
Newbie, need advice please

Hi There Everyone,
after months of looking at this site and not daring to join have decided to bite the bullet. Am currently running about 3 miles albeit very slowly. My dream is to run a marathon, ideally FLM but any marathon would be a huge achievement.

Thing is, it seems so far off, I cannot picture myself going from doing 3 miles to being able to do 26.

Any advice or tips you guys an gals can give me would be much appreciated, I don't fully understand about pacing and splits and things like that so may need an idiots guide.

Oh yeah also, while I am on the scrounge for free advice any tips on food would be good, am always reading things about not eating pasta but it seems that everything I read about running contradicts this.

Hope you are all having a great day and the FLM'ers are feeling less tired.


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    Welcome WB.

    If that's your dream (FLM) then you will do it.

    Are you following a schedule?

    Most start with a schedule, and little races eg 5k then 10k's then 10 miles then halves etc...you get the picture If you look at the events tab at the top of this page you will find races of all distances.

    On the pasta thing, I hate pasta, in fact I hate most carbs as they make me feel like carp. However carbs are what you need for running. (and beer if you follow my training schedule)

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    As far as I remember its about discipline, sacrifice and most of all resistance to pain :). If you want it enough - and you will only know if you do when you are on your knees trying to run that last mile in the pouring rain - then you will do it.

    The buzz when you are fit is AMAZING

    Have fun
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    Hi Max,
    Thanx for the reply, I followed a schedule to get me up to 3miles so I suppose the next step is a 10k schedule and then take it from there. I really fancy doing some of the smaller races but not to race, just for enjoyment.

    I love all carbs I am a carboholic, especially bread and pasta but alas they have taken their toll on my behind, hence the running.

    I like the sound of your 'beer training schedule'.

    I would love to do the FLM just once in my life so I can say I have done it, I think I would burst into tears as soon as I finished though, I cry watching it so I would be a jibbering wreck if I actually did it mself.
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    You might find it psychologically easier to run for time rather than distance, wb.

    If you're running about 30-40 minutes at the moment, start to do one run a week of an hour, then increase that by five or six minutes every week, or every two weeks.
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    When it cmoes to my backside I like to take the approach of

    "well I'm not the one looking at it" In my mind it is a perfect celulite free peachy number and that works for me.

    Yes I would recomend moving up the the 10k training schedule. In terms of races, I hate it that they are called races I dont race them. I do them for me, for my goals and for the medals....did I mention how good that first pint tastes after you've finished?

    Re: FLM yeah I was there this year as part of the RW support groups at mile 17. The lump does not leave your throat and that;s just supporting. I've come close to crying at the end of a few races, seeing my son or my other half usually does it. Then I'm met with "why you crying" they're sensitive like that those two.

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    Graham, i replied before I saw your message, its the buzz I love, I got it the first time I did my 3 mile route without stopping, seems a bit meagre compared to some but I loved it. My next major goal is to be able to run 10 miles, for some reason I have this as a major milestone in my head, to me it feels like that would take me to a whole new level of fitness.
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    Good point JJ, I alternate between running for distance and running for time..

    ..I'm interesting like that.
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    I have only ever run 6 -7 miles and remember feeling very sore at the end of it and didn't enjoy it at all. My perfect distance was 1500m though I enjoyed it up to about 3 miles.
    Nowadays I guess I am going to have to run far longer to get the same benefit at my current slow jog! I'll race you to 10 miles :)
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    Oook!Oook! ✭✭✭
    Three things

    Commitment, commitment and also commitment.

    It's about setting yourself a series of small achievable targets in order to achive the big one.

    If you do get into FLM07, you'll be doing most of your training through the coldest and darkest part of the year. Best advice is to join a club and/or find a running partner, this really does help in maintaining motivation when every bone in your body and common sense tells you to stay indoors

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    jj, thanks for the tip, getting to 1 hour would be a great next step for me, I think I get too hung up on my speed at the moment and tend to focus on how fast I have done my route so just running for an hour at a comfortable pace is a good idea.

    Max- I like your attitude to your backside, will try and think of it like that, after a few JD and cokes I think I am still 25 and a size 10 anyway so it shouldn't be too hard. In reality I am 36 and a size 12-14, but not for much longer eh!

    Graham, I would love a friendly race to 10m.

    OOK- I have recently moved to Northants with my job so would love to find a running buddy or club, I put a thread on here to see if anybody is in my area but no joy as yet. Am always worried about joining a club as I feel I would hold people back at the moment.
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    I'm odd in that I find it easier to get out in the rain/snow/sleet/cold that when it's sunny and hot. I just wanna lay in the garden then.

    Like Ook said, get yourself commited
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    WB you are on!

