew that anyway!)
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    Thanks for the email HY4 go running again tomorrow
    the encouragement and enthusiasim just makes me want to go for another run thanks everyone.
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    Morning all :) wow, this thread is getting busy.

    Went out for a run this morning - according to gmap, I made 3mi in 33mins. Had to walk a couple of times...everything seems so much harder when I haven't had breakfast (I have a nutrigrain bar when I run before breakfast but it's not the same). Knees don't feel so bad today either.

    I'd like to do a 10k later on in the year (around autumn, probably) - any good ideas, or anyone doing one in the South Yorkshire area?
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