    I am currently at 2 miles walking in 25 min. I will start running part of that this week after advice given on this website and work up slowly. It looks like you are ahead at the moment but I have miles and miles of countryside to run in - might get to 10 miles by the end of the year in time for my new baby to see the new fitter me??

    No pressure - just fun

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    Graham- excellent, will be good to spur each other on. I live in a very rural area so am fortunate to have a beautiful lake to run round, I do get chased a bit by geese though, cheeky beggars they are.

    Max- I'm the same, will happily drag myself out in the cold and rain but as soon as it gets a bit warm I am useless, far too many other temptations. I have moved away from my home town so don't know many people where I live now so there aren't as many distractions (hopefully).
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    Cold and rain is fine but wind - I hate wind. I have always loved running along beaches in warm weather but I read that is bad for my legs - ho-hum.
    It never really gets hot enough up here for me to be badly effected by heat so no trouble there.
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    Graham- I often find wind a problem !!!!
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    I guess one type holds you back and the other pushes you forward ;)

    Speaking of No 2-related problems thats ANOTHER reason I dont like to run too far. Being caught short is no joke on a long run - improved my time over the last mile once or twice.
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    thats really made me chuckle, i haven't had that problem yet, although i did once whilst on a bike ride in Cuba.
    Do marathon runners ever have that trouble do ya think? what on earth would you do, it doesn't bear thinking about, in fact forget the whole marathon idea i will stick to my 3 miles, you've put me off. !!!(joking of course)
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    WB yes it is a problem when running a marathon.....a big problem....with longer races, that is why you see long queues outside the toilets, it's not really for No1's. Race botty will get you in the end.

    FLM last sunday there were two elite runners who had suffered from REBS (Rotherhyde exploding bowel syndrome) The first time I saw it my thoughts were "why's that guys legs all brown, there's no XC here"......then my brain kicked in and I just went "Oh!!!" two minutes later another went past....
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    Hi Wobbly Bits & Graham -can I join you in trying to achieve 10M?

    I am able to run for 3 miles at the moment & working up to running for an hour. It would be good to have others in the same boat to spur me on!
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    Oook!Oook! ✭✭✭
    That's why I always run off road - lots of bushes to hide behind :>)
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    Oh Sweet Lord above, I have never heard of that before, I suppose its one of those things that people don't really talk about (like Fight Club). I really did think the queues were for No. 1's

    Does REBS cause any long term damage then or just temporary discomfort and embarrasment?
    I need to buy a bumbag and put some bogroll in it I reckon, and perhaps sone babywipes, and maybe some clean undies.
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    purpleangie- of course you can, the more the merrier, we can share our high and lows and our toilet woes!

    OOK- am glad that i run round a lake, might get some funny looks off the geese though!
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    I dont think there was any embarrasment from them....too busy chasing a 20 second marathon! babywipes in a ziplock sandwhich bag.....

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    aaaaaahhhhhhhh all these things to think about, i thought all i needed to bring were some mini mars bars and a drink.
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    Us newbies need some tips on bladder/bowel control methinks!
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    Thanks for the acronym Max - much nicer to talk about REBS.

    It has only happened to me a few times - usually because of lack of 'preparation'. I get out of bed and immediately go running if I don't stop and think!
    Worst bit is the feeling just doesnt go away - it gets progressively worse. It is normally possible to put it at the back of your mind but noooooo not when running.
    It is a bit embarrasing when you are staying at your brothers house and you burst in at full pace (forget the warm down) to audibly explode in his downstairs loo.
    NOTE an addition problem is your sweaty ass tends to slide straight off the loo seat if you approach sitting down too indelicately.
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    Purpleangie - welcome to the 10 mile challenge. Maybe this needs its own thread?
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    Graham that has just made me guffaw out loud 'sweaty ass' what a fantastic phrase that is. I am very funny about where i do my toilet business, have just been reading some of the FLM threads and it gets mentioned a lot, am panicking about it and i am still 23 miles away from even being able to run a bleedin marathon. I lodge with somebody so it could be very embarrasing for me, mind you he talks about such things quite freely and uses a lot of air freshner so i don't really need to worry about him too much.
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    WB Don't let it put you off too much - in hundreds of runs since I was a boy it has only happened maybe 2 - 3 times and I always made it back in time. PREPARATION is the key. THINK before you run. Elite runners we are NOT.

    If it ever happens just stare those geese in the face and remember you have seen them do it many times.

    I even occasionally use it as a natural purgorative - in fact I might mention it to my nearest and preggy dearest as she is having a few problems at the moment...

    OK enough of the toilet humour ;))
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    I am a bit frit of the geese, they are very cheeky for their size, they might attack me backside, ah well, will add a bit of interest to my run.

    Anyway, moving on from the toilet business, when are you next running, where, how long etc????
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